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1、2022年考博英语-东北财经大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Once again, success in farming is accompanied by new worries, which brought about a disaster to the village.问题1选项A.assaultedB.followedC.approvedD.adapted【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. assaulted 袭击 B. followed 跟着发生;接着C. approved 认可 D. adapted 使适应【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】划线词为被动语态,表

2、示被动,其主语为“耕种的成功(Success in farming)”,其宾语为“新的困扰(new worries)”;另外,原词accompanied“伴随”。因此,B选项followed“跟着发生;接着”满足前后语义衔接,最接近原句句意。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项,不满足前后语义衔接,不符合原句句意。【句意】再一次,耕种的成功伴随着新的困扰,这给村庄带来了灾难。2. 单选题It was recommended that they _ for the doctor.问题1选项A.waitB.would waitC.waitedD.should have waited【答案】A【解析】【选项

3、释义】A. wait 等待 B. would wait 等待C. waited 等待 D. should have waited 等待【答案】A【考查点】虚拟语气【解题思路】本题考查的是虚拟语气的使用情况之一:表示建议、命令、主张、目的和愿望等的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句通常使用虚拟语气,其形式为should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。本题为表示建议的主语从句,空格处所填的内容为从句的谓语,因此需要使用“(should)+动词原形”,A选项wait“等待”符合要求。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合该虚拟语气的结构要求。【句意】有人建议他们等医生。3. 单选题If En

4、glish is not our first language, you can often be puzzled by ways of expression that the native speaker of English does not even have to _.问题1选项A.think outB.think aboutC.think overD.think for【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. think out 仔细权衡 B. think about 考虑(到)C. think over 仔细考虑 D. think for 思考;为着想【答案】C【考查点】短语辨析【解题思

5、路】空格处所填词的主语为“以英语为母语的人”,根据上下文语境,母语者在使用自己的语言时,不需要经过太多的思考,他们脱口而出的很多表达在非母语者看来是难以理解的,C选项think over“仔细考虑”最符合前后文语境。【干扰项排除】A选项think out“仔细权衡”,侧重于指在采取行动前把方方面面都考虑到;B选项think about“考虑(到)”,侧重于指为解决问题而动脑筋思考;D选项think for“为着想”,侧重于指替某人着想;接时间时,也可以指思考的时间。【句意】如果英语不是我们的第一语言,你可能经常会被一些以英语为母语的人不用思考就能理解的表达方式所迷惑。4. 单选题If that

6、 desk is at least 100 years old, it is an authentic antique and valuable.问题1选项A.realB.ancientC.eminentD.obsolete【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. real 真的 B. ancient 古老的C. eminent 杰出的 D. obsolete 废弃的【答案】A【考查点】形容词辨析【解题思路】划线词修饰的是antique“古董”,原词authentic“真的”,并且原句得出该结论的条件是“如果那张桌子至少有100年的历史”,由此原句表达的是该古董是真品而非赝品。因此,A选项real“

7、真的”与原词词义最接近,符合原句句意。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原词词义。【句意】如果那张桌子至少有100年的历史,那它就是一件真正的古董,并且价值不菲。5. 单选题After leaving college, the young man _ on a new business career.问题1选项A.inducedB.facilitatedC.ignitedD.embarked【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. induced 引诱 B. facilitated 促进C. ignited 点燃;激起 D. embarked 开始(新的或艰难的事情)【答案】D【考查点】介词搭配与语

8、义衔接【解题思路】空格处所填动词搭配介词on使用,空格处前后语义为“离开大学后,这个年轻人_了新的商业生涯”。D选项embarked“开始(新的或艰难的事情)”符合原句介词搭配与语义衔接,embark on“开始(新的或艰难的事情)”。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不与介词on搭配使用,且不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】离开大学后,这个年轻人开始了新的商业生涯。6. 翻译题While banks try to avoid drowning in troubled assetsbad loansborrowers and lenders alike are questioning how bank g

9、ot into the current financial mess. Many observers blame subprime mortgage lending. Unlike prime mortgage subprime loans are made to high-risk borrowersthose with bad credit histories, excessive debt, inadequate income or other indicators that they will not repay the lender. In return for riskier lo

