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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-湖南农业大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题He was on a _ of judges for a famous literary prize.问题1选项A.groupB.teamC.panelD.lot【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项“团体”;B选项“团队”;C选项“专家咨询组”;D选项“组,群”。句意:他Group是有某种联系的团体a minority group“少数群体”;Team指一种因为工作或者某种原因组合在一起与另一个团队竞争而组成的团队比如A football team;p

2、anel则是一群有专业知识的人组合起来研讨或者评价某事的小组an advisory panel“顾问组”;lot则单纯指一群,既可指人也可指物,What do you lot want? “你们这帮人想要怎么样?”。从题意的judges看,答案选C选项。2.单选题Only by understanding the article deeply _ hope for the readers to grasp its full meaning.问题1选项A.can there beB.can be thereC.be there canD.there can be【答案】A【解析】考查倒装。句意:

3、只有深度阅读,读者才有可能理解文章全部意思。Only出现在句首的时候,句子是要用部分倒装的,B选项是完全倒装,所以排除;D是陈述语序,也要排除;部分倒装只把谓语的一部分,如助动词、情态动词等放到主语前,所以答案选A。3.单选题The two most important( )in making a cake are flour and sugar.问题1选项A.elementsB.componentsC.ingredientsD.constituents【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项 elements“元素,要素”;B.选项components“部件,零件”;C选项ingredient

4、s“原料,材料”;D选项constituents“成分”。句意:做蛋糕最重要的()是面粉和糖。蛋糕与面粉和糖之间一个是成品,另一个是原料,所以这里答案选C。D选项特指化学成分,所以不能选。4.单选题The Americans differ from the Chinese in their ability to _ conversations with strangers.问题1选项A.hold backB.enter intoC.pick upD.turn down【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项“隐瞒,退缩,抑制,阻止”;B选项“进入”;C选项“捡起,获得,收拾”;D选项“调小,拒绝

5、”。句意:美国人和中国人在与()陌生人交谈的能力上有所不同。根据关键词:conversations with strangers,搭配最准确的是enter into所以答案选B。5.单选题I wish that I( )the concert last night.问题1选项A.could attendB.could have attendedC.to attendD.attended【答案】B【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:我希望我()昨晚的音乐会。这里wish后面的内容是一种假设所以我们可知that里面要用虚拟语气。时间是发生在“昨晚”,所以答案B。A选项不合逻辑;C选项会造成从句没有谓语,不

6、符合语法;D选项会使句子产生歧义,昨天晚上到底有没有去参加音乐会,参加了为什么会在前面用wish,没参加为什么要用一般过去式表示该事已经发生过了。6.不定项选择题The Moon, which has undergone a distinct and complex geological history, presents a striking appearance. The moon may be divided into two major terrains: the maria (dark lowlands) and the terrace (bright highlands). The

7、 contrast in the reflectivity (the capability of reflecting light) of these two terrains suggested to many early observers that the two terrains might have different compositions, and this supposition was confirmed by missions to the Moon such as Surveyor and Apollo. One of the most obvious differen

8、ces between the terrains is the smoothness of the maria in contrast to the roughness of the highlands. This roughness is mostly caused by the abundance of craters; the highlands are completely covered by large craters (greater than 40-50km in diameter), while the craters of the maria tend to be much

9、 smaller. It is now known that the vast majority of the Moons craters were formed by the impact of solid bodies with the lunar surface.Most of the near side of the Moon was thoroughly mapped and studied from telescopic pictures years before the age of space exploration. Earth-based telescopes can re

10、solve objects as small as a few hundred meters on the lunar surface. Close observation of craters, combined with the way the Moon diffusely reflects sunlight, led to the understanding that the Moon is covered by a surface layer, or regolith, which overlies the solid rock of the Moon. Telescopic imag

11、es permitted the cataloging of a bewildering array of land forms. Craters were studied for clues to their origin, the large circular maria were mapped. Wispy marks on the surface (known as rays) emanating from certain craters were seen. Strange, sinuous features were observed in the maria. Although

12、various land forms were catalogued, the majority of astronomers attention was fixed on craters and their origins.Astronomers have known for a fairly long time that the shape of craters changes as they increase in size. Small craters with diameters of less than 10-15km have relatively simple shapes.

