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1、2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Another concern ( )has to do with the effect ones living will might have on insurance premiums. Can ones insurance rates go up if they request total care instead of minimal care during their final days?问题1选项A.to be raisedB.having raisedC.being raisedD.raisi

2、ng【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中还有might have,可知空格处为非谓语动词形式,其逻辑主语是concern,由句意判断,concern与raise之间是被动关系,且表示正在出现的情况,因此C选项符合题意。2. 单选题A number of researchers have written about a “hidden curriculum” in schools,defined as the subtle influences on students that reinforce sexist and racist messages. The hidden curriculu

3、m minimizes and ( )the contributions women have made.问题1选项A.eulogizesB.malignsC.maximizesD.compliments【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项eulogize“颂扬”;B选项malign“诽谤;中伤”;C选项maximize“取最大值”;D选项compliment“恭维;称赞”。句意:许多研究人员写了一篇关于学校的“隐性课程”的文章,定义为微妙地影响学生,加强性别歧视和种族歧视的信息。隐藏的课程将女性所做出的贡献最小化和。B选项符合题意。3. 单选题The partial transfer of

4、 legislative powers from Westminster, implemented by Tony Blair, was designed to give the other members of the club a bigger( ) and to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.问题1选项A.sayB.transmissionC.decayD.contention【答案】A【解析】空格前是冠词+形容词比较级,可知本题考查名词辨析。A选项say“发言权

5、”;B选项transmission“传递;播送”;C选项decay“衰退”;D选项contention“争论;论点”。句意:由托尼布莱尔执行的威斯敏斯特立法权的部分转让是为了赋予俱乐部其他成员更大的,并且对抗那些威胁到欧盟观点的离心力。因此A选项符合题意。4. 单选题Altruism, otherwise known as helping behavior, can be defined as behavior that promotes the wellbeing of others without consciously taking account of self-interest. B

6、atson et al. state that “egoistically motivated helping is directed toward the end-state goal of increasing the ( )own welfare”, while “altruistically motivated helping is directed toward the end-state of increasing the ( )welfare”.问题1选项A.helpers. othersB.others. helpersC.helpers. anothersD.anothers

7、. others【答案】A【解析】考查代词用法。表语空格处句意:利己主义者关心的是施助者的利益,利他主义者则关注他人的利益。先排除B和D选项。another“另一个”,不与定冠词the连用,因此A选项符合题意。5. 翻译题Translate the underlined sentences into good Chinese.The second design in this great centuriesold tradition is to argue that any form of public help to the poor only hurts the poor. It dest

8、roys morale. It seduces people away from gainful employment. It breaks up marriages, since women can seek welfare for themselves and their children once they are without husbands.(1) There is no proof of thisnone, certainly, that compares that damage with the damage that would be inflicted by the lo

9、ss of public assistance. Still, the case is madeand believedthat there is something gravely damaging about aid to the unfortunate. This is perhaps our most highly influential piece of fiction.(2)The third, and closely related, design for relieving ourselves of responsibility, for the poor is the arg

10、ument that public-assistance measures have an adverse effect on incentive. They transfer income from the diligent to the idle and feckless, thus reducing the effort of the diligent and encouraging the idleness of the idle. The modern manifestation of this is supply-side economics. Supply-side econom

11、ics holds that the rich in the United States have not been working because they have too little income. So, by taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich, we increase effort and stimulate the economy. Can we really believe that any considerable number of the poor prefer welfare to a good j

12、ob?(3)Or that business peoplecorporate executives, the key figures in our timeare idling away their hours because of the insufficiency of their pay? This is a scandalous charge against the American businessperson, notably a hard worker. Belief can be the servant of truthbut even more of convenience.

13、The fourth design for getting the poor off our conscience is to point to the presumed adverse effect on freedom of taking responsibility for them. Freedom consists of the right to spend a maximum of ones money by ones own choice, and to see a minimum taken and spent by the government. (Again, expend

14、iture on national defense is excepted.) In the enduring words of Professor Milton Friedman, people must be “free to choose.”This is possibly the most transparent of all of the designs; no mention is ordinarily made of the relation of income to the freedom of the poor. (Professor Friedman is here an

15、exception; through the negative income tax, he would assure everyone a basic income.) (4)There is, we can surely agree, no form of oppression that is quite so great, no construction on thought and effort quite so comprehensive, as that which comes from having no money at all.(5)Though we hear much a

16、bout the limitation on the freedom of the affluent when their income is reduced through taxes, we hear nothing of the extraordinary enhancement of the freedom of the poor from having some money of their own to spend. Yet the loss of freedom from taxation to the rich is a small thing as compared with

