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1、2022年高考英语一轮复习Unit3Underthesea语篇解题微技巧新人教版选修7 完形填空之利用语境解题方法指导做完形填空题时牢记上下文的关联和语境暗示对解题会很有帮助。上下文是形成语境的基础,做题时要学会瞻前顾后,做到词不离句、句不离段、段不离文。因为有时如果单独看空格,看似几个选项填入空格都没有错,句子也通顺,但结合全文内容来理解,就只有一个最佳答案。像这篇完形填空的第1题,下文明显出现了treatment,还有第11题和第12题,这两题关联很大,是相辅相成的。14题和上文的last swimmer相对应。典例引领 (2016天津)The journey my daughter Ca

2、thy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful.Cathy suffered some terrible1in her early childhood. After years of regular treatment, she2became healthy.Two years ago, while Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little headto be a swimmer. Last summer, she wanted

3、to3our local swim team.She practiced hard and finally4it. The team practice,5,was a rough start. She coughed and choked and could hardly6her first few weeks. Hearing her coughing bitterly one night, I decided to7 her from it all.But Cathy woke me up early next morning, wearing her swimsuit8to go!I t

4、old her she shouldnt swim after a whole nights coughing, but she refused to9and insisted she go.From that day on,Cathy kept swimming and didnt10a single practice. She had a11intention within herself to be the best she could be. My ten-year-old was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this

5、12human being with a passion and a mission. There were moments of13of course:often she would be the last swimmer in the race. It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasnt a14ever. But that didnt stop her from trying.Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year. Cathy didnt expec

6、t any award but was still there to15her friends and praise their acplishments. As the ceremony was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the head coach16,“The highest honor goes to Cathy!”Looking around, he continued,“Cathy has inspired us with her17and enthusiasm.18skills and talents bring great succes

7、s, the most valuable asset(财富)one can hold is the heart.”It was the greatest19of my daughters life. With all she had been20in her ten years, this was the hour of true triumph(成功).1.A.failure B.pressureC.loss D.illness2.A.usually B.finallyC.firstly D.frequently3.A.improve B.trainC.join D.contact4.A.i

8、ncreased B.foundC.created D.made5.A.however B.thereforeC.otherwise D.instead6.A.use B.surviveC.save D.waste7.A.pull B.tellC.hide D.fire8.A.afraid B.nervousC.ready D.free9.A.take off B.set offC.give up D.show up10.A.attend B.missC.ban D.start11.A.rich B.weakC.firm D.kind12.A.trusted B.determinedC.exp

9、erienced D.embarrassed13.A.frustration B.delightC.excitement D.surprise14.A.beginner B.learnerC.partner D.winner15.A.cheer on B.pete withC.respond to D.run after16.A.admitting B.explainingC.announcing D.whispering17.A.humor B.willC.honesty D.wisdom18.A.Although B.SinceC.Once D.Because19.A.discovery

10、B.choiceC.influence D.moment20.A.through B.underC.across D.around方法运用 语篇解读本文为记叙文。女儿Cathy通过自己的努力成了游泳队的一员。她虽然成绩平平,但是却始终没有放弃,依靠自己顽强的意志获得了教练的认可。1.D根据下句中的treatment(治疗)可知,Cathy在小时候得了很严重的病(illness)。2.B根据After years of regular treatment可以判断出经过多年的定期治疗,她最终(finally)变得很健康。3.C根据上句中的“to be a swimmer”以及空格后的team可知,

11、她想加入(join)我们当地的游泳队。4.D根据She practiced hard.可知她经过刻苦训练,最终成功加入了游泳队。make it获得成功。5.A上句指出她成功加入了游泳队,而本句指出集体训练是一个艰难的开始,前后为转折关系,故however正确。6.B根据上句以及“She coughed and choked.”可知,她身体状况很差,几乎无法熬过最初的几周。use使用;survive艰难度过;save挽救;waste浪费。7.A根据“Hearing her coughing bitterly one night”可以判断出我听到她彻夜痛苦地咳嗽时,决定把她从这苦难中拉出来。pul

12、l拉;tell告诉;hide隐藏;fire开除。8.C根据wearing her swimsuit可知,第二天Cathy一大早醒来后就穿上泳衣准备好(ready)去训练了。9.C根据insisted she go可知,我告诉她咳嗽了一整夜后不应该再去游泳,但是她拒绝放弃(give up),坚持要去。10.B根据kept swimming可知,她一直坚持游泳,从未错过(miss)每一次训练。11.C根据上句可知她一直在坚持训练,从未缺席过,因此她一心想做到最好。firm坚定的,符合语境。12.B结合上文内容,并且根据with a passion and a mission可以得知,我10岁的女儿

13、正在成为一个有热情和有使命的坚定的(determined)人。13.A根据冒号后的内容:在游泳比赛中她总是最后一名,可以得知她有遇到挫折(frustration)的时候。14.D根据上句的often she would be the last swimmer in the race可以得知Cathy很难接受她不是一名胜者(winner)的事实。15.A根据首句可知年终颁奖典礼到来了,由praise their acplishments可以判断出,她不指望拿任何奖项,但还是为朋友们加油。cheer on.为加油。16.C根据后面的引号中的直接引语,可知在仪式即将结束时,我突然听到总教练宣布(announce)最高荣誉归Cathy。17.B结合上文Cathy虽然经历很多困难但始终不放弃的事迹以及enthusiasm,可知Cathy以自己的意志(will)和热情鼓舞了众人。18.A虽然技能和天赋带来了伟大的成功,但是一个人所拥有的最有价值的财富是勇气。根据句意可知A项正确。19.D结合上文内容并且根据of my daughters life可知,这是我女儿一生中最伟大的时刻(moment)。20.A根据in her ten years可知,在她十年里所经历的一切中,这是真正成功的时刻。through经过(全部的过程或经历)。

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