13、They have rim crests that are elevated above the surrounding terrain, smooth, bowl-shaped interiors, and depths that are about one-fifth to one-sixth their diameters. The complexity of shape increases for larger craters.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?2. The underlined word “undergone” in Li

14、ne 1 is closest in meaning to( ).3. According to the passage, the maria differ from the terrace mainly in terms of( ).4. According to the passage lunar researchers have focused mostly on( ).5. The passage probably continues with a discussion of( ).问题1选项A.What astronomers learned from the Surveyor an

15、d Apollo space missions.B.Characteristics of the major terrains of the Moon.C.The origin of the Moons craters.D.Techniques used to catalogue the Moons land forms.问题2选项A.alteredB.substitutedC.experiencedD.preserved问题3选项A.ageB.manner of creationC.sizeD.composition问题4选项A.the possibility of finding wate

16、r on the MoonB.the lunar regolithC.cataloging various land formationsD.craters and their origins问题5选项A.the reasons craters are difficult to studyB.the different shapesC.some features of large cratersD.some difference in the ways small and large craters were formed【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】第1题

17、:主旨大意题。A选项“天文学家从勘测者号和阿波罗号太空任务中学到了什么”;B选项“月球主要地形的特征”;C选项“月球陨石坑的起源”:D选项“用来记录月球地貌的技术”。根据题干定位到第一段第一句话The Moon, which has undergone a distinct and complex geological history, presents a striking appearance.(月球经历了独特而复杂的地质历史,呈现出惊人的外观。)第二段倒数第一二句话Strange, sinuous features were observed in the maria. Although

18、 various land forms were catalogued, the majority of astronomers attention was fixed on craters and their origins.(在月海中观察到奇怪的、弯曲的特征。虽然有各种各样的地貌,但天文学家的注意力主要集中在陨石坑和它们的起源上。)从这里可以看出文章都是围绕着月球的地形地貌展开的,所以答案选B;C选项只是提及没有具体展开讲,而且文章不止讲了月球上的陨石坑还有相当一部分内容是讲的月海(maria),所以不能选,A、D选项不符合题意。第2题:词义推测题。A选项“改变”;B选项“取代”;C选项“

19、经历”;D选项“保存”。第一段第一句话The Moon, which has undergone a distinct and complex geological history, presents a striking appearance.(月球经历了独特而复杂的地质历史,呈现出惊人的外观)。从这句undergone的意思是经历,这个和选项C相近,所以答案选C。第3题:词义推测题。A选项“年龄”;B选项“创造的方式”;C选项“尺寸”;D选项“成分”。第一段第三四五句话observers that the two terrains might have different composit

20、ionsOne of the most obvious differences between the terrains is the smoothness of the maria in contrast to the roughness of the highlands. This roughness is mostly caused by the abundance of craters; the highlands are completely covered by large craters(观察者认为这两种地形可能有不同的组成这两种地形最明显的区别之一就是平坦的海地与粗糙的高地形成

21、对比。这种粗糙度主要是由大量的陨石坑造成的;高地完全被大型火山口所覆盖),从这里可知因为组成成分不同所以造成了两者的不同,而两者的不同主要是粗糙程度,粗糙程度是因为陨石坑多的地方就很粗糙,而月海没有陨石坑,所以不那么粗糙,归根结底主要还是构成的地形不一样,所以答案选D。第4题:细节理解题。题干:根据文章,月球研究人员主要关注的是A选项“在月球上找到水的可能性”;B选项“月球表面风化层”;C选项“各种地形分类”;D选项“陨石坑和它们的起源”。根据题干定位到第二段最后一句话Although various land forms were catalogued, the majority of as

