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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-西南林业大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题We know that chronic pain can disrupt a persons life, causing problems that range from missed work to depression.问题1选项A.short-termB.acuteC.bitterD.long-lasting【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 short-term “短期的”;B选项 acute “严重的,医急性的;敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的

2、”;C选项bitter “苦的;痛苦的;尖刻的;充满仇恨的”;D选项 long-lasting “持久的;长期的,持续时间长的”。句意:我们知道,慢性疼痛会扰乱一个人的生活,导致从旷工到抑郁等一系列问题。结合此处关键词 chronic “慢性的;长期的;习惯性的”,得知D选项正确。2.单选题McDonalds, Greggs, KFC and Subway are today named as the most littered brands in England as Keep Britain Tidy called on fast-food companies to do more to

3、tackle customers who drop their wrappers and drinks cartons (盒子)in the streets.Phil Barton, chief executive of Keep Britain Tidy, 1 its new Dirty Pig campaign, said it was the first time it had investigated which brands made up “littered England” and the same names appeared again and again. “We cond

4、emn people for dropping this fast food litter in the first place but also believe the results have 2 messages for the fast food industry. McDonalds, Greggs, KFC and Subway need to do more to 3 littering by their customers.”He recognized efforts made by McDonalds, including placing litter bins and in

5、creasing litter patrols, but its litter 4 “all too prevalent”. All fast food chains should reduce unnecessary packaging, he addeD.Companies could also reduce prices for those who stayed to eat food on their premises, offer money-off vouchers or other 5 for those who returned packaging and put more b

6、ins at 6 points in local streets, not just outside their premises. A spokesman for McDonalds said: “We do our best. Obviously we ask all our customers to 7 of litter responsibly.” Trials of more extensive, all-day litter patrols were under 8 in Manchester and Birmingham. KFC said it took its 9 for l

7、itter management “very seriously”, and would introduce a program to reduce packaging on many products. Subway said that it worked hard to 10 the impact of litter on communities, but it was “still down to the individual customer to dispose of their litter responsibly”. Greggs said it recognized the “

8、continuing challenge for us all”, despite having already taken measures to help tackle the issue.问题1选项A.releasingB.dischargingC.foundingD.launching问题2选项A.coherentB.pertinentC.consistentD.redundant问题3选项A.discourageB.forbidC.persuadeD.damage问题4选项A.continuedB.indicateC.remainedD.left问题5选项A.incentiveB.p


10、第10题:C【解析】1.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 release “释放;放出;放走;放开;松开;使自由移动(或飞翔、降落等);发泄;宣泄”;B选项 discharge “卸货;排出”;C选项 found “创办(组织);建立(国家);以为基础;熔化”;D选项 launching “发射;发动;开始从事”。根据上下文,以及关键字new Dirty Pig campaign“新的脏猪运动”判断出此处表达“发起运动”,D选项正确。2.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 coherent “连贯的,一致的;明了的;清晰的”;B选项 pertinent “相关的,相干的;中肯的;切题的”;C选项 consis

11、tent “始终如一的,一致的;坚持的”;D选项 redundant “多余的,过剩的;被解雇的,失业的;冗长的,累赘的”。根据上下文,以及关键字for the fast food industry“快餐业”判断出此处表达“和有关的”,B选项正确。3.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 discourage “阻止;使气馁”;B选项 forbid “禁止;不准;不允许;正式严禁”;C选项 persuade “说服,劝说;使某人相信;劝某人做(不做)某事”;D选项 damage “损害,毁坏”。根据上下文,以及关键字littering by their customers“阻止顾客乱扔垃圾”判断出此处表达

12、“阻止”,A选项正确。4.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 continued “继续,延续;仍旧,连续”;B选项 indicate “表明;指出;预示;象征”;C选项 remain “保持;依然;留下;剩余;逗留;残存”;D选项 leave “离开”。根据上文 “He recognized efforts made by McDonalds, including placing litter bins and increasing litter patrols”,中文翻译为:他肯定了麦当劳所做的努力,包括设立垃圾箱和增加垃圾巡逻。以及空格后“all too prevalent” ,中文翻译为“太普遍

13、了”判断出此处C选项正确。5.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 incentive “动机;刺激;鼓励”;B选项 premise “前提;经营场址;房屋;契约前言”;C选项 stimulus “刺激;激励;刺激物”;D选项 proximity “接近,数邻近;接近;接近度,距离;亲近”。根据上文 “offer money-off vouchers”,中文翻译为:提供折价券,判断出A选项正确。6.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 convenient “方便的;近便的;实用的”;B选项 strategic “战略上的,战略的”;C选项 near “近的,靠近的;接近的;近似的;不久的;近亲的;小气的”;D选项

14、 eye-catching “引人注目的;耀眼的;显著的”。空格处 “put more bins at points in local streets, not just outside their premises ”,中文大意为:在当地街道上的点(而不仅仅是店外)放置更多垃圾箱。可知B选项正确。7.考查固定搭配。A选项 propose“建议;打算,计划;求婚”;B选项 dissolve“溶解;解散;消失”;C选项 handle “处理,应付(局势、人、工作或感情);(用手)触,拿,搬动;控制,操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)”;D选项 dispose “处理;处置;安排;使倾向于”。根据上下文,

