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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料澳大利亚太阳能汽车挑战赛开始一托福阅读机经背景 One of the most punishing races for solar-powered cars has started today in northern Australia. The World Solar Challenge is a 3,000 kilometer trek through the Australias arid heart, from Darwin to Adelaide. Thirty-nine cars made the finals, including teams from t

2、he U.S., Saudi Arabia and Iran. 世界上最艰苦的太阳能汽车比赛之一“世界太阳车能汽车挑战赛”(The World Solar Challenge )10月6日在澳大利亚北部揭开帷幕。 参赛车从澳大利北部的达尔文市出发,一路向南,穿越澳大利亚的沙漠地带,终点是阿德莱德市。进入决赛的共有39辆汽车,其中有来自美国、沙特阿拉伯和伊朗 的汽车。 The race through Australias central desert brings together the worlds most efficient prototype solar cars. The comp

3、etition is, in effect, a giant research project to test the most modern technology in very harsh conditions. The teams will have to negotiate the unrelenting desert heat in cramped cabins, often with limited ventilation. 这场穿越澳大利沙漠的比赛聚集了世界上效率最高的太阳能动力原型汽车。比赛实际上是一个大规模科研项目,在极其恶劣的条件下测试世界上最现代的技术。参赛车队必须冒着沙

4、漠酷暑,驾驶车舱狭小而且往往通风不好的车辆。 The only British entry, from Cambridge University, crashed during testing. 英国唯一的参赛车-剑桥大学的太阳能汽车在试车时发生撞车事故。 Chris Selwood, the organizer of the World Solar Challenge, says it has become a highly competitive international event. “世界太阳能汽车挑战赛”的组织者克里斯.萨尔伍德说,汽车赛已成为很有竞争性的国际比赛。 “Twenty

5、-six countries are coming, lots of different cultures. Weve got people from Saudi Arabia; weve got people from Iran. We transcend those political divides. Its all about bright young people not only dreaming of a cleaner, greener future, but working hard to make those dreams a reality,” says Selwood.

6、 他说:“有26个国家参赛,代表很多不同的文化。沙特阿拉伯和伊朗都有人参加。大家超越了政治分歧。聪明的年轻人不仅梦想有一个更清洁和更绿色的未来而且努力来实现这个梦想。” A team from the University of New South Wales in Sydney is competing in what engineers say could eventually be Australias first practical solar-powered car. It looks like a regular vehicle and is a move away from pr

7、evious designs that resembled a large table on three wheels. 新南威尔士大学设计的赛车最终可能会成为澳大利亚第一个比较实用的太阳能汽车,他们的汽车看上去更像是一辆普通汽车,而以前的那些设计看上去就像是一个装了三个轮子的桌子。 The Australian vehicle is propelled by four square meters of silicon solar panels, which cover its roof and hood. They convert energy from the sun into elect

8、ricity that drives two in-hub rear wheel electric motors. Power can also be stored in a bank of batteries, which gives the vehicle a range of 650 kilometers. 这辆车的动力是四平方米的硅太阳能电池组件,覆盖了车顶和车前盖,把太阳能转换为电力,驱动装在两个后轮轮轴内的电动马达。他们还可以用蓄电池组把电储存起来,足够汽车跑650公里。 Sam Paterson, the projects director, says it is an exci

9、ting step forward. 项目负责人山姆.帕特森说,这是一个令人激动的进步。 “This car takes solar cars in a completely new direction, really turns heads. It is something that is sleek and beautiful, and weve put a lot of design effort into it in terms of not just functionality but aesthetics and appeal to attract more attention,

10、basically. And build something that is beautiful yet efficient,” says Paterson. “这辆车使太阳能汽车的研发进入全新的方向,的确能吸引人们的眼光。”帕特森说,“这辆太阳能车既时尚又好看,我们在设计上下了很大功夫,不仅看功能还要有美感。基本上力求汽车既好看又有效率。” The race, which is held every two years, was first run in 1987. It is scheduled to end in the southern Australian city of Adela

11、ide next Thursday. Conditions for the start were good, with clear skies and temperatures of 34 degrees Celsius. The defending champion is the Tokai team from Japan. 世界太阳能汽车挑战赛每两年举办一次。比赛10月13日在南部城市阿德莱德结束。10月6日比赛开始时,当地天气晴朗,气温摄氏34度。日本的“东海队”是本次车赛的卫冕冠军。 相关推荐: 茶党不让步政府难开门一托福阅读机经背景 台风吹袭中国一托福阅读机经背景 空客公司打破波音在日本的垄断一托福阅读机经背景 美国星期二发行新版百元面值美钞一托福阅读机经背景 中国亚太组织会议上强调地区经济一托福阅读机经背景 相关字搜索: 托福

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