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1、2022年考博英语-江西师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题They _ on a cure for tuberculous while they were doing research on something else.问题1选项A.founderedB.stumbledC.fumbledD.tripped【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. foundered 破产,沉没 B. stumbled 蹒跚而行C. fumbled 笨手笨脚地做 D. tripped 将绊倒【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】由宾语a cure for tuberculous(治疗肺结核)可知,“发现

2、”符合语境,而stumble on为固定搭配,表示“意外发现,偶然发现”。因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C选项都不与on搭配;D选项trip on表示“在上失误”,不符合句意。【句意】他们在研究其他东西的时候偶然发现了一种治疗肺结核的方法。2. 单选题Paul was so _ about his baldness that he wore a hat, whether it was winter or summer.问题1选项A.self-composedB.self-consciousC.self-confessedD.self-confident【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】

3、A. self-composed 镇定的,沉着的 B. self-conscious 难为情的,自己意识到的C. self-confessed 自动坦白的,公开承认的 D. self-confident 自信的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】由baldness(秃顶)可知,Paul对此是难为情的,所以self-conscious符合句意。因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项都不符合句意。【句意】保罗对自己的秃顶感到很难为情,无论是冬天还是夏天,他都戴帽子。3. 单选题As the economy grew, an increasing sense of sameness pr

4、evailed in American society. This was the great age of conformity, when members of all social groups learned to imitate those around them rather than strike out on their own. Third-and-fourth-generation ethnic Americans became much more alike. With immigration slowed to a trickle after 1924, and tie

5、s to Europe weakened, assimilation occurred. Television contributed to growing conformity by providing young and old with common, shared visually attractive experience. Escaping the assimilating tendencies was difficult. Sociologist David Riesman pointed out that in the classic nursery rhyme “This L

6、ittle Pig Went to Market,” each pig went his own way. “Today, however, all little pigs go to market; none stay home; all have roast beef, if any do; and all say we-we.”The willingness to conform to group norms affected colleges and universities, where cautious students sought security. They joined f

7、raternities and sororities and engaged in panty raids and other pranks, but took little interest in world affairs. “I observe,” Yale president A. Whitney Griswold told a graduating class in 1950, “that you share the prevailing mood of the hour, which in your case consists of bargains privately made

8、with fateon fates terms.”Americans in the postwar years discovered a shared religious sense and returned to their churches in record numbers. Church membership doubled between 1945 and 1970. In part, church attendance reflected a desire to challenge “godless communism” at the height of the Cold War

9、and to find some relief from the threat of a nuclear war; in part, it resulted from the power of suggestion that led Americans to do what others did. Religion also seemed to reinforce the importance of family life. As one slogan put it, “The family that prays together stays together.” Moreover, reli

10、gion became increasingly appealing. Evangelist Billy Graham, often introduced as “a man with Gods message for these crisis days,” preached to millions at his revivals. He capitalized on the media, using radio, television, and film to spread his message. By the end of the 1950s, fully 95 percent of a

11、ll Americans identified with some religious denomination.46. According to the context, we can guess that “the great age of conformity” roughly means the era when _.47. Sociologist David Riesmans remarks revealed _.48. What Yale president said shows that college students _.49. According to the third

12、paragraph, large church attendance seems to have to do with all of the following except _.50. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the passage?问题1选项A.people from all walks of life took little interest in world affairsB.all social members tended to act the way others didC.the young and

13、the old learned to narrow their differences and tolerate each otherD.religion played an important role in reinforcing the importance of family life问题2选项A.the change in the diet of AmericansB.differences in Americans opinions on nursery educationC.the effects of economic growth on American habits and

14、 customsD.the prevailing trend towards assimilation in American society问题3选项A.gave up struggling for a better futureB.were struggling hard for a better futureC.were only interested in students organizationsD.were favored by fate问题4选项A.Americans keener awareness of the importance of family lifeB.the

15、ever-growing attraction of religion for AmericansC.Americans resolve to give full support to the Cold WarD.the grave international situation of the time问题5选项A.America: A Different Society from the PastB.Spread of Religion in Postwar YearsC.Religion: An Important Aspect of American LifeD.Conformity i

16、n American Society【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】46.【选项释义】46. According to the context, we can guess that “the great age of conformity” roughly means the era when _. 46. 根据上下文,我们可以猜测“从众的大时代”大致上指的是_时代。A. people from all walks of life took little interest in world affairs A. 各行各业的人对世界事务不感兴趣B. all so