17、 the gain in freedom from providing some income to the impoverished. Freedom we rightly cherish. Cherishing it, we should not use it as a cover for denying freedom to those in need.【答案】1.当然,他们找不到哪怕一点证据表明以上的伤害与失去政府援助给穷人造成的伤害有任何可比性。2.第三个,也是与此密切相关的,旨在减轻我们对穷人的责任的设计,是公共援助措施对激励产生不利影响的论点。3.您真的相信我们这个时代的大人物们

18、,比如说公司的法人或者总经理,会因为赚的少而整日游手好闲,不思工作吗?这是对美国商人,特别是努力工作的商人们的诽谤。信念可以是真理的仆从,也可以是便利的仆从。4.无可争辩的是,没有任何一种对人的压迫和对思想努力的束缚更甚于来自身无分文的压迫和束缚。5.我们常听到当富人抱怨他们的自由因征税导致收入减少而受限,却不曾听到因为得到可花之钱而显著提高了穷人的自由的消息。6. 单选题We complain of the darkness in which we live out our lives: we do not understand the nature of existence in gene

19、ral; we especially do not know the relation of our own self to the rest of existence. Not only is our life short, our knowledge is limited entirely to it, since we can see( )back before our birth ( )out beyond our death, so that our consciousness is as it were a lightning-flash momentarily illuminat

20、ing the night: it truly seems as though a demon had maliciously shut off all further knowledge from us so as to enjoy our discomfiture.问题1选项A.either.orB.neither.norC.bothandD.not onlybut also【答案】B【解析】考查并列连词。空格处句意:我们的知识局限于此,“ 出生之前, 我们死亡之后。”我们对于生前死后的知识应为否定状态。四个选项中只有B选项表示否定。7. 单选题Plato suggested memory

21、 was analogous Ato the impression of messages on wax Bwriting tablets. For Plato, writing on the tablet represented learning something new. The tablet itself was the memory store, and reading the tablets later was analogous to Ctry to recall the stored information. Unfortunately, Platos analogy miss

22、es an important characteristic of memory, Dnamely that it is selective.问题1选项A.toB.writingC.try to recallD.namely【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词用法。C选项前的be analogous to“类似于”,后面的to是介词,后面应接名词、动名词或者代词,应将try改为trying。8. 单选题Conrad produced 13 novels, 2 volumes of memoirs, and 28 short stories. His life at sea ( )the backg

23、round for much of his writing.问题1选项A.renderedB.furnishedC.concededD.ascribed【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项render“致使;提出”;B选项furnish“提供;供应;装备”;C选项concede“让步;承认”;D选项ascribe“归因于;归咎于”。句意:康拉德创作了13部小说、2卷回忆录和28篇短篇小说。他在海上的生活他大部分写作的背景。联系句意可知B选项符合题意。9. 单选题Surely it should be obvious the dimmest executive Athat trust,that

24、 most valuable of economic assets,Bis easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restoreand that Cfew things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data Dgetting into the wrong hands.问题1选项A.that trustB.is easily destroyedC.few thingsD.getting into the wrong hands【答案

25、】D【解析】考查固定用法。Let后面接动词原形。因此D选项应改为get into the wrong hands。10. 单选题Unless the announced sale could be explained to the public on grounds other than anticipated future losses, the value of the stock would plummet and, like the old-time capitalists, major investors could cut their losses only by helping

26、to restore their companies productivity.问题1选项A.enhanceB.maximizeC.restoreD.plunge【答案】D【解析】句意:除非宣布的出售能够以预期未来亏损以外的理由向公众解释,否则该公司股票的价值将,而且与过去的资本家一样,主要投资者只有帮助恢复公司的生产率,才能减少亏损。A选项enhance“提高;加强”;B选项maximize“最大化”;C选项restore“恢复”;D选项plunge“骤降”。联系句意与选项可知D选项符合题意。11. 单选题The leaders of the mythopoetic mens movemen

27、t believe that modernization has led to the feminization of men. Mythopoets believe that the rise of the urban industrial society trapped men into straitjackets of rationality, thus blunting the powerful emotional communion and collective spiritual transcendence that they believe men in tribal socie

28、ties typically enjoyed. Most importantly, the movement seeks to restore the deep masculine to men who have lost it in their more modern lifestyles. Other causes for the loss of the deep masculine include: Men no longer being comrades who celebrated their masculinity together. Rather, they had become

29、 competitors within their workplaces; Men spending more time in their houses with women than they did with men (in non-competitive terms outside of work). Excessive interaction with women generally kept men from realizing their internal masculinity; Feminism is bringing attention to the “feminine vo

30、ice.” Through this, the mythopoetic men felt that their voices had been muted (though Bly and others are careful in not blaming feminism for this); The separation of men from their fathers kept them from being truly initiated into manhood, and was a source of emotional damage. Men were suffering fur

