2022年高中英语《Unit2 The United Kingdom》Using Language同步练习题(3) 新人教版必修5

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1、2022年高中英语Unit2 The United KingdomUsing Language同步练习题(3) 新人教版必修5.用本课时单词填空1. 有些人喜欢在海滩上躺着,但我喜欢去游览。 Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer to go _.2. 你上星期的来访使我们很高兴。 Your visit last week _ us.3. 我们两个人今天下午去参观皇宫怎么样? How about the two of us going to visit the _ Palace this afternoon?4. 这座雕像衬着树丛,

2、轮廓特别鲜明。 The _ stands out against the trees.5. 我们的最终目的是实现共产主义。 Out ultimate aim is to realize _ .6. 他们年轻的时候,夏季度假旅行可是桩令人极为激动的事情。 In their young years a summer holiday trip was a _ .7. 小壶易沸。 A little _ boils easily.8. 这起事故是由人为的错误引起的。 The accident was caused by a human _ .9. 我发现英语时态很难学。 I find it hard t

3、o learn English _ .10. 这个说法与你昨天在会议上的发言不相符。 This statement is not _ with what you said at yesterdays meeting.句型转换1. A: I listed the things I wanted to buy. B: I _ _ _ _ the things I wanted to buy.2. A: What made her surprised was that he passed the exam very easily. B: _ _ _, he passed the exam very

4、easily. 3. A: The uniform he wore was four hundred years old. B: He wore _ _ uniform.4. A: To remember the dead pop star, we held an evening party. B: _ _ _ the dead pop star, we held an evening party. 5. A: The longitude line made her interested most. B: _ _ _ _ was the longitude.6. A: That he shou

5、ld have won the first prize seemed very strange. B: _ _ _ _ that he should have won the first prize.7. A: She took great pride in her country when she saw the foreigners enjoyed the old Chinese pots. B: She _ _ _ _ her country when she saw the foreigners enjoyed the old Chinese pots.8. A: He will go

6、 to the United States for further education next month. B: He _ _ _ the United States for further education next month.单项填空1. _ with so much trouble, we failed to plete the task on time.A. FacedB. FaceC. FacingD. To face2. Id like to book a room for tonight.Sorry, sir, but we dont have any rooms _ a

7、t the moment.A. availableB. useableC. suitableD. fortable3. To my great _ , I have passed the driving test.A. delightedB. happyC. pleasedD. delight4. Having passed the difficult English examination once again, he feels very _ .A. delightedB. impressedC. depressedD. satisfying5. They presented a sum

8、of money to the college in _ of their son who had lost his life when saving a drowning child.A. memoryB. the memoryC. the honourD. honoured6. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady.A. mightB. needC. wouldD. should7. Tom, I have cleaned the room for you.Thanks. You _ it

9、. I could manage it myself.A. neednt doB. neednt have doneC. mustnt doD. shouldnt have done8. She was _ with terror when she saw the scene of the murder.A. thrilledB. delightedC. afraidD. frightening9. These actions are _ with his principles.A. agreeB. consistentC. agreementD. disagreement10. Actual

10、ly helping other people can _ for the helper.A. be of great delightB. be benefitedC. be great delightfulD. benefit11. _ , he got full marks in the physics test.A. By surpriseB. In surprisedC. To my surpriseD. With surprise12. My sister was against my suggestion that we go out for a picnic while my b

11、rother was _ it.A. in honour ofB. in memory ofC. in favor ofD. in search of13. _ was most important to her, she told me, was her family.A. ItB. ThatC. WhatD. As14. _ surprised us very much that Tom left without a word.A. HeB. ItC. ThatD. What15. With everything he needed _ , he hurried home quickly.

12、A. to buyB. buyingC. boughtD. to be bought16. Please forgive me if I have left any of your questions _ .A. unanswerB. unansweringC. to unanswerD. unanswered.写作练笔 假定你的家乡在庐山,请根据下面的提示,以“e to visit Mount Lushan”为题,写一篇英语短文。提示:1. 庐山因美丽的风景、宜人的气候、悠久的历史而闻名。2. 庐山位于长江南岸,鄱阳湖北岸,有许多著名的风景区:如花径、五老峰、三叠泉等等。3. 庐山夏天绿如清

13、泉,冬天白如碧玉。要求:1. 不能逐字翻译以上提示;2. 120词左右。参考词汇:the Changjiang River 长江;the Poyang Lake 鄱阳湖;the Flower Path 花径;the Five-old-Man Peak 五老峰;the Three-Step Waterfalls 三叠泉e to visit Mount Lushan_答案与解析. 1. sightseeing2. delighted3. Royal4. statue5. munism6. thrill7. pot8. error9. tenses10. consistent.1. made a l

