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1、2022年高二英语上学期期末考试试卷注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷1页至10页,第卷11页至12页。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。 3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4. 全卷满分:150分,考试用时120分钟。 5. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C

2、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A. 19.15 B. 9.18 C. 9.15答案是C。1.How many people are added to the lunch reservation?A. Two. B. Four.C. Six.2.How will the speakers go to the Sports plex?A. By subway. B. By bus.C. By taxi.3.What are the speakers

3、mainly talking about?A. A movie.B. A swimming pool.C. A plan.4.What will the man do tonight?A. Work on his report.B. Go dancing with Jenny.C. Help Jenny with her history.5.What does the man imply?A. Jack didnt find the record.B. Jack didnt go to the party.C. Jack borrowed the record from him.第二节:(共1

4、5小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What could the man be?A. A taxi driver.B. A policeman.C. A hotel clerk.7.Where does the woman think she lost her cell phone?A. In a park.B. In a

5、 supermarket.C. On her way to the hotel.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.Where will The Magic Flute be on this weekend?A. At the Orpheum theatre.B. At the Caldonion theatre.C. At the Poseidon theatre.9.What will the man do tonight?A. Invite Joan to dinner.B. Give Joan a call.C. Buy tickets. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.Wh

6、ere does the conversation probably take place?A. At home.B. In a restaurant.C. In a supermarket.11.What does the woman say about the foods?A. They are good bargains.B. They are of high quality.C. They can be stored for a long time. 12.What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Call a taxi for her.B. T

7、ake a taxi back home.C. Carry the groceries to the car. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.Who is Rita?A. The mans manager.B. The mans customer.C. The mans wife.14.How many business trips has the man made so far this year?A. Three.B. Five.C. Six.15.What do we know about the man?A. He has been to Australia.B. He i

8、s starting a big new project.C. He has seen the new pany website.16.What kind of people is the woman looking for?A. Someone who is familiar with Australia.B. Someone who can go to work in Australia often. C. Someone who can get on well with the Australian team.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17.How did Andy star

9、t his presentation?A. By showing some pictures.B. By greeting all the audience.C. By giving his opinions on West Africa.18.What did Andys and Dianes presentations have in mon?A. They both used photos.B. They were both in a humorous style.C. They both used PPTs with written information.19.What was Di

10、anes story about?A. How her pany learned a lesson from a past mistake.B. How her pany cleaned up a site.C. How her pany developed.20.What was peoples reaction to Andys presentation?A. Few people talked to him.B. Lots of people were interested in it.C. Many people asked him a lot of questions.第二部分 阅读

11、理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunts house, and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America. We were on the bus then. I was crying, and some people on t

12、he bus were turning around to look at me. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning. I do not remember myself crying for this reason again. In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye

13、 to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to seethe strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures. The country I was leaving never to e back was hardly in my head then. The four years that followed taught me the importance of

14、optimism, but the idea did not e to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really losthaving to study in three schools as a result of family moves. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried, and things became even more plex for me. Some time passed before m

15、y stepfather and I got used to each other. I was often sad, and saw no end to “the hard times.” My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home. I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated at interviews with immigration officers, took my gra

16、ndparents to the doctor and translated there, and even discussed telephone bills with pany representatives. From my experiences I have learned one important rule: Almost all mon troubles eventually go away! Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up, and just wait a littl

17、e! I believe that my life will turn out all right, even though it will not be that easy. 21. How did the author get to know America?A. From her relatives B. From her motherC. From books and pictures D. From radio programs22. For the first two years in New York, the author_. A. often lost her way B.

18、did not think about her futureC. studied in three different schoolsD.got on well with her stepfather23. The author believes that _ . A. her future will be free from troublesB. it is difficult to learn to bee patientC. there are more good things than bad thingsD. good things will happen if one keeps

19、trying BAfter numerous warnings over the years, you thought coffee probably had a negative effect on your health? Perhaps the drink is not so bad after all.The new study, conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), has been published and suggests that coffee does not have a harmful effect on y

20、our health. Researchers suggest, based on data examined, older adults who drink a lot of coffee, have a lower risk of death when pared to their non-drinking coffee peers.The team of researchers conducting the study analyzed data on 400,000 U. S. men and women, aged 50 to 71 years; the individuals ha

21、d participated in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. This study started in 1995-1996 and was tracked until the day a participant passed away, or Dec. 31, xx.According to a press release on the report, researchers shared that coffee drinkers are “less likely to die from heart disease, respiratory di

22、sease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes, and infections, although the association was not seen for cancer.”Results indicated participants that drank three or more cups of java a day reduced their risk of death by 10 percent. Based on the findings that both caffeinated and non-caffeinated cof

23、fee found similar results, researchers are thinking caffeine is not the protective ingredient(原料), although which ingredient in coffee might be, they are not sure.Researchers indicate that despite these observational findings, they caution it is not clear whether or not drinking coffee actually make