10、ans, borrowers pay higher interest rates. 1. As the housing market tumbled, delinquencies skyrocketed on millions of subprime loans. Whereas about 6 percent of mortgage were uncollectable from 2000 to 2005, thereafter delinquencies increased nearing 30 percent by 2008. Lenders extended too much cred

11、it to weak borrowers.Reports indicate that the subprime crisis can be traced to overly relaxed credit standards. One study found that many loan applications listed fraudulent information. Some borrowers, taking advantage of lax lending practices to live beyond their means, lied about their income an

12、d assets in order to secure loans. 2. Other misinformation can be attributed to mortgage brokers eager to get otherwise unqualified borrowers approved for loans. Some lenders went so far as to have a relative pose as a borrowers fake employer and falsity W-2 forms to gain approval. 3. These problems

13、 were compounded further by those within the banking and finance system who knew that rampant fraud was occurring but looked the other way, as long as profits kept rolling in.4. Now stuck with uncollectable loans, unsellable foreclosed properties and big financial losses, the industry is tightening

14、credit standards and lending practices. Federal bank examiners, for example, are insisting that loan officers use greater caution and judgment to identify credit-worthy borrowers and avoid weak loans. Lenders are switching to independent real estate appraisers who have no direct contact with loan of

15、ficers, to get accurate rather than inflated property appraisals. 5. Along with eliminating loans with zero or very low down payments, home equity lending is shrinking as home values continue to fall. Lenders are also reducing credit card limit. With a dire lesson learned, it appears that tighter st

16、andards are here for the foreseeable future.【答案】1. 随着房地产市场的暴跌,数百万次级贷款的拖欠率飙升。从2000年到2005年,约有6%的抵押贷款无法收回,而此后到2008年,拖欠率上升了近30个百分点。2. 其他的虚假信息可以归因于抵押贷款经纪人急于让不合格的借款人获得贷款。一些贷款机构,甚至让亲戚冒充借款人的假雇主并提供虚假的报税表格,以获得贷款批准。3. 银行和金融系统内部的人知道存在着猖獗的欺诈行为,但只要利润源源不断地涌入,他们就视而不见,而这进一步加剧了这些问题。4. 现在,由于无法收回的贷款、无法出售的止赎房产和巨大的金融损失,银

17、行业正在收紧信贷标准和放贷操作。5. 随着零首付或极低首付贷款的取消,房屋净值贷款随着房屋价值的继续下跌而萎缩。7. 单选题Having written over 200 books Isaac Asimov is a very prolific writer.问题1选项A.loquaciousB.productiveC.capableD.well-known【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. loquacious 话多的 B. productive 多产的C. capable 有能力的 D. well-known 著名的【答案】B【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】划线词修饰的是writer“作家

18、”,根据前文“写了200多本书”推测,本句表达的是他写了很多书,产出非常多,B选项productive“多产的”最符合原句语义衔接。原词prolific“多产的”。【干扰项排除】A选项loquacious“话多的”,不符合原句语义衔接;C选项capable“有能力的”,没有B选项精确;D选项well-known“著名的”,没有B选项精确。【句意】艾萨克阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov)是一位非常多产的作家,他写了200多本书。8. 单选题Youll have to change your _ of life now that you have got a baby.问题1选项A.modeB.

19、moldC.moodD.form【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. mode 方式;模式 B. mold 模具;类型C. mood 情绪 D. form 形式【答案】A【考查点】修饰语与被修饰语的搭配与形近词辨析【解题思路】空格处所填词受“生活”修饰,原句句意为“既然你有了孩子,你就得改变你的生活_了。”根据前后语义推测,该处表达的是“生活方式”,A选项mode“方式;模式”最符合要求,mode of life“生活方式”。【干扰项排除】B选项mold“模具;类型”,与“生活”搭配不当;C选项mood“情绪,心情”,与“生活”搭配不当;D选项form“形式”,侧重于指某种形式,虽然有时候可以翻

