2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty Section Ⅰ Warm-up Lesson 1 What Is Beauty课后限时训练 北师大版选修6

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2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty Section Ⅰ Warm-up Lesson 1 What Is Beauty课后限时训练 北师大版选修6_第1页
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《2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty Section Ⅰ Warm-up Lesson 1 What Is Beauty课后限时训练 北师大版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty Section Ⅰ Warm-up Lesson 1 What Is Beauty课后限时训练 北师大版选修6(8页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Section Warm-up Lesson 1 What Is Beauty.单词拼写1Modern schools are superior (高级的) to those traditional ones in many ways.2A career as an actor requires one hundred percent commitment (投入)3We are against any subjective (主观的) judgment of her abilities.4We must be consistent (一致的) in applying the rules.5W

2、e all adore his courage to save the drowning people in Guangzhou.6Our boss commanded we all (should) go to collect market information.7As is often the case, the little boy has gone to school with his dog accompanying him.8Several cars are available within this price range.选词填空in the eye of,rely on,a

3、t ones command,more than,die out,be consistent with,a wide range of,in preparation for1Im at your commandwhat would you like me to do?2Dont rely on his memoryhes a bit of a dreamer.3The town has been all painted up in preparation for the event.4More than one person has been concerned in this.5Actual

4、ly,sometimes what I said above may be not consistent with my real feeling.6You can find a wide range of free tools online with a bit of searching.7Elephants would die out soon if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wish.8In the eye of the lover,his beloved is a beauty.完成句子1She is no longer wha

5、t she used to be.她不再是过去的她了。2This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle.这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。3The command came that Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) (should) not be hunted.禁止捕猎藏羚羊的命令下达了。4President Xi Jinping paid a visit to Russia accompanied by his wife.习近平主席在其夫人的陪同下访问了俄罗斯。5The hotel offers a wid

6、e range of facilities and services.该宾馆提供一系列设施和服务。.课文语法填空As Margaret Wolfe once 1.said(say) in the 19th century,there was no consistent view on beauty.Standards and ideas of beauty change 2.across time.Nowadays,some costumes and actions once 3.regarded(regard) as beauty in 19thcentury Europe is not c

7、onsidered healthy or attractive,4.while something now regarded as fashion had different functions in the past.5.In contemporary society,culture still determines our ideas of beauty.In some countries,people like 6.being(be) thinner,while in other cultures,people like being a little overweight.There a

8、re no precise criteria 7.to judge(judge) what beauty is.If beauty was limited by some criteria,the human race would soon die out.There is 8.physical(physics) beauty as well as inner beauty.The latter is found in a wide range of personal qualities.It is inner beauty that requires us to 9.truly (true)

9、 see.Beauty is 10.certainly(certain) in the eye of the beholder.阅读理解AThe Most Beautiful HeartOne day a young man declared that he had the most beautiful heart in the world.A large crowd flocked to admire his heart for it was perfect.There was not a flaw (瑕疵) in it.Suddenly,an old man appeared and sa

10、id,“Why,your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine.”The crowd and the young man looked at the old mans heart.It was full of scars.It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in,but they didnt fit quite right,and there were several jagged (锯齿状的) edges.In fact,in some places th

11、ere were deep gouges (孔洞) where whole pieces were missing.The young man laughed,“Comparing your heart with mine,mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars.”“Yes,”said the old man.“Yours looks perfect,but I would never trade with you.You see,every scar represents a person to whom I have given my lo

12、ve.I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them,and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my heart.But because the pieces arent exact,I have some rough edges,which I cherish,because they remind me of the love we shared.Sometimes I have given pieces of my h

13、eart away,and the other person hasnt returned a piece of his or her heart to me.These are the empty gougesgiving love is taking a chance.Although these gouges are painful,they stay open,reminding me of the love I have for those people too,and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have

14、been waiting.So now do you see what true beauty is?”The young man walked up to the old man,reached into his perfect heart,and ripped a piece out.He offered it to the old man.The old man placed it in his heart,then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young mans h

15、eart.It fit,but not perfectly,as there were some jagged edges.The young man looked at his heart,not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever,since love from the old mans heart flowed into his.They embraced and walked away side by side.语篇解读什么样的心是最美的?光滑的外表还是充满爱的内在?读文章来了解一下吧!1The young man laughed

16、at the old man in the beginning because he thought .Ahis own heart was perfect while the old mans heart was uglyBthe old man was silly enough to misunderstand himCyoung people should have a more beautiful heartDhe could command instant respect from the crowd解析:细节理解题。由前面的描述及第四段内容可知,年轻人的心脏是完美的,而老人的心脏则

17、到处都是伤疤,所以显得很丑陋。答案:A2Why wouldnt the old man trade his heart with the young mans?AHe had exchanged his heart with somebody else.BThe young man refused to help people in need.CHe had a heart full of love shared with others.DThe young man was too vain to gain his trust.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段内容可知,老人的心脏上每一道伤疤都代表

18、着一次爱心,因此这是一颗充满爱心的心脏。答案:C3The missing pieces in the old mans heart meant .Asome people helped by the old man forgot to pay himBgiving love sometimes involved risks and hurtCpeople who shared love should be gratefulDloving a person without hurting yourself解析:细节理解题。根据第七段内容可推知正确答案。答案:B4What made the you

19、ng man feel his heart more beautiful than ever in the end?AThe moving story told by the old man.BHis fresh understanding of true beauty.CMaking good friends with the old man at last.DThe flowing love from the old mans heart into his.解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知正确答案。答案:DBHome cooking may not be as healthy as