15、以及固定搭配dispose of“丢掉,清除”可知D选项正确。8.考查固定搭配。A选项 way “方法;道路;方向;行业;习惯”;B选项construction “建设;建筑物;解释;造句”;C选项pressure “压力;压迫,物 压强”;D选项government “政府;政体;管辖”。under way“进行着;航行中”,A选项正确。9.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 shoulder “肩,肩膀;肩部”;B选项burden “负担;责任;船的载货量”;C选项turn “转弯;变化;(损害或有益于别人的)行为,举动,举止”;D选项responsibility “责任,职责;义务”。联系下文 “

16、and would introduce a program to reduce packaging on many products” ,以及固定搭配take responsibility for对负责 ,可知D选项正确。10.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 resolve “决定;溶解;使分解;决心要做”;B选项 dissolve “使溶解;使分解;使液化”;C选项 minimize “使减到最少;小看,极度轻视”;D选项 dilute “稀释,冲淡;削弱;变稀薄,变淡”。根据下文 “the impact of litter on communities” 可知C选项正确。3.单选题The pro

17、tective covering of lobsters, nobody could doubt, is an adaptation evolved by Darwinian selection.问题1选项A.adjustmentB.applicationC.argumentD.assembly【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 adjustment “调整,调节;调节器”;B选项 application “应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;(对事物、学习等)投入”;C选项 argument “论证;论据;争吵;内容提要;自变数;主词,受词”;D选项 assembly “装配;集会,集合;汇

18、编,编译”。句意:毫无疑问,龙虾身上的保护层是由达尔文选择进化而来的一种适应。结合此处关键词adaptation “适应”,得知A为正确答案。4.写作题Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the way people communicate with each other? Has this become a positive or negative development? Yo

19、u must write logically and show your clear point of view with sufficient supporting points. You may make use of any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. You should have your own title and write at least 200 words.【答案】略。5.单选题But aging does not have to take a toll once it did on her fa

20、ce and body. There are now many solutions available to aid women in their quest for their long lasting health and beauty.问题1选项A.take overB.compose ofC.slow downD.have a negative effect【答案】D【解析】考查词组。A选项 take over “接管;接收”;B选项 compose of “由组成”;C选项 slow down “减速,放慢速度;使慢下来”;D选项 have a negative effect “产生

21、负面影响”。句意:不过,一旦衰老对她的脸和身体造成了影响,就不必为此付出代价。现在有很多方法可以帮助女性追求持久的健康和美丽。结合此处关键词 take a toll “产生负面影响;造成损失;产生严重的不良影响”,得知D选项正确。6.单选题The president of the board always gives his directions so _ that everyone can understand them.问题1选项A.simplyB.explicitlyC.largelyD.shortly【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项simply“简单地;朴素地;坦白地”;B选

22、项 explicitly“明确地;明白地”;C选项 largely“主要地;大部分;大量地”;D选项 shortly“立刻;简短地;唐突地”。句意:总统总是使他的方向,让每个人都能理解他们。根据everyone can understand them.(每个人都能够理解他们),可推测,要使每个人都能理解他们,总统会让他的方向通俗易懂。结合句意,A选项正确。7.单选题The material support and advisory services offered by these projects _ the will of the poor to help themselves and e

23、nable them to lead self-sufficient lives.问题1选项A.prolongB.enforceC.reinforceD.inform【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项prolong “延长;拖延”;B选项 enforce “实施,执行;强迫,强制”;C选项 reinforce “加强,加固;强化;补充”;D选项 inform “通知;告诉;报告”。句意:这些项目提供的物质支持和咨询服务了穷人自助的意愿,使他们能够过上自给自足的生活。根据The material support and advisory services by these project

24、s(这些项目提供的物质支持和咨询服务)可推测这些项目对来说是有利的,A选项不符合题意,可排除。B选项含贬义也可排除。D选项不符合题意,可排除。结合句意,C选项正确。8.写作题In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility

25、. What are your opinions on this? Write a passage on the topic in about 200 words. You must write clearly and logically on your Answer Sheet.【答案】略。9.写作题We are paying more attention to the vulnerable (weak) groups of people in our society, such as the disabled, the sick elderly, the divorced mothers,

26、 and children with rural-worker parents in big cities, and etC.What is your attitude towards them? Please give your opinion. You may focus on a particular group or the vulnerable as a whole group. Write a passage about 200 words. You must show your clear point of view with sufficient supporting poin

27、ts. You should have your own title.【答案】略10.单选题Failure in a required subject may result in the _ of a diploma.问题1选项A.refusalB.betrayalC.denialD.burial【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 refusal “拒绝;优先取舍权;推却;取舍权”;B选项 betrayal “背叛;辜负;暴露;违约”;C选项 denial “否认;拒绝;拒绝给予;节制;背弃”;D选项 burial“埋葬;葬礼;弃绝”。句意:如果某门必修科目不及格,可能会被吊销学位证书。结合此处语境,C为正确答案。

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