20、译成方式,但是这个方式还是侧重于指以某种形式,“生活方式”常使用的还是mode。【句意】既然你有了孩子,你就得改变你的生活方式了。9. 单选题This book is essential to anyone interested in space exploration.问题1选项A.dispensableB.indisputableC.indispensableD.disputable【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. dispensable 可有可无的 B. indisputable 不容质疑的C. indispensable 不可缺少的 D. disputable 有讨论余地的【答案】C

21、【考查点】形容词辨析【解题思路】划线词修饰的是“这本书”,原词essential“必要的;基本的”,C选项indispensable“不可缺少的”与原词词义最接近。【干扰项排除】A选项dispensable“可有可无的”,与原词词义不符;B选项indisputable“不容质疑的”,与“这本书”搭配不太恰当;D选项disputable“有讨论余地的”,与“这本书”搭配不太恰当。【句意】对任何喜欢太空的人来说,这本书是必要的。10. 翻译题As Ford Motors board of directors gathered to hold its quarterly meeting Thursd

22、ay, speculation was growing that the worlds NO. 2 automaker was prepared to acquire the automotive operations of Swedens Volvo. 1. Merger speculation that has been widespread throughout the industry for months has focused on a possible Volvo-Ford linkup since a report last week that Volvo had hired

23、a Wall Street investment bank to explore a possible sale.Fords board meeting was to be held in Dearborn, the Detroit suburb where Ford is headquartered. Chief spokesman Vaughn Koshkarian declined to comment on the agenda or the Volvo rumors. President Jac Nasser, speaking at an industry conference T

24、uesday night, also declined to say where Ford was negotiating with Volvo. But Nasser again said Ford was open to using its more than $20 billion cash reserve to expand the companys global reach.2. Last years acquisition of Chrysler by Daimler-Benz led to a flurry of talks among automakers looking to

25、 strengthen their position in an industry beset with too much production capacity worldwide. The conventional wisdom is that smaller automakers will be ill-equipped to compete in the 21st century as the industry becomes dominated by several international automakers.Volvo, one of the worlds smaller a

26、utomakers, produces less than 500,000 vehicles annually. Last year it sold 100, 227 cars in the United States, one of its largest markets. 3. Ford reportedly has been courting debt-laden Nissan Motor as well, and turned down an offer last month for a 20% share in the Japanese automaker. Ford also lo

27、st in bidding late last year for financially troubled Kia Motors of Korea.4. Analysts say Ford and Volvo are a better fit. “The Volvo thing is more practical than anything else,” said analyst David Healy of Burnham Securities. “Ford, which is becoming good at cost-effectively developing a variety of

28、 very different cars with the same basic chassis and major parts, could help Volvo expand its product line,” Girsky said. 5. “If you could bring out smaller cars under the Volve brand, you could command a premium price,” he said, “Ford has similarly expanded Jaguars vehicle line since it bought the

29、British Luxury automaker in 1989.”【答案】1. 几个月来业内一直存在关于公司合并的猜测,自从上周有报道称,沃尔沃(Volvo)聘请了华尔街一家投资银行来探讨出售沃尔沃的可能性以来,这种猜测集中在沃尔沃可能与福特(Ford)合并。2. 去年戴姆勒-奔驰(Daimler-Benz)收购克莱斯勒(Chrysler)的事件,引发了汽车制造商之间的一连串的谈判,这些制造商希望加强自己在这个全球产能过剩的行业中的地位。3. 据报道,福特也一直在向负债累累的日产汽车(Nissan Motor)示好,并且上个月拒绝了收购这家日本汽车公司20%股份的要约。4. 分析人士表示福特

30、跟沃尔沃更合适。伯纳姆证券公司的分析师David Healy说“跟沃尔沃的这件事比其他任何事情都更实际。”5. “如果你(福特)能推出沃尔沃品牌下的小型车,你就能获得更高的价格,”他说,“福特1989年收购了英国豪华汽车制造商捷豹(Jaguar)后,同样也扩大了捷豹的产品线。”11. 单选题_ in the dark, his head hit against the wall.问题1选项A.When he was walkingB.WalkingC.His walkingD.While walking【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. When he was walking B. Walki

