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1、19 / 20 智能传感器的蓝牙技术与SoC结构设计蓝牙技术是一种无线数据与数字通信的开放性规。它以低成本、近距离无线连接为基础,为固定与移动设备建立了一种完整的通信方式和技术。蓝牙技术的实质是建立通用无线接口及其控制软件的标准,使移动通信与计算机网络之间能实现无缝连接,由此,为不同厂家生产的便携式设备提供了近距离围的互操作通道。在工业控制系统和许多应用领域,随着电子技术的发展,目前控制器和传感器已经实现了智能化。在一般的传感器或测试仪表中,大量使用CPU 控制下的数字化技术,因此,许多控制系统或传感器系统已经实现了数字化传输。如果在数字化的控制系统和传感器中嵌入蓝牙技术,则可以实现系统数据和

2、控制命令的无线传输,这对于许多应用领域都是十分重要的。1 蓝牙协议栈蓝牙技术规1.0 版本作了如下规定。 蓝牙工作在全球通用的2.4GHz ISM免付费、免申请的无线电频段。 采用快速确认和跳频技术,以确保链路的稳定。 采用二进制调频技术的跳频收发器,抑制干扰和防止衰落。 采用前向纠错技术,抑制长距离链路的随机噪声。 数据传输速率为1Mb/s 。 采用时分双工传输,其基带协议是电路交换和分组交换的结合。 一个跳频频率发送一个同步分组,每个分组占用一个时隙,也可扩展到5个时隙。 支持一个异步数据通道,或3个并发的同步语音通道,或一个同时传送异步数据和同步语音的通道。每一个语音通道支持64Kbps

3、 的同步话音。异步通道支持最大速率为721Kbps 、反向应答速率为57.6Kbps 的非对称连接,或者是432.6bps 的对称连接。目前,工作在2.4GHz 频段上的无线局域网技术中,除了蓝牙技术外,还有IEEE802.11、HomeRF 和红外技术。总的来说,IEEE802.11 比较适合于办公室无线网络,HomeRF 适用于家庭中的移动数据、语音设备等与主机之间的通信,而蓝牙技术则可以应用于任何允许无线方式替代线缆的场合。蓝牙技术协议栈的设计只有符合蓝牙技术规的要求,才能实现不同厂家产品的无缝对接。蓝牙技术规包括协议和应用规两个部分。完整的蓝牙协议栈。协议规中定义了各功能元素的工作方式

4、,提供了蓝牙技术实现中功能元素间的横向体系结构。应用规则介绍了实现特定应用模型,描述了各层协议间的协同机制,从而提供了技术实现的纵向体系结构。蓝牙协议包括核心协议层、替代电缆协议层、控制协议层和选用协议层。 核心协议。核心协议包括基带协议、链路管理协议、逻辑链路控制和适配协议、服务发现协议。 替代电缆协议。替代电缆协议包括串行电路仿真协议,用于实现数据的转换。 替代协议。本协议包括二元控制规与AT-命令。用于提供音频通信的处理规和相应的控制命令。 选用协议。选用协议与用户的应用有关,包括点到点协议、用户数据报/传输控制协议/互联网协议、目标交换协议、无线应用协议、无线应用环境、vCard 、v

5、Cal 、红外移动通信。选用协议层的具体容由应用系统根据需要选择。除了以上协议层外,蓝牙协议栈中还应包括二个接口:一个是主机控制接口,用来为基带控制器、链路控制器以及访问硬件状态和控制寄存器等提供了命令接口;另一个是与基带处理部分直接相连的音频接口,用以传递音频数据。在蓝牙协议栈中,HCI 以上部分通常用软件实现,包括逻辑链路控制和适配协议L2CAP、串行仿真RFCOMM 、链路管理协议、替代协议和选用协议;而HCI以下部分则用硬件实现,包括基带协议和链路管理协议,这部分也叫作蓝牙协议体系结构中的底层硬件模块。 2 蓝牙核心协议栈硬件电路结构底层模块是蓝牙技术的核心模块,主要由射频单元电路、基

6、带层电路和链路管理层电路组成。射频单元RF单元电路为蓝牙技术提供了通信中的物理层,也叫作蓝牙收发器。通过2.4GHz 的微波,实现数据流的过滤和传输。蓝牙协议提供了有关蓝牙收发器的各项技术指标。基带层电路基带层提供了基带数字信号处理硬件,其功能是提供链路控制,因此也叫作基带及链路控制层电路。通过基带层电路,可以建立蓝牙通信网络中的物理链路,从而形成微微网。基带层中有两种物理链路,一种是面向连接的同步链路,另一种是异步无连接链路。此外,基带层还可为语音和数据分组提供不同水平的前向纠错或循环冗余度校验处理,并可对数据进行加密。同时,基带层电路还为不同类型的数据提供特定的信道。链路管理层电路链路管理

