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1、Part Five En glish Literature of the Roma ntic Age/PeriodIHistorical BackgroundThe French Revolutio n & The In dustrial Revolutio nnIntroductionThe Romantic Age began in 1798 and came to an end in 1832 .In 1798 WilliamWordsworth and his friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge published their joint work Lyric

2、alBallads . The publication of Lyrical Ballads marked the break with the classicism and the beginning of the Roma ntic Age .In 1832, the last roma ntic writer Walter Scott died, so in that year,the Romantic Age came to an end.The roma nticists paid great atte nti on to the spiritual and emoti on al

3、life of man, for theage of roma nticism was in esse nce in ten sely emoti onal and full of en thusiastic passi onsfor the betterme nt of man. They freque ntly in dulged themselves in the use of thepersonification of Nature in their works.川 Literary Characteristics of the AgeThis age is an age of rom

4、antic enthusiasm. It is primarily an age of poetry. The glory ofthe age is seen in the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats.Wome n as no velists appeared in this age. It was duri ng this period that wome nassumed, for the first time, an important place in English literature. Mrs

5、. Anne Radcliff(以写浪漫主义的哥特小说见长。被沃尔特司各特称为第一位写虚构浪漫主义小说的女诗人”作品融恐怖、焦虑悬念的情景和浪漫主义情调于一体。wasone of the most successful writers of the school of exaggerated roma nce. Jane Auste noffered us her charming descriptions of everyday life in her enduring work. Their works raisedwoman to the high place in literature

6、 which she has ever since maintained.The greatest historical novelist Walter Scott also appeared in this period .His historicalno vels comb ine a roma ntic atmosphere with a realistic depict ion of historical backgro undand com mon people s life. Scott marked the tran siti on from roma nticism to th

7、e period ofrealism which followed it.Roma ntic prose of the period was represe nted by Lamb, Hazlitt, De Quin cey andHume . Lamb was the best essayist, whose familiar essays(品文 are very famous.Literary Represe ntatives1. William Wordsworth (1770-18501 LifeWilliam Wordsworths long and uneventful life

8、 divides itself into four periods: a Hischildhood and youth in the Cumberla nd Hills, from 1770-1787; b a period of storm andstress( a movement which happened in Germany in the 18th century, where the writers roseup against the classicists; this period includes his university life at Cambridge, his

9、travelsabroad, and his revolutionary experience from 1787-1797; ca short but significant period offinding himself and his works from 1797-1799; d a long period of retirement in the northernlake region, where for a full half century he lived so close to nature that her in flue nce isreflected in all

10、his poetry.William Wordsworth was born and grew up in the Lake District, the beautiful area ofmountain s, lakes, and streams n ear the Scottish border in n orthwest En gla nd. The n aturalbeauty and gran deur of this area was a major source of in spirati on for Wordsworththroughout his life. His mot

11、her died whe n he was eight. When he was thirtee n his fatherdied .He was agreat poet of n ature. He was made“ Poet 桂 at 诗人 te in ”8(3.Wordsworth lived a long life. He died in 1850 when he was 80 years old.2The Roma ntic poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey are called

12、Lakers, or Lake Poet 湖畔派诗人 in English literature because they lived for a time in the lake district in thenorth-western part of England and they often described the beautiful sce nes and the country people of thatarea.3 Lyrical BalladsThis is the joint work of Wordsworth and his friend Coleridge. Th

13、e majority of poems in this collectionwere written by Wordsworth, and the poems in Lyrical Ballads are characterized by a sympathy with thepoor, simple peasa nts, a passi on ate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the Ianguage. Thepublication of Lyrical Ballads marked the beg inning of t

14、he Roma ntic Moveme nt in En gla nd.2. George Gordon Byro n (1788-18241 In troductio nByro n is one of the most excelle nt represe ntatives of En glish Roma nticism. He was one of the mostin flue ntial poets of his time. Byron was sin gularly han dsome, but he had been born with a clubfoot. Thismade

15、 him very unhappy. He was educated at Harrow School and in Cambridge University. It was atCambridge that he began to write poetry.Because of his un happy marriage, Byron left En gla nd in 1816 and n ever retur ned. He spent eightyears abroad, largely in Italy, where he was associated with Sh elly un

16、til Shelly s tragic death in 1822. inItaly, he took a active part in the revolutionary struggle. His house became the meeti ng place for revoluti onaries and patriots. These years were also his most fruitful years in his literary career.In 1824 Byron went to Greece to help that country in its strugg

17、le for liberty against the Turks. Not longafter his arrival there, he died of fever.Byron is chiefly known for his two long poems, one is Childe Harold s Pilgrimage(恰尔德 哈罗德游记,the other is Don Juan(唐 璜 .Byron also wrote a lot of lyrical poems. They arebeautifully writte n. They deal with n ature, lov

18、e or his political aspiration. The bestknown pieces are “ SheWalks in Beauty ” ,“When We Two Parted ” ,“ Hebrew Melodies ” , and “ Sonnet on Chillon” . Some o f his poems show Byron sin dividual heroism and pessimism.2 “ Byronic heroes-w/ho are men with fiery passions and unbending will and express