22、tronomers attention was fixed on craters and their origins.(虽然有各种各样的地貌,但天文学家的注意力主要集中在陨石坑和它们的起源上),由此可知科学家的重点是在陨石坑及其起源,所以答案选D;其他选项文章没有提及。第5题:判断推理题。题干:这篇文章可能会继续讨论。A选项“陨石坑形成的原因很难研究”,B选项“不同的形状”,C选项“一些大型陨石坑的特征”;D选项“大小陨石坑形成的方式有些不同”。定位到文章最后一段Astronomers have known for a fairly long time that the shape of cr

23、aters changes as they increase in size. Small craters with diameters of less than 10-15km have relatively simple shapes. They have rim crests that are elevated above the surrounding terrain, smooth, bowl-shaped interiors, and depths that are about one-fifth to one-sixth their diameters. The complexi

24、ty of shape increases for larger craters.(天文学家很早就知道,陨石坑的形状会随着体积的增大而改变。直径小于10-15公里的小陨石坑形状相对简单。它们的边缘嵴高于周围的地形,光滑的碗状内部,深度约为直径的五分之一到六分之一。陨石坑越大,其形状的复杂性就越大),文章最后一段描写了小陨石坑的一些特征,然后最后一句话说的是陨石坑越大,形状越复杂,所以从这里可以推断接下来文章会要讲大陨石坑的结构和特征了,因此答案选C。7.翻译题The pinprick to the credit bubble came with the housing-sector meltd

25、own in late 2006. From that point, confidence in the U.S financial system eroded, especially as the sub-prime toxin seeped into the banks and brokerages as well as those parts of the insurance sector linked to mortgages. With confidence in the financial sector deflated, attention turned to the count

26、rys massive structural problems a long-term imbalance between government expenditures and revenues, related to ongoing pressure for tax cuts; the rapidly aging national transport and communications infrastructure; and Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, the combined cost of which is expected to

27、grow 22 percent faster than the economy over the next decade.【答案】信贷泡沫的小刺来自于2006年末房地产市场的崩溃。从那时起,人们对美国金融体系的信心受到侵蚀,尤其是当次级债的毒素渗入银行和券商以及与抵押贷款相关的保险行业时。随着对金融部门信心的下降,人们的注意力转向了该国巨大的结构性问题与持续的减税压力相关的政府支出和收入的长期失衡;快速老化的国家交通和通信基础设施;医疗保险(Medicare)、医疗补助(Medicaid)和社会保障(Social Security),这些成本在未来十年的增长速度预计将比经济增长速度快22%。8

28、.不定项选择题In the past, zoos were little more than “shelf displays” of animals from the wild. Today zoos at least the best of them try to recreate the wild for the animals. As much importance is placed on caring for the animals as on attracting and entertaining visitors.Public education and the protecti

29、on of animal species have become the priorities of the better zoos in the United States. Small cages are giving way to spacious enclosures where plants, rocks, trees and water simulate the animals natural environments. Both the stress of captivity and the animals need for exercise and movement are t

30、aken into account by enlightened zoo management; enclosures have private areas where the animals can retreat from the view of spectators, and plenty of room is provided for the animals to climb, swing and roam. In addition, greater emphasis is being placed on research and preventive health care.Perh

31、aps the area of greatest concern for zoos now is wildlife preservation. Zoo proponents argue that encroaching civilization is rapidly destroying the remaining natural habitats of wild animal. Hunting for furs, tusks and feathers is prevalent in some countries, which put animals further in danger. Al

32、though zoos once contributed to the threat of extinction facing animals in the wild by continually stocking their cages with captured animals, they now have redefined their role as preservers of endangered species.Although zoos still occasionally import wild animals from around the world to stock th

33、eir cages, they are looking more and more to other zoos and to breeding animals in captivity sources for more animals. Rather than relying on a Noahs Ark approach (two of everything), many zoos now keep larger stocks of each species and loan their animals to each other for breeding purposes.Breeding

34、 wild animals in captivity has not been an easy undertaking. Finding the right mate for an animal is sometimes difficult, and the relatively foreign environment puts stress on animals in ways that have yet to be fully explored and understood. Zoos do know that maintaining an animals health is a crit

35、ical factor in breeding. As a result, zoos provide everything from dental work to pedicures to keep the animals in top shape. Pregnant females are closely monitored, and every precaution is taken to ensure a successful birth.Zoos may still have some problems to solve, but they have come a long way.

