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1、英语考纲重点词汇用法总结n。名词 pron.代词 adj.形容词 adv.副词 v。动词 vi。不 vt。 及物动词prep.介词 conj.连词 interj。感叹词A1。able unable ability n。 disable vt.使残废 disabled adj。残废的2。about be about to do sth.即将做。.。.。3.above-below over-under 4.accept A as B 把A当作B接受/接纳 cf. receive5.accident accidental adj。偶然的;偶发的 by /chance偶然地6。ache n./ vi。

2、 toothache backache headache7.across-through across the world=all over the world8.act v./n. action n。 active adj。 actively adv。 activity n.活动act as。.扮演;充当 be active in.。.=take an active part in.。积极参加 act.。out表演出9。actual adj. actually adv.事实上10.add v。 addition n。 additional adj。附加的;额外的 add to sth.增强

3、add A to B把A加到B上去 add。.up把。.。.加起来 add up to sth。合计为;意思是 in addition=whats more=besides而且11。admire vt. admiration n。 admirer n. sb. for sth因。.钦佩某人 in admiration钦佩地12.admit vt。承认;录取 admission n. admitted admitting admit doing sth。 be admitted into a college被.。.。录取13.advance v。 advanced adj。先进的;高级的 in

4、= ahead of time提前14.advice u.n。 advise vt。 give sb. advice on sth. advise sb. to do sth./ advise doing sth。 cf。 advise与persuade15.affair n。事物 family/foreign/love s16.afford vt。 can (to do) sth.17。afraid adj。 Im so/not.恐怕是这样/不是这样。18.Africa n。 African n。/adj。 Asia-Asian America-American Europe-Europea

5、n Australia-Australian AustriaAustrian奥地利人(的) Canada-Canadian19。again and =over and over=time and again反复地 once =once more=又一次20.three years ago (一般过去时) three years before(过去完成时)21。agree vt. agreement n.协议 agreeable adj。可爱的 to sth。同意某事 on sth(经讨论)达成共识 with sb。同意某人come to/arrive at/reach an agreement

6、达成协议22.agriculture n。 agricultural adj. industry-industrial23。aim n./v。 at。瞄准;意思是24。alive adj.(表语形容词) eat sth bury sb. catch sb。 Cf。 living活着的 live现场直播的 lively活泼的 25.air n。 in the 在空中 on the 在播出 by 乘飞机26。allow vt. allowance n。补助金;补贴 sb。 to do sth。 doing sth. for。.。考虑到;酌量 Smoking is not ed here。27。al

7、most adv。几乎(可接否定词) nearly adv.(不接否定词) I have seen almost no such book before。28.alone adj./adv。独自的;单独的 lonely adj.寂寞的;孤独的 29.along adv./ prep。 all =all the time一直30。although conj.虽然;尽管 though conj。 虽然;尽管 though adv。尽管如此(句末)31。anger n。 angry adj。 hunger n. hungry adj。32。announce vt。 announcement n. m

8、ake an announcement33.another pron. one after = one by one another three chairs= three more/ other chairs34.always adv. for / good/ ever永远 He is talking in class。(反感) He is asking clever questions。(赞扬)35.answer n。/v. the to the question in to响应;回答 the door/phone/letter for=be responsible for为.。.负责36

9、.anxious adj。急切的;焦虑的 anxiety n. be to do sth。迫切要去做.。.。. be about.worry about/ be worried about.。担心 He is too to leave the lonely island.(too。.。to与anxious连用不表示否定)37。any常用在否定句、疑问句、条件句中 Come to me if you have any question. no=not any全否 He has no brothers。= He has not any brothers.38。apologize/apologise

10、 v.道歉 apology n. to sb. for doing sth.=make an apology to sb. for doing sth.因某事向某人道歉39.argue v。辩论;说服 argument n。 with sb. about sth。 cf. debate quarrel40。arm n. arms n。武器;怀抱 take sb. by the 拉住某人的胳膊 in carry sth in ones s抱着。.。.。 s sale军火销售 be armed to the teeth武装到牙齿41。army n.军队;群 an of ants一大群蚂蚁42。ar

