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1、目 录2011年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题2010年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题2009年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题2008年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题2007年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题2011年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题更多考研资料 v/q:344647 公众号/小程序:顺通考试资料2010年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题2009年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题南 京 财 经 大 学 2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 (初试) 试卷考试科目:817英语翻译与写作适用专业:英语语言文学考

2、试时间:2009年1月11日下午2:00-5 :00注意事项:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷或草稿纸上无 效。一、Explain the following terms in Chinese. (共2题,每题10分,共 计20分)1 正反译法2 递降二、Answer the following question.(You may use both English and Chinese) (共1题,每题20分,共计20分)Giving examples to illustrate the use of antonomasia (借代) in translation .三、Translate

3、 the following phrases from Chinese into English and viceversa. (共10题,每题1分,共计10分)毛遂自荐小题大做打破僵局放下架子唱反调Walk off with something.Talk and laugh cheerfullyTalk at randomKeep a still tongue in ones headAwait with great anxiety四、Translate the following Chinese passage into English. (共1题,每 题25分,共计25分)停止住房实物分

4、配,逐步实行住房分配货币化,是中国十年住房 制度改革的重大突破。根据国家不同的住房供应政策,最终将形成三类 住房供应体系,即高收入者购买、租赁市场价商品住房;中低收入者购 买经济适用房;最低收入者租用政府或单位提供的廉租住房,从而建立 起以经济适用房为主的多层次城镇住房供应体系。在此基础上。中央要求各地从实际出发、从本地区经济发展的全 局出发,合理确定住房补贴标准。城镇居民则应做好准备,用20-25年 时间拿出家庭收入的20%左右来购买住房。五、Translate the following English passage into Chinese. (共1题,每 题25分,共计25分)On

5、their silver-wedding day Ashurst and his wife were motoring along the outskirts of the moor, intending to celebrate the festival by stopping the night at Torquay, where they had first met. This was the idea of Stella Ashurst, whose character contained a streak of sentiment. If she had long lost the

6、blue-eye,flower-like charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom colouring which had so swiftly and so oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six years ago, she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion, whose cheeks were faintly mottled, and whose grey-blue eyes had acquir

7、ed a certain fullness.六、Writing. (共1题,每题30分,共计30分)Suppose you are writing an essay of about 400 words on this topic: “Why Do You Think the Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the International Friendly Exchange Should Be Held in Nanjing This Year?” You should argue from the following three aspect

8、s: history; city and culture (30 points)a) Write the introductory paragraph of this essay. This paragraph should contain a thesis statement and should not be too long.b) Write down the topic sentences for the three body paragraphs.c) Write out the entire paragraph that presents you most important ar

9、gument. The paragraph should have a topic sentence and should have supporting evidence. It should not be too long. (Note the entire essay is only about 400 words.)(Warning: you will not get any score if you write out the entire essay.)七Read the following passage. Write a shortened form of a piece of

10、 writing of about 80 words. (共1题,每题20分,共计20分)Less than a year ago, a new generation of diet pills seemed to offer the long-sought answer to our chronic weight problems. Hundreds of thousands of pound-conscious Americans had discovered that a drug combination known as fen-phen could shut off voraciou

11、s appetites like magic, and the FDA had just approved a new drug, Redux, that did the same with fewer side effects. Redux would attract hundreds of thousands of new pill poppers within a few months. But now the diet-drug revolution is facing a backlash. Some of the nations largest HMOs, including Ae

12、tna U.S. Healthcare and Prudential Healthcare have begun cutting back or eliminating reimbursement (退款补偿、报销) for both pills. Several states, meanwhile, have restricted the use of fen-phen. Last week the Florida legislature banned new prescriptions entirely and called on doctors to wean (使断绝) current

13、 patients from the drug within 30 days; it also put a 90-day limit on Redux prescriptions. Even New Jersey doctor Sheldon Levine, who touted Redux last year on TV and in his book The Redux Revolution, has stopped giving it to all but his most obese patients. The reason for all the retrenchment (紧 缩、

14、删节): potentially lethal side effects. Over the summer, the FDA revealed that 82 patients had developed defects in their heart values while on fen-phen, and that seven patients had come down with the same condition on Redux. As if that werent bad enough, physicians reported that a woman who had been

15、taking fen-phen for less than a month died of primary pulmonary hypertension, a sometimes fatal lung condition already associatedwith Redux. And an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association last month confirmed earlier reports that both fen-phen and Redux can cause brain damage in l

16、ab animals. These findings led the New England Journal to publish editorial admonishing doctors to prescribe the drugs only for patients with severe obesity. Meanwhile, FDA asked drug makers to put more explicit warnings on fen-phen and Redux labels. Since mid-July, prescriptions for fen-phen have d

