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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-中国科学院考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题If youre planning on going sightseeing around the old city, a guide is ( ).问题1选项A.indicativeB.indifferentC.indispensableD.incredible【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。indicative “象征的;指示的”;indifferent “冷淡的,不关心的”;indispensable “不可缺少的”;incredible “难以

2、置信的”。句意:如果你打算去旧城观光的话,向导是_。根据句意可知,选项C符合题意。2.写作题Directions: Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II.TOPICWhat marks the maturity (成熟) of a person? Give reasons or use examples to illustrate your points.【答案】【参考范文】When we are youn

3、g, we have quite a selfish attitude towards life. Our priority is to seek personal happiness. We prefer to avoid activities we do not enjoy. As a result, our elders such as parents or teachers frequently resort to rewards or punitive measures to force us to assume responsibilities we would rather av

4、oid.However, as we grow old, we learn that life is a lot more than pursuing personal happiness only. We realize that we have responsibilities not only towards ourselves but also towards other people as well as the greater society. This moment of realization is what marks the maturity of a person. We

5、 embrace the fact that we have different roles to play and each role may come with different sets of responsibilities. As an employee, we are responsible not only for ourselves but also have obligations towards fellow employees, the company, and external stakeholders such as the customers. As a pare

6、nt, we have responsibilities towards our children. And as someone in an intimate relationship, we have responsibilities towards our significant half. Similarly, as a citizen, we have responsibilities towards fellow citizens as well as our country.A responsible and mature person is often less selfish

7、 and more considerate towards other people than his or her younger selves. The maturity is the natural outcome of years of life experiences that turn us into wiser beings. While maturity helps us make better quality decisions, it also complicates the decision-making process. As young individuals, ou

8、r decision-making process is often impulsive and intuitive. However, as mature individuals, the decision-making process becomes deliberative because we consider the impact of our decisions on not only ourselves but also other people who may be affected by it.In conclusion, having a sense of responsi

9、bility marks the maturity of a person. With responsibility, a mature person is less selfish, wiser, and more considerate than his or her younger self. He or she may make the decisions slower as a mature person than as a young person but the decisions made as a mature person also tend to be of higher

10、 quality than those made as a young person.3.单选题Were in the middle of an epic battle for power in cyberspace. On one side are the traditional, organized, institutional powers such as governments and large multinational corporations. On the other are the distributed: grassroots movements, dissident g

11、roups, hackers, and criminals. Initially,the Internet empowered the latter. It gave them a place to coordinate and communicate efficiently, and made them seem invincible. But now, the more traditional institutional powers are winning, and winning big. How these two sides fare in the long term, and t

12、he fate of the rest of us who dont fall into either group, is an open questionand one vitally important to the future of the Internet.In the Internets early days, there was a lot of talk about its “natural laws” 一how it would transform traditional power blocks, empower the masses, and spread freedom

13、 throughout the world. The international nature of the Internet circumvented national laws. Anonymity was easy. Censorship was impossible. Police were clueless about cybercrime. And bigger changes seemed inevitable. Digital cash would undermine national sovereignty. Citizen journalism would topple t

14、raditional media, corporate PR, and political parties. The ease of digital copying would destroy the traditional movie and music industries. Web marketing would allow even the smallest companies to compete against corporate giants. It really would be a new world order.This was a utopian vision, but

15、some of it did come to pass. Internet marketing has transformed commerce. The entertainment industries have been transformed by things like MySpace and YouTube, and are now more open to outsiders. Mass media has changed dramatically, and some of the most influential people in the media have come fro

16、m the blogging world. There are new ways to organize politically and run elections. Facebook and Twitter really did help disrupt governments.But that is just one side of the Internets disruptive character. The Internet has emboldened traditional power as well.On the corporate side, power is being co

17、nsolidated, a result of two current trends in computing. First, the rise of cloud computing means that we no longer have control of our data. And second, we are increasingly accessing our data using devices that we have much less control over: iPhones, iPads, Android phones, Kindles, ChromeBooks. Un

18、like traditional operating systems, these devices are controlled much more tightly by the vendors, who limit what software can be run, what they can do, how theyre updated.1.In the Internet battle, the grassroots movement ( ).2.According to the author,in the future a key Internet issue will be( ).3.