36、Not only are they places to observe and learn about animals that we might otherwise never see, but they may also be among the last refuges for creatures whose survival is constantly threatened.1. Which of the following best describes the environment in a good zoo now?2. What major roles are modern z

37、oos playing?3. From the zoo proponents arguments few learn that( ).4. What is of great help in multiplying animal species according to the passage?5. Zoos provide everything from dental work to pedicures for animals to ensure( ).问题1选项A.Spacious and civilizedB.Roomy and naturalC.Shady and stonyD.Enli

38、ghtened and safe问题2选项A.Entertaining and educating visitorsB.Educating and protecting peopleC.Educating people and keeping animal species from extinctionD.Breeding animals and lending them to others问题3选项A.civilization should be abandoned in order to save wild animalsB.zoos are threatening animal with

39、 extinctionC.although zoos once made contribution to saving animals from the danger of extinction, now they do not preserve endangered speciesD.While some people threaten wild animals by hunting, zoos are now protecting them from the danger of extinction问题4选项A.To exchange animals among the zoosB.To

40、put animals into larger cagesC.To hunt animals from wild preserveD.To feed animals in captivity before sending them back to nature问题5选项A.good healthB.that they are tall and strongC.that they are kept in top cagesD.an ideal environment【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】第1题:事实细节题。题干:下列哪个选项可以描述一个好的动物园的环境

41、。A选项“宽敞、文明”;B选项“宽敞、自然”;C选项“阴凉、多石”;D选项“富有启迪性以及安全的”。根据题干定位到第二段第二句话Small cages are giving way to spacious enclosures where plants, rocks, trees and water simulate the animals natural environments.(小笼子让位给宽敞的围栏,里面的植物、岩石、树木和水模拟了动物的自然环境)从这句可以看出答案选B;A选项文章没有提及,所以不选;C选项定位到第二段第二句话,虽然有提到树荫和石头但是不是本句重点也不能全部概括当代动物

42、园的特点,这里属于以偏概全,所以不选;D选项定位到第二段第一句Public education and the protection of animal species have become the priorities of the better zoos in the United States.(公共教育和动物物种保护已经成为美国较好的动物园的优先事项。),没有讲到当代动物园的特点,这里属于出处错误,所以D选项不能选。第2题:事实细节题。题干:现代动物园扮演什么重要的角色。A选项“娱乐和教育游客”;B选项“教育和保护人们”;C选项“教育人们,保护动物物种免于灭绝”;D选项“饲养动物,并

43、把它们借给他人”。第二段第一句话Public education and the protection of animal species have become the priorities of the better zoos in the United States.(公共教育和动物物种保护已经成为美国较好的动物园的优先事项)由此可知B选项错误,是保护动物而不是保护人类;C选项正确;A选项定位到第一段最后一句话As much importance is placed on caring for the animals as on attracting and entertaining v

44、isitors.(照顾动物和吸引、娱乐游客一样重要),这里讲的是动物园想要达到的目的,而不是动物园在公众面前所起到的作用,属于出处错误,所以A选项不选;D选项定位到第四段第一、二句Although zoos still occasionally import wild animals from around the world to stock their cages, they are looking more and more to other zoos and to breeding animals in captivity sources for more animals.(虽然动物园