7、层电路也叫作链路管理器电路,功能是提供链路管理通信协议。链路管理协议用来对链路进行设置和控制,并负责建立和撤销各蓝牙设备间的连接、功率控制以及认证和加密,同时还控制蓝牙设备的工作状态。链路管理层的主要功能由软件完成,链路管理器电路提供运行于蓝牙设备的处理器中的软件。链路管理器之间的通信协议称为链路管理协议。蓝牙技术整体框架以HCI为界,区分为硬件模块以及上层软件协议两部分。蓝牙技术标准中,选择了USB、UART 或是RS232 作为硬件模块与主机间的接口。当蓝牙模块以USB、UART或RS232中的任何一个接口与主机连接时,HCI 接口上层的通信协议由主机负责处理,而HCI 接口下层的通信协议

8、则由模块的基带层芯片与RF 芯片负责。根据蓝牙标准,蓝牙系统的基本组成包括天线、收发器、基带控制器。由此可知,在天线、RF收法器和基带控制器的支持下,蓝牙系统的组成可以十分灵活,即可实现多种不同的实现方案。嵌入式蓝牙系统是将RF和基带部分集成在一块芯片上,单芯片蓝牙硬件模块结构。在嵌入式蓝牙器件中,硬件结构可分为链路管理器、链路控制器与RF模块3部分,负责处理LMP层、基带层与RF层的协议。链路管理器包含处理器、存等组件。链路管理器与基带层芯片合称为链路控制器。RF模块含RF射频发射组件,与主机相连接的接口位于链路控制器上。在嵌入式方案中,蓝牙协议的上层软件协议也全部固化在芯片中,芯片通过US


10、等。CPU一般采用RISC结构的嵌入式微处理器,如ARM7TDMI微处理器,才能满足对蓝牙核心协议的高速处理和大量数据bit流的处理。Flash存储器用于存放基带和链路管理层中的所有协议软件。SRAM作为CPU 的运行空间,在工作时把Flash中的软件调入SRAM中处理。射频收发器负责接收或发送高频的通信信号。UART和USB接口提供到HCI的主机控制器接口传输层的物理连接,是上层协议与蓝牙硬件模块进行通信的通道。蓝牙测试模块主要提供无线层和基带层的认证和一致性规,同时还管理产品的生产和售后的测试,为可选模块。3 嵌入蓝牙协议栈的SoC结构设计根据上述蓝牙协议栈硬件结构可以看出,如果使用SoC

11、 结构设计蓝牙协议栈,则可以实现嵌入蓝牙通信模块,同时向用户开放部CPU的目的。在设计嵌入蓝牙协议的SoC 结构时,需要考虑如下问题。 数据处理能力与速度。数据处理能力主要体现在两个方面:一个是数据缓冲存储器的规模,另一个是对数据处理算法支持的程度。数据处理速度是一个重要的问题。数据处理速度不仅与系统时钟频率有关,还与CPU 和部总线的结构直接相关。 通信操作与系统运行的关系。在嵌入了蓝牙通信栈的SoC 中,通信是系统的一个功能,SoC 还需要实现系统的其它功能。由于CPU 串行结构的特点,当系统需要同时启用通信功能和其它重要功能时,就需要使用适当的方法进行协调。实际上这也就是嵌入式蓝牙SoC

12、 器件的系统实时性问题。 器件的功率损耗。功率损耗是SoC 设计中的一个重要问题。除了采用相应的技术实现最低功率损耗问题外,还必须通过系统结构设计降低系统的功率损耗。对于对功率损耗有特殊要求的系统,低功耗设计更是必不可少的容。由上述三个要求可知,在嵌入式蓝牙SoC中,如果数据处理量比较大,则需要考虑数据处理的速度问题。用户系统CPU属于串行工作方式,因此,在大数据量的通信过程中,如何完成系统的其它功能,是SoC结构设计的一个重要方面。例如,使用蓝牙技术传输图像时,其中的通信系统必须保持连续工作状态,同时,还需要SoC中设计大量的Flash存储器。由于传输图像必须进行压缩和解压缩,所以,在保持通

