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1、会计学1中国中国GDP的现状的现状(xinzhung)以及认识以及认识第一页,共10页。目录123456Gourp memberWhat is GDP?GDPs advantage and disadvantageGDPs improvement请在此处输入您的文本(wnbn)请在此处输入文本(wnbn)Reasons for China s GDP lies second in the world第1页/共10页第二页,共10页。小组(xioz)成员组长:Jack组员(z yun):Tomblack Jimmy Jason 第2页/共10页第三页,共10页。2.What is GDP?The

2、 so called GDP, is defined in book like Gross domestic product(GDP) is an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident, institutional units engaged in production.However, as my own comprehension, GDP means the sum of merchandise (including products and s

3、ervice) when the first exchange happened. This definition maybe is kind of less rigorous, but I guess there is nothing wrong. Here is two things needs attention. First, what concept we use is merchandise not semi-manufactured goods, which means products such as cement, steel are not counted. Second,

4、 we only count the fist exchange, which do not include the second-hand transaction.To be more clear, when the currency in circulation is fixation, the amount of GDP depends on the exchanging times of certain currency.国内生产总值,指的是一个国家或地区内的所有常住单位,在一定(ydng)时期内(通常为一年),所生产和提供的最终产品和劳务的价值总和。换句话说,一个国家或一个地区在一年

5、内究竟创造了多少新的物质财富。第3页/共10页第四页,共10页。3.GDPs advantage and disadvantageThe major disadvantage is that it is not an actual measure of standard of living. GDP is a neutral measure which merely shows an economys general ability to pay for externalities such as social and environmental concerns. In essence it

6、 is intended to be a measure of total national economic activity a separate concept. As a consequence GDP not does include several factors that influence the standard of living. In particular, it fails to account for:3.1.Wealth distribution GDP does not account for variances in incomes of various de

7、mographic groups. 3.2.Non-market transactionsGDP excludes activities that are not provided through the market, such as household production and volunteer or unpaid services. 第4页/共10页第五页,共10页。3.3.Underground economy official GDP estimates may not take into account the underground economy, in which tr

8、ansactions contributing to production.3.4.Asset value GDP does not take into account the value of all assets in an economy. 3.5.Non-monetary economy GDP omits economies where no money comes into play at all, resulting in inaccurate or abnormally low GDP figures.GDP also ignores subsistence productio

9、n.3.6.Sustainability of growth GDP is a measurement of economic historic activity and is not necessarily a projectionExternalities Economic growth usually entails an increase in negative externalities that cannot directly be measured by GDP第5页/共10页第六页,共10页。4.Reasons for China s GDP lies second in th

10、e world4.1. Chinas total GDP second in the world shows that the great achievements of Chinas reform and opening up. After the reform and opening up, China through institutional reform, the release of the potential productivity of Chinas sustained rapid economic growth.第6页/共10页第七页,共10页。4.2The contrib

11、ution of final consumption for the whole year to GDP growth rated of 51.2%.第7页/共10页第八页,共10页。4.4. Chinas GDP figures is not reliable多年(du nin)以来,国内生产总值(GDP)一直是世界各国衡量经济总量的首要指标。到了中国,全国的GDP数字免不了带有政治考量,而地方GDP由于承载了太多官员考核升迁的重量更是被极度扭曲。第8页/共10页第九页,共10页。5.GDPs improvementGDP accounting from the accounting per

12、iod can be divided into annual and quarterly accounting. More specifically, when the total number of currency in circulation, GDP actually depends on the unit of currency exchange exactly should be generated for the first time exchange results.5.1. Improve the production efficiency under the dissati

13、sfaction on potential of need.5.2.Improve the consumer demand under the dissatisfaction on potential of production.5.3. Create new industries and demands.5.4. Control the citizens income level. 5.5. Give priority to the development of companies costing less consumption of energy under the condition of limitation on resource supply through the policy of monetary, fiscal, incomes and industry.第9页/共10页第十页,共10页。

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