19、“Natural laws” refers to( ).4.Lack of surveillance over the Internet would likely( ).5.Online media has( ).6.We now have less control over the data we use because( ).问题1选项A.experienced an epic failureB.gradually became invincibleC.previously beat institutional forcesD.distributed power to dissident

20、groups问题2选项A.which side has the technological resourcesB.what happens to those who remain neutralC.which side is good at communicationsD.what financial resources are available问题3选项A.the fast expansion of InternetB.the traditional power structureC.national laws to regulate the InternetD.lack of contr

21、ol on the Internet问题4选项A.strengthen national securityB.devastate the traditional film industryC.provide more information to the policeD.handicap the development of small companies问题5选项A.made the utopian vision impossibleB.won more support for the governmentC.made some ordinary people become famousD.

22、excluded outsiders from the entertainment industries问题6选项A.cloud computing is highly confusingB.there is no limit to updating softwareC.corporate giants are in a dominant positionD.it is difficult to assess data in electronic devices【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C第6题:C【解析】1.细节推断题。根据题干关键词 “Internet bat

23、tle” “grassroots movement”,可将信息点定位至原文第一段。根据 “.the Internet empowered the latter. It gave them a place to coordinate and communicate efficiently, and made them seem invincible.(互联网赋予了后者力量。这给了他们一个有效协调和沟通的地方,让他们看起来不可战胜。)”即可进行合理推断,从而得出本题答案。2.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段。根据 “and the fate of the rest of us

24、who dont fall into either group, is an open questionand one vitally important to the future of the Internet(而我们这些不属于这两类人的其他人的命运,是一个公开的问题,对互联网的未来至关重要)”即可得出本题答案。3.细节推断题。根据题干关键词“Natural laws”,可将信息点定位在原文第二段。根据 “Anonymity was easy. Censorship was impossible. Police were clueless about cybercrime.(匿名很容易。审

25、查制度是不可能的。警方对网络犯罪一无所知)”即可进行合理推断,从而得出本题答案。4.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段。根据 “digital copying would destroy the traditional movie and music industries(数字复制将摧毁传统的电影和音乐产业)”即可得出本题答案。5.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段。根据 “Mass media has changed dramatically, and some of the most influential people in the media hav

26、e come from the blogging world.(大众媒体发生了巨大的变化,媒体中一些最有影响力的人来自博客世界。)”即可进行合理推断,从而得出本题答案。6.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。根据 “.we are increasingly accessing our data using devices that we have much less control over. these devices are controlled much more tightly by the vendors.(我们越来越多地使用我们无法控制的设备来访问我们的数据。供

27、应商对这些设备的控制要严格得多。)”,即可得出本题答案。4.单选题The most( ) feature of the building is its enormous dome-shaped roof.问题1选项A.distinctiveB.instinctiveC.definiteD.infinite【答案】A【解析】考察形容词辨析。distinctive “与众不同的”;instinctive “本能的”;definite “明确的”;infinite“无限的”。句意:这栋建筑的最与众不同的特点就是它那巨大的圆形屋顶。选项A符合句意。5.单选题Glaeser _ his interest

28、 in urban areas directly to his youth in New York City, where he lived until he went to college at age 17.问题1选项A.attributedB.conductedC.devotedD.contributed【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. attributed 归因于,归功于 B. conducted 实施,执行C. devoted 献身,致力 D. contributed 贡献,捐赠【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】空格处和下文的“his interest in urban areas(

29、他对城市地区的兴趣)”构成动宾逻辑,表示格莱泽怎么样这份兴趣,空格处还需要能够和下文的to进行搭配。由后半句句意“他在那里一直生活到(lived until)17岁上大学”可知,因为他的青年时代一直都生活在纽约这样的大城市,所以他会对城市地区感兴趣,换言之,他对城市地区有兴趣的原因是在纽约生活的经历。attribute sth. to sth.是固定搭配,意为“把归因于”,指认为某事物是另一事物的结果,因此A选项attributed“归因于,归功于”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项conducted“实施,执行”指组织或进行特定的活动,不能和“interest(兴趣)”进行搭配;C选项devo