31、ther emotional damage due to feminist accusations about sexism. Men should celebrate their differences from women, rather than feeling guilty about them. Men is being discouraged from expressing their emotions. Male inexpressivity is an epidemic and does not correspond to their deep masculine nature

32、s. Groups of primarily white, middle-aged, heterosexual men from the professional class retreated from their female loved ones in order to join in spiritual rituals that emphasized homosociality, with the central goal of reclaiming the parts of their masculinity that they had lost called the deep ma

33、sculine. Because most men no longer perform masculine rituals, mythopoets assert that men have mutated into destructive, hypermasculine chauvinists, or, in the opposite direction, have become too feminized. The mythopoetic men performed rituals at these gatherings, which were meant to imitate those

34、performed by tribal societies when men initiated boys into a deeply essential natural manhood. The movement emphasized the importance of including multiple generations of men in the rituals, so that the men could learn about masculinity from those who were older and wiser. Characteristic of the earl

35、y mythopoetic movement was a tendency to retell myths, legends and folktales, and engage in their exegesis as a tool for personal insight. Using frequent references to archetypes as drawn from Jungiananalytical psychology, the movement focused on issues of gender role, gender identity and wellness f

36、or the modern man (and woman). Advocates would often engage in storytelling with music, these acts being seen as a modern extension to a form of new ageshamanism popularized by Michael Harner at approximately the same time. The movement sought to empower men by means of equating archetypal character

37、s with their own emotions and abilities. For instance, Michael Messner describes the concept of Zeus energy as emphasizing male authority accepted for the good of the community. Beliefs about the emotional system based in archetypes of great men, mythopoets sought to channel these characters in them

38、selves, so that they could unleash their animal-males. This group primarily analyzed the archetypes of King, Warrior, Magician, Lover and Wildman.As a self-help movement the mythopoetic movement tends not to take explicit stances on political issues such as feminism, gay rights or family law (such a

39、s the issues of divorce, domestic violence or child custody), preferring instead to stay focused on emotional and psychological well-being. Because of this neutrality, the movement became a site of social criticism by feminists, and was often characterized as anti-intellectual as well as apolitical.

40、 Michael Messner once gave a speech at a gathering, in which he addressed the dangers of celebrating the warrior, as instances of rape are higher in countries that glorify war. The mythopoets responded that they were not interested in intellectual or political pursuits, but were primarily concerned

41、with conducting spiritual and emotional work. Additional feminist critique revolved around the movements absence of womens perspectives, as well as the essentialism in the movements teachings.1.The mythopoetic mens movement can best be understood as ( ).2.The mythopoetic mens movement consists of gr

42、oups of men who retreated from their female loved ones in order to strive for( ).3.The idea that modernization has led to the feminization of men means that( ).4.The root issue is( ).5.According to the text, the causes for rape must be sought in( ).问题1选项A.a mens literary movementB.a mens liberation

43、movementC.a mens rights movementD.a second-wave feminist movement问题2选项A.gay rightsB.same-sex marriageC.masculinityD.myths, legends and folktales问题3选项A.men cannot be themselvesB.men can no longer make friendsC.mens voice have changedD.men cannot express themselves问题4选项A.feminismB.masculinityC.sexD.ge

44、nder问题5选项A.the celebration of the archetype of the warriorB.the unleashing of mens“animal-males”C.domestic violenceD.the loss of masculine rituals【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.判断推理题。题干问的是:男权的神话运动可以被看作是?第一段指出:the movement seeks to restore the “deep masculine” to men who have lost it in their

45、 more modern lifestyles (这一运动旨在恢复那些在现代生活方式中丧失了“真男儿气概”的男人),以及Feminism is bringing attention to the “feminine voice.” Through this, the mythopoetic men felt that their voices had been muted (though Bly and others are careful in not blaming feminism for this)(女权主义引起了人们对“女性声音”的关注,也因为此,男权的神话运动中的男人感到他们的声音

46、被压制了(尽管布莱和其他人都很小心地不把这归咎于女权主义),以及The movement sought to empower men by means of equating archetypal characters with their own emotions and abilities(该运动试图通过将原型人物与他们自己的情感和能力匹配起来以赋予男性力量)。由此可以看出男权的神话运动呼吁男子气概,男性力量和男性权利。故选C项“男子权利运动”。第2题:2.根据题干定位至第一段:Groups of primarily white, middle-aged, heterosexual men

47、 from the professional class retreated from their female loved ones in order to join in spiritual rituals that emphasized homosociality, with the central goal of reclaiming the parts of their masculinity that they had lost called the “deep masculine.”(活动组成员主要是白人、中年男性和异性恋男性,他们暂离了爱人,为了参加强调同性交际,目标是恢复他们