17、cial members tended to act the way others did B. 所有社会成员都倾向于模仿他人的行为方式C. the young and the old learned to narrow their differences and tolerate each other C. 年轻人和老年人学会了缩小他们的差异并互相容忍D. religion played an important role in reinforcing the importance of family life D. 宗教在加强家庭生活重要性方面发挥了重要作用【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路

18、】根据the great age of conformity定位至第一段第二句“这是一个从众的大时代(the great age of conformity),所有社会群体的成员都学会了模仿他们周围的人,而不是开创属于自己的想法(imitate those around them rather than strike out on their own)”,理解可知,the great age of conformity(从众的大时代)就是所有社会群体成员模仿他人行为的时代。因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】C选项“年轻人和老年人学会了缩小他们的差异并互相容忍”没提到,无中生有;A选项“各行

19、各业的人对世界事务不感兴趣”和D选项“宗教在加强家庭生活重要性方面发挥了重要作用”与题干无关,张冠李戴。47.【选项释义】47. Sociologist David Riesmans remarks revealed _. 47. 社会学家大卫里斯曼的评论揭示了_。A. the change in the diet of Americans A. 美国人饮食的变化B. differences in Americans opinions on nursery education B. 美国人对幼儿园教育的看法不同C. the effects of economic growth on Ameri

20、can habits and customs C. 经济增长对美国人生活习惯的影响D. the prevailing trend towards assimilation in American society D. 美国社会同化的流行趋势【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位到第一段最后一句“社会学家David Riesman指出,在经典的童谣这只小猪去市场中,每只猪都走自己的路;然而,今天所有的(all)小猪都去市场了,没有一个待在家里;如果有的话,他们都(all)吃烤牛肉,都(all)说we-we。”,其中多次使用了all一词,结合上文提到的同化倾向,社会学家大卫里斯曼的评论揭示

21、了美国当今越来越盛行的同化趋势。故该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“美国人饮食的变化”和B选项“美国人对幼儿园教育的看法不同”表述曲解原文;C选项“经济增长对美国人生活习惯的影响”中的“生活习惯”太片面,以偏概全。48.【选项释义】48. What Yale president said shows that college students _. 48. 耶鲁大学校长所说的表明大学生_。A. gave up struggling for a better future A. 放弃了为美好的未来奋斗B. were struggling hard for a better future B

22、. 是在为一个更好的未来而奋斗C. were only interested in students organizations C. 只对学生组织感兴趣D. were favored by fate D. 被命运所眷顾【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先定位到第二段最后一句关于耶鲁大学校长所说的话“我注意到,你当时有同样的主导情绪(prevailing mood),就你而言,这是在命运的条件下与命运私下达成的交易”,prevailing mood指的是上文“谨慎的学生为了寻求安全感而参与各种恶作剧”,其中提到了but took little interest in world affair

23、s(但是对世界事务不感兴趣);综合理解可知,耶鲁大学校长说这一句话是表明大学生放弃了为美好未来生活的奋斗。故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B选项“是在为一个更好的未来而奋斗”与原文相反,反向干扰;C选项“只对学生组织感兴趣”表述与原文不符,文中虽然提到学生会参加一些学生组织,但这是因为他们想要寻求安全感,而不是感兴趣,该项曲解原文;D选项“被命运所眷顾”没有体现,无中生有。49.【选项释义】49. According to the third paragraph, large church attendance seems to have to do with all of the follow

24、ing except _. 49. 根据第三段,大量的出席教会似乎与下列事情有关,除了_。A. Americans keener awareness of the importance of family life A. 美国人更加意识到家庭生活的重要性B. the ever-growing attraction of religion for Americans B. 宗教对美国人日益增长的吸引力C. Americans resolve to give full support to the Cold War C. 美国全力支持冷战的决心D. the grave international

25、situation of the time D. 当时严峻的国际形势【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】定位至文章第三段,第三句提到“在某种程度上,去教堂做礼拜反映了一种渴望,即在冷战高峰时期挑战无神论的共产主义(challenge godless communism),并从核战争的威胁中寻求某种解脱”,从challenge “godless communism”(挑战“无神论的共产主义”)可以看出,当时美国参与教会部分原因是挑战苏联的无神论共产主义,所以C项与原文相反。因此,该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A选项“美国人更加意识到家庭生活的重要性”定位第三段第四句“宗教似乎也加强了家庭生活的重要性

26、(reinforce the importance of family life)”,可知该项与原文相符;B选项“宗教对美国人日益增长的吸引力”定位第六句“此外,宗教变得越来越有吸引力(increasingly appealing)”,可知该项与原文相符;D选项“当时严峻的国际形势”从第三句中“挑战无神论共产主义”和“从核战争的威胁中寻求某种解脱”可以看出,该项也正确。50.【选项释义】50. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the passage? 50. 下面哪个选项可以作为这篇文章的合适标题?A. America: A