30、ted“献身,致力”,devote oneself to sb./sth.指把大部分时间、精力等投入到某人或某物中,不符合题干的语义逻辑;D选项contributed“贡献,捐赠”,contribute sth. to sth.指赠予钱或物品以帮助某人,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】格莱泽将他对城市地区的兴趣直接归功于他在纽约的青年时代,他在那里一直生活到17岁上大学。6.填空题The British government turns its attention to the dire state of vocational training. Budget cuts are never pl

31、easant. Yet the past few years have been particularly hard, says Gerry McDonald, the chief executive of New City College in east London. (71)Since 1990, funding for primary and secondary schools has soared. (72) But there has been no such increase in cash for further education, the mostly vocational

32、 courses for over-16s.On March 8th Philip Hammond, the chancellor, turned his attention to the sector. After announcing funding to pave the way for new selective grammar schools, he promised a big injection of cash for further education and confirmed a shake-up of the chaotic way in which it is orga

33、nized. By 2022, colleges will get an additional 500m ($ 600m) a year, a 19% increase in the 16- to 19- year-old vocational-education budget.Britain has historically put little emphasis on further education. (73) That may help explain why productivity growth has stalled, and why British youngsters ar

34、e less literate and numerate than their peers in other rich countries.Employers moan that skilled workers are scarce, especially in industries like engineering and IT. The sector has struggled with shoddy qualifications. The six in ten 18-year-olds who do not take A-levels, academic school-leaving q

35、ualifications, are poorly served by a hotchpotch of some 13,000 courses of varying quality.In 2015, the government commissioned Lord Sainsbury to examine the state of technical education in England. (74) Many of the courses are too basic to be of much use. Mr. Hammond now aims to clear up this muddl

36、e.Following Lord Sainsburys recommendations, the government will introduce 15 subject areas, grouping together topics such as social care or transport and logistics. Students will work towards “T-levels” (for “technical”), developed with firms. (75) The extra funding will provide more work placement

37、s. And those who go on to take degree-equivalent qualifications will have access to loans to cover the cost of living.A. Universities have been given the right to raise their incomes by levying tuition fees on students.B. His institution is the result of a merger of three local colleges that have po

38、oled resources in the past year partly to cut costs.C. His report, published in 2016, despaired that a wannabe plumber had to choose between 33 qualifications, offered at three different levels, by five awarding organizations.D. Organizations will compete for the right to award the qualification.E.

39、In 2012 it placed 16th out of 20 member countries of the OECD in a ranking of the proportion of 20- to 45-year-olds who finished education with a vocational qualification.F. Some would rather the reforms offered a broader education to those going down a vocational path, with more of a focus on ensur

40、ing competency in maths and English.【答案】71.B72.A73.E74.C75.D【解析】【选项释义】A. Universities have been given the right to raise their incomes by levying tuition fees on students. A. 大学被赋予通过向学生征收学费来提高收入的权利。B. His institution is the result of a merger of three local colleges that have pooled resources in the

41、 past year partly to cut costs. B. 他的机构是由三所当地学院合并而成的,这些学院在过去的一年里集中了资源,部分原因是为了削减成本。C. His report, published in 2016, despaired that a wannabe plumber had to choose between 33 qualifications, offered at three different levels, by five awarding organizations. C. 他在2016年发表的报告中,对一个想当水管工的人必须在五个授予机构提供的三个不同

42、级别的三十三个资格证书中做出选择感到绝望。D. Organizations will compete for the right to award the qualification. D. 各组织将为授予学历的权利而竞争。E. In 2012 it placed 16th out of 20 member countries of the OECD in a ranking of the proportion of 20- to 45-year-olds who finished education with a vocational qualification. E. 2012年,在经合组

43、织二十个成员国中,在完成教育并获得职业资格的二十至四十五岁的人的比例排名中,它名列第十六位。F. Some would rather the reforms offered a broader education to those going down a vocational path, with more of a focus on ensuring competency in maths and English. F. 一些人希望改革能够为那些走上职业道路的人提供更广泛的教育,更加注重确保数学和英语的能力。71.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】第一段说到“预算削减(Budget cut

