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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-北京科技大学考试易错、难点名师剖析押密卷(附带答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题Last month, the public address system at Earls Court subway station in London was ordered to get the noise down. Passengers, it seems, had had enough of being told the blindingly obvious: “Stand back or the train will run

2、you over.” “Dont lean on the doors.” “Stand back from the opening doors.” “Do this.” “Dont do that.”Bossiness is not just aural. It is also written. As a commuter, Im continually bombarded by notices on car walls. “Please take your feet of the seat.” “Please turn down your personal stereo.” And when

3、 I drive past the local primary, a sign flashes: “School. Slow down!”The presumption behind these signs is that Britons must have everything spelled out because we are tow, uncivilized people who were raised by wolves.Britain didnt use to be so bossy. When I was a boy, for instance, the local cinema

4、 put a warming on screen before we settled down to watch. “Dont,” it said, “make noises.” In those days, long before mobile phones, it was the only bossiness we saw in the cinema. Since then, bossiness has become more commonplace. Television, that strongest guide to public morals and lifestyles in t

5、his country, is alive with dominant people. On screen, we see health experts holding some poor womans breasts and demanding that she get in shape. Cooking programs tell us not to think of leaving toast crumbs on the kitchen table.There is no point in blaming TV for this new bossiness. We want to be

6、bossed. We have behaved badly and now we yearn to feel the whip to correct us. On July 1, smoking will be banned in public places in England. My local government told churches in the area last week that no-smoking posters must be prominently displayed by church entrances.I love this: the governments

7、 are bossing people to make them bossier. They are insisting that priests tell their congregations (教区的教民) what to do.My local government isnt the only source of bossiness. I find it everywhere. But the rise in bossiness does not seem to have been accompanied by a rise in socially well-adjusted beha

8、vior. In fact, the opposite. Perhaps this is because, if you feel as though you are treated with contempt, you will respond with the same.1. The case at Earls Court subway station shows that( ).2. It is presumed that bossiness is everywhere because Britons( ).3. It is suggested in the passage that(

9、).4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?5. The author writes this passage in a( ).问题1选项A.it is very noisy in public placesB.it is necessary to warm the passengers of their safetyC.people have realized the importance of public orderD.people have been tired of being bo

10、ssed问题2选项A.need to be bossed to behave themselvesB.want to be reminded of how to behave wellC.must have everything spelled outD.are raised in uncivilized society问题3选项A.now Britons behave much better than they did in the pastB.in the past Britons behaved much better than they do nowC.the dominant peo

11、ple on screen should be blamed for the new bossinessD.television has misguided the public morals and lifestyles in Britain问题4选项A.Television should play a role in enhancing public morals.B.The local government has got involved in the church activities.C.The governments want to make themselves more au

12、thoritative by bossing people.D.The rise in bossiness has helped the improvement of peoples behavior.问题5选项A.funny toneB.criticizing toneC.friendly toneD.radical tone【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】第1题:推理判断题。题干意思是“厄尔法院地铁站的案子表明”。根据文章第一段第二句Passengers, it seems, had had enough of being told the blindin

13、gly obvious(乘客们似乎已经受够了那些显而易见的事情盲目地被人提醒)可推测,地铁站的公共广播总是重复相同的且显而易见的事情,让人们感到厌倦,所以D项“人们已经厌倦了被人指挥”符合题意。A项“公共场所很吵”比较片面,人们觉得公共广播系统很吵的原因是因为它一直重复提醒大家一些显而易见的东西;B项“有必要让乘客感到安全”和C项“人们已经意识到公共秩序的重要性”都不符合原文的意思。故该题选D正确。第2题:细节推理题。题干意思是“人们认为专横跋扈无处不在是因为英国人”。根据第二段Bossiness is not just aural. It is also written. As a comm

14、uter, Im continually bombarded by notices on car walls. Please take your feet of the seat.” “Please turn down your personal stereo.” And when I drive past the local primary, a sign flashes: “School. Slow down!”(霸道不仅仅是口头上的,它也是书面上的;作为一名通勤者,我不断被汽车墙上的告示轰炸:“请在座位上坐下。”“请把你的立体声音响关小一点。”当我开车经过当地的小学时,一个指示牌闪过:“