13、信连续和图像的压缩/解压缩这两种不同的操作中,就必须进行充分协调,采用硬件并行处理的技术。这种情况下,CPU就仅仅是一个操作控制器件,用来启动或终止某个操作。由此可知,应当针对不同类型的应用场合设计相应的SoC 结构。对于智能传感器,其基本功能如下。 信号转换。这一部分电路的作用是把相应的物理量转换为电压信号,然后对其进行放大和滤波处理。处理的结果作为数据采集电路的输入信号。 数据采集。数据采集电路的功能是把信号转换电路输出的模拟信号转换为数字信号,然后把数字信号输出给CPU,以便进行相应的处理。 数据处理。智能传感器中的数据处理功能一般并不统一。一般情况下,需要数字滤波即可。有些智能传感器还

14、需要对信号进行其它处理,例如信号幅度的判别、信号特征的提取、显示处理等。总之,根据不同的应用领域,数据处理的要求不尽相同。 数据传输。在控制系统中,智能传感器采集并整理好的数据,需要传输给系统的核心控制器或其它控制单元。由于控制系统的特点,数据传输一般需要经过一段空间距离,因此,需要使用专门的电路和方式实现数据传输。例如,对数据进行编码处理后,利用电流环或RS232 等方式传输。在现有控制系统中,绝大多数情况下都采用有线传输方式实现传感器与控制系统的连接。对于智能传感器来说,传输数据量一般并不是很大,因此,满足智能传感器需要的嵌入式蓝牙SoC 器件中,并不需要很大的存储容量;但必须考虑蓝牙协议

15、实现所必需的程序存储空间。蓝牙协议栈的处理软件会占用比较大的存储器,因此,必须对其进行简化。同时,为了保证控制系统安全可靠,还需要考虑使用用户协议替代蓝牙技术所定义的处理协议。由以上分析可以得出结论: 智能传感器的数据传输量比较小,不需要进行压缩或编码处理,可以设置在1K字节以下。 为了保证控制系统的安全可靠性,需要把上层处理协议变为用户层协议,由用户自行编写。为了设计满足智能传感器的嵌入式蓝牙SoC结构,对蓝牙协议栈进行了简化处理,只使用蓝牙协议中的核心协议和替代电缆协议。SoC 中的蓝牙协议栈由软件和硬件两部分组成。核心协议中的基带协议由硬件实现,而链路管理和其它部分则使用软件实现。所有有

16、关协议的软件存放在ROM 中,用户使用通信栈时可直接调用。需要指出的是,通信栈的设计为一个整体,因此调用时也必须整体调用。换句话说就是,把通信栈看成是一个完整的子程序模块加以调用。根据上述结论,提出一种具有开放使用户协议的嵌入式蓝牙SoC 模块结构。RF收发器、基带控制器和蓝牙协议ROM共同组成蓝牙协议栈。蓝牙协议栈在CPU的控制下完成通信任务。简化的嵌入式蓝牙协议栈结构。其中用户应用协议由用户自行设计,以确保通信的安全性和可靠性。另外,对蓝牙协议栈中的LMP进行了相应的简化。在智能传感器的应用中,通信链路一般比较简单,因此,LMP不需要对链路进行复杂的处理。本设计中,LMP的主要功能由软件完

17、成。当需要使用蓝牙通信发送数据或接收数据时,用户程序只需调用LMP软件模块即可。LMP协议由两部分组成: 软件。通过CPU对链路进行设置和控制,实现蓝牙设备连接、功率控制以及认证和加密,同时还控制蓝牙设备控制器电路。 硬件。LMP控制器电路在LMP软件的操作下,控制蓝牙设备的工作状态。从以上模块设计的结果可以看出,这种结构的智能传感器具有完整的蓝牙通信功能,同时,为用户提供了应用处理的灵活性。例如,LMP中的认证和加密方法与算法完全由用户自行决定,从而提供了用户系统的安全性和可靠性。另外,由于通用串行通信接口和测试电路的存在,为用户系统提供了硬件测试的硬件支持。根据上述分析,可以得到用于智能传


19、具体的认证、加密方法和算法可由用户自行定义。Intelligentsensor bluetooth technologyand SoC structure design Bluetooth technology is a kind of wireless data and digital communication open standard .It with low cost, close the wireless connection as the foundation, It established a complete communication mode and technology

20、 for fixed and mobile equipment . The essence of the bluetooth technology is to establish a universal wireless interface and control software standards and mobile communication and computer network can realize seamless connection between, Thus, for different manufacturer production of portable equip

21、ment provides a close within the scope of the interoperability channel. In the industrial control system and many application areas, with the development of electronic technology, the controller and sensor has been realized intelligent.In general sensor or test instrument, the use of CPU under the c

22、ontrol of digital technology, therefore, many control system or sensor system has been realized digital transmission. If in the digital control system and sensor embedded bluetooth technology, it can realize system data and control command wireless transmission, this for many applications are very i