44、s)从来不是令人愉快的。”,介绍了英国职业培训方面预算削减的情况,B选项中的“cut costs(削减成本)”和上文的“Budget cuts(预算削减)”相对应。因此B选项“他的机构是由三所当地学院合并而成的,这些学院在过去的一年里集中了资源,部分原因是为了削减成本。”正确。72.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】本段说到“对中小学(primary and secondary schools)的资助大幅增加。但是用于继续教育(further education)的资金却没有增加。”,介绍了政府对不同类型学校的资金资助情况,A选项中的“Universities(大学)”也属于一种学校类型。因此

45、A选项“大学被赋予通过向学生征收学费来提高收入的权利。”正确。73.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】上文说到“英国历来很少重视(put little emphasis on)继续教育。”,E选项中的“在二十个成员国中名列第十六位”就是这一情况带来的结果。因此E选项“2012年,在经合组织二十个成员国中,在完成教育并获得职业资格的二十至四十五岁的人的比例排名中,它名列第十六位。”正确。74.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】上文说到“2015年,政府委托塞恩思伯里勋爵调查英格兰的技术教育状况。”,C选项中的“His report, published in 2016(他在2016年发表的报告)

46、”和上文的“2015年”相对应。因此C选项“他在2016年发表的报告中,对一个想当水管工的人必须在五个授予机构提供的三个不同级别的三十三个资格证书中做出选择感到绝望。”正确。75.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】下文说到“而那些继续获得同等学历(qualifications)的人将获得贷款以支付生活成本。”,由此可知空格处应该再说为学生提供学历,D选项中的“award the qualification(授予学历)”和上文的“go on to take degree-equivalent qualifications(继续获得同等学历)”相对应。因此D选项“各组织将为授予学历的权利而竞争。”

47、正确。7.单选题We can( )broadly between the intention of knowing, and the intention of doing, which correspond roughly to the conventional distinction between pure and applied mathematics.问题1选项A.separateB.extinguishC.distinguishD.disguise【答案】C【解析】考察动词辨析。separate “隔离”;extinguish “压制”;distinguish “区分”;disgui

48、se “伪装”。句意:我们可以大致区分为求知意图和行为意图,大约对应传统观点对纯理论数学和应用数学的区分。选项C符合句意。8.单选题Learning is unique and dependent on many factors, many of them internal and ( )to the individual.问题1选项A.intrinsicB.narrativeC.primitiveD.emphatic【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。intrinsic “本质的,固有的”;narrative “叙事的”;primitive “原始的”;emphatic “强调的”。句意:学习

49、非常独特,取决于多种因素,这些因素对个体而言既是内在的,也是与生俱来的。选项A符合句意。9.单选题You are accident _ because youre a bit careless in what you do.问题1选项A.proofB.orientedC.inclinedD.prone【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. proof 能抵御的,可防护的 B. oriented 以为方向的,重视的C. inclined 有倾向的,有可能的 D. prone 有做倾向的,易于遭受的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处和上文的“accident(事故)”共同构成形容词作表语,bec


51、因为你做事有点粗心大意。10.单选题She was keen to _ a cause, and has become an advocate against child obesity.问题1选项A.pick upB.give upC.raise upD.take up【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. pick up 捡起,拾起 B. give up 放弃,让出C. raise up 举起,抬起 D. take up 从事,开始工作【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】空格处和下文的“a cause(事业)”构成动宾逻辑,be keen to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“热衷于做某事”,

52、表示她热衷于怎么样这项事业。后半句说到“已经成为反对儿童肥胖的倡导者(become an advocate)”,由此可知,这项事业指的是反对儿童肥胖,她应该是从事着反对儿童肥胖的工作并热衷于此。take up指从事某项工作,因此D选项take up“从事,开始工作”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项pick up“捡起,拾起”指将某物从平面上举起,不能和“cause(事业)”进行搭配;B选项give up“放弃,让出”指停止尝试做某事或拥有某物,与题干语义相矛盾,应该是“从事工作”而不是“放弃工作”;C选项raise up“举起,抬起”指把某物举起或移动到更高的水平,侧重于物理意义上的抬高,不能和“cause(事业)”进行搭配。【句意】她热衷于从事这项事业,并且已经成为反对儿童肥胖的倡导者。

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