27、 Different Society from the PastA. 美国:一个与过去不同的社会B. Spread of Religion in Postwar YearsB. 战后宗教的传播C. Religion: An Important Aspect of American LifeC. 宗教:美国生活的一个重要方面D. Conformity in American SocietyD. 美国社会的从众性【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】首先,看到首尾两段核心句,首段第一句“随着经济的发展,越来越多的同一性在美国社会盛行(an increasing sense of sameness)”,

28、以及末段第一句“战后,美国人发现了一种共同的宗教意识(a shared religious sense),重返教堂的人数创下了纪录”,可知文章主要讲述的内容是美国社会的同一性。然后,看到文章行文结构是总分结构,文章首先介绍美国社会同一性产生的历史原因,然后从学校和宗教两个方面来阐述同一性的表现。综上所述可知,文章的关键词是conformity,内容就是美国社会的从众性。故D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“美国:一个与过去不同的社会”、B选项“战后宗教的传播”和C选项“宗教:美国生活的一个重要方面”均属于以偏概全。4. 单选题After-sales service and guarantee be

29、come an integral and essential part of a “good brand” on both local and regional levels, and the provision of such also produced solid ground for customer loyalty.Customers today are a lot more demanding than before. Being able to find after-sales service creates a feeling of convenience and a sense

30、 of responsibility from the manufacturer. This is very important to build customer loyalty and explains why more 24-hours hotline centers are available nowadays. Product guarantee is also one of the major factors when a potential customer decides to make a purchase. Whether this be in the form of a

31、written guarantee or a guarantee based on reputation, the importance to the consumer is self-evident.A brands research and development, an unavoidable investment, usually back up safety guarantees for marketers nowadays. Product testing and refinement are conducted for both new and existing products

32、. With the help of computerized machinery, quality control has achieved the highest level than ever before to enable consistency in production. For the consumer this means a quality of guarantee for that brand whether it be available at home or abroad.11. After-sales service and guarantee can produc

33、e _.12. More 24-hour hotline centers appear because _.13. Product guarantee _.14. Product testing and refinement are conducted for _.15. Which is NOT mentioned concerning product guarantee?问题1选项A.solid ground for customer loyaltyB.a sense of responsibilityC.a feeling of convenienceD.a sense of satis

34、faction问题2选项A.more and more customers demand after-sales servicesB.there are more and more complaints from customersC.more companies come to realize the importance of after-sales serviceD.they have become a new type of investment问题3选项A.must be in written formB.can be based on the companys reputation

35、C.is not often provided by the companiesD.often fails to meet in reality问题4选项A.new products onlyB.quality productsC.dangerous productsD.both new and existing products问题5选项A.A brands research and development.B.Product testing and refinement.C.Quality control.D.Product distribution.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B

36、第4题:D第5题:D【解析】11. 【选项释义】After-sales service and guarantee can produce _. 售后服务和产品保证可以产生_。A. solid ground for customer loyalty A. 客户忠诚度的坚实基础B. a sense of responsibility B. 责任感C. a feeling of convenience C. 一种便利的感觉D. a sense of satisfaction D. 满足感【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词After-sales service and guarantee

37、和produce定位到原文第一段。该段提到“售后服务和产品保证(After-sales service and guarantee)成为一个好品牌在地方和地区层面上不可或缺的组成部分,这也为客户忠诚度提供了坚实的基础(produced solid ground for customer loyalty)。”实际上,第二段前半段写售后服务的重要性,后半段写产品保证的重要性。综上所述,A选项“客户忠诚度的坚实基础”最符合原文。【干扰项排除】B选项“责任感”,可定位到原文第二段第二句,该句提到“能够找到售后服务(Being able to find after-sales service),创造了一

38、种便利的感觉,并且体现了制造商的责任感(a sense of responsibility)。”由此可知,产生“制造商的责任感”的是“能够找到售后服务”,并没有包括“产品保证”,该选项属于以偏概全;C选项“一种便利的感觉”,可定位到原文第二段第二句,该句提到“能够找到售后服务(Being able to find after-sales service),创造了一种便利的感觉(a feeling of convenience)和制造商的责任感。”由此可知,产生“便利的感觉”的是“能够找到售后服务”,并没有包括“产品保证”,该选项属于以偏概全;D选项“满足感”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。

39、12. 【选项释义】More 24-hour hotline centers appear because _. 更多的24小时热线中心出现是因为_。A. more and more customers demand after-sales services A. 越来越多的客户要求售后服务B. there are more and more complaints from customers B. 客户的抱怨越来越多了C. more companies come to realize the importance of after-sales service C. 越来越多的公司开始意识到售