15、学校。慢下来!”)可以推断,英国在公共场合出现很多语音或者书面的提示是因为他们想要突出自己礼貌的行为举止,所以A项“需要被提醒礼貌的举止”符合题意。B项“想要别人提醒你如何举止得体”为干扰项,英国广播系统到处提示人们是提醒英国人应该举止礼貌,该项过度解读所以错误;C项“必须把一切都说清楚”,在第三段第一句提到The presumption behind these signs is that Britons must have everything spelled out(这些迹象背后的假设是,英国人必须把一切都说清楚)可知,这里只是提出的一个假设,所以该项不选;D项“在不文明的社会长大”文中

16、未提及。故该题选A正确。第3题:推理判断题。题干意思是“这篇文章暗示了”。根据文章第四段第一句Britain didnt use to be so bossy(英国过去可没这么专横)和第五句Since then, bossiness has become more commonplace.(从那以后,专横跋扈变得越来越普遍)可知,过去的英国人比现在的英国人表现要好得多,所以B项“过去英国人比现在表现得好得多”正确。A项“现在英国人的行为比过去好多了”,内容与原文正相反;C项“屏幕上占主导地位的人应该为这种新的霸道行为负责”,第五段提到There is no point in blaming T

17、V for this new bossiness.(指责电视的这种新霸道是没有意义的)可知,C项错误;D项“电视误导了英国公众的道德和生活方式”,第四段倒数第三句提到Television, that strongest guide to public morals and lifestyles in this country, is alive with dominant people.(电视是这个国家公共道德和生活方式最有力的引导,它与占统治地位的人共存),由此可知,文中只是提到电视是公共道德和生活方式最有力的引导,而没有强调它误导了英国公众的道德和生活方式,所以D项错误。故该题选B正确。第

18、4题:细节推断题。题干意思是“根据短文,下列哪个陈述是正确的?”。第六段提到I love this: The governments are bossing people to make them bossier.(我喜欢这个:政府对人颐指气使,使他们更专横),由此可推断,政府是想通过对人颐指气使来使他们显得更具有权威,所以C项“政府想通过对人颐指气使使自己更有权威”正确。根据第四段倒数第三句Television, that strongest guide to public morals and lifestyles in this country, is alive with domina

19、nt people.(电视是这个国家公共道德和生活方式最有力的引导,它与占统治地位的人共存)可知,A项“电视应该在提高公共道德方面发挥作用”内容比较片面;B项“当地政府已经参与了教会的活动”文章中未提及;最后一段提到But the rise in bossiness does not seem to have been accompanied by a rise in socially well-adjusted behavior.(但专横跋扈的增多似乎并没有伴随着社会适应性良好行为的增多),由此可知D项“专横跋扈的兴起有助于人们行为的改善”错误。故该题选C正确。第5题:观点态度题。题干意思是

20、“作者以一种语调写了这篇文章”。根据第一段had had enough of being told the blindingly obvious(已经受够了那些显而易见的提醒)中的blindly(盲目地)和第三段Britons must have everything spelled out because we are tow, uncivilized people who were raised by wolves.(英国人必须把一切都说清楚,因为我们是被狼养大的野蛮人)以及文章最后一句if you feel as though you are treated with contempt,

21、 you will respond with the same(如果你觉得别人轻视你,你也会以同样的态度来对待他们),由此可知,作者是用一种讽刺的手法写这篇文章的,所以B项“批判的语气”符合题意。A项“有趣的语气”、C项“友好的语气”和D项“激进的语气”都不正确。故该题选B。2.问答题The patient needed a spinal tap, and a senior attending physician asked a medical resident whether a preparatory blood test had been checked. The medical stu

22、dent was stunned to hear him answer in the affirmative, because she was quite certain it had not been checked.(1) Well, almost certain.Doctors in training sometimes confront situations in which they worry that their supervising physicians are making mistakes or bending the truth. (2) Yet even though

23、 such acts can jeopardize patients, the inclination and ability of young doctors to speak up is hampered by the hierarchies in teaching hospitals.On the top were the senior physicians who made rounds on the wards once or twice daily. Next were the overworked residents, who essentially lived in the h

24、ospital while training. (3) Last were the medical students who were most assuredly at the bottom of the heap.The student whose resident seemingly lied to the attending physician about the blood test did not speak up. The resident was a good doctor, she said, and so she had given him the benefit of t

