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1、电大英语教学理论与实践试卷试卷代号: 8571 河北广播电视大学 20 20 学年度第一学期期末考试社区工作理论与实践试题 A 答案 20 年 1 月一、单项选择(每题 1 分,共计 20 分)1、社区睦邻运动发生在19 世纪 80 年代,它的发起人是英国牧师( A )。A巴涅特B、索里C、汤恩比D、哥尔亭2、最早提出社区发展概念的是(D )。A罗杰斯B、罗斯曼C、谭马士 D、法林顿3、(A )称为西方社会救济立法和贫民救济事业史上的一个重要里程碑,对各国社会事业的制度化发展产生了深远的影响。A、伊丽莎白济贫法B、德国的汉堡制C英、美的慈善组织会社 D、德国爱尔伯福制4、在社区工作的程序中,下

2、列说法错误的是(D )。A、制订一个良好的社区发展计划,这是社区工作的关键一环B、建立社区机构是落实社区计划的根本保证C 、协调社区力量是社区工作过程中重要的一环D、解决社区问题主要依靠社区工作者5、在社区发展模式中,当地居民应该是确定社区发展具体项目的(B )。A 一般参与者B 主要决策者C 听从任务者D 意见反馈者6、下列属于社会策划模式的是(C )。A、我国的八七扶贫攻坚计划 B、我国的乡村建设运动C为了促进就业,制订针对性的训练项目D、为了维护弱势群体的利益而采取的集体行动7、 60 年代末期,美国学者罗斯曼提出的三大经典社区实务模式不包括以下哪一项?( B )A地区发展B、社区整合C

3、、社会规划D、社会行动8、社区工作者经常与居民领袖并肩工作,帮助群众或团体维护自己的利益,运用传媒的力量向政府施压,影响正式组织的决策过程,在这里,工作者扮演的角色是( B )。A、倡导者B、行动者C、教育者D、资提供者9、社会行动通常是由最温和的方法起步,当行不通时才提升行动的层次。这是社会行动的( B )。A让步原则B、渐进原则C、破坏原则D、连串性原则 10、(B )在中国农村的种种实验却开创了农村社会工作实验的先河。A、为政治服务的社区教育模式B、乡村建设运动C、社区服务D、社区学校11、 ( D ) 是一个人顺利进行某种活动的一种个性心理特征。A技能B、性格C、气质D、能力12、下列

4、有关院舍化说法错误的是(C )。A、生活在院舍中的人通常被社会上的其他人视为“弱者”。R接受长期院舍照顾的人丧失了自立能力,变得过分的顺从。C生活在福利院中的人有充分的自主选择权利。D院舍化就是把各类需要照顾的人集中在一起照顾。13、社区工作者应具备的自我完善能力不包括(B )。A、自我学习能力B、自我批评能力C、自我反省能力D、自我控制能力 14、下列不属于确定社区工作者身份的标准的是(C )。A工作内容或内容B、职业身份C、工作性质D、社会工作认证制度 15、建立关怀型的社区意味着(B )。A、关怀型的社区所关注的只是那些“有需要的人”B、关怀型的社区关注的是整个社区的福利 C 、社区照顾

5、是由社区工作者本人发动的D采取何种社区照顾方式是由社区工作者来决定的16、关于社区照顾的具体目标下列说法错误的是(D )。A协助需要照顾人士融入社区B、培养需要照顾人士的参与意识C、强化居民的社区意识D社区照顾是以非正规照顾取代正规照顾17、下列哪一项不属于问卷法的特点(C )A书面性R间接性C、直接性D标准化18、关于社区服务的资共享原则下列说法正确的是(D )。A、社区服务的资来可以完全依赖依靠政府提供外部资B、社区服务的资来可以完全依赖依靠社区的内部资C社区服务的资来依赖于靠政府提供外部资和社区的内部资的结合,不分主次 D 、社区服务的资来以开发利用自身资为主,接受政府等提供的外部资为辅