48、失去的,被叫作“真男儿气概”的男子气概的活动仪式。),因此C项“男子气概”正确。第3题:3.语义题。题干所在句的后面句子指出:Feminism is bringing attention to the “feminine voice.” Through this, the mythopoetic men felt that their voices had been muted (though Bly and others are careful in not blaming feminism for this)(女权主义引起了人们对“女性声音”的关注,也因为此,男权的神话运动中的男人感到他们

49、的声音被压制了(尽管布莱和其他人都很小心地不把这归咎于女权主义)。而且文章说男权的神话运动目的是恢复男子气概,倡导“男权”。因此男权的神话运动倡导者说:“现代化导致了男人的女性化”意思是“男性没有发言权了”,因此D项正确。第4题:4.判断推理题。文章多次提到女权主义对男性女性化的影响。由此推断最根本的问题在于女权主义。故选A。第5题:5.根据题干关键词定位至第二段:Michael Messner once gave a speech at a gathering, in which he addressed the dangers of celebrating the warrior, as

50、instances of rape are higher in countries that glorify war (迈克尔梅斯纳曾在一次集会上发表演讲,他在会上谈到了为战士庆祝的危险,因为在那些宣扬战争的国家,强奸的发生频率更高)。由此可见强奸的发生归因于为战争英雄庆祝。故选A。12. 单选题According to the Koran, it was on a Tuesday that Allah created darkness. Last September 11, when suicide pilots were crashing commercial airliners into

51、 crowded American buildings, I did not have to look to the calendar to see what day it was: Dark Tuesday was casting its long shadow across Manhattan and along the Potomac River. I was also not surprised that despite the seven or so trillion dollars that we have spent since 1950 on what is euphemist

52、ically called “defense,” there would have been no advance warning from the FBI or CIA or Defense Intelligence Agency.While the Bushites have been eagerly preparing for the last war but twomissiles from North Korea, clearly marked with flags, would rain down on Portland, Oregon, only to be intercepte

53、d by our missile-shield balloonsthe foxy Osama bin Laden knew that all he needed for his holy war on the infidel were fliers willing to kill themselves along with those random passengers who happened to be aboard hijacked airliners.For several decades there has been an unrelenting demonization of th

54、e Muslim world in the American media. Since I am a loyal American, I am not supposed to tell you why this has taken place, but then it is not usual for us to examine why anything happens; we simply accuse others of motiveless malignity. “We are good,” G.W. proclaims, “They are evil,” which wraps tha

55、t one up in a neat package. Later, Bush himself put, as it were, the bow on the package in an address to a joint session of Congress where he shared with themas well as with the rest of us some-where over the Beltwayhis profound knowledge of Islams wiles and ways: “They hate what they see right here

56、 in this Chamber.” I suspect a million Americans nodded sadly in front of their TV sets. “Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms, our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.” At this plangent moment what Americans g

57、orge did not rise like a Florida chad to the bait?A member of the Pentagon Junta, Rumsfeld, a skilled stand-up comic, daily made fun of a large group of “journalists” on prime-time TV. At great, and often amusing, length, Rummy tells us nothing about our losses and their losses. He did seem to belie

58、ve that the sentimental Osama was holed up in a cave on the Pakistan border instead of settled in a palace in Indonesia or Malaysia, two densely populated countries where he is admired and we are not. In any case, never before in our long history of undeclared unconstitutional wars have we, the Amer

59、ican people, been treated with such impish disdainso many irrelevant spear carriers to be highly taxed (those of us who are not rich) and occasionally invited to participate in the odd rigged poll.The Bush administration, though eerily inept in all but its principal task, which is to exempt the rich

60、 from taxes, has casually torn up most of the treaties to which civilized nations subscribelike the Kyoto Accords or the nuclear missile agreement with Russia. The Bushites go about their relentless plundering of the Treasury and now, thanks to Osama, Social Security (a supposedly untouchable trust

61、fund), which, like Lucky Strike green, has gone to a war currently costing us $3 billion a month. They have also allowed the FBI and CIA either to run amok or not budge at all, leaving us, the very first “indispensable” andat popular requestlast global empire, rather like the Wizard of Oz doing his

62、odd pretend-magic tricks while hoping not to be found out. Meanwhile, G.W. booms, “Either you are with us or you are with the Terrorists.” Thats known as asking for it.1.The author believes that Americas defense spending ( ).2.The author uses the term “rigged poll” to( ).3.In the essay, President Ge

63、orge W Bushs use of dichotomy is portrayed as( ).4.The use of the term “Pentagon junta” indicates the authors belief that( ).5.When the author mentions the Tresury, Social Security, the FBI, and the CIA, he intends to highlight the fact that( ).问题1选项A.a.protects the national securityB.is good for humanityC.primarily fights terrorD.is a misnomer问题2选项A.cast doubt upon the voting processB.refer to public opinion pollsC.remind the reader of political corruptionD.add humor to an otherwise serious article问题3选项A.jingoistic and rationalB.misleadi

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