25、he doubt. And, she added, both the resident and the attending physician would be grading her.What should a medical student do in such a situation? One possibility is to take the matter up with a more senior doctor. Or the student might go directly to the patient or family, telling them that the phys

26、icians have a genuine disagreement and that they deserve to know about it.These options seem logical on paper. As the ethicist James Dwyer has written in The Hastings Center Report, “The practice of always keeping quiet is a failure of caring.” (4) But in the real world, it may be extremely difficul

27、t to go up the chain of command.Fortunately, medical educators are increasingly recognizing the dilemmas that doctors in training confront when they witness behavior that makes them uncomfortable. (5) Students and residents are now expected to provide routine feedbackpositive and negativeabout their

28、 supervising physicians at the close of their rotation.Of course, physicians and students need to be educated about how to give feedback in professional and non-confrontational ways. Medical educators are only now beginning to teach this skill. Still, it will be hard to change the unfortunate percep

29、tion that constructive feedback, even for a patients benefit, is whistle-blowing.【答案】答:1.Almost certainly, the medical student was stunned to hear such an answer from his supervisor.2.The inclination and ability of young doctors to speak up is stopped by the hospital hierarchies, despite appearance

30、of mistakes by supervising physicians.3.At the bottom of hierarchy were those medical students assuredly.4.But in real hospital environment, it is rather difficult for medical students to give a command.5.Medical students and residents should make regular feedback about their supervising physicians,

31、 positively and negatively at the end of their rotation.【解析】1.原文句意是:嗯,几乎可以肯定。原文这一句是对上文的肯定,上文提到The medical student was stunned to hear him answer in the affirmative, because she was quite certain it had not been checked.(学医的学生听到他的回答很吃惊,因为她很肯定没有经过检查),所以改写的时候需要结合上文的内容来进行扩充,故改写为Almost certainly, the med

32、ical student was stunned to hear such an answer from his supervisor(几乎可以肯定的是,医学院的学生听到他的导师这样的回答感到很震惊)。2.原文句意是:然而,即使这样的行为可能危及病人,但教学医院的等级制度阻碍了年轻医生发言的倾向和能力。前半句是让步状语从句,并且acts can jeopardize patients指的是作为指导医生,他们的错误行为危害到病人的健康,所以可以改写为despite appearance of mistakes by supervising physicians(尽管指导医生出现了一些错误);后半

33、句中的hamper可以用stop来替代,所以句子改写为The inclination and ability of young doctors to speak up is stopped by the hospital hierarchies, despite appearance of mistakes by supervising physicians(医院的等级制度阻止了年轻医生说话的倾向和能力,尽管指导医生出现了一些错误)。3.原文句意是:最后,处于等级最下层的肯定是这些医学生。at the bottom of the heap(在底层)指的是等级制度的底层,所以可以改写为at th

34、e bottom of hierarchy;另外who引导的定语从句是修饰强调的,所以句式可以精简,故这个句子可改写为At the bottom of hierarchy were those medical students assuredly(在等级制度的最底层肯定是那些医科学生)。4.原文句意是:但在现实世界中,要爬上指挥链可能极其困难。根据文章语境,in real world(在现实世界中)指的就是在医院环境中,而the chain of command(指挥链)的对象指的则是位于底层的医学生;故该句子可以改写为But in real hospital environment, it

35、is rather difficult for medical students to give a command(但在现实的医院环境中,医学生想要得到指挥权是相当困难的)。5.原文句意是:学生和住院医师现在被要求在轮班结束时对他们的指导医生提供常规的正面和负面反馈。routine(常规的)可以改为regular(定期的,普通的);positive and negative在原文中是作为插入语使用,所以可以改为positively and negatively;故该句可改写为Medical students and residents should make regular feedback

36、 about their supervising physicians, positively and negatively at the end of their rotation(医学生和住院医师应该在轮岗结束时,定期对他们的指导医生做出正面和负面反馈)。3.单选题Global warming poses a threat to the earth, but humans can probably ease the climate threats brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, global

37、climate specialist Richard Alley told an audience at the University of Vermont, Alley said his research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave parts of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries.Almost all scientis

