2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业4 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcometo the unit & Reading)(含解析)牛津译林版必修1

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2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业4 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcometo the unit & Reading)(含解析)牛津译林版必修1_第1页
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2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业4 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcometo the unit & Reading)(含解析)牛津译林版必修1_第2页
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2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业4 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcometo the unit & Reading)(含解析)牛津译林版必修1_第3页
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《2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业4 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcometo the unit & Reading)(含解析)牛津译林版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业4 Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcometo the unit & Reading)(含解析)牛津译林版必修1(6页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、课时分层作业(四)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1The boy cant tolerate other peoples smoking(smoke)in the room,so he went out.2The teacher had the boy singing(sing) for half an hour yesterday.3With all her clothes washed(wash),Mary went to the theatre with Jane.4The new type mobile phone deserves buying/to be bought(buy)5

2、Youll find that these girls dont feel frightened(frighten) easily now.6We shall defend(defense) our motherland,whatever the cost may be.7Many sheep died of starvation(starve) in the thick snow.8The new students are supposed(suppose) to report to the headteacher as soon as they arrive.9He was upset a

3、bout/over the garbage all over the floor.10Now that Ive seen how she lives,I know why she needs so much money.完成句子1人们应该在吸烟室吸烟。People are supposed to smoke in the smoking room.2你最好在下午前写完作业。Youd better have your homework done before afternoon.3灯开着,他睡着了。He fell asleep with the light on4在你刷牙时不要让水一直流。Don

4、t leave the water running when you brush your teeth.5既然他恢复健康了,就可以继续学习英语了。Now that he is well again,he can go on with his English study.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation,it turns into an argument.We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and s

5、uddenly,my mother will push the conversation into the Third World War.Shell talk about my lack of bright future because I dont plan to be a doctor.And much to her disappointment,I dont want to do any job related to science,either.In fact,when I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修)in English

6、,she nearly had a heart attack.“Why cant you be like my coworkers son?”she bemoans all the time.Her coworkers son received a fouryear scholarship(奖学金)and is now earning 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer.I dont know what to say except that I simply cant be like Mr.Perfect as Ive called the unnamed

7、 coworkers son.I cant be like him.I am the type of the person who loves to help out in the community,write until the sun goes down,and most of all,wants to achieve a career because of loving it,not because of fame or salary.I understand why my mother is worried about my future major.Ive seen my moth

8、er struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours.She leaves the house around 6:30 am. and usually comes back home around 5 pm. or even 6 pm.However,I want her to know that by becoming a doctor,it doesnt mean Ill be successful.Id rather follow my dreams and create my own future.【语篇解读】本

9、文主要讲述了作者与其母亲由于观念不同而发生的一些冲突。1Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?AThe writers studies.BWars around the world.CDinner plans.DThe writers future job.D推理判断题。根据第一段中的“It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation.Shell talk about my lack of b

10、right future because I dont plan to be a doctor.”可推知,作者和母亲经常谈论作者将来的工作。2The underlined word“bemoans”in Paragraph 2 most probably means“ ”AagreesBshoutsCsmilesDcomplainsD词义猜测题。根据前文“Why cant you be like my coworkers son?”可知,母亲是在抱怨儿子为什么不能成为像她同事的儿子那样的人,所以句中的bemoans是“抱怨,发牢骚”的意思。故选D。3Which of the following

11、 statements is probably TRUE about the writer?AHe wants to be like his mothers coworkers son.BHe wants to find a job in his community in the future.CHe wants to do something he really likes in the future.DHe doesnt think his mothers coworkers son is perfect.C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,作者想做自己喜欢的工作,而不想为了名声或薪水做

12、某个工作,故C项正确。4We can know from the last paragraph that Athe writers mother works very hard for the familyBthe writer doesnt know what his future will be likeCthe writer doesnt think being a doctor is goodDthe writer sometimes thinks his mothers advice is very goodA推理判断题。根据最后一段前三句可推知,作者的母亲为了养家工作非常辛苦。.阅

13、读七选五Even if you think that your parents are meanspirited at times,loving them is a normal part of life. 1 Here are some ways to love your parents.Tell them you love them every morning.A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart.Remember that they brought you into this world. 2

14、 Respect them more and value the moments with them.You can use these moments to learn from them,preparing yourself for when youre off on your own.Its OK to get angry but angry actions dont help you or your parents. 3 After this,share your feelings with your parents.Obey their requests.It will make y

15、our attitude better and earn you more respect from them.It may seem as if you are going through hell when you dont get what you want. 4 Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.Forgiveness is the key.Since you can forgive your friends,why not forgive your parents? 5 Do things with