11、rive vi。到达 arrival n. at a conclusion得出结论 at an agreement达成协议 at/ in sp. cf。 reach vt. come vi。 43。art n. artist n. artistic adj.艺术的 artificial adj。人工的;人造的 fine s美术44。article n。文章;件 an of clothing/ furniture45.as prep。作为 work .。 serve 。. act .。. be famous .。 use A B accept/regard/ treat/consider/ th

12、ink of/ look at/take A B把A当作B it is事实上 mistake A B误以为A是B as conj。按照;像 Dance I showed you。 as conj.随着;一边。.。.一边 As time goes by, he has come to love Ningbo as his second hometown. He usually does his homework he listens to music. as conj.虽然;尽管(倒装语序) Clever you are, you have to work harder to fulfill y

13、our dream. Fast you run, you cant catch me up.=Run you may, you cant catch me up.=Fast runner you are, you cant catch me up. as conj。像一样He is busy a bee. He did the job well Bob did。Fan Wei is funny an actor Zhao Benshan. Peter is not / so tall as Bill。 as conj。由于 As you go to the bookshop, please g

14、et me a Harry Porter VI。 as pron.(引导定语从句) I will buy such a pen you are using. I study in the same school Mary. Here is so big a stone as no one can lift。 cf。 Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it。46.ashamed adj.羞愧的 be of。对感到羞愧47。ask v. sb。 for sth.向某人要。.。. A after B向A问候B for trouble自寻烦恼 sb

15、。 to do sth。 to do sth。 to be done about。.询问;打听48。asleep adj。 fall =go to sleep入睡(动作) be = sleep睡着(状态) be fast 睡得香甜49.assist vt。帮助 assistance n. assistant n。助手 an assistant professor副教授50。attack v。/n。 be under 遭到攻击 an air 空袭51。attempt n./v.努力;尝试 to do sth.= make an to do sth. in an to do sth.努力/尝试去做

16、。.。.。52。attend v.出席;照顾 attendant n。服务员 to sb。/ sth. 照料;从事;处理53。attention n. attentive adj。注意力集中的 pay to sth.注意。.。.。 draw sbs (to sth.)吸引某人的注意力(到。.。.。)54。attract vt。吸引 attractive adj.有吸引力的;迷人的 attraction n。吸引(人的人或物) be attractive to sb.吸引某人 be attracted to sth. 被。.。.。吸引55.average n./adj。平均(的) on (the

17、) 平均(来说) above/below the 在一般平均以上/下56.awake adj.醒着的 v。醒来(awoke/awoke; awaked/awaked)B1。bad adj. (worse/worst) from to worse每况愈下 go 变质 Not .还好2.badly adv。 be ill得了 need sth。 急需 be off生活较差3。baggage u.n。行李 (=luggage)4。balloon n。气球5.bargain v. 讨价还价 n。 讨价还价;便宜货 a real 便宜货6。base n。 基地;基础 vt。以。.。为基础 A on B

18、A以B为基础/依据 be d on以.。.。为基础7。bath n。洗浴 bathe v. be bathed in the sunshine沐浴在阳光之中8。bear vt。忍受;承受(bore/born-borne) He cant being looked down upon。 He was born in Shanghai. They have borne three children。9。beat v。打;击败(beat/beaten)10。beauty n. beautiful adj。 beautifully adv. beautify vt。美化11。become/became

19、/become link。v。系动词12.because of=on account of=owing to prep。 由于 She cried because of what I had said about her work。13.bed n. go to (college/church/court/hospital)(零冠词)强调动作be in (college/church/court/hospital) 强调状态 make the 14.beg v。乞讨;哀求 begging begged beggar n.乞丐 sb. for sth. go ging去乞讨15.begin/be

