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1、Lesson 3 Lets Play! 教学设计一、教学目标1. 能听说读写词汇basketball, try, heavy, difficult, easy, hand;能听说并理解词汇throw、catch 和hit。2.在对运动器材直观感知的过程中能熟练运用句型The.is light/heavy. This is too easy/different。来表达自己的感受。能准确运用短语throw/catch the basketball, hit the ball以及句型Let me try等描述运动的过程。二、教学重难点教学重点:在学习如何打篮球和乒乓球的过程中,掌握两组反义词:eas

2、y-difficult、heavy-light,并了解一些常用动词及其变化形式:throw-throwing、hit-hitting等。教学难点:正确流利的表达或描述运动的过程和及其感受。三、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step IWarming-up1.出示各种趣味运动的图片T: This is a playground. There is an interesting sports meeting here. Lets enjoy it.T: They are playing sports. Do you enjoy the sport meeting?What sport d

3、o you want to play? T: Lets play together.Are you ready ?点出本课的标题,并板Ss: Good morning, teachers.2.学生欣赏图片,营造趣味运动会的氛围,激活学生已知的运动项目,并说一说:Ss:I want to play basketball/badminton/football/volleyball/ping-pong.Ss: Yes. Im ready.运用图片直观的营造趣味运动会的大情景,同时复习常见的几种运动形式。并自由交流中激发学生主动参与的热情,为本课的学习奠定情感基础。Step IINew concept

4、 1教授 light和heavyT: Guess what I want to play. I want to play ping-pong.I can play ping-pong like this.(托球).Can I play basketball like this?Let me try. Ouch. I cant play it. Why not?Show me your hands. Hold them. PPT 出示天平,引出light 和heavy。纠音。T: What about the shuttlecock and the football? How about the

5、 paper and the desk?T: What else is light? What else is heavy?2. 教授throw和catchT: The basketball is heavy. I cant play it. Who can teach me to play basketball? Please show us.T: He bounces the ball and throws it to me. I can throw the ball to. Can you throw it to me?TPR引出throw,纠音。T: Heres an interest

6、ing event. Throw the balls into the basket.Who wants to try?(两组各选一名学生扔球) T: This is your basket. This is yours. Others, Clap your hands and sayThrow the ball.Ready? Go.T: Let me see. Who is the winner? Teamis better. Clap your hands for them.T: Look. Im throwing the ball. _, catch the ball.You throw

7、, I catch.Play a game: Hot ball.T: Would you like to play? This is the second event. Throw and catch the ball in 10 seconds.First call his or her name. then say catch the ball. Ready? Go._, catch the ball.3. 教授easy和difficultT: Can you throw and catch the ball?Its 引出easy. 纠音What can you do?What is ea

8、sy?Listen and imitate:出示问题:T: Can Danny catch the ball? Can Danny throw the ball? Is it easy for Danny? Please listen and imitate. Check the answers:Can Danny catch the ball?Can Danny throw the ball?Why not?Is it easy for Danny?教授difficult。 纠音,领读.What cant you do?Whats difficult? 4. Playing ping-pon

9、gT: (出示图片)Danny can not throw the basketball. Can he throw the ping-pong ball? Do you play ping-pong like this?教授hit. 领读。Can Danny hit the ping-pong ball? Listen and imitate .T: Where does Danny hit?Does Danny hurt?T: Look. Im hitting the ball. Do you want to play? This is the third event. Hit the b

10、all to the wall. Who wants to try?Lets count. How many times does he hit?1. 学习新词(预设)S: ping-pong.Ss: No. Ss: The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light.学生掂一掂,感受一下light和heavy。并说一说。Theis light. The.is heavy.S: The shuttlecock is light.The football is heavy.S: The paper is light.The desk is h

11、eavy.学生说一说身边的事物什么轻,什么重。Theis light. The .is heavy.2. 学习throw和catch请一名学生展示如何打篮球。学生听令反应,初步理解词的含义。学生跟读throw。两名学生到前面扔球,其他学生拍手说Throw the ball.看哪个学生扔进的球多,就为胜。学生识读catch学生根据老师的动作指令进行反应。计时接传球的游戏。在规定的时间内看一看哪组在10秒之内接传球的人多。3. 学习easy和difficultSs: Yes. I can throw the ball. I can catch the ball.跟读,操练easy.想一想,说一说:

12、I can Its easy for me.学生带着问题听录音模仿跟读,回答问题。S: No, he cant .S: No, he cant .S: Because the basketball is heavy.S: No. Its difficult. 学生跟读,然后one by one操练.Ss学生根据自己的生活体验进行表达。I cant Its difficult.4. 学习Playing ping-pongSs:No. We hit the ping-pong ball.学生听录音,并跟读。S: No, He cant hit the ping-pong ball.Ss: He h

13、its his hand.S: Yes, he says He is sad/poor每组一名学生往墙上击球,看谁击中的次数多。其他学生数一数,并说一说He hits times.从认识运动器材入手,为话题的开展做铺垫。开拓学生的思维,在找一找、说一说的任务中运用新词light和heavy。在趣味运动会的大情景中设计小的活动或游戏,边玩边运用语言,进而达到巩固throw和catch的目的。此活动旨在通过阅读,理解语境,并在语言的使用过程中加深对easy和difficult的理解。通过TPR和图片呈现,帮助学生理解和运用hit。Step IIIPractice and Production1.

14、Enjoy the sports.T: Sports are fun. Here is another interesting event. Lets enjoy it. What do they play? How do they play it?T: Catch the basketball1. 学生欣赏视频,为后面的小组合作做铺垫。S: They play ping-pong.S: They throw the ping-pong ball into the basket.通过说一说、演一演的活动任务,帮助学生运用本课的语言进行交流。实现语言的综合运用。板书设计: Lesson 3 Lets Play!I want to playWhat do you want to play? easy/difficult.heavylightThe ping-pong ball is _.The basketball is _.This is _.HitCatchThrowLet me try!_the ball._the ball._the ball. 4

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