20、 you think.The longer people spend preparing meals,the worse their health becomes,a study found.The result denies the popular public health message that its better to cook than to rely on ready meals.And it suggests that food isnt healthy just because its cooked at home.Possible reasons include home

21、 cooks being extra generous with unhealthy ingredients such as butter and salt and feeling they have to eat more because of the time and effort that went into preparation.Frequently tasting food as its being prepared can lead to weight gain over time.The researchers analyzed 14 years of data provide

22、d by more than 2,755 women in their 40s,50s and 60s.This included information on how long they spent cooking and the results of yearly health checks for something called metabolic syndrome(代谢综合征),which raises the possibility of heart disease and high blood pressure.The women who spent the longest co

23、oking and clearing up meals were more likely to develop metabolic syndrome,the journal Preventive Medicine reports.Similarly,if a woman started to spend more time cooking,her possibility of metabolic syndrome rose more quickly than average.However,females who did less cooking as time went on cut the

24、ir chances of health problems.Researcher Dr.Brad said,“Public health experts frequently promote (宣传) home cooking as a way to reduce health problems.However,our research with over 2,700 women shows that greater time spent preparing food each week is actually linked to increasing the possibility of h

25、eart disease and high blood pressure over time.While the reasons leading to this association are still unclear,we think these findings suggest the need to improve our public health messaging,including the need to emphasize(强调)healthy cooking methods and to consider the potential benefits of healthy

26、convenience meals.”语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。一项研究表明:做饭时间过长不利于身体健康。5What belief does the public generally hold?ACooking harms home cooks health.BThe longer the meals are cooked,the better.CCooking at home is less expensive than eating out.DHomecooked meals are healthier than ready meals.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的最后两句可知,大众普遍

27、认为,在家烹饪的食物比现成的食物更健康。答案:D6Why are home cooks more likely to suffer from health problems?AThey cook in poor kitchen conditions.BThey usually eat more of the food they cook.CThey dont make the most of convenience food.DThey are not careful enough in preparing the food.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段可知,在家掌厨的人一方面油盐这些佐料往饭

28、菜里放得多,一方面为了不辜负做饭时花费的心血,对于自己烹饪的食物通常吃得更多,导致体重增加,不利于身体健康。答案:B7What is the key message of Paragraph 3?AHow the researchers carried out the study.BWhy the researchers carried out the study.CWhat findings the researchers get.DWhat influence the research has.解析:段落大意题。根据第三段可知,本段主要介绍了研究人员是如何开展该项研究的。答案:A8Dr.B

29、rads words show the association between the time people spend cooking and their health is .Aunclear BnonexistingCcertain Doveremphasized解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的However,our research with over 2,700 women shows that greater time spent preparing food each week is actually linked to increasing the possibility

30、of heart disease and high blood pressure over time.可以推断,Dr.Brad认为,人们花在烹饪上的时间和他们的健康确实有关系。答案:C.阅读七选五Today,people are getting less sleep than they need.We need to get eight hours of sleep each night.But today,many of us are not getting enough hours of sleep.1People work longer,go to meetings at night,e

31、at supper late,watch television,spend hours online,or go out until late.2When you sleep,your body produces chemicals that help the body to rest and to stay healthy.One health problem is weight gain.When you dont get enough sleep,you feel hungry.Your body thinks it needs more calories (卡路里);it will r

32、eact in the way even when you have already eaten enough.Another problem is that if you dont get enough sleep,your memory will not work well.You will feel worried and in a bad mood (心情)3Without enough sleep,you feel tired.When you lose sleep,your body ages at a faster rate.Sleeping reduces the effect

33、s of aging.Our need to sleep changes as we get older.Newborn babies sleep from sixteen to twenty hours a day.Teenagers need about nine or ten hours of sleep.Adults need about eight hours,and the elderly need about six or seven.4 We dont sleep as long or as deeply.Older people can spend a lot of time

34、 in bed.But they dont sleep well.5People with serious sleep problems might need to see their doctor or change their lifestyles.APeople take time away from their sleep to do other things.BGetting enough sleep is important to your health.CThey have trouble getting enough sleep at night.DThe body uses

35、sleep to make energy for itself.EAs we age,we lose our ability to sleep.FSleep problems can be serious.GDeep sleep refreshes our body.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了睡眠量减少的危害以及不同年龄段睡眠量不同的现象。1解析:根据设空处下文中的People work longer,go to meetings at night,eat supper late,watch television,spend hours online,or go out until

36、late.可知,人们利用晚上的睡眠时间干别的事情,A项是对这一现象的总结。答案:A2解析:根据设空处下文中的When you sleep,your body produces chemicals that help the body to rest and to stay healthy.和One health problem以及Another problem可知,该段主要讲述了睡眠对身体的重要作用,故B项符合此处语境。答案:B3解析:D项The body uses sleep to make energy for itself.中的make energy与设空处下文中的Without eno

37、ugh sleep,you feel tired.中的feel tired.表意相反,通过对比说明:睡眠会为身体注入能量,没有充足的睡眠,身体会发困。答案:D4解析:根据设空处下文中的We dont sleep as long or as deeply.Older people can spend a lot of time in bed.But they dont sleep well.以及上文对不同年龄睡眠量的描述可知,随着年龄的增长,睡眠能力下降,故E项符合此处语境。答案:E5解析:F项中的serious与设空处下文中的serious sleep problems形成词汇重复,且F项总述这一段主要意思:睡眠问题可能会很严重,故F项符合此处语境。答案:F8

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