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1、住在富人区的她2022年教师资格(中学)-英语学科知识与教学能力(初中)考试名师押题密卷(带答案)题目一二三四五六总分得分一.单项选择题(共30题)1.Resources can be said to be scarce in both an absolute and relative sense: the surface of the Earth is finite, imposing absolute scarcity; but the scarcity that concerns economists is the relative scarcity of resources in di

2、fferent uses. Materials used for one purpose cannot at the same time be used for other purposes, if the quantity of an input is limited, the increased use of it in one manufacturing process must cause it to become less available for other uses.The cost of a product in terms of money may not measure

3、its true cost to society. The true cost of, say, the construction of a supersonic jet is the value of the schools and refrigerators that will never be built as a result. Every act of production uses up some of societys available resources; it means the foregoing of an opportunity to produce somethin

4、g else. In deciding how to use resources most effectively to satisfy the wants of the community, this opportunity cost must ultimately be taken into account.In a market economy the price of a good and the quantity supplied depend on the cost of making it, and that cost, ultimately, is the cost of no

5、t making other goods. The market mechanism enforces this relationship. The cost of, say, a pair of shoes is the price of the leather, the labor, the fuel, and other elements used up in producing them. But the price of these in- puts, in turn, depends on what they can produce elsewhere-if the leather

6、 can be used to produce handbags that are valued highly by consumers, the prices of leather will be bid up correspondingly. Which of the following examples BEST reflects a cost to society as defined in the passage? A. A family buying a dog.B. Eating in a restaurant instead of at home.C. Using land f

7、or a house instead of a park.D. Staying at home instead of going to school.正确答案:C,2.Ive loved my mothers desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writ

8、ing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother.“But the desk.” shed said again, “Its for Elizabeth.”I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But as a young

9、girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional”. But she lived on the surface”.As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family.I wrote to her in careful words and aske

10、d her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.I posted the letter and waited for her answer.None came.My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peaceit seemed that nothing happene I couldnt be sure that the letter had even got to mother.I only knew that

11、 I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.Now the present of her desk told, as shed never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers insidea photo of my father and a onepage letter, fold

12、ed and refolded many times.Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always choose the act that speaks louder than words. What did mother do with her daughters letter asking forgiveness?A. She had never received the letter.B. For years, she often talked about the letter.C

13、. She didnt forgive her daughter at all in all her life.D. She read the letter again and again till she die.正确答案:D,3. by their curious natures, children prefer to do what is forbidden instead.A. DrivenB. FollowedC. ForcedD. Controlled正确答案:A,4.If your expenses your income, you will be in debt.A. surp

14、assB. exceedC. surviveD. pass正确答案:B,5.Which of the following correctly describes the English phoneme / ?( )A. A voiceless dental fricativeB. A voiceless alveolar fricativeC. A voiceless dental plosiveD. A voiceless alveolar plosive正确答案:A,6.Passage OneWe find that bright children are rarely held back

15、 by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming (把.按含爸力分班)pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the

16、 not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade.Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupil

17、s to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups, and this gives them the opportunity to

18、learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop their leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.Sometime

19、s the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this eff

20、iciently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work; it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal. By held back the writer means _ . A. made to remain in the same classesB. forced to study in t

21、he lower classesC. drawn to their studiesD. prevented from advancing正确答案:D,7.Which of the following activities actually does not involve writing? .A. completion according to outlinesB. completion with multiple choicesC. completion according to topic sentencesD. completion with detailed examples rela

22、ted to the topic正确答案:B,8.Not a single word _ when he was forced to leave and join the army in 1937.A. did Mark leaveB. left MarkC. did leave MarkD. Mark left正确答案:A,9.In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been i

23、ncreasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were com- mitted by young people. 57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age.Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material, conditions: poverty, lack of education, living without a settled home, being parentl

24、ess, sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc.There are also other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not. Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry wea

25、pons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what

26、 they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and by non- professional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc. Besides bad material conditions, also leads to the sharp increase of crime rate.A. povertyB. being parentless

27、C. lack of educationD. easy access to guns正确答案:D,10.As we know, it is very important that a firm should pay attention to the training of its staff as there exist many weak parts in its various departments. Staff training must have a purpose, which is defined when a firm considers its training needs,

