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1、冀教版学英语Book 4 Lesson9 Months of the Year教学设计与反思石家庄市桥西区东简良小学 杨彦贞一 学习者分析四年级的学生经过了一年多的英语学习,对英语的好奇心和兴趣开始逐步从起步时的会读会说几个单词向会说会用的阶段转变。大部分学生对英语有着浓厚的兴趣,渴望获得更多的知识,本课在继续培养学生学习兴趣和听说能力的同时,采用符合学生心理特点的教学方法和教学手段,坚持听说领先,有计划地培养学生的读写能力,特别对于个别学习上有困难的学生,教师要耐心采取积极鼓励的方法,创设生动活泼的课堂气氛,一调动他们的学习积极性。二 学习内容分析本单元中,Li Ming和他的英语老师Mis

2、s Zhang介绍一些关于时间和描述天气状况的词汇。本课是整个单元中的第一课,重点学习十二个月份单词和日期的写法,学生在第三册书中已经接触过,因此学生并不陌生,但是由于这些单词都比较长,难记忆,我设计了chant、游戏等活动让学生通过操练掌握12个月份单词,让学生在玩中学,乐中记。三 教学目标 知识目标 1. The students can say the words from January to December in order. 2. They can remember the abbreviated form of the months. 能力目标 引导学生积极参与教学活动,实现完

3、成认知目标任务,培养合作探究、自主学习、活学活用的能力。 情感态度目标 激发学生的积极情感,培养合作与创新精神,增强竞争意识。教会学生在认知和经历交流的过程中大胆面对困难,在实践中得到情感交流,凸现个性。 学习策略目标 培养学生的观察力、思维能力和想象力。 文化意识目标了解十二个月份名称的来历及其象征花。四 教学重难点1. The pronunciation of the twelve months.2. Remember the abbreviated form of the months.五 教学准备多媒体课件、数字卡片、月份卡片、四季图六 板书设计Lesson9 Months of th

4、e YearMarchAprilMayJulyJuneSeptemberOctoberNovemberAugustlFebruaryJanuaryDecemberThere are twelve months in a year.七 教学过程I. Class Opening and Review1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Yang.T: How are you today?S: Im fine, thanks. And you?T: Im very well, thank you.T: Nice to see you

5、.S: Nice to see you, too. 设计意图:通过学生熟悉的问候语与学生进行交流,帮助学生寻找语感,尽快进入英语课堂。2. Game: Say the Numbers.T: First lets play a game.Look! I have many number cards. Please say the numbers quickly! Team One, Team two, are you ready? Lets begin!S: One, TwoT: (Show the card of “twelve”)What is it?S: Twelve.T: Good! T

6、his is twelve.(板书twelve)设计意图:此游戏旨在复习1到12的数字,同时也是为后面的chant作铺垫,并且最后一个数字停在12,让学生动脑筋去想与12有关的事物,以旧带新,自然的引出新授内容。II. New ConceptsJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December1. DemonstrateT: Can you say something about “twelve”?S: I have twelve markers.There are twel

7、ve boys in our class.一年有12个月。T: There are twelve months in a year.(板书)Read after me, please.S: There are twelve months in a year. 设计意图:将There are twelve months in a year.这个句子在学月份之前先板书在黑板上,让学生对月份有一个整体的认识。T: Do you know the names of the months ?Today well learn them.(出示课件) 设计意图:运用课件中出现的节日台历教授月份单词,形象直观

8、,把月份和学生比较感兴趣的节日相联系,易于接受。T: Look! Do you know which month it is?S: 1月.T: January. New Years Day is in January. Ry pronounce / ri / .Read after me, please. S: January.T: (出示课件) T: Which month is it? S: 2月. T: February. “ry” also pronounce / ri /. Read after me, please. S: February. T: (出示课件) Hows the

9、weather in January and February? S: Its cold and snowy. T: (Use the same method to teach “March April May June July August September October November and December”)设计意图:学生在Book3中已经学过天气情况的表达,让学生描述各个月份的天气情况,让单词教学更加生活化,不再是单独枯燥的教与学。2. Listen and repeat. T: Open your books to page 19. Listen and repeat.