31、ngC. His walking D. While walking【答案】A【考查点】非谓语动词【解题思路】根据选项推断原句语义为“在黑暗中行走,他的头撞墙了”。非谓语动词应与句子的主语存在逻辑上的语义关系,该句的主语his head“他的头”与“走”这个动作不存在任何语义关系,存在语义关系的是“他”,因此,这里不能使用walk的非谓语形式。A选项When he was walking“他(在黑暗中)行走时”,when引导时间状语从句,符合英语语法,主句和从句可以使用不同的主语。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语法规范。【句意】他在黑暗中行走时,头撞到了墙上。12. 单选题The fine

32、furniture early Shaker communities produced _ as collectors items.问题1选项A.are now prizedB.is being prizes todayC.are been prizes todayD.is now prized【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. are now prized 现在被誉为 B. is being prizes today现在正被誉为C. are been prizes today 现在被誉为 D. is now prized 现在被誉为【答案】D【考查点】主谓一致、时态与语态【解题思路】空格处所

33、填的内容为该句的谓语,本句主语为The fine furniture,其中furniture为不可数名词,做主语时,谓语动词应使用单数形式;并且主语是赞誉的对象,应该使用被动语态(其基本形式为be + done);另外,本句是一种事实性的陈述,使用一般现在时就可以,D选项is now prized符合要求。【干扰项排除】A选项are now prized,主谓不一致;B选项is being prizes today,时态不对,现在进行时表示正在发生的动作或存在的状态,而原句并不强调这种“正在进行”的特征,并且被动语态的形式不对,prizes为动词的第三人称单数形式,而非过去分词形式;C选项ar

34、e been prizes today,主谓不一致,并且被动语态的形式不对,prizes为动词的第三人称单数形式,而非过去分词形式。【句意】早期的震教徒社区生产的精美家具现在被誉为收藏家的藏品。13. 单选题Once the _ contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.问题1选项A.principleB.principalC.potentialD.primitive【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. principle 原则;本质 B. principal 主要的C. potential 潜在的 D. prim

35、itive 原始的【答案】B【考查点】语义衔接与形近词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“抓住_矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解。”根据后文“一切问题就迎刃而解”推断,前文指的是抓住了主要矛盾,B选项principal“主要的”符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A选项principle“原则;本质”,形近词,与contradiction“矛盾”不搭配;C选项potential“潜在的”,不符合原句语义衔接;D选项primitive“原始的”,形近词,不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解了。14. 单选题There has arisen during this twentieth cen

36、tury (as it arose before, in ages which we like to call dark) a pronounced anti-intellectualism, a feeling that both studies and literature are not merely vain, but also somehow untrustworthy. With people swayed by this feeling there is little use in arguing, either for history or literature, or for

37、 poetry or music, or for the arts in general.With others, there is still faith that any civilization worthy of the name must be grounded in a ceaseless pursuit of truth. Whether truth is sought through study or through the arts makes no difference. Any pursuit of truth is not only worthwhile; it is

38、the foundation stone of civilization.The study and reading of history is one of those approaches to truth. It is only one; all the arts and sciences are such approaches. All have their places; all are good; and each touches the other. They are not airtight compartments. It is only in a few instituti

39、ons, afflicted by mental arteriosclerosis, that events like the Industrial Revolution are attributed entirely to the historians, the social scientists, or the physical scientists. Is Pepys Diary (a literary work) history or sociology or literature? Only within the past hundred years have historians

40、found that what people have done in literature and art is a part of their history. Books like Uncle Toms Cabin, Ten Nights in a Bar Room and The Crisis (all literary works) have themselves helped to make history.Even at the moment, when scientific investigation becomes more and more specialized and

41、the historian concentrates more and more fiercely on periods and episodes, it is becoming clearer to the layman that all this is part of one whole. Even at a time when textbooks are being written to introduce to the theoretical physicist his brethren who are working as chemists or engineers on perha

42、ps the same problem, the layman is far enough removed from all this specialization to see the whole, possibly even more clearly than do the specialists. Between history, biography, the arts and sciences, and even journalism, who could draw airtight distinctions? Not laymen. Is not yesterdays newspap

43、er history, and may it not become literature?1. The author suggest that the twentieth century resembles the Dark Ages because of _.2. Pepys Diary should be considered as _.3. Who is most likely to recognize the underlying unity of diverse facts?4. What is most necessary in a period of great speciali