19、the poet sown ideal of freedom. These heroes rise against tyranny and injustice, but they are merely lone fightersstriving for personal freedom and some individualistic en ds.3. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-18221 In troduct ionShelley was compelled to leave England in 1818 and spent all the rest of hi

20、s life inItaly.(until 1822. Shelley s friendship with Byron be gan in 1816. While in Italy, Shelleyand Byron formed a closer association with each other. Shelley loved boats and frequently used them asimages or symbols in his poetry. On July 8, 1822, he and his friend Edward William set out in Shell

21、eys small boat to sail across the Gulf of Spezzia.A viole nt storm arose, both William and Shelley, who could not swim, were sweptoverboard. Their bodies were found on the beach several days after. They were cremated by a group offrien ds, in clud ing Byron. Shelley s ashe s were buried, in the Prot

22、esta ntcemetery at Rome, n ear the Grave of Keats.Byron said of Shelley“ the best and least selfish man I ever knew.” Wordsworth“Shelleyis one of the best artists of us all”.2 His WorksPrometheus Unbound :It is a lyrical drama, and Shelley masterpiece.Shelley s short poems on nature and love f orm a

23、n important part of his lyerar output. His best shortlyrics are: . Ode to the West Wind, To a Skylark and The Cloud.“If Win ter comes, can Spri ng be far behi nd?”3 He and Byro n are justifiably regarded as the two great poets of revoluti onary roma nticism in En gland. With the deep in sight of a p

24、roletaria n revoluti onary teacher, Marx poin ted out:“ The real differenee betwee n Byro n and Shelley is this: Those whoun dersta nd them and love them con sider it fortun ate that Byron died at thirty-six, because if he had livedIon ger he would have become a react ionary bourgeois. On the other

25、hand they grieved that Shelley died attwenty-nine, because he was essentially a revolutionist and he would always have bel on ged to the vanguard of socialism”4. John Keats (1795-18211 LifeJoh n Keats was of very humble orig in. His father was a stable keeper, who was killed in a fall from ahouse wh

26、en Keats was eight. When he was 14 years old, his mother died of tuberculosis.Keats pers on al life was quite un happy. He also con tracted the disease of tuberculosis. In 1818,Keats fell desperately in love with a pretty, vivacious girl called Fanny Braw ne, but Keats could not marryher because of

27、poverty and ill ness.Shelley was kind eno ugh to in vite him to come to Italy for medical treatme nt and recovery. But hisheath had already become hopeless. Shortly after his arrival in Rome, he died there. At his death, he wasonly 26 years old.He gave up medici ne for poetry.2 Keats s Shorter Poems

28、It is by his short poems that Keats is known to the majority of prese nt day readers.Of his nu merous shorter poems, the most importa nt are his sonn ets and odes. His famousodes in clude Ode to Autu mn ,Ode on Mela ncholy. Ode on a Grecia n Urn, Ode to aNighti ngale. The last ode is Keats m.These p

29、oems show the poet loveof beauty , rich imag in ati on and excelle nt poetic tale nt.3 Comme nts on Joh n KeatsKeats lear ned the art of poetry mai nly from the poets of the En glish Ren aissa nee,such as Spen ser and Shakespeare, from Milt on and from Dan te, the n ati onal poet of Italy.The artist

30、ic aim in his poetry was always to create a beautiful world of imagination as opposedto the sordid reality of his day. He sought to express beauty in all of his poems. His leadingprinciple is :“ Beauty is truth, tru 美即是 uty,真即是美 He is avoice through which beauty expresses itself. He is part of the n

31、 ature .which he describes. Heexpresses the delight which comes not only through the eye and ear but through the sen sesof touch, taste and smell. His poetry is dist in guished by sen suous ness and the perfect ion ofform. His ability to appeal to the sen ses through Ian guage is virtually un rivale

32、d.Some of his poems touch upon the bur ning political problems of his day. He showed hisdissatisfacti on with the society and described the sufferi ngs of the poor people.5. Walter Scott (1771- 18321 He is remembered chiefly for historical no vels. He has bee n uni versally con sidered tobe thecreat

33、or and the great master of the historical no vel. His no vels cover a long period oftime, ranging from the Middle Ages up to the 18th century. They may be divided into threegroups accord ing to their subject matter: the group on the history of Scotia nd, the group onEnglish history and the group on

34、the history of European countries.2 Features of Walter Scotts Historical Novels-knoWnspoasa Scott is the first no velist to recreate the past.b.ln Scotts no vels, historical eve nts are closely in terwove n with the fates of individuals.c Scott is always mindful of the role and fates of the ordinary

35、 people.d Scott is a roma ntic. Besides roma ntic imag in ati on, he also relied upon carefulstudies andinvestigations into the detail of historical life.e Scott is a con servative in politics.Scotts no vels are the developme nts of the realistic no vels by Field ing andSmollett.They paved the way f

36、or the development of the realistic novel of the 19th century.In asense, Scott s literary career marks the transition from romanticism torealism in English literature of the 19th century. 6. Jane Austen (1775-18171 Jane Auste ns career bel ongs chrono logically to the Roma ntic Period. She was a con

