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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-湖北省联考考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题The plan to allow the reading public to rent e-books, much as they rent movies,has proved so much more contentious than its pioneer,the former Waterstones managing director Tim Coates, had hoped.That publishers are very cautious of

2、 the idea of his new Bilbary e-rental venture, which launched this week, is perhaps not entirely surprising: although the e-rentals automatically delete themselves when the borrowing time expires,they fear the scheme might harm sales.Less controversial, however, is Mr Coates generous pledge to donat

3、e a good chunk of Bilbarys profits to campaigns to keep open libraries threatened by government budget cuts. Hundreds of the nations 4, 000 public libraries are at risk; and campaigners attempts to persuade courts and councils to keep them open are largely failing.Closing libraries is inevitable,the

4、 argument goes, in an era when two out of three British homes have a computer. But that is far from the whole story. While 200 million books are sold every year, more than 310 million are borrowed. The one-in-three homes without a computer are those of the nations poorer children, many of whom live

5、without even a table at which they can do their homework. It is with only the mildest exaggeration that Alan Bennett, the playwright and campaigner, describes the closure of libraries as an act of “child abuse”.To some, the word “library” conjures only negative associations, an irrelevant anachronis

6、m in an increasingly digital world. But a good library is far more than just a place to store books. It is a gateway to knowledge, a place well able to adapt to the computer age and in doing so support the curiosity, study and research of new generations.There are,of course,some libraries that are u

7、nfit for purpose. But those that use digital technologies as an aide,rather than treat them as a threat, more than hold true to their core purpose. And those that have made the leap are seeing visitor numbers rise,not fall. Britains libraries do not need closing but they may need changing. We can on

8、ly hope that Mr. Coates support can help many of them to do so.1.The argument about the closing of libraries stems from( ).2.The word “anachronism” in Para. 5 might mean( ).3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?4.The authors attitude toward closing libraries can be

9、 described as( ).问题1选项A.the fall of sale of booksB.the advent of digital technologiesC.the government budget cutD.the world economic recession问题2选项A.chronological errorB.phonological errorC.etymological errorD.historical error问题3选项A.Some people believe that libraries are out of date in digital age.B

10、.In the UK,one out of three homes dont have computers.C.It is inevitable that digital libraries will replace the existing libraries.D.Some libraries need introducing digital technologies as an aid.问题4选项A.positiveB.negativeC.indifferentD.neutral【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D【解析】1.根据第三段第一句“Mr Coates generou

11、s pledge to donate a good chunk of Bilbarys profits to campaigns to keep open libraries threatened by government budget cuts.”科茨先生慷慨承诺将Bilbary的大部分利润捐赠给那些开放受到政府预算削减威胁的图书馆。由此可知, 关于关闭图书馆的争论源于政府的预算削减, 选项C符合原文。2.根据原文句意:对一些人来说, “图书馆”这个词只会让人联想到负面的联想, 在这个日益数字化的世界里, 这是一个无关紧要的时代错误。根据“an increasingly digital w

12、orld”可以推测, 时代在变化, 所以这里指的是时代错误, 选项A正确。3.原文最后一段倒数第二句“Britains libraries do not need closing but they may need changing.”英国的图书馆不需要关闭, 但是可能需要改变。所以, 选项C说法错误。4.作者在最后一段提到, 英国的图书馆不需要关闭, 但是可能需要改变。这体现了作者的中立态度。所以选项D正确。2.单选题Framing a problem in mythological terms can point toward solutions at deeper mythic leve

13、ls. For centuries, the guiding myth of Western culture has been what might be called the “Grand Narrative of Progress.” It is the story of movement toward a goal achievement, improvement, and conquest. Modern science and technology have propelled this myth, extending the human life-span, harnessing

14、natural resources and the power of the atom, carrying sounds through the atmosphere, and exploring outer space by defying gravity itself.Rational thought and the empirical scientific method became the chief instruments of the progress myth, and they promised to discern which economic system, which f

15、orm of government, and which aesthetic design would best lead humanity out of confusion toward a utopian future. As science tests hypotheses, those that fail to be verified are abandoned, allowing science to move forward in a self-correcting, progressive direction.Mythology was equated with supersti

16、tion and falsehood: its most vital elements could not be subjected to empirical verification, and it emanated from the well of imagination rather than reason. Spiritual concerns, beliefs in the divine, and respect for the sacred were considered to be the “opium of the masses” and, like any other add

17、iction, a hindrance to progress.But as the Grand Narrative of Progress came to dominate other values and views, it cast a malignant shadow. The invention of the automobile was the quintessence of progress, but it left overcrowded highways, air pollution, and deforestation in its wake. Fertilizers in