44、zation?5. The main intent of this article seems to be the _.问题1选项A.an ignorance of scienceB.an appreciation of intellectual endeavorsC.disregard of intellectual endeavorsD.a devotion solely to the pursuit of happiness问题2选项A.being strictly sociologicalB.having distinctive literary valuesC.having only

45、 one historical implicationD.having multiple implications问题3选项A.The intellectual.B.The historian.C.The scientist.D.The layman.问题4选项A.Seeing how parts form a whole.B.Seeing the whole as a result of its parts.C.Absolute concentration on minute details.D.Journalistic accounts.问题5选项A.classification of c

46、ertain literary worksB.dissolution of strict classificationC.formation of a new nomenclatureD.appraisal and classification of history【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:B【解析】第1题:【选项释义】The author suggest that the twentieth century resembles the Dark Ages because of _. 作者认为二十世纪类似于黑暗时代是因为_。A. an ignorance of s

47、cience A. 对科学的无知B. an appreciation of intellectual endeavors B. 对智力活动的欣赏C. disregard of intellectual endeavors C. 对智力活动的漠视D. a devotion solely to the pursuit of happiness D. 一心一意追求幸福【答案】C【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词the twentieth century resembles the Dark Ages定位到原文第一段第一句,该句提到“在二十世纪出现了一种明显的反智主义(就像它之前出现的那样

48、,在我们喜欢称之为黑暗的时代),认为各类研究和文学(studies and literature)不仅是徒劳的,而且在某种程度上不值得信任。”由此可知,作者认为二十世纪类似于黑暗时代,是因为这两个时代都出现了一种反智主义,认为各类研究和文学都是无用的、不值得信任的。各类研究和文学都属于智力活动,因此,C选项“对智力活动的漠视”最符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“对科学的无知”,不仅仅是科学,还有文学艺术,该选项属于以偏概全;B选项“对智力活动的欣赏”,与原文表达的意思相反,该选项属于反向干扰;D选项“一心一意追求幸福”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。第2题:【选项释义】Pepys Diary

49、 should be considered as _. 皮普斯日记应该被视为_。A. being strictly sociological A. 严格地属于社会学B. having distinctive literary values B. 具有独特的文学价值C. having only one historical implication C. 只有一个历史意义D. having multiple implications D. 有多种意义【答案】D【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词Pepys Diary定位到原文第三段第六句。该句提到“皮普斯日记(文学作品)是历史、社会学还

50、是文学?”该段第三句提到“他们各有各的位置;都好;彼此接触(each touches the other)。它们不是密闭舱(not airtight compartments)。”因此可知,作者认为不同的领域不是封闭,而是彼此接触,存在重叠的部分。后文中关于皮普斯日记的提问,说明作者是想表达皮普斯日记并不是单纯的文学作品,它也有历史的和社会学的价值。因此,D选项“有多种意义”符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“严格地属于社会学”,只提到了一个领域,属于以偏概全;B选项“具有独特的文学价值”,只提到了一个领域,属于以偏概全;C选项“只有一个历史意义”,只提到了一个领域,属于以偏概全。第3题:【选项释

51、义】Who is most likely to recognize the underlying unity of diverse facts? 谁最有可能认识到不同事实的内在统一性?A. The intellectual. A. 知识分子。B. The historian. B. 历史学家。C. The scientist. C. 科学家。D. The layman. D. 外行人。【答案】D【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词underlying unity of diverse facts定位到原文第四段。本段第一句提到“外行人(the layman)越来越清楚,所有这些都是一

52、个整体的一部分(all this is part of one whole)。”本段第二句提到“外行人可以远离所有这些专业化的东西,看到整体(to see the whole),甚至可能比专家们看得更清楚。”由此可知,D选项“外行人”最有可能认识到不同事实的内在统一性。【干扰项排除】A选项“知识分子”、B选项“历史学家”、C选项“科学家”都是专业化人才,根据原文,可能没有门外汉看得清,属于曲解原文。第4题:【选项释义】What is most necessary in a period of great specialization? 在一个高度专业化的时期,什么是最必要的?A. Seeing

