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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-湖北省联考考试易错、难点名师剖析押密卷(附带答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题She is very( )about her appearance. Half of her salary goes to clothes.问题1选项A.particularB.peculiarC.specialD.unusual【答案】A【解析】particular about为固定短语搭配,意为“对.挑剔,过分讲究的”。这里指她对自己的外表很讲究。选项A符合句意。2.单选题Leaks from Edward Snowden, a sys

2、tems administrator turned whistleblower at the National Security Agency (NSA), Americas signals-intelligence agency, have confirmed that the Internet is insecure, and that modern spy agencies canand do, on an industrial scaletap virtually any form of online communication. But perhaps the most acute

3、embarrassment so far has been caused by the revelation that the NSA may have been listening to phone calls made by the leaders of Americas allies,most notably those of the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. But how exactly is it done?A mobile phone is essentially a telephone with a radio attached. An

4、yone can listen in on the radio waves travelling between a handset and the base station to which it is connected. To prevent casual eavesdropping, phones often (although not always) use encryption, which disarranges the data so that only the intended recipient can make sense of it. But not all encry

5、ption is created equal. The encryption used in second-generation (2G) phonesa technology that dates back to 1991一is weak, and readily cracked by modern computers. The 3G standard includes stronger disarranging,although it is still not perfect. 4G, the newest standard, currently being used around the

6、 world, likewise offers more competent encryptionalthough documents leaked by Edward Snowden suggest that the spies are pressuring manufacturers to put secret “back doors” into their products.But getting involved in cryptography isnt always necessary. Spy agencies can obtain details from telephone c

7、ompanies, either by asking them to cooperate or forcing them to. Another option is to impersonate the mobile network itself, by setting up a fake base-station and persuading the targets phone to connect to it. At a hacker conference in 2010,a security researcher called Chris Paget gave a detailed de

8、monstration of how this works, using less than $ 2,000 of off-the-shelf equipment (a fake base-station can instruct phones that connect to it to do all sorts of things,such as turn off their encryption). Police forces around the world use a similar gear to silently listen in on calls made by their t

9、argets. A recent book describes how the FBI has quietly removed several such fake base-stations- run by foreign embassiesfrom around Washington,D. C.Nor is it just calls. Text messages can also be snatched. Modern smartphones are general-purpose computers. Users store e-mails on them, fix their posi

10、tion with satellite navigation systems, and even use them for banking, making them very juicy targets indeed. Even if the phones themselves are secure, it is far from clear how secure the behind-the- scenes servers run by Google and Apple, which control the Android and iOS platforms respectively, re

11、ally are. For the non-spies, there are cheaper, simpler options that often work, too. This week several journalists in Britain are standing trial for hacking the voicemail messages of everyone from serving politicians to murdered schoolchildren. Their methods were low-tech but effective: they smooth

12、-talked employees of mobile-phone companies into handing over the four-digit pass codes that protect their customers voicemail accounts. Or else they simply guessed them, betting that the phone owners either hadnt changed them from default settings or had chosen easy-to-remember ones, such as 12 34.

13、 Whether the NSA used low-or high-tech methods to tap Mrs. Merkels phone remains a mysteryfor now, at least.1.What is the purpose of this passage?2.How can encryption prevent casual eavesdropping?3.According to the context the word “impersonate”(Para. 3)might mean “( ) ”.4.What is the last paragraph

14、 about?问题1选项A.To reveal how Angela Merkel is tapped.B.To narrate the story of leaks from Edward Snowden.C.To explain how phones can be bugged.D.To show the advancement of high technology.问题2选项A.By stopping the usual radio waves.B.By disconnecting a telephone to a radio.C.By making the information in

15、comprehensible.D.By creating equal code pages.问题3选项A.empowerB.designC.personifyD.copy问题4选项A.Other illegal means to obtain personal information.B.Process of snatching text messages.C.The trial of several British journalists.D.Advice of how to use smartphones in proper ways.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B【解析

16、】第1题:1.结合文章内容可知,文章由第一段爱德华斯诺登泄密的故事引出手机窃听,主要目的是为了说明手机是如何被窃听的,所以选项C正确。2.根据第二段第三句“To prevent casual eavesdropping, . recipient can make sense of it.”为了防止偶然的窃听,手机经常(虽然并不总是如此)使用加密技术,加密技术会打乱数据的排列,只有目标接收者才能理解这些数据。也就是说,使信息无法被旁人所理解,选项C符合原文。3.根据第三段第三句“Another option is to impersonate the mobile network itself,

17、 by setting up a fake base-station and persuading the targets phone to connect to it.”另一种选择是模拟移动网络本身,建立一个假的基站,并说服目标的手机连接到它。根据“fake base-station”可以推测,impersonate表示模拟的意思,选项中D带入原文最接近文意,所以正确。4.根据最后一段的第一句“Nor is it just calls. Text messages can also be snatched.”不只是电话,短信也可以被窃取。选项B符合原文。第2题:第3题:第4题:3.单选题Th

18、ey are working( )time to fulfill the task according to the schedule.问题1选项A.againstB.overC.ahead ofD.before【答案】A【解析】work against time为固定搭配,指抢时间完成工作,以全速工作。句意:他们正在争分夺秒地工作,以便按时完成任务。选项A符合句意。4.单选题Although he did not state his opinion, the ( )was that he doubted my words.问题1选项A.interruptionB.implicationC.i