28、 which are in turn based on job descriptions and job specifications.A job description should give details of the performance that is required for a particular job, and a job.Specification should give information about the behavior, knowledge and skills that are expected of an employee who works in i

29、t. When all of this has been collected, it is possible to make a training specification. This specifies what the Training Department must teach for the successful performance of the job, and also the best methods to use in the training period.There are many different training methods, and there are

30、advantages and disadvantages of all of them. Successful training programs depend on an understanding of the difference between learning about skills and training in using them. It is frequently said that learning about skills takes place “off the job” in the classroom, but training in using these sk

31、ims takes place on the job, by means of such activities as practice in the workshop.It is always difficult to evaluate the costs and savings of a training program. The success of such a program depends not only on the methods used but also on the quality of the staff who do the training. A company c

32、an often check on savings in time and cost by examining the work performed by the workers and technicians who have completed a training program. The evaluation of management training is much more complex than that.A training specification specifies .A. the performance required for a certain jobB. th

33、e behavior, knowledge, and skills expected of an employeeC. the training contents and methodsD. the costs and savings of the program正确答案:C,11.Sixteen years ago, Eileen Doyles husband, an engineer, took his four children up for an early morning cup of tea, packed a small case and was never seen or he

34、ard of again. Eileen was astonished and in a state of despair. They had been a happy family and, as far as she knew, there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.Every day of the year a small group of men and women quietly pack a few belongings and without so much as a note or a good bye close t

35、he front door for the last time, leaving their debts, their worries and their confused families behind them.Last year, more than 1,200 men and nearly as many women were reported missing from home-the highest in 15 years. Many did return home within a year, but others rejected the past completely and

36、 are now living a new life somewhere under a different identity.To those left behind this form of desertion is a terrible blow to their pride and self-confidence. Even the finality of death might be preferable. At least it does not imply rejection or failure. Worse than that, people can be left with

37、 an unfinished marriage, not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years before they are free to start a fresh life.Clinical psychologist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well planned rather than impulsive. Its typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignor

38、e other peoples pain and difficulties. Running away, like killing yourself, is a highly aggressive act. By creating an absence the people left behind feel guilty, upset and empty. Most people who leave their families behind them .A. do so without warningB. do so because of their debtsC. come back im

39、mediatelyD. change their names正确答案:A,12.The public transportation is very convenient in that big city,so there be any difficulty in traveling around.A. mustntB. wouldntC. shouldntD. neednt正确答案:C,13.The computers made by our company sell best, but several years ago no one could have imagined the role

40、 in the markets that they .A. were playingB. were to playC. have playedD. played正确答案:B,14.When Thomas Butler stepped off a plane in April 2002 on his return to the United States from a trip to Tanzania, he set in motion a chain of events that now threatens to destroy his life. A microbiologist at Te

41、xas Tech University in Lubbock, Butler was bringing back samples of the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis for his research. Yet on re-entering the country, he is alleged to have passed right by US customs inspectors without notifying them that he was carrying this potentially deadly cargo. That move

42、and its consequences have led the federal government to prosecute Butler for a range of offences. If convicted on all counts, he could be fined millions of dollars and spend the rest of his life in jail.The US scientific community has leapt to butlers defense, arguing that his prosecution is over- z

43、ealous, alarming and unnecessary. The presidents of the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine have written to Attorney General John Ashcroft, claiming that the case could endanger research into countering the threat of bioterrorisrn. And the academys human-rights committee has a

44、sked its members to write letters on Butters behalf and to donate funds for his defense.Those who defend Butler argue that the rules governing the import of pathogens are so restrictive that bending them is the only option for researchers who are working to provide protection from deadly diseases th

45、at afflict the developing world. Why, they ask, prosecute Butler for infractions of rules that made his work more difficult without serving a useful purpose?The supporters consider that the charge laid against Butler merely reflects the determination of federal prosecutors to throw the book at Butle

46、r to make an example of him to others. Many researchers now fear falling victim to an overzealous prosecution if they fail to dot all the island cross all the area on their paperwork. Some US microbiologists are so frightened of being hauled off in handcuffs for a minor administrative oversight that