45、仍然偶尔从世界各地进口野生动物放在笼子里,但他们正在越来越多地寻找其他动物园和圈养动物的来源,以获得更多的动物。),这里不能回答题干所问的问题属于出处错误。第3题:判断推理题。题干:从动物园支持者的观点中,很少有人知道什么?A选项“为了拯救野生动物,文明应该被抛弃”;B选项“动物园正威胁着动物的灭绝”;C选项“虽然动物园曾经为拯救濒临灭绝的动物作出了贡献,但现在它们不保护濒危物种”;D选项“当一些人通过狩猎威胁野生动物时,动物园正在保护它们免于灭绝的危险”。定位到第三段第二句Zoo proponents argue that encroaching civilization is rapidl

46、y destroying the remaining natural habitats of wild animal.(动物园的支持者认为,文明的入侵正在迅速摧毁野生动物仅存的自然栖息地),由这里可知支持者认为因为文明的入侵导致野生动物的栖息地减少从而威胁野生动物的生存,所以暗含着保护野生动物就应该抛弃文明的意味,所以答案选A。B选项定位到第三段最后一句Although zoos once contributed to the threat of extinction facing animals in the wild by continually stocking their cages

47、with captured animals, they now have redefined their role as preservers of endangered species.(尽管动物园曾经不断地在笼子里放养被捕获的动物,造成了野生动物面临灭绝的威胁,但它们现在重新定义了自己作为濒危物种保护者的角色),从这里可知B选项错误。C选项错误,现在已经是保护者的角色就不会威胁动物的生存,这里属于反向干扰;D选项定位到第三段第三句Hunting for furs, tusks and feathers is prevalent in some countries, which put an

48、imals further in danger.(在一些国家,对毛皮、象牙和羽毛的捕猎十分盛行,这使动物进一步处于危险之中),从这里可知不是偷猎导致动物濒危,而是偷猎进一步导致动物数量减少,所以不选。第4题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第四段第一句话they are looking more and more to other zoos and to breeding animals in captivity sources for more animals.(他们正在越来越多地关注其他动物园和圈养动物,以获得更多的动物),所以选A选项“在动物园之间交换动物”;B选项“把动物放进更大的

49、笼子里”,根据46题虽然有提到给动物提供更大的空间但是这不能让动物数量增加,这里属于反向干扰,所以B选项错误;C选项“从野生保护区猎捕动物”,文中没有提及,属于无中生有。D选项“在将动物送回大自然之前给它们喂食”,文中没有提及,属于无中生有。题干:根据文章,什么对动物物种的繁殖有很大的帮助?A选项“在动物园之间交换动物”。第5题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到倒数第二段倒数第二句话As a result, zoos provide everything from dental work to pedicures to keep the animals in top shape.(因此,动

50、物园提供从牙科到足疗的一切服务,以保持动物的最佳状态),这里in top shape固定搭配“保持健康”的意思,答案选A;B选项shape不是体态的意思,所以B选项错误;C、D属于出处错误,文中有提到笼子和生活环境这些不是动物园做动物身体护理的目的。9.单选题It is time we( ) in bed.问题1选项A.should beB.wereC.will beD.are【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。it is time后面接虚拟语气,有两种表达方式,一种是should+动词原形,另一种是用过去式表将来时,所以答案A,B都可。10.翻译题本把小鸟拿到厨房,轻轻地放在地板上,它没有动。本

51、摘下蒙了水汽的眼镜,把脸擦干。小鸟看着他,本轻轻地抚顺它的羽毛。他仔细地查看受了伤的翅膀。看来没有希望了,翅膀几乎被打掉,子弹打碎了骨头。本知道小鸟正在死去,但是他无能为力。他在想小鸟是不是很疼,一只小鸟能够活多久?他想,那个捕杀者是对的,小鸟就快死了,活不了了。【答案】Ben took the bird to the kitchen and laid it gently on the floor. It didnt move. Ben took off his damp glasses and dried his face. The bird looked at him, and Ben g

52、ently smoothed its feathers.He examined the injured wing carefully. There seemed to be no hope. The wing was almost blown off, the bullet shattered the bone. Ben knew the bird was dying, but there was nothing he could do. He wondered if the bird was in pain. How long would a bird live? The hunter was right, he thought. The bird was going to die.

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