24、s life longer.“Coffee is one of the most widely consumed drinks in America, but the association between coffee consumption and risk of death has been unclear. We found coffee consumption to be associated with lower risk of death overall, and of death from a number of different causes,” said Neal Fre

25、edman, Ph. D., Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI.“Although we cannot infer a relationship between coffee drinking and lower risk of death, we believe these results do provide some fort that coffee drinking does not adversely(不利的) affect health,” Freedman said.Dr. Cheryl Williams, a r

26、egistered dietician, told ABC News, “Overall, more research needs to be done to truly understand the pounds(化合物) in coffee and their biological activity and effect on health,” said Williams.24. The passage is mainly about _.A. medical benefits of coffee B. benefits of planting coffeeC. coffees negat

27、ive effects on health D. new study results on coffee25. We can learn from the passage that _.A. drinking coffee can help reduce the risk of death from some diseasesB. people rely heavily on coffee drinking and that proves to be a problemC. people who often drink coffee are more likely to suffer diff

28、erent diseasesD. caffeine is the very ingredient which prevent people from developing diseases26. The underlined word “java” in Paragraph 5 refers to _.A. caffeine B. ingredient C. coffee D. drink27. What can we infer from Williams words?A. People should drink more caffeinated coffee.B. People shoul

29、d analyze the cause of human death.C. People should take advantages of drinking coffee.D. People should carry out more related studies.C11-year-old Aaron Conley, a child actor, has performed various roles more than 300 times. He now plays the part of Young Simba in the musical The Lion King. When ch

30、osen for a part, Aaron must struggle with the demands of both his acting career and his schoolwork. Its not easy to control the two very time-consuming activities.In fact, going to school became difficult when Aaron began receiving acting jobs in New York City. Many child actors went to private scho

31、ols that allow them to have flexible schedules. These schools are expensive, though, so Aaron attended public school. But the regular school schedule was difficult to follow since Aaron sometimes needed to leave in the middle of the school day for play practices or performances. Eventually his mothe

32、r decided to teach Aaron at home. He still must plete schoolwork just like any other student. But now he has a flexible schedule and often pletes his lessons before and after performances.Aaron arrives at the theater early to prepare for his performances. He dresses in his costume (戏装) and special m

33、akeup to make him look like the young lion he plays. Aaron, acting in at least four shows every week, takes his job as seriously as the adult actors he works with in this professional theater environment.His acting job is not limited to stage performances, though. Sometimes he also has to attend cas

34、t parties, or events where he signs autographs (亲笔签名). Child actors and their families make many sacrifices. One of the biggest sacrifices that Aarons family has made was moving from Mississippi to New York City. Aaron needed to live close to his acting jobs. This meant leaving behind family and fri

35、ends. Also, because of his busy acting schedule, Aaron isnt always able to participate in activities, which makes it difficult to make friends in a new place.Night after night, show after show, Aaron Conley is reminded of the difficulties of his job, but he loves what he does. And that makes it wort

36、h the effort.28. Aaron goes to public school in New York City because _.A. it is much cheaper B. he can study at home C. its schedule is flexible D. there is less schoolwork 29. What is probably the most difficult part for Aaron?A. Trying out for musical performances.B. Attending cast parties and ot

37、her events. C. Putting on costumes for each performance. D. Balancing his acting career with schoolwork.30. In Paragraph 4, the author mainly talks about _.A. what Aaron does on his job B. why Aaron must wear makeup C. what part Aaron plays in a show D. how Aaron works with other actors 31. Which wo

38、rd best describes Aarons attitude towards his acting job?A. Patient. B. Attentive. C. Devoted. D. Cautious. DGrammarphobia is the fear of grammar. This fear attacks almost everybody at one time or another, and it is most likely to strike during English or language art classes.Even people who love re

39、ading and writing have been known to get feverish and insecure when they are aware of the possibility of turning in homework with grammar or spelling mistakes.Though writing may be enjoyable,being corrected is definitely not!Grammarphobes, its time to put your fear behind you. Grammar isnt dreadful.

40、 Here is why. Lets assume you like hearing and telling stories and that you enjoy joking with your friends. You probably also like e-mailing and instant-messaging. Well, what do you think makes all these possible? Grammar is simply the art of putting words together to make sentences. Whenever you us

41、e words to express yourself, you are using grammar. You do this all the time without even thinking. So why think about it? Because good grammar helps you convey the ideas you intend. If your words are not right, or if they are not in the right order, the person you are talking to might get a wrong i

42、dea. This can have embarrassing results. Grammar helps us understand each other. It is like a manual(手册)for assembling the words in your head. You have to put your words together the right way if you want them to make sense. They cannot do what you want if they are not put together correctly. What i

43、f everybody you know had a different manual? How would you agree on what others words mean? People with different grammar manuals might be speaking different languages. municating is similar to playing cards. To make sense, we have to play the same game, by the same rules. What are the rules for pla