6、,而不能颠倒了两者的位置。19、美国心理学家(B )将需求划分为五级:生理的需求、安全的需求、社交的需求、尊重的需求、自我实现的需求。A罗杰斯B、马斯洛C、班杜拉D、沙利文20、社区的服务组织有两个特点,一是街(委)、企(事)结合,二是( B )。A政府主导B、社区自治C、居民自治D、社区、居民结合二、多项选择题(每题 5 分,共计 40 分)1、中国古代的民间社会救济和社会救助主要包括的形式有(ABCDE)。A家族B、同乡C、行会D、宗教E、社仓乡约2、下列属于社区发展模式中的过程目标的是(BD )。A社区经济开发B、各种社会网络的重新确立C、社区社会发展D、居民及团体间重建紧密的联系 E

7、、社区科学知识教育的普及3、在社区发展模式中,社区工作者的角色主要包括(BCDE)。A组织策划的角色B、支持鼓励的角色C、协调联络的角色D、资中介的角色 E 、启发催化的角色4、社区工作者进入社区的方法包括(ABDE )A拜访关键人物B、与居民进行街头接触或深入访谈C、与居民进行深入交谈 D 、事件的介入 E 、参与和组织公益活动5、关于社区照顾的含义,下列说法错误的是(BD )。A、社区照顾是为社会上有需要照顾者提供照顾及支援B、非正规照顾不属于社区照顾C需要照顾的对象能够继续留在社区或他们原本的生活环境下维持独立的生活 D 、由志愿者、亲属等进行的无偿照顾不属于社区照顾E、社区照顾倡导的是

8、专业人士与非专业人士的携手合作6、下列属于社区照顾提供的具体服务的是(ABDE)。A、家长义工计划B、提供临终关怀服务C、政府在社区内筹建房舍D、为孤独老人解决心理问题 E 、提供老人的护理服务7、西方介入式社区工作过程最显著的特征是它的(BD )。A技巧性B、阶段性C、静态性D、时序性E、福利性8、我国社区工作过程时段性的工作包括下列(CDE )。A、抵御自然灾害的侵袭B、某项政治宣传教育的实施 C社区环境卫生评比D社区计划生育的宣传与登记E、居民纠纷的调节三、判断正误题(每题 1 分,共计 20 分)1、社区工作的重点应该是解决个体所面对的问题,或个别居民所关心的社区事务。(X)2、社会工

9、作机构或社会工作者提供的社区服务,应全部是无偿服务。(X)3、确立社区工作目标时,要注意分别确立总体目标和具体目标。(V )4、滕尼斯关于社区的概念,他的视角始终关注着社会价值取向这个核心,并以人际关系状况、形成、变化为观察对象。(V)5、社区工作的基本原则指社区工作的某个特定领域或策略、方法所遵循的原则。(X)6、一旦居民决定采取社会行动,社会工作者会坚守一系列的原则,使行动能够朝着理性的方向发展。(V )7、美国的社会学家和社会工作者往往将社区发展理解为社区组织的工作模式之一的是。(v )8、社区发展作为一种专门的社区工作方法,形成于20 世纪初。(x )9、社区发展的具体的策略措施主要是

10、以冲突和竞争策略为主。(x )10、社区问题的调查只包括社区内的调查。(x )11、建立关怀社区的过程,就是实现社区照顾终极目标的过程。(V)12、从事社区照顾的组织和工作者应该扮演倡导者的角色,而不是全权代理人。(W)13、香港式的社区照顾主要有三种推行形式:家居照顾、社会支援网络、义务工作。(V )14、社区工作者的平民意识从本质上讲就是一种民主意识。(X)15、工作情景的界定和评估是社区工作者事情,与工作对象没有关系。(x)16、社区服务是一种群众性的互助服务,不需要政府的倡导和支持。(x)17、一套完整的社区工作价值体系,包括对服务对象的价值取向、对社会(国家)的价值取向与对个人(自身