17、ropped 56%, and those for Redux 36%, according to IMS America, a pharmaceutical market research firm. Manufacturers said from the start that their pills offered a short-term therapy for the obese.FDA approved Redux with just such a caveat, and when limited to these patients, the drugs may still make

18、 sense despite the risks because morbid obesity carries its own dangers, including heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Too often, however, Redux and fen-phen were peddled to all comers, almost like candy. The current backlash, says Levine, is a “roller coaster” that never should have happened.2008年南

19、京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题南 京 财 经 大 学 2008年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 (初试) 试卷考试科目:817英语翻译与写作适用专业:英语语言文学考试时间:2008年1月20日下午2:00-5 :00注意事项:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷或草稿纸上无 效。一、Explain the following terms in Chinese. (共2题,每题10分,共 计20分)1 增词译法2 换序译法二、Answer the following question.(You may use both English and Chinese) (共1题,每题20分,共计20分

20、)Giving examples to illustrate the priority of free translation method over literal translation method. (You may answer the question both in English and Chinese)三、Translate the following phrases from Chinese into English and vice versa. (共10题,每题1分,共计10分)空中楼阁;唇枪舌剑;恻隐之心;声势浩大,不可阻挡;六神无主Have ones nose in

21、 the airHit the nail on the headSweep the boardto get the green lightturn over a new leaf四、Translate the following Chinese passage into English. (共1题,每 题25分,共计25分)首先,我要再次感谢挪威诺贝尔奖委员会决定颁奖给联合国维持和 平行动。他们的决定受到了全世界的欢迎。我还要借此机会,向那些为 和平行动派遣部队或提供后勤支援的国家表示深深的感谢。我们要把这 种遏制冲突的伟大实验的成功归于他们的自愿合作。和平,这个词唤起了人们对人道的最朴素、最

22、珍爱的梦想。和平过 去是,现在仍然是人类最崇高的希冀。然而,我们大部分历史却表明, 当我们无休止地谈论和平时,我们的行动却在讲述一个迥然不同的故 事。五、Translate the following English passage into Chinese. (共1题,每 题25分,共计25分)Dozing off, he dreamed that Qiguan had come to tell of his capture by prince Zhongshuns steward; after which Jinchuan appeared, in tears, to explain wh

23、y she had thrown herself into the well. Half sleeping and half waking, he paid only scant attention. But then he felt himself shaken and caught the faint sound of sobbing. He opened his eyes with a start to see Daiyu. Suspecting at first that this was another dream, he propped himself up to look at

24、her more closely. Her eyes were swollen, her face was bathed at her longer, but the pain in his legs was so unbearable that he fell back with a groan.“You shouldnt have come,” he said. “Though the suns set, the ground is still hot. Walking here and back may make you unwell again. Im not in any pain

25、after my beating, just putting on an act to fool them so that word of it will get out to my father. Im shamming actually. Dont you worry about me.”六、Writing. (共1题,每题30分,共计30分)Suppose you are writing an essay of about 400 words on this topic: “Do Some Young People Today Have Feudalistic Thinking?” Yo

26、u should argue from the following three aspects: parents; society and marriage (30 points)a) Write the introductory paragraph of this essay. This paragraph should contain a thesis statement and should not be too long.b) Write down the topic sentences for the three body paragraphs.c) Write out the en

27、tire paragraph that presents you most important argument. The paragraph should have a topic sentence and should have supporting evidence. It should not be too long. (Note the entire essay is only about 400 words.)(Warning: you will not get any score if you write out the entire essay.)七、Read the foll

28、owing passage. Write a shortened form of a piece of writing of about 80 words. (共1题,每题20分,共计20分) (270words)Given modern medicines capabilities, always to do what is technologically possible to prolong life would be morally indefensible on any ground other than vitalistic outlook; that is, that biolo

29、gical survival is the first-order value and that all other considerations, such as personality, dignity, well-being and self-possession, necessary take second place. vestigial last- ditch provitalists still mumble threateningly about “what the Nazis did,” but, in fact, the Nazis never engaged in eut

30、hanasia or mercy killing: what they did was merciless killing, either genocidal or for ruthless experimental purposes.The traditional ethics based on the sanctity of lifewhich was the classic doctrine of medical idealism in its prescientific phases must give way to code of ethics based on the qualit

31、y of life. This new ethics comes about for human reason. It is a result of modern medicines success, not failure. New occasions teach new duties; time makes ancient good uncouth, as Whittier said.Many of us look upon living and dying as we do upon health and medical care- as person centered. This is

