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1、沛县歌风中学英语组 高一英语讲学稿 班级: 高一(_) 姓名:_ 主备人:邓永前 审核人:张先存 编写日期 Dec.21st, 2009 实际教学日期 Dec.23rd, 2009总课题Module 2 Unit 2 Wish you were here总课时10第8课时课题Project课型新授教学目标知识目标1. 厌倦。be tired of 2. 窗外相同的景色 the same view out of your window3. 做些研究 do some research4. 制作一份旅游宣传单 make a travel leaflet5. 做。的机会 the chance to d

2、o sth.6. 定期的航班regular flight7. 延伸到天边reach to the sky8. 完美的世界 perfect world9. 得到/赢得。的名称 take/win the name of 10.就。的辩论/争辩argument about/over11.永远保持年轻 stay young forever12.被。覆盖 be covered with13.高过 tower over14.宣称,断言 claim that/to do sth.15.构成;一幅美丽的图画 form a beautiful picture16.使得任何观光者无以言表make any view

3、er speechless17.被。包围 be surrounded by18.。的栖息地,家园 be home to 19.为。提供 provide for.20.藏语 Tibetan language21.一个普通的英语单词 a common English language22.在最温和的时候 at its mildest23.一天经历四季 experience four seasons in one day24.省略 leave out 25.利用,使用make use of 26.剩下的。the rest of 27.你的宣传单的版面设计 the layout of your lea

4、flet28.校对故事 proofread the story 能力目标1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Help students to learn English through doing group work.3. Develop the students creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.l 4. Encourage students to design a travel leaflet by imitating the one about traveling t

5、o Shangri-la. 情感目标Develop the students love for nature., l, l, , l, 教学重点1. Improve the students reading ability. 2. Use what they have learnt to complete the project by working together. 教学 难点Learn to design a travel leaflet by imitating the one about traveling to Shangri-la. 学法 指导1. Interactive Tea

6、ching Method 2. Discussion Teaching Method 3. Encouragement Teaching Method 教学 准备1Lecture materials ;2.A projector 3. A tape-recorder模块一:预习导学Project: Making a travel leafletI. Q: What is a leaflet? A leaflet is a printed sheet of paper, usually folded, which is given for free and gives information a

7、bout something such as sports, shopping, travel and so on. II. Match:Column Column Part 1 A. Climate (气候) of Shangri-laPart 2 B. Description(描写) of the scenery of the place Part 3 C. History about the world- famous Chinese Shangri-laPart 4 D. Brief introduction of Shangri-laPart 5 E. Location (how t

8、o get there)Part 6 F. The culture of Shangri-laIII. Read the leaflet and answer:.Who first talked about Shangri-la?.What does the word Shangri-la mean?.Where is Shangri-la? .How can you get there?IV. Language points1.reach V. (常与out,for连用) 伸手 He reached out (his hands) for a piece of cake. 达到,达成 rea

9、ch an agreement with 与达成协议 vi. 达到(某个范围或程度) reach to In my study, there is a bookshelf that up _the ceiling. n.伸手可及的距离within ones reachout of ones reach=beyond ones reach习惯用语beyond above, out of ones the reach 达不到的, 力所不及的; 不能理解make a reach for (sb. sth.) 伸出手; 企图抓住.within easy reach of 在容易达到.的地方; 在.的附

10、近within sb.s reach 在某人力所能及的范围内, 在某人能到达的范围内reach after 努力谋求, 竭力达到;伸手想抓reach back 回忆, 回顾reach for 伸出手去抓reach out 伸手拿抓; 伸向前; 追求; 伸出援助之手, 提供援助2.perfect: 完美无暇His reading is _.他的朗读好极了。The weather during the last few day_ _ _ .过去几天天气非常好。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。彻底的, 完全的 a perfect fool3spot 斑点;污点;地点;场所Y

11、ou have_ _ on your shirt.你的衬衣上有块斑。Lets meet_ _ _ tomorrow.明天我们就在这个地方见面吧。vt. & vi.弄上污渍The fabric will _ easily.这种织品很容易玷污。vt.看出, 认出I _ him in the crowd.我在人群中认出了他。 She had _ _ _ _ when she was ill. 她生病的时候脸色有斑点 This is _ _ _ for a house. 对于一房子来说,这是一个好地方。This is the spot where he was murdered. 这就是他被谋杀的地方