47、 they have decided to avoid biodefence research entirely-despite the current funding boom in the field.Whether Butler is a villain or a scapegoat is now for a jury to decide. But whatever verdict is eventually reached, scientists who are lobbying on Butlers behalf would do well to consider public pe

48、rceptions. If the rules governing the import of pathogenic bacteria make no sense, then microbiologists must make that ease clearly, and lobby for the regulations to be changed. Researchers are also justified in making statements to help ensure that any punishment that Butler might receive is propor

49、tionate.But researchers risk a damaging public protest if the main message that emerges is that his peers think he was justified in carrying samples of the plague bacterium onto a commercial flight. Appearing to deny the importance of rules designed to protect the public from deadly pathogens, howev

50、er unwieldy those rules may be in practice-will not engender trust. It will not foster a culture of responsibility. And it would show disregard for the publics faith that scientific research will be conducted as safely and as competently as possible.Thomas Butler was charged with .A. carrying prohib

51、ited research materialsB. handling a potentially deadly substance illegallyC. posing the bioterrorism threatD. shipping plague samples back to Tanzania正确答案:B,15.When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should .A. Listen as much as possibleB. input regardless of students abilit

52、yC. tolerate small errors in continuous speechD. read more English materials正确答案:C,16.Mobile office is the mutual product of economic, scientific, and social progress. Mobile of rice has become a solution that provides users with convenient, prompt, safe, reliable, and reasonably priced communicatio

53、ns and office faculty anywhere anytime via the support of mobile interconnection platform(MIP)and its applications systems.When you leave your office to attend meetings or travel on business, what would happen to your business routine? Of course, faxes and e-mails would be still sent to your fax mac

54、hine or e-mail box, but you cant read them and make prompt reaction timely. When your clients need you to make some urgent modifications on your work and you are neither in the office nor carrying relevant documents, what can you do? Maybe you have to say sorry to the clients. But, your business wil

55、l be affected, the clients will be unhappy and disappointed because of your delay, and you will lose a lot of business opportunities.In fact, very frequently, you need to check, reply, distribute, display, modify, or read some materials when you are not in your office. You must get out of this dilem

56、ma. The best solution to normally handle your business anywhere anytime and not to disappoint your clients is to let your office move with you. Thus,you can have convenient, prompt, safe, reliable, and reasonably priced communications and office faculty anywhere anytime. With the development of comm

57、unications technology, network application, and wireless interconnection, mobile office has become simpler and smaller, and even can be realized via one mobile phone with data communications function. Thus, mobile office has already been put into your pocket, and office mobility has been realized.Mo

58、bile office has provided people with convenient, casual working environment, but at the same time, it still has some unsatisfactory aspects such as mismatching equipment interface (接口,界面)and inadequate battery. Nevertheless, we believe that with technical progress, people can certainly overcome all

59、kinds of difficulties. Mobile office will make your career unimpeded, and will realize the dream of completely free communication. Users will enjoy more colorful life and better working environment, and users living standard, working efficiency, and even enterprises production efficiency will certai

60、nly be immensely raised. We learn from the passage that without mobile office, .A. you cant put your business routine aside or attend meetingsB. you cant read faxes and e-mails when you travel on businessC. you cant make apologies to the clients for your delayD. you cant catch any business opportuni

61、ties because of bad working condition正确答案:B,17.When students engaged in group work, the teacher gave feedback after each group had stated their opinion and shown their output. This is called .A. instructingB. observingC. monitoringD. evaluating正确答案:D,18.The weather was cold that I didnt like to leav

62、e my room.A. reallyB. suchC. tooD. so正确答案:D,19.Which of the following sets of English sounds differs only in one distinctive feature? A. vei:eB. fz?iC. i:ie?D. pies正确答案:C,20.Which of the following best describes first language acquisition? A. Care-taker talkB. Minimal pair practiceC. Selected inputD

63、. Timely error correction正确答案:A,21.The word motel comes from motor+hotel. This is an example of in morphology.A. backformationB. conversionC. blendingD. acronym正确答案:C,22.Morphemes that represent “tense”, number”, gender”, case” and so forth are called morphemes.A. intentionalB. freeC. boundD. derivational正确答案:A,23.As we know, it is very important that a firm should pay attention to the training of its staff as there exist many weak parts in its various departments. Staff training must have a purpose, which is defined when a firm considers its training ne

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