23、mportant. 1 bluetooth protocol stack Bluetooth specification version 1.0 for the following provisions : the bluetooth work in universal 2.4 GHz ISM free of charge, free application radio frequency band. the rapid recognition and frequency hopping technology, to ensure the stability of the link. usin

24、g binary frequency modulation technology of frequency hopping transceiver, restrain interference and prevent fading. using forward error correction technology, restrain long link of random noise. data transmission rate is 1 MB/s. the time-division duplex transmission, its baseband protocol is circui

25、t switching and packet switching combination. a jump carrier frequency sends a synchronous group, each group take a time slot, also can be extended to five timeslot. support an asynchronous data channel, or three concurrent synchronous voice channel, or a transmit asynchronous data and synchronous s

26、peech channel. Every voice channel support 64 KBPS synchronous voice. Asynchronous channel support maximum rate for 721 Kbps, reverse response rate is 57.6 Kbps asymmetric connections, or is 432.6 BPS symmetry connection. At present, the work in 2.4 GHz frequency band of the wireless LAN technology,

27、 in addition to the bluetooth technology outside, still have a IEEE802.11, HomeRF and infrared technology. In general, is suitable for the office IEEE802.11 wireless network, HomeRF suitable for family to the mobile data, voice equipment and communication between host and bluetooth technology can be

28、 applied to any allow wireless way replacement cable occasions. Bluetooth protocol stack design only conform to the bluetooth specification requirements, to realize the seamless joint between different manufacturers. Bluetooth specification including protocol and application of standard profile two

29、parts. Complete bluetooth protocol stack. Protocol specification defines each function element way of working, provide the bluetooth technology in the realization of function between the elements of the lateral system structure. It introduces the application of standard achieving specific applicatio

30、n model, describes the cooperation between each layer protocol mechanism, so as to provide the technical realization of longitudinal system structure. Bluetooth protocol including core protocol layer, replacing the cable protocol layer, telephone control protocol layer and choose protocol layer. the

31、 core agreement. Core agreement include baseband agreement, link management protocol , logical link control and adaptive protocol , service discovery protocol . the replacement cable agreement. Alternative cable agreement including serial circuit simulation protocol , is used to realize the data con

32、version. telephone alternative agreement. This agreement including Binary telephone control specifications and AT - command . Used to provide a voice communication processing standard and the corresponding control command. choose agreement. Choose agreement and the users application related, includi

33、ng point to point agreement , the user datagram/transmission control protocol/Internet protocol , target exchange protocol , wireless application protocol , wireless application environment , vCard, vCal, infrared mobile communication . Choose the specific contents of the protocol layer by applicati

34、on system choose according to need In addition to the above agreement layer outside, bluetooth protocol stack shall include two interface: one is the host controller interface , used for baseband controller, link controller and access hardware state and control regiter, provides the command interfac

35、e; The other is a and baseband processing part directly connected audio interface to transfer audio data. In the bluetooth protocol stack, HCI above part usually use software to realize, including the logical link control and adaptive agreement L2CAP, serial simulation RFCOMM, link management protoc

36、ol , telephone alternative agreement and choose agreement; And HCI the following part use hardware implementation, including baseband agreement and link management protocol , this part also called bluetooth protocol system structure of bottom hardware modules. 2 bluetooth core protocol stack hardwar

37、e circuit structure Bottom module is the core of the bluetooth module, mainly by radio frequency unit circuit, baseband layer circuit and Link management circuit composition. radio frequency unit RF unit circuit for bluetooth technology provides the communication of the physical layer, also called b

38、luetooth transceiver. Through the 2.4 GHz microwave, realize data stream filter and transmission. Bluetooth protocol provides information about bluetooth transceiver various technique indexes. baseband layer circuit Baseband layer provides base band digital signal processing hardware, its function i

39、s to provide link control, so also known as baseband and link control layer circuit. Through the baseband layer circuit, can build a bluetooth communication network in physical link, thus forming piconet . Baseband layer there are two physical link, one kind is connection-oriented synchronous link p

40、artners, another kind is asynchronous connectionless link . In addition, baseband layer can also for voice and data packet to provide different levels of forward error correction or circulating redundancy check processing, and can be used for data encryption. At the same time, baseband circuit layer

41、 for different types of data to provide specific channel. link management circuit Link management circuit also called link manager circuit, the function is to provide link management protocol. Link management protocol used to link to set and control, and is responsible for establishing and cancellat

42、ion of the bluetooth connection of equipment room, power control and the authentication and encryption, but also control bluetooth device working condition . The main functions of the link management by software, link manager circuit provide runs on bluetooth device processor of software. Link manag