18、creased crop production but also increased the growth of algae in lakes and canals. The discovery of powerful insecticides first greeted with enthusiasm and a Nobel Prize was followed by the unintentional poisoning of fish, birds, and animals. Nuclear power plants increased available energy but led

19、to storage problems, life-threatening contamination, and at least one accident with worldwide repercussions. The waste products of technological living began to choke great cities and foul once-pristine lands. Although Western housing, clothing, and religion were brought to aboriginal people, and th

20、e rate of infectious disease went down, the rate of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, and spouse and children abuse went up.1.By the first sentence of the passage the author means that( ) .2.The Grand Narrative of Progress can be realized because( ) .3.In the last paragraph, the word“malignant” m

21、eans( ) .4.Which of the following can best describe the view of the author?问题1选项A.myth is very important in the problem-solution relationshipB.science and technology are helpful to solve the problemsC.the Grand Narrative of Progress is powerfulD.problem and solution are the twins问题2选项A.it emanated f

22、rom imagination rather than reasonB.it is the story of a movement toward a goalC.it dominates other values and viewsD.it is with thought and method问题3选项A.fantasticB.dominantC.benignD.harmful问题4选项A.Human progress has nothing to do with mythologies.B.The myth has helped little in shaping the human fut

23、ure.C.The Grand Narrative of Progress should be criticized.D.Science and technology can lead us to a utopian future【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C【解析】1.根据句意:用神话构思问题能更好地从神话的角度解决问题。也就是说,神话在解决问题的过程中非常重要。选项A正确。2.根据关键词“Grand Narrative of Progress”定位到第一段“.It is the story of movement toward a goal achievement, im

24、provement, and conquest.”这是一个朝着目标前进的故事成就、进步和征服。“进步大神话”之所以能实现是因为它有明确的目标,朝着目标前进。选项B符合原文。3.原文中“malignant”修饰shadow,而在接下来的内容中主要描述的是“进步大神话”的负面影响,由此可以推断,shadow指阴影,选项中表示贬义的形容词只有选项D,所以“malignant”指有害的。4.根据原文第三段可知,作者对神话的态度是反对的,紧接着在第四段花大量的篇幅讲述了“进步大神话”的负面影响,由此可以推断,作者认为,“进步大神话”应该受到批评。选项C正确。3.单选题Coincident with co

25、ncerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem, to the health of the Earth and human beings. Much has been written about the diversity of terrestrial organisms, part

26、icularly the exceptionally rich life associated with tropical rain-forest habitats. Relatively little has been said, however, about diversity of life in the sea even though coral reef systems are comparable to rain forests in terms of richness of life.An alien exploring the Earth would probably give

27、 priority to the planets dominant, most distinctive feature一the ocean. Humans have a bias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly examining global issues. Seen from far away, it is easy to realize that landmasses occupy one-third of the Earths surface. Given that two-thirds of the Earths

28、 surface is water and that marine life lives at all levels of the ocean, the total three- dimensional living space of the ocean is perhaps 100 times greater than that of land and contains more than 90 percent of all life on Earth even though the ocean has fewer distinct species.The fact that half of

29、 the known species are thought to inhabit the worlds rain forests does not seem surprising, considering the huge numbers of insects that comprise the bulk of species. One scientist found many different species of ants in just one tree from a rain forest. While every species is different from every o

30、ther species, their genetic makeup constrains them to be insects and to share similar characteristics with 750 000 species of insects. If basic, broad categories such as phyla and classes are given more emphasis than differentiating between species, then the greatest diversity of life is unquestiona

31、bly the sea. Nearly every major type of plant and animal has some representation there.To appreciate fully the diversity of abundance of life in the sea, it helps to think small. Every spoonful of ocean water contains life on the order of 100 to 100 000 bacterial cells plus assorted microscopic plan

32、ts and animals, including larvas or organisms ranging from sponges and corals to starfish and clams and much more.1.What is the main point of the passage?2.Why does the author compare coral reefs with rain forests (Para. 1)?3.The passage suggests that most rain forest species are ( ).4.The author ar

33、gues that there is more diversity of life in the sea than in the rain forest because( ) .5.Which of the following conclusions is supported by the passage?问题1选项A.Humans are destroying thousands of species.B.There are thousands of insect species.C.The sea is even richer in life than the rain forests.D

34、.Coral reefs are similar to rain forests.问题2选项A.They share many similar species.B.They are approximately the same size.C.Most of their inhabitants require water.D.Both have many different forms of life.问题3选项A.insectsB.bacteriaC.mammalsD.birds问题4选项A.there are too many insects to make meaningful disti