20、gan/begun v。 beginning beginner初学者 Well begun, half done。良好的开端成功的一半。 to with首先=first of all in the beginning at the beginning of16.believe vt. belief n。信仰;信念17.bend/bent/bent v. 弄弯 over sth。 伏在。.。.。上面 be bent over。.。一心想/做18。besides prep。/adv。 除了(以外) B English, we study five other subjects。 I dont li

21、ke football; , the weather is too hot.(=whats more; in addition )19.best do/try ones =do what one can=do everything (that) one can=spare no efforts=go all out尽力 all the best(wishes)祝好20。better be off富裕 be worse off贫困 had =might as well最好 Hed come earlier, hadnt he? Better late then never。21.beyond p

22、rep.在.。.。以外 The beauty of the West Lake is description。 Sorry. This is my power.22.bill n.帐单 foot the 埋单23。biology n。生物学 biological adj.生物学的 biologist n. 生物学家24.birth n. birthday birthplace at birth天生 give to 生育25.bite/bit/bit:bitten v。咬 Never bite off more than you can chew.要量力而行.26。blame vt.责备 be

23、to (for doing sth.)因.。而应受责备 sb. for doing sth。 因。.。.而责备 Dont the child for the broken glass。 It was my fault. I wonder who is to for the broken glass.=I wonder who to for the broken glass.27。blood n。血 bloody adj.血腥的 bleed v。流血 a bleeding nose a bloody war28。blow/blew/blown v。吹 up爆炸 sth。 up把。.。.炸毁 .。

24、away把吹走29.boil v。 boiling water在沸腾的水 boiled water沸水 boiling hot超热30。bone n。 bony adj.瘦骨嶙峋的=skinny31。brain n。大脑 brains智力 If only I had your s!32.bottom n。底部 from the of ones heart 发自内心;衷心地 from top to 从顶到底 B up!干杯!33.brave adj。 bravely adv。 bravery n。34.break/broke/broken v。 down出故障;破除 up破坏;解散;开垦 int

25、o sp。闯入;侵占 the law/rule违反 ones promise食言 away (of)脱离 forth/out爆发 off折断;突然中断 open撬开 with与.。.。.断交 c。n。休息 take/have a 35.breath n。 breathe v。 bath-bathe breathless adj。上气不接下气的 hold ones 屏住呼吸 lose ones 上气不接下气(动作) be out of 上气不接下气(状态) catch a 喘口气 breathe ones last死36。bring/brought/brought vt。 sb。 up抚养 st

26、h. up呕吐;提出 bring sth。 forward提出37.Britain n。 British adj。 the Great Britain大不列颠38。broad adj.宽阔的 abroad adv。在国外 aboard adv。在船(飞机、火车等)上 broaden vt。拓宽39。broadcast/broadcast/broadcast vt。广播 sth. live现场直播 Cf. cast/cast/cast forecast/forecast/forecast 40. build/built/built vt.建造;建设 building n。 。.。up建造 A i

27、nto B把A建成B 41。burn/burnt/burnt v。 sth. up烧光 sth。 to the ground= sth down夷为平地 Its ing hot。42.burst vt。爆发;爆炸 sth. up =blow sth. up炸掉 into tears/laughter/cheers out crying/laughing/cheering into.。.闯入 forth= out= break forth= break out爆发 43.bury vt.埋葬 burial n.葬礼 sb。 alive活埋44。busy adj. business n。 Busi

28、ness is business.公事公办 Business before pleasure.先干正事后娱乐 be (in) doing sth。= be busy with sth。 go to sp。 on business到.。.出差 get (down) to business 开始干正事45.but conj。 But me no s。不要辩解。 but for要不是因为 the last line but two倒数第二行46。butcher n。屠夫 go to the s去肉店47.butter n。黄油 Bread and is always my breakfast。48。

