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1、会计学1中考英语作文高分技巧中考英语作文高分技巧 (一)初中生写作“现状” 2 初中生写作1) 审题不清,抓不住要点,东拉西扯;2) 单词拼写错误;frist ,belive, ture, buzy, quite & quiet 3) 动词缺失;Eg: I happy I can go to Peking. 第1页/共45页4)前后不一致(数、人称、时态、主谓不一致等)Eg: All people have their own dream. He said he wants to have a good rest.5)中式英语(Chinglish)Eg: I very like sports.

2、6) 综合性错误。 包括单词大小写、标点符号以及形容词副词的混淆、连词的缺失误用、句子结构不完整等。第2页/共45页第3页/共45页5、能够恰当使用谚语、格言等给文章添彩。第4页/共45页第5页/共45页英语作文注意交叉使用长短句吴轶佳说,在5月份长春市模拟考试当中,很多同学都觉得大作文不太容易写好,不容易得高分。我们容易忽略的一个重要问题是我们面对的是高中老师来批改我们初三学生的作文,高中老师的要求水准,他们指导高考作文的习惯,他们对于作文的品位和要求都可能与我们平时的思维习惯有所不同,所以文章的可读性就更能成就一篇完美的中考作文。吴轶佳建议,英语作文在整个写作过程中,要适当选择恰当的连词来


4、页/共45页如何逐步培养和提升英语写作能力? 第8页/共45页 二 写作能力的引导 词汇短语 句子 篇章第9页/共45页 词汇是学生用英语表达思想,同时 也是写作的基础和源泉。 词汇短语第10页/共45页词汇短语“攻关秘笈”第11页/共45页=endless/oceans of Playing too much computer is bad for our study. =gets in the way of= have a bad influence on Eg: I am very interested in pop music. I have lots of homework to d

5、o every day. = show/take great interest in第12页/共45页 词不离句,的句式表达是一篇好文章的必备条件。 句子第13页/共45页 1. 帮助学生掌握认清“五大”基本句式。 2. 加强中考相关话题的朗读、听写、背诵、仿写、句子翻译以及课外佳句的积累。 3. 让学生在“多样”的句式变换中不断积攒实战经验。 有效的句式教学第14页/共45页3. “多样”的句式变换 句子1)合并为简单句;Eg: My brother helped me in maths. I made great progress. I made great progress in mat

6、hs with the help of my brother . 2)学会使用感叹句; It is necessary to help others. How necessary it is to help others! 第15页/共45页3) 善用复合句; a. We need to help people. The people are in trouble. We need to help the people who are in trouble. b. We know that more and more students like pop songs. As we all kno

7、w, more and more students like pop songs. 4)巧妙使用强调句; We can achieve our dreams by working hard. Only by working hard, can we achieve our dreams. 第16页/共45页5) 积累丰富的谚语 (一周两至三句) 英语谚语短小精悍,简洁明快,韵律优美,寓意深刻,在写作中适当引用谚语能增强文章的说服力和感染力。 As the saying goes, “ .” 1) 锻炼对学生有好处As the saying goes, “All work and no play

8、 makes Jack a dull boy.” It is good for us students to take exercise.2) 集中注意力于学习As the saying goes, “No pains, no gains.”We should concentrate our mind on our studies. 其他谚语: 1.Think twice before you do. 2.Practice makes perfect. 3.Where there is a will, there is a way. 4.Failure is the mother of suc

9、cess. 5.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 6.All roads lead to Rome. 7. Every coin has two sides. 第17页/共45页1. 水(节水方法)To make the limited water last long,1) wed better turn off the taps or showers while we are washing hair or brushing teeth.2) its good to save water by reusing the used water to fl

10、ush the toilet冲厕所.2.交通方式(自己、告诉他人)In order to reduce the air pollution, 1) we should either walk or take the bus to school. 2) We are supposed to tell our parents to ride bikes or take the subway as much as possible.第18页/共45页3. 电(节电方法)Dont forget to turn off lights and TVs when we leave the room so t

11、hat we can save the energy目的4. 纸In order to make full use of paper, 1) its necessary for us to collect used paper and books and recycle them.2). we need to use both sides of it第19页/共45页5. 购物袋To reduce the white pollution, we are supposed to take our own bags instead of plastic bags when we go shoppi

12、ng. 6. 植树造林 Wed better plant trees as many as possible instead of cutting them down. In this way ,we can make the world greener and the air fresher.第20页/共45页 词不离句,句不离篇。 能够灵活自如地运用所学的词汇、短语、句型、语法,谋篇布局写出精彩的文段是训练学生写作的最终目的。 篇章第21页/共45页如何运用已有的“遣词造句”能力在写作实践中学会“谋篇布局”“战无不胜” 呢?第22页/共45页第23页/共45页5) 表示比较关系的过渡词:i

13、n the same way, just like, just as 6) 表示对照关系的过渡词:but, still, yet, however, on the other hand, in spite of, even though 7) 表示递进关系的过渡词: also, and, then, too, in addition, moreover, again 8) 表示因果关系的过渡词:because, since, then, thus, so, therefore ,as a result9) 表示解释说明的过渡词:for example, in fact, in this cas

14、e, for, actually She came in spite of her cold. Force a laugh in spite of pain. We met some friends and other people in addition. I can help you.Moreover,you should rely on yourself. 第24页/共45页speaking nHe has his faults, but, all in all, he is a good helper.第25页/共45页第26页/共45页第27页/共45页第28页/共45页第29页/共45页第30页/共45页第31页/共45页第32页/共45页第33页/共45页第34页/共45页第35页/共45页第36页/共45页第37页/共45页第38页/共45页第39页/共45页第40页/共45页第41页/共45页第42页/共45页第43页/共45页第44页/共45页

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