12、。 on the spot 立刻;当场;在现场4claim vt.(根据权利)要求,认领,声称,占有 I claimed the coat that the teacher found. _ Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. _ He claimed that he had done the work without help. _ I claimed the glasses that the monitor found. _ He tried to claim the riches

13、of his sisters. _ Did you claim on the insurance after your house fire? _ 拓展 claim还有一个含义,即“夺走”。例句The earthquake on the island claimed dozens of deaths. 岛上的地震夺走了很多人的生命。请将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 这则广告说这种药有助于快速减肥。.2. 他向伤害他的狗的人索赔四百美元。 3. 他说他没有做,但我不相信他。5tower n.塔 the Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔vi.高耸;超过(over)Skyscrapers tower

14、 over the city. He towered above/over his classmates.6.form n. 形体;方式; 仪式;表格in the form of 以形式 vi. vt.形成,养成;培养;组织;成立A plan began to form in his mind. _ We should form good habits. _ He thought of forming a club. _ 7.surround vt. 环绕 包围例句The trees surround the campus. 树木环绕着校园。Venice is a city surrounde

15、d by water.威尼斯是个被水环绕的城市。The visitors will be shown around Nantong City and some other surrounding counties.来宾将被带领参观南通市及其周围的县镇。拓展surroundings n. 环境 Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings. 动物园中的动物没有自然环境。be surrounded with/ surrounding adj.四周的,附近the surrounding scenery 四周的风景surroundings

16、n. 周围;环境pleasant surroundings令人愉快的环境 请用surround 的正确形式填空。. The new building _ by tall trees is in harmony with the . _ buildings, making good . _ for people to live in.8.harmony 调和,一致;和谐 My cat and dog live in perfect harmony. In beautiful picture there is harmony between the difference colors.They w

17、orked in perfect harmony.(be) in harmony with (be) out of harmony withmon公用的,公共的常见的,常有的 普通的,熟悉的a common cup公用杯子 the common people老百姓 common knowledge 常识have a lot / much / little in commonin common with 与有共同点区别:common, usual 与normal common 普通的,常见的;不足为奇的These birds are very common here. Snow is commo

18、n in cold countries.usual 意为”通常的,往常的”指在某一地方,某一时间或某一身上所常见的。My usual chair has been moved from its usual place.As usual, he got up very early. normal:正常的,标准的normal working hours正常的工作时间return to normal恢复常态11.Words:1). beautybeautiful beauty n.He was struck with the beauty of scenery.他被美丽的景色迷住了。She was

19、a great beauty in her youth.她年轻时是个大美人。 2). provide vt. & vi.提供; 供给; 供应vt.规定provide liberally for ones family为家庭提供充足的生活费用Sheep provide us with wool.羊供给我们羊毛。They are ill provided with food.他们的食品不足。The agreement provides that three months notice shall be given on either side.协议规定任何一方应在三个月前发出通知。The law

20、provides that valuable ancient buildings should be preserved by the government.法律规定有价值的古代建筑必须由政府来保管。习惯用语provide against 为.作好准备, 预防(灾荒, 困难)provide for 提供生活费; 养活;为.作准备, 防备;规定provide with 给.提供; 以.装备12. Phrases:1). in the southwest of southwest of2).be covered withThese seeds must be covered with a laye

21、r of earth. 这些种子必须覆上一层土。He covered his face with his hand lest he shall be photograph. 他用手遮面以免被人拍照。The distance covered or to be covered in walking. 行程已走过的或即将走过的距离3).make sb speechlessThe boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him.那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑。speechless adj.He studied with a zest which struck

22、his teathers speechless. 他学习得那麽起劲,使他的老师们惊讶得说不出话来。Speechless with delight, the little boys gazed at the toys. 小孩注视着那些玩具,高兴得说不出话来。The bad news left us all speechless from shock. 那条坏消息使我们全部震惊得说不出话来。4).look likeHe looks like a scholar.他看上去像个学者。It looks like rain; Lets start for home.天像是要下雨了, 咱们回家吧!5).fe

23、ed on以为食,以为能源 feed on vt. 用.喂养(靠吃.过活,以.为能源)1. Bats fly at night and feed on insects.蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。2. I never feed on his promise.对他的承诺我从不抱任何希望。3. Sharks feed on smaller fish.鲨鱼以小鱼为食。live on Hes ninety, but still he lives on.他90岁了, 还健在。I have always wanted to live on an island in the middle of a lake