10、S: (Read.)设计意图:听录音跟读是必不可少的一个教学环节,帮助学生掌握标准优美的语音语调。3. Lets chant! T: (出示课件) Lets chant with actions. January February(手指表示1、2), one and two.(拍手)March April(手指表示3、4), three and four.(拍手)May June(手指表示5、6), five and six(拍手).July August(手指表示7、8), seven and eight(拍手).September October(手指表示9、10), nine and t

11、en拍手.November December(手指表示11、12), the year is done(拍手).设计意图:Chant中涵盖了12个月份单词,并且与数字一一对应,并加上一些简单的动作,让学生快乐的学,加深单词的记忆。4. Game: Last and Next T: Lets play a game: Last and Next. Ill show you a card of the month and I say “Last”, you should say the month before it, if I say “Next”, you should say the mon

12、th after it. Are you clear? Lets begin.设计意图:运用学生喜欢的游戏帮助记忆12个月份的顺序,并纠正单词的发音。5. Game: Finding HomeT: (Show the picture)Look!This is spring.T: Spring. Read after me, please. (Click the picture on the blackboard.)S: Spring.T: (Use the same method to click the following pictures on the blackboard.)T:The

13、months cant find their homes. Can you help them? Lets have a race. Ill choose one student from each team. For example, When I say “January”, you should choose it out quickly and click it under the picture of spring. Are you clear? Lets begin. T: (Summary)March April May -SpringJune July August -Summ

14、erSeptember October November -AutumnDecember January February -Winter设计意图:通过分类游戏,让学生按季节将月份单词分组,将所学内容与实际生活相联系,巩固操练月份单词。采用比赛的形式可以刺激学生的参与欲望,让学生主动参与进来。6. Fill in the blanks. T: (出示课件)Can you fill in the blanks with the months? Which months begin with “A”? Which months begin with “M”? Which months begin

15、with “J”? Which months end in “ary”? Which months end in “ber”? 设计意图:通过填空使学生发现总结月份单词的拼写规律,帮助学生记忆掌握单词。7.Game: Pick Apples T: The months family is picking apples now. Would you like to help them? S: (Match the months.) T: What can you find from the apple tree? S: T: (出示课件)This is the abbreviation(缩写)

16、of the month. The names of the months are too long. So we can write the abbreviation of them. Pay attention, the first letter of the month should be big letter.设计意图:通过摘苹果的游戏帮助学生掌握12个月份的缩写形式。让学生自己操作电脑,调动了学生的学习兴趣。8. Sing a song: The MonthsT: Listen. There is a song about month. Lets sing it together.

17、(Play the flash.)S:(Sing the song : The Months)设计意图:以一首月份歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,也是对本课新授内容的一个小结,同时培养学生学英语的兴趣。III. Class Closing1. Knowledge Point:月份名称的来历及其象征花 T: Do you know the history of about the months? Look! Here is some information about them. Lets read!T: We can search it from the Internet or books. You ca

18、n do it after class.2. HomeworkCollect the information of the months, and make a paper of them.设计意图:本环节是教学的拓展,让学生去了解课本以外的东西,了解西方文化,开阔学生的视野。布置作业让学生利用现代化的资源自己去查询答案,让学生自己动手去查,比老师讲授印象更加深刻,把查询结果办成画报展示给大家,学生可以从中体验到学习的成就感。八 教学反思本课的教授重点是12个月份单词,单词都比较长,难记忆,我设计了chant、游戏等活动让学生通过操练掌握12个月份单词。教学中环环相扣,步骤紧凑,课堂密度比较大

19、。本节课我比较满意的地方有以下几个:首先在新课导入环节让通过“Say Numbers”游戏拉近师生之间的距离,同时由数字12引出“There are twelve months in a year.”这样自然的过渡到新授内容。新授过程中加入了节日、天气等让学生来描述12个月份,这样不会使学生感到枯燥乏味。Chant的设计适合四年级学生的年龄特点,让学生手、口、脑、眼并用,再次巩固记忆12个月份单词。通过找规律填空帮助学生发现12个月份之间的拼写规律,帮助学生记忆单词,教给学生一种记单词的方法。本节课如果只教授12个月份单词,课堂容量小,学生会吃不饱,所以我从月份缩写和月份名称来历两方面进行了拓展,拓宽学生知识面的同时渗透西方文化,并布置作业让学生课下自己完成,让学生自主的学习,成为学习的主体。本节课同样也存在一些不足,一些遗憾。如“Before and After”游戏,我设计意图很好,帮助学生记忆12个月份单词的顺序,但是考虑不周,用词不妥;Finding Home 游戏由于前期铺垫不够,致使学生操作中出现问题,游戏不顺畅;课上出现了语误,自身的业务素质还需加强。由于是借班上课,跟学生沟通不好,课堂气氛不是很活跃,驾驭课堂以及课堂应变能力还需要加强。

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