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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-福建师范大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题The managing director took the ( )for the accident, although it was not really his fault.问题1选项A.guiltB.chargeC.blameD.accusation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。guilt意为“有罪,犯罪行为”;charge意为“收费,指控”;blame意为“(坏事或错事的) 责任,责备”,take the blame for意为“承担的责任”;a

2、ccusation意为“指责,谴责”。句意:总经理承担了事故的责任,尽管并不真的是他的错。2.单选题She sewed a ( )on the knee of her trousers.问题1选项A.pinchB.plasterC.punchD.patch【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。pinch意为“捏,掐”;plaster意为“灰泥,膏药,创可贴”;punch意为“拳击打,用力的捶打”;patch意为“补丁,补片”。句意:她在她的裤子膝盖上缝了个补丁。3.问答题Human beings are paying a lot for medicine and are not getting al

3、l that (A) they think they are (B) paying (C) a guarantee to (D) endless betterment.【答案】试题答案:C; paying for【解析】考查固定搭配。pay for(为而付出,因而付出)中的pay为不及物动词,for表示原因。4.单选题This country could have as many as 10 million cases of AIDS in 2011 if the ( )is not taken seriously.问题1选项A.equivalentB.epidemicC.eruptionD.

4、episode【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。equivalent意为“相等的东西,等量”;epidemic意为“流行病”;eruption意为“喷发,爆发”;episode意为“插曲”。句意:如果不认真对待该国的疫情,到2011年,该国可能会有多达1000万的艾滋病人。5.单选题Greater effort to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage( )avoided.问题1选项A.is to beB.can beC.will beD.has been【答案】A【解析】考查将来时。be to do st

5、h.意为“计划、安排或命令要做的事”,此处含有强制要求做某事,因此选A。will表示一般的将来,或者临时决定做某事;can be能够(避免)不符合句意;has been表示已经避免更不符合句意句意:如果要避免食物短缺,就必须作出更大的努力来增加农业产量。6.单选题Scientists have long argued whether hypocrisy is driven by emotion or by reason. In other moral judgments, brain imaging shows, regions involved in feeling, not thinkin

6、g, rule the role of emotion in moral judgments has overturned the Enlightenment notion that our ethical sense is based on high-minded philosophy and cognition. That brings us to hypocrisy, which is almost ridiculously easy to bring out in people.In a new study, psychologist David DeSteno instructed

7、94 people to assign themselves and stranger one of two tasks: an easy one or a hard one. Then everyone was asked, how fairly did you act from “extremely unfairly” (1) to “extremely fairly” (7). Next they watched someone else make the assignments, and judged that persons ethics. Selflessness was a vi

8、rtual no-show: 87 out of 94 people opted for the easy task and gave the next guy the difficult one. Hypocrisy, however, showed up with bells on: every single person who made the selfish choice judged his own behavior less strictly on average, 4.5 vs. 3.1 than that of someone else who grabbed the eas

9、y task for himself.The gap suggests how hypocrisy is possible. When we judge our own misbehaviors less harshly, DeSteno said, it may be because “we have this automatic, gut-level (本能)instinct to preserve our self-image. In our heart, maybe were just not as sensitive to our own immoral behaviors. Peo

10、ple have learned that it pays to seem moral, since it lets you avoid criticism and guilt. But even better is appearing moral without having to pay the cost of actually being moral such as assigning yourself the tough job.”To test the role of cognition in hypocrisy, DeSteno had volunteers again assig

11、n themselves an easy task and a stranger a difficult one. But before judging the fairness of their actions, they had to memorize seven numbers. This tactic keeps the brains thinking regions too tied up to think much about anything else, and it worked: hypocrisy vanished. People judged their own (sel

12、fish) behavior as harshly as they did others,strong evidence that moral hypocrisy requires a high-order cognitive process. When the thinking part of the brain is otherwise engaged, were left with gut-level reactions, and we intuitively and equally condemn bad behavior by ourselves as well as others.