24、.我总是想在一座湖心小岛上生活。Most of Asians live on rice.多数亚洲人以大米为主食。6).be home to 的故乡/所在地/发源地China is home to pandas.He stays home on weekends; after the game the children brought friends home for supper; Ill be home tomorrow; came riding home in style; I hope you will come home for Christmas; Ill take her home

25、; dont forget to write home. 他周末呆在家里;比赛结束后孩子们带着朋友回家吃晚饭;我明天回家;很时尚地骑马回家;我希望你回家过圣诞节;别忘了往家里写信。7).in harmony with与.协调一致be out of harmony with 与.不协调一致live in harmony 和睦相处The colours in the room arent in harmony with each other. 这房间的几种颜色彼此不协调。It is enough that he has a place, and by living in harmony with

26、nature around him, he will be able to form a workable and reasonable outlook on human life itself. 他占据着一个地位,那已经够了,他只要和周遭自然的环境和谐相处,对于人生本身便能够造成一个实用而合理的观念。V. 难句解析1. He described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, snow-capped mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass co

27、vered the earth. (P38)他描述了一个美丽的王国。在那里,三条河流交汇在一起;群山高耸入云,山顶白雪皑皑;脚下深草成茵,覆盖大地。【分析讲解】这是一个主从复合句。主句为He described a beautiful kingdom;where 引导定语从句,修饰先行词kingdom。定语从句是由三个并列句构成。句中的reach是一个不及物动词,与to搭配,意为“延伸至”。例如:This Green Great Wall reaches to the small village.这片绿色防护林一直延伸到那个小村庄。2. In this perfect world lived

28、people who had discovered how to stay young forever.(P38)住在这个完美的世界里的是那些发现永葆青春秘诀的人。【分析讲解】 这是一个倒装句。主语为people,定语从句who had discovered how to stay young forever修饰先行词people。当地点状语或表方向的状语用在句首时,不及物动词常用在其主语之前。这种用法尤其出现在引导一个新的不定主语之时。例如:Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I had ever seen.在一棵树下躺着一个人,我从没

29、见过像他这么大块头的人。3. Lakes, surrounded by vast grasslands, look like jewels. (P38)广袤无垠的大草原上,湖泊星罗棋布,看上去像是草海里的一颗颗珍珠。【分析讲解】这是一个简单句, surrounded by vast grasslands是V-ed短语,用在所修饰的名词后面作定语,其作用就如同限制性定语从句。例如:The young trees, planted last month, are growing well.上个月栽的树长势很好。In came the first runner, closely followed b

30、y the second.第一位赛跑者进来了,紧跟着第二位也进来了。4. Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people. (P38)大自然为香格里拉提供了无数的自然宝藏,使得这片土地成为当地人民的幸福家园。【分析讲解】 这是一个简单句,making the land a happy home for the local people是V-ing短语作结果状语。V-ing短语还可以用来表示条件、原因、时间关系等。例如:

31、Putting down my newspaper, I walked over to the window.我放下报纸,走到窗前。Having failed my medical exams, I took up teaching.医学院考试不及格,我便从事教学工作了。模块二: 课堂交流Step 1. Free talk1. Where have you visited? 2. Have you taken photos? Can you share them with us? 3. Have you read travel leaflets before you traveled?4. D

32、o you know something about Shangri-la?Step 2. Pre-readingIf your family plan to visit Shangri-La how will you learn more about it?Where is Shangri-La?Where do you want to travel?Step 3. ReadingRead the travel leaflet and answer the questions1. Where did the word “Shangri-la” first appear? 2. What ca

33、n you know from it?3. What interests you most?Introduce Shangri-La to us as a local guideStep 4.The writing features of a travel leaflet brief introduction of the place history and culture description of the scenery of the place how to get to the place what the weather is likeWhich of these places w

34、ould you like to visit most? (showing some pictures)Step 5 Making a travel leaflet1. 6 students a group to think about the place you will travel to and the reason.2. Talk about the climate there? What to take with you? How to get there? Where to stay? What do you want to see there? 3. Make a leaflet

35、. Each group member must write a section.Get ready to display your groups leaflet for the rest of the class to read. 模块三: 达标提升Step 6 形成性测试.Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese or initials using words in this unit.1._(令人惊奇地), that 15-year-old boy has been accepted by Nanjing Univ

36、ersity.2.Scientists are _ (宣称)a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.3.The murderer showed the police the exact s_ where he killed that boy 4.We should forgive him, After all, no one is p_.5.When did you get your book p _ ?6.New Zealand had a _ (温和的) climate. 7.It seems that he has _ (无尽的)