11、)的价值取向三部分。(V )18、作为一个关怀型的社区, 它所关注的仅仅是那些“有需要的人”,而不是所有人。(x )19、优抚服务针对社区内孤寡老人、无经济来的贫困户,以及下岗工人就业困难而提供的扶助服务。(x )20、街道办事处作为市或区政府的派出机构,是社区服务的直接实施者。(V )四、简答题(每题 5 分,共计 20 分)1、简述社区工作的专业价值观特点答:( 1)集体取向的人的价值和尊严(2)制度取向的社会正义(3)民主取向的社会参与(4)互助取向的助人服务2、简述社区发展策略的具体措施答:社区发展策略的具体措施有五个方面:(1)以协商一致策略为主,避免冲突和竞争,(2)立足社区基层群

12、众公共利益的扩大,通过沟通、对话和讨论促使成立不同居民小组,(3)社区组织之间的协商、妥协、合作,(4)对社区精英的争取、团结和支持,(5)对社区大众的争取、包容,并使其参与到发展项目中来。3、简述社区照顾提供的服务类型答:( 1)是针对服务对象的压力心理的及专业的支援(2)是为服务对象提供一些具体和实际的协助(3)是为服务对象提供稍作休息的空间(4)是协助服务对象善用服务资,并加强他们对社区活动的参与( 5)是为服务对象提供足够的、高质量的照顾,减轻照顾者的负担。4、简述社区服务的原则答:社区服务的原则包括( 1)政府支持的原则(2)开发和利用社区内部资的原则(3)公民参与的原则(4)立足社

13、区的原则(5)科学化、专业化的原则(6)宣传先行的原则(7)义务与报酬相结合的原则五、论述题1、试述社区工作的行为守则答:主要围绕以下几个方面论述:( 1)注重以人为中心的发展目标。( 2)强调社区成员的自主参与。( 3)充分开展组织工作。( 4)注重协调发展。( 5)尊重社区成员自主决策。( 6)采取民主和理性的社区行动方式。( 7)做好预防性的服务工作。2、试述我国社区工作者的角色要求答:主要从以下几方面论述:( 1)应具备的意识:一是,大局意识;二是,责任意识;三是,任务意识;四是,发展意识( 2)要有创新的工作思路:一是,制定社区工作目标和实施方案;二是,激发居民的参与意识;三是调动和

14、发挥社区组织的积极性和参与性;四是解决百姓闹心、领导操心、人人关心的事情入手( 3)应具备的技能一是,提高政策水平;二是,提高专业技能;三是,提高写作技能;四是,提高文体、绘画能力试卷代号:2 2 0 5合集2021.1至20.1第一部分 交际用语1.-Are you ready to order?- Yes.111 have a chken saladplease.A Right 2.-Can I help you?- Yes, please.Id liketo reserve aroom.A Right 2.-Can I help you?-Ne to see you.B Wrong 2.

15、-Could you help me to book the tket? -No problem.When are you leaving? A Right3 -What are you going to do this evening ? -I went there with some friends.B Wrong 3 -What are you going to do tomorrow morning?-I saw a film with my son.B Wrong 3.-What would you like to drink, madam? -Can I have a gla of

16、 white e? A Right 3.-What would you like to have?-An orange jue,please.A Right 3.- Whats your job?- I,m a nurse.A Right 3.- When did hego to Amera?- Two years ago.A Right 3.-When did you first e to China?-10 years ago.A Right 3.- What did you do yesterday?- I saw a film with my som A Right 3.-Where

17、did you go in China? -I went there by train.B Wrong 3.-Where did you go for your holiday?-Two yeaes ago.B Wrong 3.-What does he look like?-He is tall and thin.A Right 3.-What time will the train leave?At 8.19.A Right 4 -Hello,iaoyan.Howwas the party ? -Hi , Jack.We had a great time. A Right 4.-Hello

