PEP人教版小学英语四年级上册《Unit3 My friends PartB Read and write》教学设计

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1、精品文档 仅供参考 学习与交流PEP人教版小学英语四年级上册Unit3 My friends PartB Read and write教学设计【精品文档】第 12 页PEP人教版小学英语四年级上册Unit3 My friends PartB Read and write教学设计教学目标:1、知识目标(1)学生在图片的帮助下,获取关键信息,正确理解文本内容。(2)能阅读有关话题的简单文段,进一步掌握描写朋友的外貌和穿着,在语境中进一步学习和运用核心语言:He/She is-. He/She has-. Who is he/she? Whats his/her name?(3)能结合人物图片和句意

2、,正确选择词汇并规范书写在四线三格里。2、能力目标(1)能够运用正确的语音语调朗读文本内容,培养获取关键信息的能力。(2)能够熟练运用所学的核心语言来描述朋友的性别、外貌、穿着等。(3)能够运用本节课所学的知识,正确并规范地写出朋友的姓名、性别、外貌、穿着等。3、情感态度、文化意识目标促进学生之间共同了解,提升班级和谐的气氛和合作的意识。教学重点: 能运用所学词汇、句子简单描述一位熟悉的朋友或同学。 教学难点: 理解Whats his/her name?和Who is he/she?的区别及联系,以及本节课单词的听说读写。 教学用具 :教学课件、词片、教学录音教学过程: Step1.热身复习(

3、Warm-up) 1、Enjoy the song “My friends” 老师打开多媒体课件播放音乐,通过欣赏歌曲引入本课主题,对前置知识进行复现,唤起学生记忆。2、Greetings:T:Good morning,boys and girls.Ss: Good morning , Miss Wu.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.Step 2.呈现新课(Presentation) 1、T:Now, I have some pictures for you. Look, what color is it? S:Its black.

4、T:Now, what color is it? S:Its white. T:Yes, great. Now, its black and white.T: Next, tall and short.师生一起再进行下面的学习:strong and thin, a big mouth a small mouth ,long hair, short hair, big eyes ,small eyes, white shoes, blue shoes, big glasses, small glasses. 2、Lets chant.T:boys and girls , now lets cha

5、nt together. Follow the tape. (Lisa is my friend. She is a cute, cute girl. She is quiet and friendly. She is a cute, cute girl. Mary, Mary is my friend. She is a cute, cute girl. She is quiet and friendly. She is a cute, cute girl. )T: Now can you chant about your classmates. For example, Wheres Hu

6、rry, Hurry stand up. Together.(Hurry is my friend. He is a good, good boy. He is tall and strong. He is a good, good boy.) (设计思路:小学生好动,好表演。有节奏,有韵律地吟诵,便于记忆。学生在唱起来的同时动起来,乐起来,英语教学在玩中学,学中玩。)T: Now, boys and girls, I have a friend. He is friendly. He is tall and strong. He has short hair, he has small ey

7、es. Whats his name? Guess, Ss:He is Jojo? S:he is Smart ,Smart? T:Yes, he is Smart, he is friend. S:He is Fan Bochao.(出照片). (设计思路:把学生的图片放大在屏幕上,孩子们感觉既亲切又真实,激活他们的内在学英语的语言思维。)T:Now, lets describe together. He is one, two go. He is friendly. He is tall and strong. He has short hair, he has small eyes. 3

8、、This time, take out your paper, write the name, then circle the words.下去巡查并辅导学生,4、Work in pairs. He is -or she is -, He has-or she has -. 5、汇报展示:小组同学描述人物,其他小组猜出是哪位人物形象。 6、T: OK, Now, boys and girls, I have a friend, He is tall and strong. He is very friendly. He has a big red bag. He has a red hat.

9、 He is not our classmate. Guess, whats his name? Ss:学生进行猜测.T:Maybe he is a teacher.师再次强调He has a big red bag. He has a red hat. Ss:He is Santa. T: Bing go, he is Santa. Now, look, Santa has a big red bag. He has 4 gifts for these 4 students, but he doesnt know their names, lets help him. Now, so, th

10、is is a gift, what number is it? Which gift? Here is a note, tall, friendly, a blue hat. Which gift? Read it1,S: Number 3.T: Lets read it. 读课文做连线。Ss: She is tall, she is friendly. She has a blue hat.T: Whats her name? Now take out your paper, find the name. Then match the sentences with the students

11、.T: Whats her name? Whats her name? S: Her name is Kate.T: Bingo. Her name is-Kate. Yes, Kate.自然拼读读法教授Kate的发音。Her name is Kate. T: Why? Ss: She has a blue hat. T: Kate has a gift now. How about the other gifts? Now this time, find the other gifts names. Find their names. T: Underline the key words,