37、 problems to solve.8.She never attends a party without _ (珠宝).Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions1.We must set off _ dawn.2.The professor listened to him _ silence.3.The mountain was covered _ snow all year round.4.Please put the dictionary _ arms reach.5.He is tired _ the boring work.6

38、.Look out_ snakes or youll get bitten.7. India is home_ elephants and tigers、Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases given in brackets.1. 被一群孩子围着,老人感到很幸福。 (surround)2. 他与邻居关系融洽。 (in harmony with)3. 公司给我提供了一辆车。 (providefor)4. 羊以什么为食?(feed on)5. 他比班上男孩都高。(tower over)6

39、. 我的耐心已经耗光了。 (run out)Step 7 高考连接I. Start in the city of Dali and drive northwards along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway until you reach the capital of Diqing.考点:祈使句从属连词/ 并列连词简单句高考链接:1.Joan, have a care what you will say in the board meeting to be held this afternoon _ you may regret. A. but B./ C. or D. a

40、nd2. When you think about your future career, _that some glamomours jobs can be rather difficult and that some ordinary jobs can be quite important.(Line 49)A. remember B. to remember C. remembering D. remembered3.Greatly moved by her deeds, _.A. tears came to by eyes B. tears went down my faceC. I

41、could hardly hold back tears D. tears would hardly be held back4.To master a foreign language,_. A. a lot of practice is needed B. it needs a lot of practice C. practice is in need of D. one needs a lot of practiceII. He described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, snow-capped m

42、ountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.考点: 1. 此句是and连接的三个并列句。 2. where引导定语从句。高考链接:1. All trees have seeds that fall to the ground, _(take) root and eventually produce new seeds. 2.He put on his coat and went out, _ (walk) along the road and _ (disappear) in the dista

43、nce.3.(2008山东) Occasions are quite rare _ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.A. who B. which C. why D. when4.(2008江西)Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers _ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. A. where B. when C. who D. whichIII.There were arguments

44、in China over which tourist spot would win the name of Shangri-la考点: 1.over which引导定语从句,修饰arguments。高考链接:1.For many cities in the world , there is no room to spread out further , _ New York is an example. A. for whichB. in which C. of which D. from which2.This book is for the students _native langua

45、ge isnt English.A.that B.of whom C.whose D.whos3.I dont think the number of people_ this happens is very large.A.who whom which D.thatIV. In September 1997, the government of Yunnan Province claimed that Zhongdian is where Shangri-la is in Hiltons story. 考点: 1.where引导表语从句。高考链接:1._ she coul

46、dnt understand was _ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. ( 2000 ) A. That; whatB. What; whyC. What; becauseD. Why; that2.What the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. ( 2001 ) A. whenB. howC. whetherD. whyV. Nature has provided Shangri-

47、la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people.考点: making 分词结构作状语,表结果。高考链接:1. Oil prices have been risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _ a record $57.65 a barrel on April 4.A. have reached B. reaching C. to reach D. to be reachingStep 8 Homework:1.

48、Collect more information about the history, culture and people there to complete your leaflet.2. Look for some photos to illustrate your leaflet.3. Get ready to display your groups leaflet for the rest of the class to read. 参考答案James Hilton, a British writer, wrote the novel Lost Horizon in 1933.In

49、the Tibetan language, it means the sun and the moon in ones heart. Today it has become a common English word, meaning heaven on earth.It is in the southwest of China, 659 kilometers away from Kunming.We can start in the city of Dali and drive northwards along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway until we reach

50、there. We can also go there by plane for there are regular flights between Zhongdian and Yunnan.The advertisement claims the medicine helps lose weight quicklyHe claimed $400 from the man for hurting his dog.He claimed that he hadnt done it, but I didnt believe him.达标提升.1.surprisingly 2.claiming 3.s

51、pot 4.perfect 5.published 6.mild 7.endless 3.with 4.within 5.of 6.for by a group of children, the old man felt very happy.2.He lives in harmony with his neighbours. 3.The company has provided a car for me. 4.What do sheep feed on? 5.He towers over all his classmates. 6.My patience has run out.高考链接I. CACDII. 1.take 2. walking; disappearing 3.D 4.A III. CCBIV. BCV. BProverbs He who risks nothing gains nothing. 收获与风险并存 第 5 页 共4页 No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。

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