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1、南关学校2014-2015学年度第一学期九年级英语第三单元导学案Unit 3Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?导 学 案【单元学习目标】1学会有礼貌的问路以达到购物或办事的目的。2学会为他人指示方向或路线。3学会在活动或者购物场所中表达自己的爱好和想法。【单元重点难点】重点: 1学会礼貌询问语言 Could you please tell me where? Excuse me,do you know where I can ?2学习宾语从句注意事项。难点:几种礼貌问路的方式Excuse me,do you know where

2、I can buy some shampoo?Could you tell me how to get to the post office?Could you tell me where I can get a dictioary?Could you tell me where the Center Street is?第一课时Section A (1a-1c)主备人:赵 红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1.掌握词汇restroom stamp bookstore beside。 2.宾语从句注意事项。3.完成主要句型的学习和听力练习。【重点难点】 重点: 学会有礼貌的问路以达到购物或办事的

3、目的。难点: 问路和指路的几种表达方法。【导学过程】一、课前预习取钱_得到几本杂志_ _在右边 得到城市的一些信息_买些邮票_买字典_向左拐_向右拐_买一双鞋子 二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 朗读1短语,完成搭配练习。3. 学习礼貌询问语言及回答Could you please tell me where?Excuse me,do you know where I can ?Yes / sure. There s a 4. 1b听力训练。5. 小组内1c对话训练。6. 小组编对话,有礼貌的问路或为他人指示方向或路线。(二)合作探究 知识点探究1. Could you

4、 please ?Could you please ?意为“请你好吗?”后跟动词原形。 Could you please (open) the door ? Could you please (tell) me how to get to the hospital ?2. Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary ? 以疑问词引导的宾语从句常可改成用疑问词引导动词不定式。Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary ?=Could you please tell me

5、 where a dictionary?3. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?这是一个宾语从句的复合句,从句要用陈述句的语序。Could在此表示委婉的语气,并不表示过去时态。链接:-Could you please tell me_? -OK,her name is Cici.A. what was her name B. what her name is C. what is her name D. what her name is4. Could you please tell me if there are any goo

6、d museums in London.在这里if引导宾语从句,意为“是否”不同于if引导的条件状语从句。链接:(1).Do you know if _a basketball match on TV this evening? A. there is going to be B. is there C. will there be D. there are(2).If it _(rain) tomorrow, we_(go)to the park.5. 当宾语从句的原句为以下句子以及what, who做主语时,语序不变:(1)Whats wrong ?(2)Whats the matter

7、? (3)Whats happening ?链接:I dont know .A. who is he B. who is he He wants to know .A. what is wrong B .what wrong is 6. 试译:打扰了。请问去邮局怎么走? Excuse me. Could you tell me the _ to the post office?Excuse me. Could you tell me how _ _ _ (can I ) get to the post office?Excuse me. Could you tell me how _ (get

8、) to the post office?Excuse me. Could you tell me where the post office _ (be)?三、达标检测1.翻译(1) 请你告诉我厕所在哪儿好吗?_ _ (2) 请你告诉我在哪儿能买到字典好吗?_(3) 你知道这附近是否有公共厕所吗?_ (4) 请你告诉我如何到达邮局好吗?_ (5) 你能告诉我哪里有吃东西的好地方吗?_ (6) 经过一家银行。_ _ 2.单项选择1. He said _ there was going to be a meeting that evening. A. what B. if C. that D.

9、how2. I dont know _ up so early last Sunday . A. why did he get B. why he gets C. why does he get D. why he go3. Ill show you a store where you can buy _ you need.A. which B. that C. how D. what4. Have you seen Tom recently? I wonder _ with his studies A. how is he getting along B. that he gets alon

10、g well C. what he is getting along D. if he is getting along well5. I wondered how much _ A. does the watch cost B. did the watch costC. the watch costs D. the watch cost6. -Has Tom arrived yet ? -No, but he said he _ a bit late. A. would come B. had come C. came D. had been coming7. Do you know how

11、 much hot water ? A. Mum is needed B. does Mum need C. Mum needs D. did Mum need8. I really dont know _A. that Ill go B. whether Ill go or notC. whether to go and stay D. if go or stay9. He asked _ I understood _ he meant.A. whether; what B. if; that C. when; which D. why; where10. Can you tell me ?