13、If our gut knows when we have erred and judges our misbehaviors harshly, moral hypocrisy might not be as inevitable as if it were the child of emotions and instincts, which are tougher to change than thinking. “Since its a cognitive process, we have volitional (意志的)control over it, argues DeSteno. T

14、he way to change hearts and minds is to focus on the former: appeal to our better angels in the brains emotion areas, and tell circuits that are going through cognitive distortions to excuse in ourselves what we condemn in others to just shut up.1.According to paragraph 1, brain imaging is proof of

15、( ).2.The conclusion drawn from the first experiment is that people( ).3.DeSteno attributes the subjects behaviors to the fact that they( ).4.The second experiment proves that( ).问题1选项A.emotional basis of moral judgmentsB.emotion-driven hypocrisyC.reason-driven hypocrisyD.the Enlightenment notion问题2

16、选项A.prefer easy tasksB.like picking faults of othersC.demand both benefits and reputationD.are hypocritical in nature问题3选项A.are self-centeredB.are insensitive to misbehaviorsC.have realized that it costs to be moralD.have reasoned that hypocrisy is beneficial问题4选项A.selfishness is the result of cogni

17、tionB.human are moral and fair by natureC.moral judgments are made by cognitionD.judgments by intuition are reliable【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。文章第一段的内容为:长期以来,科学家们一直在争论,伪善是由情感驱动还是由理性驱动。在其他道德判断中,大脑成像显示,情绪在道德判断中所起的作用所涉及的是情感而不是思维的区域,颠覆了启蒙运动的观念。这给我们带来了伪善,这在人身上几乎是可笑的。可知脑成像是道德判断的情感基础,因此选A。2.推理判断题。

18、文章第二段介绍了心理学家们做的实验:实验对象给自己和陌生人分配任务,并为自己和别人分配的公平性打分。得到的结果是:一方面,无私的现象完全没有出现,人们都为自己选择了轻松的任务而把难的任务分给别人。另一方便,伪善倒是大张旗鼓地出现了,人们对自己的自私行为比对别人的自私行为更为宽容。因此从第一个实验得出的结论是人们既要利益又要维护形象,选C。3.推理判断题。由文章第三段中的People have learned that it pays to seem moral, since it lets you avoid criticism and guilt. But even better is ap

19、pearing moral without having to pay the cost of actually being moral such as assigning yourself the tough job(人们已经认识到,看起来道德是值得的,因为它可以让你避免批评和内疚。但更好的是,在不付出实际道德代价的情况下,表现得很有道德比如给自己分配一份艰苦的工作)可知D选项“有理由认为伪善是有益的”符合题意。4.推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段中的People judged their own (selfish) behavior as harshly as they did others.

20、 and we intuitively and equally condemn bad behavior by ourselves as well as others(人们像对待别人一样严厉地判断自己(自私的)行为我们直觉地和同样谴责自己和他人的不良行为)可知B选项“人的本性是道德的和公平的”符合题意。7.单选题He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, ( )insufficiently popular with all members.问题1选项A.being consideredB.consideringC.to

21、be consideredD.having considered【答案】A【解析】考查分词作状语。空格处在句中作状语,表示原因,说明主语没有担任主席的原因。主语he是动词consider的承受者,表示被动关系,故排除B、D选项;to be considered是不定式被动式,表示将来或尚未发生的动作,不符合句意,故排除C选项,因此选A。句意:他没有被要求担任协会主席,考虑到他不太受所有成员欢迎。8.问答题The teacher said that if (A)we believed something was (B)true and good we should (C) hold on to

22、them (D).【答案】试题答案:D; it【解析】考查代词用法。something意为“某物,某事”,其不定代词要用单数代词it,不能用them。9.问答题In spite of (A) his aged (B) appearance, his movements were as spirited (C) as a young man (D).【答案】试题答案:D; a young mans【解析】考查比较级。as.as意为“与一样”,his movements(他的动作)不能与a young man(年轻人)进行比较,应与a young mans movements比较,为了避免重复,此处可将a young mans movements中的movements省略,改为a young mans。10.单选题I phoned him this morning, but when I said who I was, he( ).问题1选项A.rang upB.hung upC.shut downD.shut up【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。ring up意为“打电话”;hang up意为“挂断电话”;shut down意为“关闭,停业”;shut up意为“安静,闭嘴”。句意:我今天早上给他打了电话,但当我告诉他我是谁时,他挂断了电话。

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