18、.How was your trip to Shanghai? -Yes.I went there by train.B Wrong 4.-Hello.Isthat Ivydale Guesthouse?-Yes,it is.Can I help you? A Right 4.-How can Ibook a cheap hotel?-If I were you, Id phone a travel agent.A Right4 -How do you like the film?-Its very good.I like it. A Right 4.-Howoften do you go s

19、wimming?- About twe a week 。 A Right 4.-How is the weather today?- I m fine,thank you.B Wrong 4.-Have you seen todays newspaper?- Yes, I am.B Wrong 4.- Have you been to Amera?-Ive never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A Right 4.-Have you hada good day? 一 Yes, but Im very tired.A Righ

20、t 4.-Have you ever tried dsurfing? 一 Its very kind of you.B Wrong 5. 一 You ordered some fish,didnt you?- No,thank you.B Wrong 5.Do you like your job?- Im a nurse.B Wrong第二部分 词汇与结构7.!That fire is dangerous.B.S 2.the rain and the d,he came on time.B.In spite of 2.they landed,they went to the conferenc

21、e.B.After2.the rain and the d,he came on time.B.In spite of 8.I mied the train,I arrived at work on time.B.Although 23.it is raining, she decides not to work in the garden.A.Because12.it started to rain,I still want to go to the Beihai Park.B . Although 20.it rains tomorrow , well stay at home.C.lf

22、21.is wrongwith the car.It wont start.B.Something 13.it is raining,she decides notto work in the garden.A.Because8.A film that usually takes place in the future,ofture,often with space travel,is afilm. A . sci-fi1.A car hit her when she was walkingthe road.A.acro 2.At night the road outside my bedro

23、om was very noisy and I wasall night.C . ktpt awake7.A:is at the door?B: It must be our new neighbor,Mrs lones.B.Who 1.A: Whhjumperdo you like?B: Theredoverthere.A.one 1.A: Could I see the manager now?B: Im sorry you cant.He hasto Hong Kong.B.gone 1.A: What does sheB: Oh,shes very beautiful with lon

24、g dark hair.A.look like 1.A:Would you like to go to the cinema with me?B: Idstay at home.A.rather9.A: This skirt issmall for you.B: No.I think its big B.too,enough1 .Are you familiarthe bus and subway lines in Beijing?A.with 8.As shethe newspaper,Grannyasleep.C.was reading fell1 .As a news reporter,

25、Jamesmany places in the world.A.has been to1.A: I didnt have time for lunch today.B: Ididnt.C.either 2.Are you familiarthe bus and subway lines in Beijing?A.with 1.A concert will be held in th school hall4pmTuesday.C.aton d 1.A:Where does Mark get his hair cut?B:Hecutsit.B.himself 2.A:Whh jacket do

26、you like?B:The blueover there.A.one 16.Could you please tell us what kind of workyou have got eperience?A.in whh 18.China and Canada are the same size.A.about 19.Donthim.He is writing a letter now.B.disturb 10.-Did Mike phone you orTim? No,he didnt phoneus. A. either of I.While I to the supermarket

27、by bus,Ian old friend A. was going,met 6.When Erthat she had a lot of talent,he gave her a new violin. C . found out 2.When I was by myself,I felt. C . lonely 8.We used tobycles to go to work.A.ride 15.Who istheman standing over there?B.tall,thin 16.When I was sitting in a traff jam,the cardown.B.br

28、oke 17.Wein a small village in the countryside.Now we all live in cities.A.used to live 17.With his help,you will haveto worry about.C.nothing 23. Would you like to go to the cinema?- Idto go tothemuseum.B.prefer 10.When I saw him,Ihimsome money.A.asked,for 14.We built the house.Nobody helped us.A.o

29、urselves 24.With his help,you will haveto worry about.A.nothing 18.Who is theman standing over there?B.tall, thin 23.Who is therl standing over there?B.tall,thin 21.We built the house.Nobody helped us.B.ourselves 9.My friend Mary said sheall over the world.A.had been to 13.My horne is farthe city ce