12、then match. 下去巡查并辅导学生。画出最关键的词,然后跟他们的名字连线.下去巡视辅导。T: Now have you finished it? OK, lets check it. S: Number 1. T: Whats his name? S: James. T:His name is James(拼读)How do you know?S: He has a big green bag. Yes, she has got the key words. He has a green bag. So James has a gift, too. T: Number 2, read

13、it. Whats her name?S: Her name is-. Ann . a a a Her name is Ann. T: How do you know? Why? S: Because he has orange shoes. How about number 4? Read together. Maybe you can read it better. T: He is short and thin. S: His name is Ben. T:句子易错,纠正。His name is Ben. Who is he? S: His name is Ben. How do you

14、 know? He has glasses, so Ben has got a gift. 由学生身边的人进行操练重点语句,这样可吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习动机,进而启发学生的思维,提高教学效率。再回到学生身边进行游戏,最后通过一个小阅读进行综合能力的整合。这样的有梯度的练习,使语言知识不断得到加强和巩固。Step3.操练 (Practice)T: Great! Now, boys and you did a good job, now Tim has a rock blocks Lets play word blocks. Look Can you make sentences wit

15、h the words. Like this, he is friendly. Can you make sentences? 叫一生来台前和老师一起给其他的学生做个榜样,按顺序把单词卡片排列成句子。T: How many sentences can you make? what sentence did you make?Ss: He is friendly. He has a big glasses. Is it right? (投影)He has glasses.T:讲解a 是什么? 是单数。学生可能出错 ,She is a red bag.T:用词卡讲解句型he is a girl.

16、She has a red bag. Now look at Santa, Santa has a (big red bag.)? He Has a red -,Ss: he has a red bag. T:Yes, he has a red bag. So lets circle the word “bag”, then write it down. Look here, Santa has a red bag.bag oh, No.3 is bag. Circle the word, then write it here ,|b|b|a|a|g| |g| 读写并领读.让孩子一起做剩下的题

17、,并下去巡视辅导。T: OK, Stop! Boys and girls, look here, is any mistake here?检查核对答案,并和学生一起强调书写应注意的地方, long中的l没有钩,l的小尾巴掉了,”l” has a little tail.手写的“t”不顶格。T:Now, boys and girls, this time, exchange your paper,(交换)this is the right answer,检查书写是否正确,Step4.呈现新课书写比赛(Presentation) T: OK, now, Santa thinks all of yo

18、u did very well. So he wants to send a gift to one of your classmates. Look here, name _, look at Jogo, Jogo stand up please. He is short and strong. Jogo, what color is your bag? Jogo : Blue.T: He has a blue bag. Now I want recommend Jogo to Santa. “Oh, Santa, please send a gift to my friend. His n

19、ame is Jogo, he is short and strong. He has a blue bag. Please send the gift into his bag, please, please. Thank you! Jogo, wait, please wait! Maybe on Christmas Eve Santa will send the gift into your bag. T: Now can you recommend your friend to Santa. Write it down. Now take out your paper, write i

20、t down. (下去巡查辅导学生)T: Boys and girls, put your pens down.T: Look here,写法有没有错误?His name is -Ss: His Name is Chen Li.T:Yes, z or c Chen, yes , 一线格的时候,c与h 同高。Chen 和Li 中开头字母c与L要大写,句子的首字母要大写,Now read the tips together。Ss: 1、句子开头第一个字母要大写。2、姓和名的首字母要大些,姓名中间要空格。3、写字母时注意要适当倾斜。Words bank: strong thin tall short

21、 friendly quiet cute red yellow blue green black brown white orange。 T: OK, boys and girls, hands in your paper. Wow, so many papers. Lets shake them, shake, shake-Now, who can choose one? Ss: OK, read it, whats his name? His name is -Sun Chuanzhi, read it. His name is Sun Chuanzhi, he is tall and s

22、trong. He has a red bag.T: Where is Sun Chuanzhi? Oh, I know. Hello, Sun Chuanzhi, here is a gift for you .Merry Christmas! Bye-bye. Now, shake, shake- it,( OK,OK, choose one. His name is Smart, Smart, you are so luck. Read it.)S: His name is Smart, he is tall and strong, he has a blue bag. T:Smart,

23、 you are so luck. A gift for you, Merry Christmas! Any one, any one, you try, a boy or a girl? OK, her name is -S: Her name is Tina, She is tall and thin. She has a white bag. T:Who is Tina? Im Tina, I have a present, I have got a present. Step5. 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 制作“朋友树”,将朋友的画像和自己对他的描述贴在以小组为单位制作的“朋友树”上,下节课在课堂上展示。

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