29、buy/bought/bought vt. I wont your story。我才不信呢。49.by prep.乘坐 bus/train/plane/ship/air/sea/water/land on/in a train in a planeC1。call v./n. for请求;要求;需要;呼吁 at sp.参观 on sb.访问 .。.off取消 out大声叫喊 forth.。.唤起;鼓起(勇气等) call (on) sb. to do sth.号召2。camp v。宿营 n.帐篷 go camping去宿营3.capital n.资本;首都 capitalism n.资本主义 c

30、apitalist n.资本主义者 adj。 资本主义的4.care v. for。.。喜爱;关心;照管 about。.。关心;顾虑 care n. take of。.照料;照看 take 当心;保重 under the of在。.的照料下 with =carefully小心地;慎重地5。carpet n.地毯6。carrot n。胡萝卜7。caryy vt. sth。 in ones arms抱着 sth. on ones back背着 sth。 in ones hands捧着 sth. in ones hand拿着 sth. out实施;执行 .away带走;冲昏。.。的头脑 sth。 o

31、n继续下去 through坚持到底8。cart n。 马车 Never put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置9.case n.情况;案例;病历;箱子 in 万一(可单独使用也可接句子) in of万一(接名词、代词、动名词等) Take an umbrella in 。 Take an umbrella in of rain。 Take an umbrella in it rain/in it should(万一) rain.As is often the , Tom came late again.10。castle n。城堡 a in the air空中

32、楼阁11.catch/caught/caught vt。抓住 sb. = up with sb。追上 catch sight of突然看到 hold of突然抓住 (a ) cold得感冒 sb.s attention/ eye吸引的注意力 sb. doing sth. be caught in a rain遭遇风雨等 be caught in/between the trees卡在树中12。ceiling n.天花板13。celebrate v。 庆祝 celebration n。 ones birthday/Christmas/Easter/New Years Day (=mark/obs

33、erve/keep)14.center/centre n.中心;中部 central adj。15.century n.世纪 the twelfth 16.certain adj. ly adv. certainty n. 确定性 It is that he will make it。=He is /sure to make it。 be /sure about.对确信17.chain n.链条;锁链 a shop连锁店 a smoker连续吸烟者18.chair n。椅子 chairman主席;书记;懂事长 chairwoman chairperson The is comfortable

34、to sit in。19。chalk u.n。 粉笔 a piece of 20。chance n.机会 by 偶然 take ones 碰运气;冒险 Chances are that he will win。=Possibly he will win。21.change v。/n.变化 /turn A into B 把A变成B trains/planes/clothes换车、飞机、衣服 for the better/worse边得更好/坏 with。.随着.。.。而变化 oneself=get d换衣服 Great s have taken place in China since the

35、reform and opening up in 1979。22。charge v.收费;控告;冲锋 sm. sb。 for sth. He d me $10 for the book. sb. with (doing) sth. He was d of sealing books from the newsstand. n。主管;收费;控告;冲锋 in of 主管 in the of由。.。主管 free of 免费的23。cheap adj.便宜的 a buy便宜货24。check n。检查;控制;支票(cheque) a money 汇票 v。 检查;控制 ones tears控制住眼泪

36、 in入住宾馆/进入商场等 out 。up核对;检查25。chief adj.主要的;首要的 CEO=chief executive officer in 主要地;尤其 an editorin-总编 a commanderin-总司令26。chimney n.烟囱27。choice n。选择 have no but to do sth。=have to do sth只好;不得不 adj。精选的 a friend 好朋友28.choose/chose/chosen v.选择 to do sth. cannot but do sth.=have no choice but to do sth。 只

37、好;不得不29。church n。教堂 go to 做礼拜(动作) be in z在做礼拜(状态) a goer信教者30.cigar n.雪茄 cigarette n.香烟 注:ette是表示“小的后缀,如case, cassette。31.cinema n.电影院 go to the /theatre/hotel32.circle n.圆圈 in s The bees dance in s.33。citizen n.市民;国民 citizenship n.国籍 senior s老年人34。clap v。 n.拍(手)35.class n.课;班级;阶级;等级 worldclass adj。