30、ntre.A.from 15.My parents havebeen to the Great Wall.A.never 17.Mother told Little Tom notall the money.C.to spend 25.Mary would like to buy thehandbag,is very beautiful but also rather epensive.B.whh 11.Mary is boredthe same work.She wants to do something eciting.B.with22.Mr Smith told Maryto the o

31、ffe Monday morning.C.to e 15.My mum helped me toready for my trip to Amera. C . Get 11.My parents havebeen to the Great Wall.B.never 1.Ia car if I won thelottery.A.wouldbuy 9.Imy breakfast at 8,but Ilunch yet.A . had,haventhad 2.Itable tennis quite well, but I havent had time to play since the New Y

32、ear.C.play 8.Ihimmy bikelast weekend.A.lent 9.Imy breakfast at 8,but Ilunch yet. A . had,havent had 2.Itable tennis quite well, but I havent had time to play since the New Year.C.play 1.Iher my puter last weekend.A.lent 1.If Iyou,I would buy a house at the seaside.B.were 1.If IPeter,Ihim about the m

33、eeting.A.see,will tell 2.If Iyou,Id sell that car as qukly as poible.A.were 2.If I Peter, Ihim about the meeting.A.see,willtell 10.Itsto learn how to play tennis.B.easy 16.Jimevery week,but he does not now. A . used to swim 7.I gotvery late this morning,I watched too much TV last night. B . up 6.I w

34、asmyto school when I saw the accident.A.on , way 1.I wasmyto school when I saw him.C:on,way 1.I wantto help me with my homework. A . Somebody 1.If youtime,will you send the letter for me,please? A . Have 1.I worked12 last night.Of course,then I was really tired. C . till,by 2.Ive always enjoyedfootb

35、all.B . playing 1.I went tohis house but couldnt get in.There wasthere.A.no one 2.Its a long way to get there.This iswe started so early.A.why 1.Is it diffult to learn toTai Chi? C.do 1.Is the supermarketthe right or left?A.on 9.I love travelling.Imost places in the world.A.havebeento 7.Im really lo

36、oking forward tofrom you.B.hearing 6.Im not helping you.You must wash your socks.B.yourself 1.Im going to buy Marya birthday ft.Do you have in mind?C.anything special 2.-Im thinking of going away for the weekend - go to Beidaihe?You can swim in the sea there. B . Why don”t you 1.I am having the TVto

37、morrow.A.repaired 2.I cant sit here; this chair isvery.A.unfortable 7.I have to go now.I have to pkmy son from school.C.up2.I didnt go in the summer.I stayed at home.C.anywhere 2.The bo toldall the employeeslate for meetings. B . not to be 9.The book was rather epensive,but I bought it.C.anyway 2.Th

38、e boys gotvery late thismorning.They watched too much TV last night.B.up 1.The baby was namedhis grandfather.A.after2.Tianjin is a two-hour journeyBeijing.C.from 1.The dre was rather epensive,but I bought it. C . anyway 2.This sweater is notfor me.I need a bigger size.C.big enough 7.Tom helped her m

39、otherthecooking.C.with1.The school telephoned to tell me that my son had hurtplaying football.C.himself 1.They were latethey had to drive fast.B : s o1.This photobe of Beijing.Theres the Great Wall.C.must 1.This idea hit me whenIthis morning.C.woke up 1.They are building abridgethe river.B.acro8.The

40、 child was namedhis grandfather.A.after 2.Table tennis ispopular sport in this country.B.themost 2.The man is.He is rude to others.C.impolite1 .The new web page can bebluered.B.either.or 2.The children ,we met in the morning , were very good at sinng.C.who 1.The children are enjoyingat the party.B.t

41、hemselves 8.There is timethe changes.A.for 1.Today is too busy.Lets discu itweek.C.sometime 1.The hotel is famousits delious food.C.for1.5 hes the personowns the restaurant.A.who 1.Sheis not very good atgardens.C.designing 1.She didnt say a word about her homework.Absolutely.A.nothing 6.She didnt sa