38、ts agree that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere created as humans burn fossil fuel is warming the planet. How to respond to the warming is a matter of intense political, scientific and economic debate worldwide.Alley said he was upbeat about global warming because enough clever p

39、eople existed in the world to find other reliable energy sources besides fossil fuels. He said people can get rich finding marketable alternatives to fossil fuel. “Wouldnt it be useful if the United States were to have a piece of the action. Wouldnt it be useful if some bright students from Universi

40、ty of Vermont were to have a piece of the action,” Alley said.Alley said that Europe and parts of eastern North America could in a matter of a few years revert to a cold, windy region, like the weather in Siberia. Such shifts have occurred frequently over the millennia, Alleys research shows. A grad

41、ual change in atmospheric temperature, such as global warming, could push the climate to a threshold where such a shift suddenly occurs, he said.Alley told his audience of about 200 people in a University of Vermont lecture hall Wednesday evening that he couldnt predict if, when or where sudden shif

42、ts toward cold, heat, drought or water could occur under global warming, but it is something everyone should consider.“This is not the biggest problem in the world. The biggest problem in the world is getting along with each other. But its part of that because were not going to get along with each o

43、ther if were not getting along with the planet,” Alley said.1. According to Alley the climate threats to the earth brought by global warming( ).2. Alleys research shows that dramatic climate changes may be caused by( ).3. The word “upbeat” (in Paragraph 3) probably means( ).4. What does Alley sugges

44、t people do in order to reduce global warming?5. Alley predicts that global warming could turn Europe and parts of eastern North America into( ).问题1选项A.can be easedtB.can be endedtC.will become worsetD.will last for decadest问题2选项A.abrupt changes in atmospheric patternstB.subtle changes in atmospheri

45、c patternstC.humans burning of fossil fueltD.increasing levels of carbon dioxidet问题3选项A.pessimistictB.optimistictC.worriedtD.insensiblet问题4选项A.To find other energy sources besides fossil fuels.tB.To start a political, scientific and economic debate.tC.To take action to burn no fossil fuels.tD.To cal

46、l on people worldwide to protect our earth.t问题5选项A.a region like SiberiatB.a warmer and warmer placetC.a tropical regiontD.a place like North Pole【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。题干意思是“根据Alley的说法,全球变暖给地球带来的气候威胁”。根据题干定位到文章第一段第一句Global warming poses a threat to the earth, but humans can prob

47、ably ease the climate threats brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, global climate specialist Richard Alley told an audience at the University of Vermont(全球气候专家理查德阿利在佛蒙特大学的一次演讲中表示,全球变暖对地球构成威胁,但人类或许可以缓解大气中二氧化碳含量上升带来的气候威胁),由此可知A项“可以得到缓解”正确。B项“可以结束”和C项“会变得更糟糕”文中没有提及;D项“会持续数十年

48、”,根据第一段Alley said his research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave parts of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries(阿利说,他在格陵兰岛的研究表明,大气模式的微妙变化使全球部分地区容易受到可能持续数十年或数百年的突然和剧烈气候变化的影响)可知,D项内容比较片面。因此,该题选择A项正确。第2题:细节推

49、断题。题干意思是“阿利的研究表明,剧烈的气候变化可能是由于”。根据第一段最后一句Alley said his research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave parts of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries(阿利说,他在格陵兰岛的研究表明,大气模式的微妙变化使全球部分地区容易受到可能持续数十年或数百年的突然和剧烈气候变化的影

50、响)可知,剧烈的气候变化可能是由于大气模式的微妙变化;因此B项“大气模式的细微变化”正确。A项“大气模式的突变”,内容与原文相反;C项“人类燃烧化石燃料”和D项“不断增加的二氧化碳含量”是表面现象,故不选。因此,该题选择B项正确。第3题:语义推测题。题干意思是“第三段的upbeat的意思可能是”。根据题干定位到文章第三段开头Alley said he was upbeat about global warming because enough clever people existed in the world to find other reliable energy sources bes