43、er of communication between the agreement called the link management protocol . Bluetooth technology overall framework to HCI as a border, divided into hardware module, and the upper software agreement two parts. Bluetooth technology standard, the choice of the USB, UART or RS232 as hardware module

44、and interface between the host. When the bluetooth module with USB, UART RS232 or any one of the interface and host connection, HCI interface upper communication protocol by host is responsible for processing, and the lower HCI interface communication protocol by the module of the baseband layer chi

45、p and RF chip is responsible for. According to the bluetooth standard, bluetooth system basic components including antenna, transceiver, baseband controller. Therefore, in the antenna, RF receive multiplier and baseband controller, under the support of bluetooth system composition can be very flexib

46、le, can achieve a variety of different implementation scheme. Embedded bluetooth system is will RF and baseband part integrated on a single chip, single chip bluetooth hardware module structure. In the embedded bluetooth devices, hardware structure can be divided into link manager, link controller a

47、nd RF module 3 parts, responsible for handling LMP layer, baseband layer and RF layer protocol. Link manager contains processing unit , memory, etc components. Link manager and baseband layer chip known collectively as link controller. RF module contains RF radio frequency emission components, and h

48、ost connected interface is located in the link on the controller. In embedded scheme, bluetooth protocol upper software agreement also all curing in chip, chip through the USB or UART interface and application system connected. Because on chip embedded CPU, so, the embedded bluetooth system is actua

49、lly a intelligent terminal, suitable for any device with CPU of the system. For example, intelligent sensor, want to add a single chip bluetooth device, it can form a bluetooth sensor for communication mode. It consists of micro processing unit , wireless transceiver , baseband controller , Flash Fl

50、ash program memory, general asynchronous transceiver UART, universal serial interface and the USB bluetooth test module. The bluetooth baseband controller hardware module is the key to the bluetooth module. Its main function is on the microprocessor control which realize the bluetooth baseband part

51、of all real-time processing functions, including is responsible for receiving bit flow symbol timing extraction and recovery; Group head and net load cycle redundancy check , group head and net charge forward error correction code FEC processing, encryption and decryption process, etc., and can prov

52、ide from baseband controller to other chip interface, etc. RISC CPU usually adopts the structure of embedded microcontroller processor, such as ARM7TDMI microprocessor, can meet the bluetooth core agreement of high-speed processing and a large number of data bit stream processing. Flash memory used

53、to store all of the baseband and link management protocol software. SRAM as CPU run space, in the work of the Flash software call SRAM in processing. Radio frequency transceiver is responsible for receiving or send high frequency communication signal. UART and USB interface is provided with to HCI h

54、ost controller interface transmission layer physical connections, is the upper level protocol and bluetooth hardware modules communication channel. Bluetooth test module mainly provide wireless layer and base layer of authentication and consistency norms, but also management products production and

55、after-sale test for optional module. 3 embedded bluetooth protocol stack structure design of SoC According to the above bluetooth protocol stack hardware structure can see, if use SoC structure design bluetooth protocol stack, it can realize embedded bluetooth communication module, and at the same t

56、ime users to open internal CPU purpose, in the design of embedded bluetooth protocol SoC structure, need to consider the following questions the data processing ability and speed. Data processing ability mainly reflected in two aspects: one is the data buffer memory scale, the other is a data proces

57、sing algorithm to the extent of the support. Data processing speed is an important question. Data processing speed not only and system clock frequency about, still and CPU and internal bus is directly related to the structure. the communication operation and system operation of the relationship. In

58、the embedded bluetooth communication stack SoC, communication is a function of the system, SoC need to other features of the system. Due to the CPU serial structure characteristics, when the system needs at the same time enable communication function and other important function , you need to use ap

59、propriate methods to coordinate. In fact this is embedded bluetooth SoC device system real time problem. power loss of the device. The design of SoC power loss is an important problem. In addition to the corresponding technology to achieve the minimum power loss problem outside, still must be throug

60、h the system structure design reduce the system power loss. For power loss have special requirements of the system, low power design is an indispensable content. From the above three requirements, it is known that in the embedded bluetooth SoC, if the data throughput is larger, the need to consider

61、the speed of data processing problem. User system CPU belongs to the serial work way, therefore, in the large amount of data communication process, how to fulfill the system of other functions, is SoC structure design of a important aspect. For example, the use of bluetooth transmission image, one o

62、f the communication system must keep continuous working state, and at the same time, but also needs in SoC design a lot of Flash memory. Because the images must be compressing and decompressing, so, in keep communication continuous and image compression/decompression of the two different operation, there

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