38、世界级的 first-class adj.一级的 Class A最高级的 in /after/before have es听课 36.clean adj.干净的; a sweep完胜;全胜 vt。弄干净 clean.up扫除;收拾干净cleaning n。扫除;擦 give sp。 a thorough/spring cleaning大扫除37.clear adj。清晰的;明亮的;(头脑)清醒的 be about。对明了 make it that。.弄清楚;使人明白 vt.使干净;清除。.off清除;消散 。up整顿 up放晴38。clever adj。聪明的 be /quick/good/e

39、xpert/skilful at.。擅长39.clinic n.医务所40。clock n.钟表 around the =24 hours a day全天地41.close adj.近的;亲密的 closely adv。 密切地;亲密地 be to sth.靠近 be at hand迫近 v。关闭 .。.down关闭;封闭 Zhang Fei liked sleeping with his eyes closed。42.cloth u.n。布料 a piece of 一块布料 c.n.有特殊用途的布,如桌布、擦脚布等 clothes n.衣服 a suit of clothes一套衣服 clo

40、thing u.n。.衣服的总称 a piece/an article of clothing一件衣服 sugarclothed pills糖衣药片43。cloud n。云 cloudy adj.多云的 Soon the s lifted。云很快散去了。44。club n.俱乐部 join the 45。coast n。海岸 an island off the a town on the coastline海岸线46。coffee n.咖啡 make /tea/bed煮咖啡/沏茶/铺床 black/white 47。coin n。硬币 head正面 tail反面 Every coin has

41、two sides.48。cold n。/adj。冷(的) leave sb。 in the 疏远某人 throw water on。.。泼冷水;不赞成 catch a 得感冒(动作) have a 感冒(状态)49。collar n。衣领 white- blue- pink golden gray-50。college n.大学 go to 上大学(动作) be in 在上大学(状态)51。colour/color n。颜色 colourful/colorful adj.色彩斑斓的b n。梳子 tomb n。坟墓 bomb n.炸弹e/came/come vi。 来 about发生 acro

42、ss.。.偶遇 along一道来;进步 at.袭击 back回来;恢复 back to life苏醒 down降落;跌落;病倒 for.。来取(物);来接(人) into being产生;出现 into existence成立;出现 into force开始生效、实行 into office上任 into power上台;掌握政权 into use开始得以使用 off脱落 out出来;长出;出版;显现 to苏醒 to a conclusion告一段落;得出结论 to s stop停下来 to light现露出来 to oneself苏醒过来 to terms with sb.与某人妥协 to

43、the point说到要点 true实现 up走近;上升;流行 up to sth.到达;符合(标准);不辜负(期望) up with.。提出 what may不管发生什么 from。.来自fort vt./n.安慰 comfortable adj. comfortably adv.55。common adj。共同的;常见的 in 共有的 a room卫生间mune n。公社 communism n。共产主义 communist n./adj. 共产主义者/的 socialism n。社会主义 capitalism n。资本主义 feudalism n。封建主义panion c。n.伴侣;伙伴

44、pany n。公司;伙伴 keep sb. 给某人做伴 in with sb.和某人在一起 keep with sb。与某人交往pare v.比较 comparison n。 比较 comparative adj。比较的 A with B把A与B比较 A to B把A比作B in comparison with。.。与.。比较 Compared with Shanghai, Beijing is important politically。60。complete adj.完全的 vt.完成 completion n. 完成61。composition n.作文;作曲 compose vt。写作

45、;作曲 Your is well written except for some spelling mistakes.62。computer n.电脑 PC=personal rade n.同志 a -inarm战友64。concert n.音乐会65.condition n。条件 conditional adj。有条件的 unconditional adj. 无条件的 on that(接句子)如果 on of (接名词和动名词等) on no 决不 living/working/studying s生活/工作/学习条件(环境) in 状况良好 out of 状况不好 66。conductor