16、your parents like watching TV,or go somewhere with them.Anyway,spend as much time with them as you can.AKeep them company.BParents will in turn express their love to you.CYou love them because they created you and raised you.DAct calmly,write down your feelings,or talk with your friends.EPlease reme

17、mber parents are the dearest people for us in the world.FHowever,you should remember it is your parents who love you and protect you.GWithout your parents,we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.【语篇解读】本文讲述了一些爱父母的方法。1.每天向父母问好;2.服从父母的要求;3.陪伴他们;4.如果受到虐待,就应该寻求帮助。1C上文提示“即使你认为你的父母有时

18、非常不大气,爱他们是生活中很正常的一部分。”承接上文,C项You love them because they created you and raised you.(你爱他们,因为他们生了你,养育了你。)切题,故选C。2G上文提示“记住他们把你带到这个世界。”承接上文,G项Without your parents,we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.(没有你的父母,我们可能仍然徘徊在一个未知的角落在一个未知的世界。)切题。故选G。3D上文提示“生气是可以的,但是生气的行为对你和你的父母没有帮助。”再根据

19、下文提示“之后,和你的父母分享你的感受。”承接上下文,D项 Act calmly,write down your feelings,or talk with your friends.(平静地行动,写下你的感受,或者和你的朋友交谈。)切题。下文中的this指D项内容,故选D。4F上文提示“当你没有得到你想要的东西的时候,你看起来好像在经历地狱。”承接上文,F项However,you should remember it is your parents who love you and protect you.(然而,你应该记住是你的父母爱你,保护你。)切题。此处用However表示前后的一种转

20、折,故答案为F。5A下文提示“和父母一起做一些事情,比如看电视,或者和他们一起去某个地方。”承接下文,A项Keep them company.(陪伴父母)切题。故选A。.语法填空When I was in primary school,I didnt like going to school.I had 1._(difficult)in reading and writing and I always could not answer the teachers questions 2._(correct)I cried a lot because I 3._(laugh) at by my c

21、lassmates.My parents would always get mad at me.I felt very upset and didnt have any interest 4._study.But then one day,I decided 5._(change) my attitude towards study.6._I ended up paying more attention in class and I started to practice my vocabulary and spelling skills.Also,I always 7._(go) to my

22、 teachers to ask for help when I had any trouble.I started to do 8._(well)in Grade 3.when I was in Grade 4,I was still improving.By Grade 5,I had become the top student in class.Now as I am 9._senior high school student,I know it might be difficult at first.But I like my past in primary school,I kno

23、w if I keep working and dont give up I will be 10._(success)【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,作者在读小学的时候,阅读和写作方面表现不佳,总是被同学嘲笑;通过不懈的努力,最终作者成为了优等生,进入高中以后,他会继续努力。1difficulty考查固定结构。句意:在阅读和写作方面我有困难,总是无法正确地回答老师的问题。固定结构have some difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难;名词difficulty作动词have的宾语,所以要填名词difficulty。2correctly考查副词。句意:在阅读和写作方面我有

24、困难,总是无法正确地回答老师的问题。在英语里副词通常作状语修饰形容词、副词、动词或整个句子。本句中使用副词修饰动词短语answer the teachers questions,所以要填副词correctly。3was laughed考查时态语态。句意:因为被同学嘲笑,我在学校里哭了很多次。本句主语I与动词laugh构成被动关系,要使用被动语态,而且本文叙述过去发生的事情,全文都使用一般过去时。要用一般过去时的被动语态,所以要填was laughed。4in考查介词。句意:我感觉非常难受,对学习没有任何兴趣。动词短语have an interest in.对感兴趣;句中study充当in的宾语

25、。所以要填介词in。5to change考查非谓语。句意:但是有一天我决定改变对学习的态度。固定短语decide to do sth.决定做某事,不定式to do sth.作动词decide的宾语,所以要填to change。6So考查连词。句意:于是我最终在课堂上更加注意听讲了,开始练习词汇和拼写技巧。上下文之间是因果关系,要用表示因果关系的连词引导。所以要填So。7went考查时态。句意:当我遇见困难的时候,我经常去向老师求助。本文叙述过去发生的事情,全文以过去时为主,本句也应该使用一般过去时,所以要填过去式went。8better考查比较级。句意:在三年级的时候,我开始学得较好了,在四年级的时候,我仍然在进步。根据句意,要填better。9a考查冠词。句意:现在我是一名高中生,我知道刚开始的时候可能会比较难。不定冠词a/an表示泛指,定冠词the表示特指;本句用a泛指一位高中生。所以要填a。10successful考查形容词。句意:我知道如果我继续努力不放弃,我会成功的。形容词successful在句中与系动词be连用构成系表结构,所以要填successful。- 6 -

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