40、后服务的重要性D. they have become a new type of investment D. 他们已经成为一种新的投资方式【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词24-hour hotline和because定位到原文第二段第三句,该句提到“这(This)对建立客户忠诚度非常重要,也解释了为什么现在有更多的24小时热线中心可使用。”“这(This)”指代的是前文提到的“现在的客户比以前要求更高了。能够找到售后服务,创造了一种便利的感觉和制造商的责任感。”其中,后者是“售后服务的重要性”。由此推断,之所以越来越多的公司设立24小时服务热线,是因为他们意识到售后服务可以给现在

41、要求越来越高的客户带来一种便利的感觉,并且让他们感受到公司的责任感。因此,C选项“越来越多的公司开始意识到售后服务的重要性”符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“越来越多的客户要求售后服务”,原文虽然提到了现在的客户要求更高了,但并没有提到他们的要求是售后服务,也没有提到提要求的客户更多了,该选项属于过度推理;B选项“客户的抱怨越来越多了”,原文只是提到客户的要求更高了,但这并不意味着客户的抱怨更多了,该选项属于推理过度;D选项“他们已经成为一种新的投资方式”,investment可以定位到原文第三段第一句,该句提到“品牌的研发(A brands research and development)是

42、一项不可避免的投资。”由此可知,原文提到的“投资”是“产品研发”,而不是“售后服务和保障”;并且原文并未提到“售后服务和保障”是“一种新的投资方式”,该选项属于无中生有。13. 【选项释义】Product guarantee _. 产品保证_。A. must be in written form A. 必须是书面形式的B. can be based on the companys reputation B. 可以建立在公司的信誉上C. is not often provided by the companies C. 公司经常不提供D. often fails to meet in reali

43、ty D. 现实中经常无法实现【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词Product guarantee定位到原文第二段第四、五句。这两句提到“当潜在客户决定购买时,产品保证也是一个主要因素。无论是书面担保(Whether this be in the form of a written guarantee)还是基于信誉的担保(or a guarantee based on reputation),对消费者的重要性不言而喻。”由此可知,产品保证可以是书面的,也可以是基于公司的信誉的。因此,B选项“可以建立在公司的信誉上”符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“必须是书面形式的”,不符合原文,原文

44、提到书面形式的以及基于公司信誉的产品保证都是可以的,该选项属于曲解原文;C选项“公司经常不提供”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“现实中经常无法实现”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。14. 【选项释义】Product testing and refinement are conducted for _. 进行产品测试和改进是为了_进行的。A. new products only A. 只(为了)新产品B. quality products B. 有质量的产品C. dangerous products C. 危险的产品D. both new and existing product

45、s D. 新的产品和现有的产品【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词Product testing and refinement定位到原文第三段第二句。该句提到“对新产品和现有产品(for both new and existing products)进行产品测试和改进(Product testing and refinement are conducted)。”由此可知,D选项“新的产品和现有的产品”符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“只(为了)新产品”,不符合原文,原文提到“对新的产品和现有的产品都进行产品测试和改进”,该选项属于以偏概全;B选项“有质量的产品”,原文并未提及,该选项属

46、于无中生有;C选项“危险的产品”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。15. 【选项释义】Which is NOT mentioned concerning product guarantee? 关于产品保证,哪一项没有提及?A. A brands research and development. A. 一个品牌的研究和发展B. Product testing and refinement. B. 产品测试和改进C. Quality control. C. 质量控制D. Product distribution. D. 产品分销【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词NOT mentio

47、ned和product guarantee可知,该题要求选择的是关于产品控制,原文没有提到的一项。D选项“产品分销”原文并未提及,符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“一个品牌的研发”,可定位到原文第三段第一句,该句提到“品牌的研发(A brands research and development)是一项不可避免的投资,是当今市场营销人员的安全保证(safety guarantees)。”由此可知,品牌的研发,对于市场营销人员来说就是产品的保证。该选项原文有提及,不符合题意,属于反向干扰;B选项“产品测试和改进”,可定位到原文第三段第二句和最后一句,这两句提到“对新产品和现有产品进行产品测试和改进

48、(Product testing and refinement)”,“对消费者来说,这意味着该品牌的质量保证(a quality of guarantee for that brand)”。由此可知,该选项原文有提及,不符合题意,属于反向干扰;C选项“质量控制”,可定位到原文第三段第三、四句。这两句提到“在计算机机械的帮助下,质量控制(quality control)达到了前所未有的高水平”,“对消费者来说,这意味着该品牌的质量保证(a quality of guarantee for that brand)”。由此可知,该选项原文有提及,不符合题意,属于反向干扰。5. 单选题His lice