44、ying the game of English? You already know most of them without having to open a book. 32. Grammarphobes refer to people who _. A. consider grammar to be boringB. are worried about grammar homework C. mind grammar too much in writing D. are afraid of making grammar mistakes33. The underlined word “a

45、ssembling” in Paragrah6 may mean _. A. directing B. remembering C. bringing togetherD. looking for34. What does playing cards have in mon with municating? A. Both need standards. B. Both can be interesting games. C. Both can be learned easily.D. Both can make sense for our life.35. What might be the

46、 main idea of the passage? A. Forgetting grammar when writing. B. Grammar is not horrible. C. Improving grammar through writing. D. What is grammarphobia? 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Symbol of friendshipFriendship is a wonderful thing to have no matter how old you

47、are. However, it is important for teens and young adults to provide conversation, support and so much more as friends.36Actually, there are a few things that symbolize (象征) a friendly relationship. 37One of the symbols of a wonderful relationship between friends is easy conversation. When you can ta

48、lk about almost anything, you are sure to be true friends. When the conversation flows easily from one topic to another, this can be a symbol of friendship as well.Able to have fun 38No matter what you are doing, you can have a fun experience so long as you are with your friend. This is one of the b

49、est parts of friendship.Support all the timeIf your friends know they can call you anytime and you will be there for them, then this symbolizes friendship.Attentive listening by both individualsIf you find that you listen closely to what your friend says and they do the same for you, this is another

50、 symbol of friendship.39Share laughter and tearsAnother symbol of friendship is the ability to share both laughter and tears. A friend is someone with whom you can laugh and cry over anything. 40A. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.B. Easy conversatio

51、nC. You feel fortable with this person to share your special feelings.D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.E. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.F. Get togetherG. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is saying.第三部分 英语知识运

52、用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Two years ago, Shirley, wife, mother and doctor, found herself worn out. She got up earlier, and went to bed later, just to meet everyday 41 , but lacked 42 for the things that mattered most. She

53、and her husband, a lawyer, began searching for ways to 43 their lives. “We had to decide what was really 44 ” says Shirley. They knew they wanted more time to 45 with their three- year -old son, to exercise and eat right, and to develop friendship.So the couple chose to live more simply, shopping wi

54、th care for necessities and enjoying inexpensive 46 such as reading, cooking and going to the park.Then Shirley 47 her job and began working part time. She printed business cards that 48 “At your service, buy 49 a little time” and helped clients (客户)with personal tasks like shopping, paying bills an

55、d 50 parties. “I still work hard, but being able to control my hours makes a 51 , ” she says, “ I can spare time to take my son to the 52 or play basketball with him. My stress and headaches are 53 ”Shirley and her husband are 54 alone in wanting to 55 and live a satisfying life. A survey found that

56、 54 percent of parents say they have little time with their children, and 47 percent of married couples 56 that they lack time together. 57 does the time go?For most people, 58 and muting(通勤) take up most of the day. Simplifying means being 59 of the ways we use money, time and energy, and finding w

57、ays to make things easier. Then we have to gain 60 over life and have time for the pleasures.41. A. activitiesB. servicesC. demandsD. exercises42. A. timeB. strengthC. moneyD. ability43. A. leadB. simplifyC. adaptD. consider44. A. fortableB. interestingC. importantD. hard45. A. studyB. helpC. meetD.

58、 play46. A. pleasuresB. placesC. tasksD. goods47. A. foundB. receivedC. tookD. quit48. A. readB. wroteC. showedD. told49. A. usB. yourselfC. childrenD. herself50. A. attendingB. organizingC. havingD. going51. A. lifeB. resultC. balanceD. difference52. A. officeB. hospitalC. parkD. school53. A. goneB

59、. betterC. strongD. obvious54. A. a bitB. far fromC. much tooD. more than55. A. keep paceB. settle downC. take offD. slow down56. A. expectB. doubtC. plainD. imagine57. A. HowB. WhenC. WhereD.Why58. A. travelingB. readingC. shoppingD. working59. A. awareB. afraidC. proudD. sure60. A. valueB. control

60、C. successD. experience第II卷 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 61 (spend) too much time online can increase your risk of catching 62 cold or the flu, scientists have warned. Those with greater levels of Internet 63 (addict) are more likely to give in to illness 64 those wh

61、o spend fewer hours online. Researchers believe the reason lies 65 the fact that people addicted to the Internet are more lonely, and as a result have 66 (weak) immune(免疫)systems. They said the lack of interaction with other people and less time spent outside 67 (expose) themselves to germs(细菌) play

62、ed a role. Past studies also 68 (find) people who spend more time online experience greater sleep problem, have 69 (bad) eating habits, do less exercise and tend to smoke and drink more alcohol. These 70 (behave) can harm their immune system and increase chances of getting diseases.第四部分 写作(共两节 满分35) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分) 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。短文中有10处错误,每句最多有两处。 错误涉及一个单词的

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