14、ist of2. To her surprise3. a four-hundred-year-old4. In memory of5. What interested her most6. It seemed very strange7. was/felt very proud of8. is leaving for.1. A 句意:由于面临那么多的困难,我们没能准时完成任务。be faced with “面临,面对”,是固定短语,所以此处选用过去分词作原因状语。2. A available“可得到的,可用的,有用的”;useable“便于使用的”;suitable“合适的”;fortable

15、“舒适的”。第二句句意为“对不起,先生。目前我们没有房间了”。3. D to ones delight 为固定搭配,意思是“让某人感到高兴的是”。句意为“让我感到非常高兴的是,我已经通过了驾驶考试”。4. A delighted “高兴的,兴奋的”;impressed “被感动的”;depressed “忧郁的,消沉的”;satisfying“令人满意的”。句意为“再次通过这么难的英语考试,他感到非常高兴”。5. A in memory of和in honour of为固定搭配,意思是“为纪念”。句意为“为了纪念他们为救溺水儿童而失去生命的儿子,他们向大学捐赠了一大笔钱”。6. D 根据前面的

16、You cant imagine可知答案为D项,should有“竟然”的意思,表示一种惊讶的语气。句意为“你难以想象,一个举止规矩的绅士竟然对一位女士那么粗鲁”。7. B 根据I have cleaned the room for you.可排除A、C两项,A项表示“现在不需要做”;C项表示“不准做”;neednt have done“本没必要做”,shouldnt have done “本不应该做”。根据语境,B项最佳。8. A thrill意为“使胆颤心惊,使毛骨悚然”,thrilled意为“胆颤心惊的,毛骨悚然的”;B项与后面的with terror矛盾;C项通常与介词of搭配,表示“害

17、怕”的状态;D项应该改为frightened。句意为“她看到凶杀现场时,吓得毛骨悚然”。9. B agree不能直接与前面的are连用;C、D两项须在are后面加上介词in,构成in agreement/disagreement with,意思是“与一致/不一致”;consistent为形容词,意思是“一致的”,be consistent with 为“与一致”。句意为“这些行为与他的原则是一致的”。10. A “be of+抽象名词”结构相当于“be+adj.”; benefit通常和from搭配,意思是“从中受益”;C项应该去掉great。句意为“事实上,帮助别人对于帮助者来说可能是非常高

18、兴的事”。11. C to ones surprise为固定用法,意思是“令某人吃惊的是”。句意为“令我吃惊的是,他在物理考试中得了满分”。12. C in honour of 意思是“向表示敬意,为祝贺,为纪念”;in memory of 意思是“为纪念”;in favor of 意思是“赞成,支持”;in search of 意思是“寻找,寻求”。句意为“我姐姐反对我出去野餐的建议,而我哥哥则赞成我的建议”。13. C what 引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语;A、D两项不能引导名词性从句;that在名词性从句中不作任何成分;she told me 是插入语。句意为“她告诉我说,对她来说最

19、重要的是她的家庭”。14. B 此处,that引导的从句为真正的主语,句中缺少形式主语,四个选项中只有B项可以作形式主语。句意为“汤姆一句话也没说就离开使我们非常惊讶”。15. C 在with复合结构中,he needed是定语从句,修饰everything,宾语everything和buy之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作补足语。句意为“买完了他所需要的所有东西,他匆忙地赶回家了”。16.D questions和unanswer之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故此处用过去分词作宾语补足语。句意为“如果你的问题我有没回答的,请原谅”。.One possible version:e to visit Mo

20、unt LushanMy hometown is Mount Lushan. Have you ever been there? Mount Lushan is very famous for its beautiful scenery, excellent climate and long history.Mount Lushan stands on the south bank of the Changjiang River and the north bank of the Poyang Lake. It has many nice scenic spots, such as the F

21、lower Path, the Five-Old-Man Peak, the Three-Step Waterfalls and so on. Thousands of people from other parts of China and foreign countries e here every year, especially in summer.Summer on Mount Lushan is very cool. It can be called a huge natural air-conditioner in summer. Winter here is nice, too. Heavy snow falls every year. There is a popular saying:“Mount Lushan in summer is green like a clear fountain, and in winter is white like a white jade.”Im sure you will have a wonderful time in my hometownMount Lushan.

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