49、nse has been _ owing to his drunken driving.问题1选项A.demandedB.chargedC.suspendedD.recognized【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. demanded 要求;需要 B. charged 要价;收费;指控;冲C. suspended 暂停;使暂停使用 D. recognized 承认;意识到【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格部分的语义为“他的驾照被_”,后文提到“因为他酒驾”,根据句意可推断,他因为酒后驾驶,被吊销了驾照。因此,C选项suspended“暂停;使暂停使用”符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、D

50、选项不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】因为酒后驾驶,他的驾照被吊销了。6. 翻译题Directing the union are technological advances that have made it easier to store and rapidly transmit information into homes and offices. Fiber-optic cable, for examplemade up of hair-thin glass fibersis a tremendously efficient carrier of information. Lasers sh

51、ooting light through glass fiber can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire, or tens of thousands of paragraphs such as this one every second.The greatly increased volume and speed of data transmission that these technologies permit can be compared to the way in which a hig

52、hway with many lanes allows more cars to move at faster speeds than a two-lane highwayhence, the information superhighway.【答案】【参考译文】引导联合的是技术进步,技术的进步使信息更容易存储和迅速传输到家庭和办公室。例如,由细如发丝的玻璃纤维制成的光纤是一种非常高效的信息载体。通过玻璃纤维发的激光可以传输标准电话线25万倍的数据,或者每秒传输数万段这样的段落。这些技术极大地增加了数据传输的量和速度,可以与多车道高速公路比双车道高速公路允许更多的汽车以更快的速度移动的方式相比

53、较因此,信息高速公路由此得名。7. 单选题Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we “fit” in society. As we go about our everyday lives, we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses. For example, we must judge whether the person in th

54、e library is a reader or a librarian, whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman, whether the unfamiliar person on our property is a thief or a meter reader, and so on.The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter and change throughout life. Most of us can, at very high

55、speed, assume the statuses that various situations require. Much of social interaction consists of identifying and selecting among appropriate statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in relation to us. This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constan

56、t mental process of appraisal and interpretation. Although some of us find the task more difficult than others, most of us perform it rather effortlessly.A status has been compared to ready-made clothes. Within certain limits the buyer choose style and fabric. But an American is not free to choose t

57、he costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince. We must choose from among the clothing presented by fit, as well as by our pocketbook. Having made a choice from minor adjustments, we tend to be limited to what the stores choice among them is limited.41. In the first paragraph, the writer

58、tells us that statuses can help us _.42. According to the writer, people often assume different statuses _.43. The word “appraisal” most probably means _.44. According to the last sentence of the second paragraph, the pronoun “it” refers to “_”.45. By saying that “an American is not free to choose t

59、he costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince”, the writer means _.问题1选项A.determine whether a person is fit for a certain jobB.behave appropriately in relation to other peopleC.protect ourselves in unfamiliar situationsD.make friends with other people问题2选项A.in order to identify themselve

60、s with othersB.in order to better identify othersC.as their mental processes changeD.as the situation changes问题3选项A.involvementB.appreciationC.assessmentD.presentation问题4选项A.fitting our actions to those of other people appropriatelyB.identification of other peoples statusesC.selecting ones own statu

61、sesD.constant mental process问题5选项A.different people have different styles of clothesB.ready-made clothes may need alterationsC.statuses come ready made just like clothesD.our choice of statuses is limited【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】41.【选项释义】41. In the first paragraph, the writer tells us that s

62、tatuses can help us _. 41. 在第一段,作者告诉我们,身份可以帮助我们_。A. determine whether a person is fit for a certain job A. 确定一个人是否适合某一份工作B. behave appropriately in relation to other people B. 在与他人的关系中举止得体C. protect ourselves in unfamiliar situations C. 在不熟悉的情况下保护自己D. make friends with other people D. 与他人交朋友【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段,第一段的段意是:身份是人类奇妙的发明,它使我们能够彼此相处(get along with one another),帮助人们确定在社会中所“适合”的位置。日常生活中,我们头脑里经常根据别人的身份试着判断别人。例如,我们必须判断图书馆的这个人是读者,还是图书馆管理人员,打来电话的人是朋友还是推销商。登门拜访的不速之客是小偷还是抄表工等等。从中我们可以看出,身份可以帮助我们做出判断,无论是对自己还是对他人的身份,所以身份可以帮助我们在与人交往中做出恰当的行为。B项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“

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