53、 how parts form a whole. A. 认识到部分是如何构成整体的。B. Seeing the whole as a result of its parts. B. 把整体看作局部的结果。C. Absolute concentration on minute details. C. 十分专注于细微的细节。D. Journalistic accounts. D. 新闻报导。【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词great specialization定位到原文第四段。本段第一句提到“即使在科学调查变得越来越专业化、历史学家越来越专注于历史时期和历史事件的时候,外

54、行人也越来越清楚地认识到,所有这些都是一个整体的一部分(all this is part of one whole)。”由此可知,文章强调要有整体观。本段倒数第三句提到“在历史、传记、艺术和科学,甚至是新闻业之间,谁能做出完美的区分(draw airtight distinctions)呢”最后一句提到“难道昨天的报纸不是历史,难道它不会成为文学吗?”由此可知,文章强调不需要太过专业化的区分,有些东西既是这个,也可能是那个。因此,B选项“把整体看作局部的结果”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“认识到部分是如何构成整体的”,原文虽然强调整体的重要性,但是并没有强调部分构成整体的方式,该选项属于推

55、理过度;C选项“十分专注于细微的细节”,与原文表达的意义相反,属于反向干扰;D选项“新闻报导”,原文并未提及,属于无中生有。第5题:【选项释义】The main intent of this article seems to be the _. 这篇文章的主要目的或许是_。A. classification of certain literary works A. 某些文学作品的分类B. dissolution of strict classification B. 解除严格分类C. formation of a new nomenclature C. 新命名法的形成D. appraisal

56、and classification of history D. 历史的评价和分类【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】本题询问的是作者写本文的主要目的。原文第一段主要内容,二十世纪出现了不相信研究和文学的反智主义;第二段主要内容,对真理的追求是文明的基石;第三段主要内容,无论是艺术还是科学,研究和阅读历史,都是通往真理的途径,因为文学和艺术有助于创造历史;第四段主要内容,要有整体观,历史、传记、艺术和科学,甚至是新闻业之间,无法做出完美的区分。综上所述,B选项“解除严格分类”更符合原文的写作目的。【干扰项排除】A选项“某些文学作品的分类”,“文学作品”只是文章提到的部分内容,该选项属于以

57、偏概全;C选项“新命名法的形成”,原文没有提到“新的命名法”,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“历史的评价和分类”,“历史”只是文章的部分内容,该选项属于以偏概全。15. 单选题She considered herself always in the right, and _ anybodys suggestion.问题1选项A.skimpedB.sent downC.sneered atD.submitted to【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. skimped 节省;克扣 B. sent down 开除C. sneered at 嘲笑;蔑视 D. submitted to 屈服于【答案】C【考

58、查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格处所在部分语义为“_任何人的建议”,由前文“她认为自己总是对的”可知,她是一个骄傲自大的人,因此不屑于听取别人的建议,C选项sneered at“嘲笑;蔑视”符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】她认为自己总是对的,对任何人的建议都嗤之以鼻。16. 单选题In Americans fiercely adversarial legal system, a good lawyer is essential. Ask O.J. Simpson. In a landmark case 35 years ago, Gideon V. Wa

59、inwright, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled that indigent defendants must be provided with a lawyer at state expense because there could be no fair trial in a serious criminal case without one. At the time, the decision was hailed as a triumph for justice, an example of Americas commitment to the idea

60、l of equality before the law.This is the image most Americans still have of their criminal-justice systemthe fairest in the world, in which any defendant, no matter how, gets a smart lawyer who, too often, manages to get the culprit off on a technicality. Nothing could be further from the truth. Abo

61、ut 80% of people accused of a felony have to depend on a publicly-provided lawyer; but over the past two decades the eagerness of politicians to look harsh on crime, their reluctance to pay for public defenders, and a series of Supreme Court judgments restricting the grounds for appeal have made a m

62、ockery of Gideon. Today many indigent defendants, including those facing long terms of imprisonment or even death, are treated to a “meetem and pleadem” defensea brief consultation in which a harried or incompetent lawyer encourages them to plead guilty or, if that fails, struggle through a short trial in which the defense is massively outgunned by a more experienced, better-paid and better-prepared prosecutor.“We have a wealth-based system of justice

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