12、 A. where he is B. where is he C. he is where D. what is he【教学反思】第二课时Section A (2a-2d)主备人:赵 红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1.掌握词汇:postcard pardon washroom bathroom normally rush。2.学会为他人指示方向或路线。3.完成听力和对话练习。【重点难点】 重点: 学会为他人指示方向或路线。难点: 如何正确的指路。【导学过程】一、课前预习1.英汉互译经过书店 在二楼 在两者之间 上到三楼 the biggest amusement park 2.根据句意和首字

13、母完成单词。(1)I want to post a letter . Could you buy a s for me ?(2)Some students like reading in a b in summer vocation .(3)I want to buy some p to send my best wishes to my friends in Christmas Day.(4)Could you tell me where a r is?(5)P me ,could you please tell me where to park my car ?二、自主学习、合作探究(一)

14、自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 听录音2a,2b并跟读。3. 根据2c编对话。4. 阅读2d,了解大致内容。(二)合作探究 知识点探究.go past the bank 经过银行go past = pass ; past 是介词,pass 是动词across 表示从表面穿过,指从物体的一侧到另一侧,”动词walk/go /run / swim+across” 相当于cross ,常与street , bridge, river等连用。 过马路 through 表示从里穿过 。 穿过门 链接: Can a plane fly the Atlantic Ocean ? Yes , but it ne

15、eds to go the clouds for hours . A .across ,through B. through , across C. across , across D. through ,through三、达标检测1.单项选择(1) Go the park and it is on your left .A .pass B .passed C .past D .pasted(2) I want to know when ?A .the girl was born B. the girl is born C. was the girl born D. is the gril b

16、orn(3)Lily is standing Mary Jack, she is the tallest her cousins .A .among ,and , between B .between, and , betweenC .among, and ,among D .between, and, among(4). The street runs Baihu Park . A .over B .through C. across D. past 2. 句型转换(1)Take the third turning on the turning left. at the third turn

17、ing .(2)I dont know how I can get to the post office. I dont know how to the post office.(3)The bank is on the right of the bookstore and on the left of the library. The bank is the bookstore the library.【教学反思】第三课时Section A (3a-3c)主备人:赵 红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1.能够熟记并正确使用本课单词和短语。2.能正确运用宾语从句以及不定式。3.培养学生的阅读能力

18、。【重点难点】 重点 : 宾语从句的运用。难点 : 1. 掌握文中出现的重点单词、词组和句型。2. 培养学生的阅读能力。【导学过程】一、课前预习用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Do you know where (find) a good place to have fun ?2.I will not start until the rain (stop).3.I suggest (go) out to eat .4.I seem (have) left my book at home .5.The food was good but the (serve) was very slow .6.I

19、f you (be) scared ,just shout or hold my hand .二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 阅读3a,回答问题。3. 听录音,跟读。4. 细读短文,完成3b。(二)合作探究 知识点探究:1. suggest doing sth 建议做某事 suggest that从句 建议 I suggest at the station . A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D .met2.serve sb sth= serve sth to sb3.on ones /the way to sp 在去某地的路上 get i

20、n the way of 挡的道4.pass by 路过,经过 go by (时间)过去5.seem的用法 (1) seem + adj(2) seem +t o do sth(3)It seems that +从句 She seems (be) ill .三、达标检测句型转换1. I wonder where we should go next.(改为简单句)I wonder next .2. Where can we get some good food quickly? (用Do you know 合并宾语从句) Do you know get some good food quickl

21、y?3. How can I get to the Central Library? Could you please tell me ?(合并成一句) Could you please tell me get to the Central Library?4. She asks her mother . Can she drink any orange juice ?(合并为宾语从句)She asks her mother drink any orange juice .5. “Who lives there “ Mr Hu asked .(改为复合句)Mr Hu asked .【教学反思】

22、第四课时Section A (Grammar Focus -4c)主备人:赵 红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1能够熟记并正确使用本课单词和短语2继续练习如何礼貌的问路和正确使用宾语从句。【重点难点】 重点: 礼貌的问路和正确使用宾语从句。难点: 能够用所学根据情况正确问路及指路。【导学过程】一、课前预习改写句子使他们更有礼貌1. Where can I buy a dictionary ? 2. Is there a shopping center? 3. How do I get to Zhangye ? 二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 阅读Grammar Foc