42、y a word about the eam.Absolutely.A.nothing1.6 heanswer my phone call yesterday.B.didnt 2.Shebe over forty.She must be in her twenties.A.cant 1.She is not very good atgbrdens.A.todesign 1.Shes worried about her lackeperience indesigning gardens.B.of 2.He hadnt go tenough moneyhe couldnt buy the jack

43、et.B.so 1.He bought two books.she.A.So did7.Hes not tallto play basketball.A.enough 1.Her artle isin hercla.C.the best 9.Her homework isin her cla.A.the best 6.He spedTV when dinner was ready.A.watching 9.Heisa good friend of.C.ours 1.Heme he was leaving on Wednesday.B.told 1.He told me hegoing to t

44、he US on Wednesday.B.was 6.He lovedbasketball when he was young.B.playing 22.You wear a uniform atschool.You can wear anything you like.B.dont have to 13.You didnt order the cheese, ? B.didyou 15.You havedone a very good job.C.certainly 17.Gui1in isthe west of China.C.in 20.Get up! Mary.Tom hascalle

45、d you threetimes this morning.B.already 16.Quk, call the doctor! I think Imyarm.A.have broken 2.Jenny, was a hardworking student,was killed in the traff accident.A.who第三部分 句型变换27. Where is the restaurant ?(用He a k e d将句子改写成间接特殊 疑问句) He asked where the restaurant was.27.Can you phone me later,Susan?s

46、aid David.( 用 ask , to 改为间接句子 David asked Susan to phone him later.30 Although it rained,the visit was a succe (用 In spite of 将两句连成一句) In spite of the rain,the visit was a succe.26.Jack is responsible for all the training.(用 What针对划线部分提问)What is Jack responsible for? 30.Mary didnt stay at home.She w

47、ent to see Tim.( 用 insteadof 将两个句子合成一句Instead of staying at home,Mary went to see Tim.26.It was too hot.I couldnt open the dow.(用 but 将两句连成一句)It was too hot,but I culdn t open the dow.29.It was very hot.I couldnt open the dow.(用 but 将两句连成一句)It was very hot but I couldn t open the dow.30.It was a pla

48、ce.He wanted to go there.( 用 where 将第二句改为定语从句 )It was a place where he wanted to go.28.It wasa place.He wanted to go there.(用 where 将两句合成一句 )It was a place where he wanted to go.28.Im tall and thin.My sister is too.( 用 so 改写句子 )Im tall and thin and so is my sister./ Im tall and thin,so is my sister.

49、27.Im tall and thin.My brother is too.(用 so 改写句子 )I m talland thin and so is my brother.28.I cant find my notebook,she said.(改为间接引语)She said she couldn t fin d her notebook.29.I cant keepaccounts.She cant keep accounts.( 用 neither 改写句子 ) I can t keep accounts (and/,)neither can she 27.I cant find my

50、 notebook,she said.( 改为间接引语)She said she couldnt find her notebook 29.Theysmashed the dow.( 将句子改成被动语态) The dow was smashed(by them)26.They smashed the dow.( 改成被动语态)The dow was smashed (by them)30.Tim didnt stay in the meeting.He left the offe.(用 insteadof 将两句连成一句 )Instead of staying in the meeting,T

51、im left the offe.28.Theyre worried about Jim.( 用 Whom!十对划线部分提问Whom are they worried about? 29.Have you gotmy bag? she asked.( 将句子改成间接引语)She asked if Ihad gor her bag.30.His neighbour heard them.They damaged the flat.(用动词 ing 形式将两个句子改写成一句 )His neighbour heard them damang the flat.2.His neighbor heard

52、 them.They made a noise .(用动词i n g形式将两句改写成一句话)His neighbor heard them making a noise.26.Hes gone to Shanghai.Hes negotiating a new contract.( 用动词不定式将两句连成一句 ) He s gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.27.He disturbedthe burglars.( 将句子改为被动语态)The burglars were disturbed (by him)28.He didnt run