19、mpositionD.interaction【答案】B【解析】句意:尽管他没有陈述他的观点, 但隐含的意思是他怀疑我说的话。选项B符合语境。5.单选题Its difficult for my father to ( )without a cane.问题1选项A.talk backB.sit inC.stand outD.get round【答案】D【解析】talk back顶嘴, 反驳;sit in旁听, 参加;stand out站出来, 坚持到底;get round四处走动。句意:没有手杖, 父亲很难四处走动。选项D符合语境。6.单选题His difficulty in expressing

20、 himself clearly will be a ( )to his plans to become a lawyer.问题1选项A.hesitationB.hingeC.highlightD.handicap【答案】D【解析】句意:他难以清楚地表达自己的想法, 这将成为他想当一名律师的不利条件。handicap指障碍, 不利条件。只有选项D符合句意。7.单选题This is the industrialists( ): invest, and risk going bankrupt, or not invest and risk losing your share of the mark

21、et.问题1选项A.paradoxB.junctionC.premiseD.dilemma【答案】D【解析】根据下文列举出的两种情况可以推断, 填空处应指进退两难的境地。句意:这就是实业家的困境:要么冒着破产的风险投资;要么不投资, 但要面临着失去市场份额的风险。选项D符合语境。8.单选题Our research has focused on a drug which is so( )as to be able to change brain chemistry.问题1选项A.powerfulB.influentialC.monstrousD.vigorous【答案】A【解析】powerful

22、强大的,强有力的;influential有影响力的;monstrous巨大的,怪异的;vigorous精力充沛的。句意:我们的研究集中在一种药物上,其药效非常强大,足以改变大脑的化学性质。选项A符合语境。9.单选题The statistical figures in that report are not( ). You should not refer to them.问题1选项A.accurateB.fixedC.delicateD.rigid【答案】A【解析】figures数字一般用不准确来形容, 句意:那份报告中的统计数字不准确, 你不应该参考它们。选项A符合语境。10.单选题Grap

23、hene must surely be one of the most exciting developments in modern science. Indeed, the substance is so extraordinary that it sounds too good to be truea superflexible sheet of carbon, just a single atom thick, which is not only the thinnest and strongest material yet known but also conducts heat,

24、light and electricity while being impassable to gas.We have two scientists at the University of Manchester to thank for graphene. What began with Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov playing around with Scotch tape and a block of carbon graphite turned into the discovery of the so-called “miracle materia

25、l” (and a joint Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010).Now, of course, the race is on to put graphene to use. Even the more sober predictions read like science fiction. From cheap desalination filters to solve the worlds creeping water crisis, to next-generation electronics with foldable touch-screens and

26、ultra-speedy biodegradable processors, to superstrong but superlightweight cars and airplanes, if just a fraction of graphenes potential is fulfilled it will change the world. And that is without even considering either the biomedical or the military possibilities. Nor are researchers hanging back;

27、in 2012 alone,some 10,000 papers were published on the subject.Britain may be the birthplace of graphene, but we will still have to work hard to hang on to our global lead as scientists and entrepreneurs across the world dash for competitive advantage. The good news is that real efforts are being ma

28、de to bridge the long-standing gap between university research and commercial products that so often leaves the UK lagging behind, for example, the US. The Government has given more than 60m, and graphene research centers are under construction in both Manchester and Cambridge.But there are already

29、signs of progress. Yesterday, Applied Graphene Materials一a spin-off from Durham Universitybecame the second manufacturer of the material to list successfully on the stock market this year. Both its founders ambitions and beliefs in them are wholly justified. Graphenes potential is limited only by ou

30、r imaginations.1.The article is written mainly to( ) .2.Which is NOT a property of graphene according to the passage?3.It can be inferred that the past graphene research in the UK was( ) .4.There are good reasons for investors to believe in the founders ambitions for graphene because( ).问题1选项A.urge

31、Britons to hold the lead in grapheneB.introduce the new material graphene to readersC.inform readers of the limitless potentials of grapheneD.report the construction of UKs graphene research centers问题2选项A.It is the thinnest and strongest substance.B.It is a superb conductor of gas.C.It is one of the

32、 most stretchable materials.D.It is a special kind of carbon.问题3选项A.put to dash for a competitive advantageB.far ahead of the US in marketingC.turned into a lot of science fictionD.isolated in university experiment labs问题4选项A.human imaginations can go as far as they canB.there is no gap between rese

33、arch and productsC.the stock market in the UK is successfulD.the new material has huge room for profit【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D【解析】1.文章第一段简单介绍了石墨烯,三四段提到石墨烯的竞争优势,最后一段提到,石墨烯的潜力仅受我们想象力的限制。潜在意思就是石墨烯的潜力是无限的,所以作者的目的也是想让读者了解石墨烯的无限潜力。选项C正确。2.根据第一段后半部分对石墨烯的描述可知选项A,C,D均是石墨烯的特征,只有选项B错误。“conducts heat, light and

34、 electricity while being impassable to gas.”石墨烯可以传导热,光,电,但是无法传导气体。3.根据倒数第二段第一句“Britain may be the birthplace . dash for competitive advantage.”英国可能是石墨烯的诞生地,但是我们仍然需要继续努力保持全球领先地位, 因为全世界的科学家和企业家都在争取竞争优势。选择A符合原文。4.根据最后一段的内容可知,这里已经有发展的迹象。昨天,石墨烯材料应用公司 (杜伦大学的附属品牌)成为本年度第二个成功上市的石墨烯生产商,而石墨烯的潜力也是无限的。综上,也就是说这种新物质有很大的利润空间。选项D正确。

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