23、us。3.独立完成4a,小组内互相检查。(二)合作探究 1.讨论4b的情况,并给出不同的问法。2.根据4b要求编对话并表演。3总结Section A 所学重点句型。三、达标检测1.单项选择( ) (1) Alice interviewed some people and asked them about on Fathers Day.A. what they do B. what they did C. what they will do ( ) (2) I dont know A. where she comes from B. how old is she C. when was she

24、born( ) (3) The police man asked me at this time yesterday.A. what was I doing B. what did I do C. what I was doing D. what I do( ) (4).I like koala bears because they are kind of interesting. (词语释义) A. very B. a few C. a bit D. too2.句型转换(1)I think it is useful to learn English well . 否定句:反意疑问句:(2)S

25、he thinks it is useful to learn English well .否定句:反意疑问句:(3) Who is the woman under the tree? Do you know?(合并成一句)Do you know ? (4) I wonder where we should go next . (改为简单句) I wonder next .(5) I belive she is right .(改为否定句)I belive she right .(6) He can speak not only English but also French.(改为同义句)

26、He can speak English _ _ _ _French.【教学反思】第五课时Section B (1a-1e)主备人:赵 红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1能够熟记并正确使用本课单词和短语。2继续巩固提升如何礼貌的问路和正确使用宾语从句。3. 掌握听力技巧。【重点难点】 重点: 掌握听力技巧。难点: 能正确完成听力问题。【导学过程】一、课前预习根据句意及首字母提示填写单词1.Did we get any (邮件) this morning?2.We sailed down the (东方的)coast of the island .3.I find going to the su

27、permarket once a month is the most (便利店) way to shop .4.Please write your name in the top left-hand (角落)of the page .5.I made a call to her at Toms (要求,请求)。 二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 朗读1a单词,完成1a 。3. 播放听力,完成1c,1d 。(二)合作探究 1. 根据1b要求,用1a中的单词讨论并描述有关山丹的一些地方。2. 角色表演1e 。3.知识点探究:构词法 。(1) 加前缀 “in- , im- 和

28、 un-”一般表示“不”可构成反义词。Eg :expensive反义词 inexpensive 链接:possible (反义词) crowded (反义词) Polite (反义词) (2)Its convenient for sb .to do sth 做某事对某人来说是方便的 。(3)on /at the corner 在拐角处 in the corner 在角落里三、达标检测1.根据句意,选择适当的单词并用其适当形式填空clerk , corner ,convenient ,fascinating ,inexpensive ,uncrowded (1) We like to go to

29、 the places to take a walk .(2) The shop is on the . Its not far from here .(3) New York is one of the most exciting and cities in the world .(4) My father is a in the Bank of China .(5) Its more to wash clothes in a washing machine .(6) I decide to buy this coat because its .Its only 50yuan .2.句型转换

30、(1)There is a girl under the tree . She is reading .(改为同义句)There is a girl the tree .(2)Work hard ,and you will pass the exam .(用if 改为复合句) ,you will pass the exam.(3)They are good at singing . They are good at dancing . (用not onlybut also改为简单句)They good at singing good at dancing .【教学反思】第六课时Section

31、B (2a-2d)主备人:赵 红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1. 能够熟记并正确使用本课单词和短语。2能够用所学单词, 短语阅读文章。【重点难点】 重点:能够用所学单词及短语阅读文章。难点:能读懂文章并正确回答问题。【导学过程】一、课前预习根据句意,用单词的适当形式填空1. The clever boy made a plan _ (save) himself and his sister.2. Although it was very hot, they kept _ (walk) along the way to school.3.The stepmother didnt let her

32、 own daughter _ (do) anything.4. Western children became interested in _ (read) this story.5. Unless we do, we _ (not find) our way out.二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 略读短文,划出每一段的主题句.。 3. 细读短文,完成2c和2d 。(二)合作探究 1. 小组合作,完成3a。2. 知识点探究(1) The expressions they use might depend on whom they are speaking to o

33、r how well they know each other .此句为复合句they use 是定语从句修expressions 。whom引导的从句和how 引导的从句是并列关系,坐介词on的宾语。在口语和非正式文体中常用who代替whom,但如果前面有介词则只能用whom 。Eg: Who(Whom) were you talking to just now ? =To whom were you talking just now ?(2)lead in to 引入;导入 lead to 导致;通向 All roads lead to Rome.(3)Spend ,pay ,cost 和