35、nctionsB.more phyla and classes of life are represented in the seaC.many insect species are too small to divide into categoriesD.marine life-forms reproduce at a faster pace问题5选项A.Ocean life is highly adaptive.B.Ocean life is primarily composed of plants.C.The sea is highly resistant to the damage d

36、one by pollutants.D.More attention needs to be paid to preserving ocean species and habitats.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】第1题:1.根据原文内容可知,第一段提到, 人类对热带雨林生物多样性的报道很多,但对海洋生物多样性的报道却很少。接下来的段落便是描述海洋生物多样性体现在哪些方面以及事实依据, 所以本文的主旨是海洋生物物种比热带雨林生物物种更丰富,选项C正确。2.根据第一段最后一句“coral reef systems are comparable to rain

37、 forests in terms of richness of life.”就生物的丰富程度而言,珊瑚礁可与雨林相媲美。也就是说二者都有许多不同的生命形式,也就是丰富的物种,选项D符合原文。3.根据第三段的内容可知,世界上有一半的已知物种生活在雨林中,因为构成物种主体的昆虫数量庞大。由此可知,热带雨林中的大多数物种是昆虫。选项A正确。4.根据第三段最后两句,如果更强调基本的和主要的物种,如生物的分类和级别,而不对他们进行区分,那么毫无疑问,生命的多样性存在于海洋之中。几乎每一种主要的动物和植物都有一些代表性。所以海洋生物物种丰富的原因是海洋中生物的分类和级别太多。选项B符合原文。5.根据最后

38、一段第一句“To appreciate fully the diversity of abundance of life in the sea, it helps to think small.”要充分欣赏海洋生物的多样性,需要从小事做起。再根据第一段提及的对热带雨林生物多样性的报道很多,但对海洋生物多样性的报道却很少,说明人们只重视保护热带雨林物种多样性而忽略了海洋物种多样性,作者意在呼吁人们注意保护海洋物种及其栖息地。选项D正确。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:4.单选题Since the package was( ) , the damage was paid for.问题1选项A.en

39、suredB.insuredC.assuredD.promised【答案】B【解析】句意:因为包裹投了保险,所以损失已经赔偿了。只有选项B表示被保险,所以正确。5.单选题Most of us would like to feel we have some influence over what happens around us and to us. Citizens speak out to influence policy on use of nuclear power, conserving the environment and endangered animals, local an

40、d state taxes, the appropriate use of funds by organizations of which they are members, proper land use and the nature of education in the public schools, and a host of other issues. Some of these affect the speakers immediate self-interest; others are attempts to make the social environment conform

41、 more closely to their own ideas. To speak on such matters effectively enough to influence the opinions and actions of others is to exercise power.Even in jobs relying on technical specialization, the opportunities and demands for public speaking skills remain more common than many college students

42、realize. The engineer finds that if his career is to advance he must be willing to accept management duties that include speaking to groups of employees, or he must serve as a spokesperson for consultant teams presenting results to agencies outside the company. The certified public accountant finds

43、an opportunity to teach classes in her area of speculation. The dentist has to give speeches as an officer of his dental association.Sometimes you may have to make a speech as part of your duties in your job or organization. Perhaps more frequently you will have opportunities where you speak volunta

44、rily, as when you speak out in a meeting. Some of these speaking situations will be of little consequence; you will feel better if you do the speech well, but it will not really make much difference. In other situations, the speech may be significant for the audience. In these situations, it is comf

45、orting to know that you can do at least an adequate job. And you may not be content merely to get through the task adequately. To be able to increase listeners understanding or to persuade them is one of the most civilized ways we as individuals have for affecting our environment.Some beginning-spee

46、ch students are surprised to discover that they can give a public speech at all, much less the skillful and effective ones they will be producing by the end of the course. The primary purposes of a speech course are to expand your understanding of techniques and strategies in public speaking, and to

47、 give you some practice so that you will be more confident and effective in more situations. With skill and confidence you develop a power to benefit yourself and the society around you.1.The text intends to show you( ).2.According to the passage, effective speaking ability does benefit people a lot

48、 except on( ).3.You need to speak effectively if ( ).4.It is implied in the text that( ).5.Sometimes you are not content when you finish your speech because you know ( ).问题1选项A.the importance of speaking before the publicB.the techniques and strategies in public speakingC.the purposes and aims of a

49、speech courseD.the most civilized ways to exert our influences问题2选项A.environmental conservationB.audience awarenessC.technical maintenanceD.career promotion问题3选项A.you are a studentB.you are an engineerC.you want to study wellD.you want to influence others问题4选项A.a good speaker may have greater chance

50、 in his careerB.making good speeches is part of the duties of an engineerC.speaking at a meeting is often part of ones dutiesD.people often exercise their power by making speeches问题5选项A.your speech makes little difference to the audienceB.the audiences better understanding is more essential to youC.