53、fast.He didnt catch the bus.(用 enough . to 改写句子)He didn t run fast enough to catch the bus.29.He didnt run fast.He didnt catch the bus.( 用 enough to 将两句连成一句He didnt run fast enough to catch the bus.29 He stole the lap (改为被动语态) The lap was stolen(by him) 30.Susan collected the tkets this morning.(用Wh

54、en#对戈U线部分提问)When did Susan collect the tkets? 26.She forgot about the meeting yesterday.( 用 What针对划线部分提问What did she forget about yesterday?第四部分 阅读理解 iaoyan:Packing is never -ending.Ill just have to ve things away.do meals for us at work are very good.31. iaoyan is goingto.B:ve some stuff away 32.ia

55、oyan got a radio from.B:Polly 33.Francofor iaoyans birthday.C:cooked meals and wrote the menu 34.At first,iaoyans idea for her leaving do is to.A:have a pn if the weather isfine.35.According to the weather forecast,its going tofor the weekend.C:rain but with sunny intervals Mary has just returned to

56、 the USA after studying in England forthree years.hadenjoyed her time in England somuch.31.Mary is now in.B.theUSA 32.She studied atumverslty.A.a British 33.Most probably,her grandmother.C.Iived in London 34.Her friends brother remended her to.B.study in the college 35.Mary would return to Europe to

57、.C.work Davi d and iaoyan arrived at the airport in good time.I suppose someone must have walked off with it!31.When they arrived at the airport,they had。 B.plenty of time 32.Ihey t1rst went.A.to the checking-in desk 33.David realized that his camera was miing when he was。 C.at the gate 34.They look

58、ed for the camera everywhere ecept。 C.on the plane 35.David thought he must have left it。A.in the cafe Dear Vky, I live in Aberdeen,py to let you go.Goodluck!Vky 31.The letter-writer wants toat Christmas.B:visit his parentswho live quite far away 32.The letter-writer will travelmiles to go toand e b

59、ack from Cornwall.C:1000 33.The letter- writer doesn t get on well with his bo because.B:his bo heardhim 34.Vky advises the letter-writer to.C:apoloze to his bo for what he has done 35.Vky thinks the lerrer- writer s bo willafter he hears the eplanation.A:be very hy to ve the letter-writer a longer

60、holiday Flat 3, Cheyney House, Crant Road, Chelsea, London 21June204, Im writing to clairn forTim Manning 31.The mancame to us to.A.ask for the way 32.We thought the children.A.knew theman who was asking directions 33.My wife and Ithe child who took away the handbag.C.ran after 34.Our camerawhen we

61、came back to our place.C.was taken away by the other children 35.The writer of the letter wants the insurance pany to.B.ve them insurance on their camera Pole offer: Goodafternoon,sir.Pole offer:Yes,please.sir.Two sugars.please.31.Mr Timson came downstairs because.A:he heard some noise 32.Whh of the

62、 follog was NOT damaged?B.Thechair.33.Larry often steals things.C.in the afternoon 34.The pole will first.A.take some photos 35.The pole offer would like to.B.have a cup of tea with two spoons of sugar Ivydale GuesthouseBath Tourist Aociation rovedFor reservations or abrochure ,please call (01225) 1

63、21235531.The owner of the guesthouse is/are.A.Ron and Ann 32.The guesthouse is the city centre.B.near to 33.Guests can.C.make tea in their room 34.The guesthouse is.B.peaceful and quiet 35.People can call(01225)1212355 to.A.book a room Mary has just returned to the USA after studying inEnglands。much.31.Mary is now inB.the USA 32.She studied atUnIVersIty.A.a British 33.Most prob ably,her grandmother .C.lived in London 34.Her friends brother remended her to .B.study in the college 35.Mary would return to Europeto .C.work Polly mow w

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