46、 n。导体;乘务员 67。congratualte vt.祝贺 congratulation n。 sb. on (doing) sth.因。.。.。而祝贺某人 oneself on sth.庆幸68。connect vt.连接 connection n. A with B把A和B连接起来 be ed with.与有关;与连着69.consider vt.认为;考虑 consideration n.考虑 considerate adj。体贴人的;体谅人的 A as B认为A为B doing sth.打算 take sth。 into consideration考虑到Charles Babbag

47、e is generally ed to have invented the computer.=It is ed that Charles Babbage invented the computer。 It is considerate of you to have brought so much food。70.contain vt。包含;含有 container n.容器71.content n。/adj。满足(的) Im with my salary。 Hes to stay in the present job。vt。使感到满足 As there is no cream, we ha

48、ve to ourselves with black coffee。n. (复数)目录;内容72.continent n。大陆;大洲 continental adj。 大陆的 continental climate大陆性气候73。continue v。继续 continuous adj。连续不断的 continual adj。 频频的;时断时续的 to do sth.= doing sth。 The story is to be d。(未完待续)74。control n./v。控制 controlled controllingbe in of控制 be in/under the of被控制 b

49、eyond 无法控制keep/get。.。under 控制住 lose of失去对.。.。.的控制75。convenient adj.方便的 convenience n. 方便 It is for me to get the milk from the grocery shop.76.conversation n。交谈 conversational adj。口头的 conversational English=spoken English77。cook n.厨师 v。烹调;烹饪 cookie n.甜饼 do some cooking78.copy n.拷贝;(相同书、报、杂志等的)份,本,册

50、vt. 抄写;抄袭 a cat只会模仿的人79.corn u。n。玉米;谷物 c.n. 谷粒80.corner c.n.角落 in the of on the of at the of around the 即将到来81。correct adj。正确的 vt。 改正;纠正;矫正 the papers批改试卷82.cost/cost/cost vt. 花费; 使丧失 How much/What does the book ? The carelessness us 1,000。 n。成本;花消;代价 at the of以为代价 at all s不惜任何代价count for: 有价值 under

51、 the counter: 非法地 take up courage: 鼓起勇气 cover ones tracks: 掩盖证据from cover to cover: 自始至终 cross off: 划掉 cross up: 欺骗 in ones cup: 醉酒be curious about: 对好奇 customs: 海关 D damage: “损坏(不可数) damages: “赔偿费”(可数)be in the dark: 被蒙在鼓里 up to date: 及时的 day in day out: 日复一日 dead end: 死胡同deadly: 致命的 deadline: 最终期限

52、 put to death: 处死 declare war: 宣战in deep water: 在困境中 made a defense: 做防御 by degrees:逐渐地 without delay: 毫不拖延take a delight in: 以为乐 in demand: 有需求 a department store: 百货商店 have design on: 对别有用心beyond ones depth: 超出的理解力 devote oneself to: 致力于 die away: 平息diamond cut diamond: 强中更有强中手 make a difference:

53、有影响 eat dirt: 忍辱get into difficulties: 陷入困境 dirty ones hands: 干不正当的事 a long distance call: 长途电话in the distance: 在远处 dog eat dog: 互相残杀 give to the dogs: 无用而扔掉 lead a dogs life:过苦难生活work like a dog: 拼命干 from door to door: 挨门挨户 show a person the door: 下逐客令shut the door to: 拒之不见 beyond doubt: 毫无疑问 witho

54、ut doubt: 毫无疑问 come down on a person: 责备come down to business: 认真谈论正事 down to the ground: 完全地 down under: 在世界另一边hit a man when hes down: 打落水狗 let a person down: 见死不救 put sth。 down: 铲除;停止send a person down: 开除某人 shout a person down: 拒绝听某人讲话 draw a bread on: 攻击 draw a conclusion: 得出结论 draw aside: 拉到一边 draw bac

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