34、take 的区别。sb. spends time /money on sth ./ in doing sth .(主语是人)sb .pays money for sth . (主语是人)sth. costs sb. money (主语是物)It takes sb. time / money to do sth .(正真的主语是不定式)链接:I spent 20 yuan on this book .(同义句转换) 三、达标检测根据句意,用单词的适当形式填空(1)Jack finds it difficult to pronounce some English words (correct)(2

35、)The little girl is very kind and she always talks to people (polite)(3)The teacher didnt give us the answer .Actually, he has already gave us a(n) (direct) one .(4)Alice ,would you like to be a good (speak)?(5)I m sorry (trouble) you with my English students so long .【教学反思】第七课时Section B (3a-Self Ch

36、eck)主备人:赵 红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1.能够熟记并正确使用本课单词和短语。2.写作练习:写一封信礼貌的询问你想知道的信息。【重点难点】 重点:用礼貌的询问信息的句子进行写作练习。难点: 能正确运用所学句型及作文要求写作。【导学过程】一、课前预习1.词汇运用(1) I opened my (邮件)and was surprised to see a ring .(2) He gave me a (直接的) order .(3) China is in the (东方的) of Asia .(4) I like to eat (葡萄) ,But Jenny doesnt .(5)

37、Would you mind putting the chair (在旁边) the door ?2. 根据句意,用单词的适当形式填空(1)The child is developing (normal)(2)My family lives in the (center) part of the city .(3)We should speak to old people (polite) .(4)We know that language is a means for the (express) of thought .(5)Many people like eating ( Italy )

38、 food .二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 按要求完成3a,3b.3. 完成Self Check并检查。(二)合作探究 1.找出3b, Self Check中的知识点并整理。2.习作相关句型翻译。(1)Id like to know about (2)I would like to thank you for (3)Im looking forward to your reply . (4)could you tell me how to get to ? 3.本单元常见命题形式,写作要点及思路点拨。4.佳作欣赏。三、达标检测.给你的朋友或其他人写一封信来询问你想知

39、道的事情。(注意礼貌的询问)要求:1.介绍你自己。 2.说清楚你什么时候来。 3.礼貌的问信息。4.感谢他帮了你。 【教学反思】第八课时 复习检测主备人:赵 红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 通过练习巩固本单元中的重点词汇,短语及句型。 【重点难点】 重难点: 正确灵活的运用本单元礼貌的询问信息的句型。【单元测试】一、选择填空 ( )1 The funny man often dresses up _ a clown.A. as B. in C. like D. for ( )2 Do you know _now ?In the Peoples Hotel. A .Where is Tom wo

40、rking B.where did Tom work C. Where Tom is working D. where Tom worked( )3 Which of the twin sisters is a doctor?- _ are. A. All B .Both C. Either D .Neither( )4. Lily is standing Mary Jack, she is the tallest her cousinsA. among ,and , between B .between, and , betweenC. among, and ,among D. betwee

41、n, and, among( )5. Can you please tell me where _ the post office? A. to find B. can I find C. how to find D. find ( ) 6 . .Do you know if _a basketball match on TV this evening? A. there is going to be B. is there C. will there be D. there are( ) 7.The street runs Baihu Park A .over B .through C .a

42、cross D. past ( ) 8. He _ less time reading stories about film stars than before. A. takes B. spends C. costs D. pays ( ) 9.-Bob, may I_ your MP4?-Sure. But youd better not_ it to others. A. lend; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow; borrow D. borrow; lend( ) 10.I want to know when ?A. the girl was born

43、B. the girl is born C .was the girl born D. is the gril born( ) 11.Go the park and it is on your leftA .pass B .passed C. past D. pasted二、根据方框中单词的适当形式填空Safe, expensive , crowd, interest , convenient 1. The supermarket is near my house ,Its very for us .2. The man made sure that the bridge was before

44、 crossing .3. There is a (an) program on television tonight .4. The skirt is only 15 yuan . Its .5. The streets are because the Photography Festival is over .三、同义替换( ) 1. The post office is near the science museum.A. near to B. next C. close D. close to( )2. The bookstore is between the furniture an

45、d the drugstore. A. in the middle B. in the middle of C. on the middle D. on the middle of( )3. Could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? A. what to B. how should I C. how I should D. where to( ) 4. Go down the street and you will find it. A. across B. along C. alone D. thought( )5. I decided to make greater progress in English this term. A. make a decision B made up ones mind C. took a decision D. made up my mind【教学反思】- 18 -

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