32、 not solely or basically a biological understanding of what it means to be “alive” and to be “dead” . It asserts thata so-called vegetable, a brain-damaged victim of an auto accident or a microencephalic newborn or a case of massive neurologic deficit and lost cerebral capacity, is no longer a human

33、 being, no longer a person, no longer really alive. It is personal function that counts, not biological function. Humanness is understood as primarily rational, not psychological. This doctrine of man puts man and reason before life. It holds that being human is more “valuable” than being alive.2007

34、年南京财经大学821英语翻译与写作考研真题南 京 财 经 大 学 2007年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 (初试) 试卷考试科目:417英语翻译与写作适用专业:英语语言文学考试时间:2007年1月21日下午14:00-17:00注意事项:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷或草稿纸上无 效。.Explain the following terms in Chinese. (共2题,每题10分,共计 20分)1 转态译法2 合词译法 Answer the following questions.(You may use both English and Chinese) (共1题,每题20分,共计2

35、0分)Applying translation theory and giving examples to illustrate the variety of translation. Translate the following phrases from Chinese into English and vice versa. (共10题,每题1分,共计10分)安分守己门庭若市攀龙附凤扬汤止沸灯红酒绿forgive and forgetthe fifth columnat a nonplusto haggle over every pennyto hold a candle to the

36、sun.Translate the following Chinese passage into English. (共1题,每 题25分,共计25分)气势磅礴的太平洋冲刷着五大洲北美洲,南美洲,亚洲,大洋 州和南极洲 的海岸。太平洋在东南方与大西洋汇合,在西南方与印 度洋相接。然而,巨大的太平洋最美妙只之处不在大陆的海岸上,也不 在沿海的岛屿上,而是在远离陆地的海域,在那里,富有神奇色彩的南 太平洋诸岛像天上的繁星一样散布在广阔的海面上。在那里,由于地心的剧烈活动,使山脉和火山升出水面。千百年来,微小的珊瑚虫在这里活动、死亡,形成了数不胜数的环状岛屿,这 些岛屿被称为环礁。散发着鲜花和香料芬

37、芳的微风轻轻地吹拂着南太平洋诸岛。明媚温 暖的白天和清澈而凉爽的夜晚交相更替。滚滚巨浪拍打着海岸发出阵阵 轰鸣,椰树柔弱的枝叶在空中低声吟唱着催眠曲。 Translate the following English passage into writings in classical Chinese. (共1题,每题25分,共计25分)Adding Feet to a Snake While Drawing ItA native of Chu after worshipping his ancestors gave his retainers a pot of wine. One of the

38、 retainers said: “It s insufficient for all of us, but too much for one of us. I suggest, therefore, that we draw snakes on the ground, and the one who first finishes drawing the snake will win the pot of wine.” When one retainer had completed his drawing, he took the pot to drink. As he held it in

39、his left hand, he continued to draw the snake with his right hand, saying: “I can add feet to it.” While he was adding feet to his snake, another man who had then drawn his snake snatched the pot from his hand, protesting: “No snake has feet. How can you add feet to it?” Then he drank the wine.Writi

40、ng. (共1题,每题30分,共计30分)Suppose you are writing an essay of about 400 words on this topic: “Is It Wise to Begin English Learning in Kindergarten” You should argue from the following three aspects: the teacher, the learner, and the learning environment. (30 points)a) Write the introductory paragraph of

41、this essay. This paragraph should contain a thesis statement and should not be too long.b) Write down the topic sentences for the three body paragraphs.c) Write out the entire paragraph that presents you most important argument. The paragraph should have a topic sentence and should have supporting e

42、vidence. It should not be too long. (Note the entire essay is onlyabout 400 words.)(Warning: you will not get any score if you write out the entire essay.) Read the following passage. Write a prcis of about 80 words. (共 1题,每题20分,共计20分)Te great artists of the past, despite the love lavished on them b

43、y the scholars and esthetes, are becoming more and more remote and unfamiliar. They are not replaced by others because we are moving into a world of non- art. One has only to compare the world of the long sea voyage, sunsets, leisure, complete works of so-and-so, with the still mildly esthetic world

44、 of the train and then with the completely incurious existence of the air passenger with his few reassuring leaflets issued by the company, his meals wrapped up in cellophane in a cardboard box, his copy of time in case the sleeping pill doesnt work. This unseen, unreading traveler is a symbol of th

45、e new public. Poetry of this civilization may well cease to exist, for no one except a few professors will possess the necessary ear to follow its subtleties. Reading aloud is almost extinct and the poet who wrestles with his subtle tone-effects secures his victories for himself alone. The hopeless are the irresponsible, the irresponsible are the lazy. We must accustom ourselves to a reading public which is both too slothful and too restless to read until a sense of values is restored to it. (250 words)

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