37、temporary of Wordsworth and Coleridge. She was the first importa nt En glish woma n novelist. In her modest way she became one of the greatest En glish no velists of the period, SirWalter Scott being the other. She wrote altogether 6 no vels,Northa nger Abbey, Sense andSensibility, Pride and Prejudi

38、ce, Mansfield Park, Emma, and Persuasion.Jane Austen waspopular all through the nineteenth century and in the 20th century has become almost a cultfigure to many well-known authors. She died in 1817 and lived only about 42 years.2 Pride and PrejudiceThis no vel is Jane Auste ns masterpiece. The cen

39、tral character of the no vel is Elizabeth Benn et,one of the daughters in Benn ets family.None of the daughters of the wealthy family can inherit the estate of the family for it has bee n entailed upon the n earest male geir, William Colli ns. Colli ns intends to marry and he decides to chooseElizab

40、eth as a way of making ame nds for in herit ing the familys estate. Colli ns is a preposterous suitor,and Elizabeth rejects his proposal. Whe n ano ther young man called Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, shehas prejudice aga inst him because she thinks that he has no thi ng but pride. After many twists a

41、nd turns, misun dersta ndings disappear and they are happily un ited. This book tells us a great deal aboutdiffere nt attitudes toward marriage in Austens time. Elizabeths attitude, which is not built upon wealthand money, but on spiritual understanding of each other, is praised by the writer.The pl

42、ot is very thin, but around it Auste n has wove n vivid pictures of everyday life of simplecountry society. Through the descripti on of the daily talks and doings of young men and women, shepaints very real and interesting characters. She is at her best in writi ng about young girls, because sheun d

43、erstood their hearts ast oni shi ngly well.简奥斯丁,英国著名女性小说家,她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭女性的婚姻和生活,以女性特有的细致入微的观察力和活泼风趣的文字真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天 地。她的作品还有傲慢与偏见、爱玛等。她在英国文学中的地位也随时间 的过去而日益显得重要,以致有批评家认为她可以和莎士比亚相媲美。2000 年,BBC 做过一个 千年作家评选”活动,结果奥斯丁紧随莎士比亚之后,排 名第二,而且,她是前十位里唯一的女性作家。这位女性堪称英国之骄傲。她创造出 了一大批的人物,开启了 19 世纪30 年代的现实主义小说高潮。(温暖的亲情,安

44、定的生活,宽松的家庭氛围It is a truth uni versally ack no wledged, that a sin gle man in possessi on of a good fortune mustbe in want of a wife.”Mo ney & Marriage3 Auste ns Features in Writ inga Jane Auste n is one of the realistic no velists. She drew vivid and realistic pictures of everyday lifeof the country

45、 society in her no vels.b Austens work has a very narrow literary field. She confines herself to small country parishes,whose simple country people become the characters of her no vels, but with in her own field, she is unrivaled.c Her novels show a wealth of humor, wit and delicate satire. Her plot

46、s are straightforward, there islittle action. Her characters are like real living persons, with faults and virtues mixed as they are in reallife. Her prose flows easily and naturally. Her dialogues are admirably true to life.7. Charles Lamb (1775-18341 In troduct ion在 19 世纪初期的英国文学界,有这么一位作家,他个子不高,身材瘦

47、弱,一件伦敦 职员常穿的黑色燕尾服下摆紧贴在细细的腿上;面孔是长长的,一双淡褐色的眼珠有 时流露出忧郁的神气,有时又含着调皮的光芒;他性格温和,有时又有点倔倔的脾气;他有口吃的毛病,可在朋友们当中又爱说句俏皮话;他的文章也写得有点曲折、古 怪。这个人就是英国散文家查尔斯 兰姆。Charles Lamb is one of the great essayists of the Romantic Age .He is famous for the delicacy ofhis prose and pers onal charm of his observati ons. He passed all

48、 his days in London. Therefore thesubjects of Lamb s essays are often drawn from the richness ofLondon life. He shows us a romantic imagination which can find its stimulus not only in country life butalso in society and people.One of his bestknown essays is“ D-eamdren: A Reverie 梦中的儿女:一首幻想曲.Lamb has

49、 bee n gen erally con sidered the fin est familiar essayist inEngland.(The familiar essay 随笔 is characterized by its relaxed style, its conversational tone, and itswide range of subject matter.2 Features of Lamb s EssaysaThe most strik ing feature of his essays is his humor. Charles Lamb is a humori

50、st and a master ofpuns and jokes, which abo und in his essays.bLamb was especially fond of old writers. He borrowed much from them. Hiswriti ngs are full of archaisms. cHis essays are inten sely pers on al. They are an excelle nt picture ofLamb and huma ni ty. His essays are marked by relaxed style,

51、 conv ersati onal tone and wide range ofsubject matter.dLamb was a roma nticist. But his roma nticism is differe nt from that of Wordsworth, who was theroma nticist of n ature, and Lamb was the roma nticist of the city. Wordsworth drew in spirati ons formthe mountains and lakes while Lamb s imag in ati on was in spiredby the busy life of London.

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