51、making good speeches is part of the duties of an engineerD.the speech-making occasion is not important in the least【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】第1题:1.结合文章内容可知,本文主要讲的是在公众面前讲话的重要性,选项B,C,D是文中提到的细节,不是本文主旨,所以选项A正确。2.根据第二段第一句“Even in jobs relying on . college students realize.”即使是在依靠专业技能的工作中,对公众演讲技能的机

52、会和需求也比许多大学生意识到的更为普遍。由此可以推断,公众演讲对技能要求高,很难保持。选项C符合原文。3.根据第一段最后一句“To speak on such matters effectively enough to influence the opinions and actions of others is to exercise power.”在这样的问题上有效地发言,足以影响他人的意见和行动,就是在行使权力。也就是说, 如果你想影响别人,你的讲话一定要有效。选项D正确。4.根据第二段的第二句“The engineer finds that if his career is to ad

53、vance he must be willing to accept management duties that include speaking to groups of employees.”工程师发现, 如果他的职业生涯想要发展,他必须愿意承担管理职责,包括向员工群体发表演讲.由此可以推断,一个好的演讲者在他的职业生涯中可能有更大的机遇。选项A符合原文。5.根据第三段最后两句可知,你可能不仅仅只是满足于完成(演讲)任务,能够增加听众的理解或说服他们是我们作为个体影响环境的最文明的方式之一。所有选项B符合原文。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:6.单选题This microscope( )

54、by 1,000 times the sample on the slides.问题1选项A.probedB.abidedC.magnifiedD.specified【答案】C【解析】probe探查, 调查;abide持续, 忍受;magnified放大;specify详细说明。句意:显微镜把放在幻灯片上的样品放大了1000倍。选项C符合句意。7.翻译题Today is a major milestone for Microsoft. The key partnerships we build with software developers around the world are cent

55、ral not only to the success of Windows but also to realize the possibility that PC technology provides. Its through applications of every variety that businesses will be using the personal computer as the tool of the Information Age.Microsoft has a vision for where the PC is going. And that vision s

56、ays that PCs will become a central element of how companies share information inside the company. The name of that vision is the so-called Digital Nervous System (DNS), allowing companies to reduce paperwork and make better decisions. The Digital Nervous System means that not only do you have the PC

57、s and they are connected together, and not only do you have standard elements like electronic mail but also you really thought carefully about what information is important, and so all of the processesorder taking, sales planning, personnel management, project managementall of those have been set up

58、 to take full advantage of the capabilities of the computer.Another major vision that Microsoft has is that writing programs, writing the applications for these machines needs to get very easy, so we can write programs that can run across the entire Internet which is millions of machines. And this i

59、s a new approach to programming that draws on what was done previously. DNS says that developers should be able to focus on their particular task and not have to learn a lot about management of the machine resources.Great chips and systems developed by our partners who are here with us sponsoring th

60、is event, make this all possible. And theres an incredible opportunity for developers. The applications that are written today will sell to an even larger base of machines out in the market. There is a lot that were doing to increase the work with good developers make sure they understand where the

61、PC is going and how tools can help them now, more and more marketing type of activities making sure they get out in with the customers.And this is something that we are just going to increase year after year. And so the overall DNS (Digital Nervous System) message is one about helping developers sei

62、ze that opportunity, bringing together the different architectures, making things automatic and allowing this to be done in a great evolutionary fashion. And so I think its a fantastic time to be a developer and we appreciate your being here and look forward to the opportunity to work with you more.

63、【答案】我们与全球软件开发人员建立的重要伙伴关系不仅是促成视窗系统成功的关键, 而且使个人电脑技术提供的可能性成为现实。应用技术贯穿各个领域, 一些公司会把个人电脑用作信息时代的工具。微软公司的另一个重要设想是:为电脑编写应用程序的过程必须简单化。因此, 我们应该让这些程序在由无数台电脑组成的互联网中运行, 这是利用以往的成就编程的一种新方法。这就是我们年复一年要增加的东西。整个数字神经系统信息的目的就是要帮助开发人员抓住机遇, 通过结合不同的体系结构, 实现任务自动化并允许以一种渐进的方式完成这一工作。8.单选题The( )of medical knowledge is being pushed farther onwards as time goes on问题1选项A.potentialB.multitudeC.frontierD.leap【答案】C【解析】句意:随着时间的推

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