51、ides fossil fuels.(阿利说,他对全球变暖持upbeat的态度,因为世界上有足够多的聪明人能够找到化石燃料以外的其他可靠能源),从句子的后半部分可以推测,因为有足够多的人能够找到可替代的能源,所以Alley对全球变暖是比较乐观的态度,所以upbeat这里表示的是“乐观的”,故B项“乐观的”正确。A项“悲观的,厌世的”、C项“担忧的”和D项“麻木不仁的”均不正确,无法从文章中推敲出来。因此,该题选择B项正确。第4题:细节事实题。题干意思是“为了减少全球变暖,阿利建议人们做什么?”。根据第三段第二句He said people can get rich finding market

52、able alternatives to fossil fuel(他说,人们可以通过寻找丰富的有市场价值的化石燃料替代品)可知,A项“寻找化石燃料之外的其他能源”正确。B项“开始一场政治、科学和经济的辩论”没有提到;C项“采取行动不燃烧化石燃料”,这只是一部分,不够全面;D项“号召全世界的人们保护我们的地球”也没有提及。因此,该题选择A项正确。第5题:细节事实题。题干意思是“阿利预测,全球变暖将使欧洲和北美东部部分地区变成”。根据文章第四段第一句Alley said that Europe and parts of eastern North America could in a matter

53、 of a few years revert to a cold, windy region, like the weather in Siberia.(阿利说,欧洲和北美东部部分地区可能在几年内恢复到寒冷多风的地区,就像西伯利亚的天气一样),由此可知A项“像西伯利亚这样的地区”正确。B项“一个越来越暖和的地方”和C项“热带地区”内容与原文相反;D项“像北极这样的地方”,原文提到了“就像西伯利亚的天气一样”,所以D项错误。因此,该题选择A项正确。4.单选题Scientists maintain that feathers initially developed from insect scal

54、es.问题1选项A.surprisinglyB.originallyC.self-evidentlyD.mostly【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。initially表示“最初地”;A项surprisingly“惊人地,出人意料地”,B项originally“最初”,C项self-evidently“不言而喻地”,D项mostly“主要地,多半地”。句意:科学家们认为,羽毛最初是由昆虫的鳞片进化而来的。根据句意可知,该题选择B项正确。5.单选题It is a curious paradox that we think of the physical sciences as “hard”, th

55、e social sciences as “soft” and the biological sciences as somewhere in between. This is interpreted to mean that our knowledge of physical systems is more certain than our knowledge of biological systems, and these in turn are more certain than our knowledge of social systems. In terms of our capac

56、ity to sample the relevant universes, however, and the probability that our images of these universes are at least approximately correct, one suspects that a reverse order is more reasonable. We are able to sample earths social systems with some degree of confidence that we have a reasonable sample

57、of the total universe being investigated. Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries. Even the folk knowledge in social systems on which ordinary life is based in earning, spending, organizing

58、, marrying, taking part in political activities, fighting and so on, is not very dissimilar from the more sophisticated images of the social system derived from the social sciences, even though it is built upon the very imperfect samples of personal experience.In contrast, our image of the astronomi

59、cal universe, of even the earths geological history, can easily be subject to revolutionary changes as new data come in and new theories are worked out. If we define the “security” of our image of various parts of the total system as the probability of their suffering significant changes, then we wo

60、uld reverse the order of hardness and see the social sciences as the most secure, the physical sciences as the least secure, and again the biological sciences as somewhere in between. Our image of the astronomical universe is the least secure of all simply because we observe such a fantastically sma

61、ll sample of it and its record-keeping, is trivial as compared with the rich records of the social systems, or even the limited records of biological systems. Records of the astronomical universe, despite the fact that we see distant things as they were long ago, are limited in the extreme.Even in r

62、egard to such a close neighbor as the moon, which we have actually visited, theories about its origin and history are extremely different, contradictory, and hard to choose among. Our knowledge of physical evolution is incomplete and highly insecure.1. The word “paradox” (Para. 1) means( ).2. Accord

63、ing to the author, we should reverse our classification of the physical sciences as “hard” and the social sciences as “soft” because( ).3. The author believes that our knowledge of social systems is more secure than that of physical systems because( ).4. The chances of the physical sciences being su

64、bject to great changes are the biggest because( ).5. We know less about the astronomical universe than we do about any social system because( ).问题1选项A.implicationtB.contradictiontC.interpretationtD.confusiont问题2选项A.a reverse ordering will help promote the development of the physical sciencestB.our knowledge of physical systems is more reliable than that of social syste

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