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1、广东省高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(专科)商务英语听力 考试大纲(课程代码:01315)广东外语外贸大学 自学考试办公室组编二O一一年三月广东省高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(专科)商务英语听力考试大纲(课程代码:01315)一、考核目标商务英语听力是商务英语专业基础科段一门重要的实践课程, 为商务英语专业(专科)考生的必考课程。考生必须先通过专业笔试课程的考试后,才能取得参加商务英语听力考试的资格。本课程将功能语言、词汇和听力技能的培训置于真实的商务场景之中,通过社交、电话、谈判、会谈等学习让考生掌握英语的实用技能和商务活动的操作技能,以满足实际工作的需要。通过对本课程的系统学习,考生应能运用

2、所掌握的商务知识和英语技能与母语为英语的人士进行正常的商务交际。二、考核依据的教材商务英语听力的指定教材为新编商务英语听力(14册),由沈爱珍等编著,高等教育出版社出版。 教材第一、二册以训练学生的基本听力技能为主;第三、四册注重提高学生商务英语的实际应用能力,涉及求职、合同、合作、市场、信息、金融、法律、快递、物流、保险、投资、贸易、高新技术、经营管理等各类商务活动。 三、考核要求和命题原则1. 考核要求商务英语听力要求考生具有如下实践能力:(1)能在15分钟内完成填空听写。听写材料根据学过的商务知识编写,长度约150个单词,念三遍。(2)能听懂按正常速度录制的涉及商务内容的材料,难度相当于

3、指定教材中的Listening Activities。(3)能听懂英语国家人士就一般商务题材所做的会谈、演讲等,并能够用英语做简要的笔记。2考试题型商务英语听力考试时间约60分钟,题型有五种,其试题题型、题数、记分如下: 题型 题数 记分 I. 单句理解 单项选择 10 1.5分/每小题 II.简短对话 单项选择 10 1.5分/每小题 III.短文理解 单项选择 20 1.5分/每小题 IV. 填空听写 填空 20 1分/每小题 V. 篇章问答 问答题 5 4分/每小题3. 试题各部分要求及举例第一部分(Part 1): 单句理解(Statement)。共有10小题,每题1.5分。该部分题目

4、为一个简单的陈述句,只念一遍,每句录音后有10秒钟停顿时间。考生在听完录音以后,从问卷所提供的A, B, C, D四个答案中选择一个意义最为接近录音中句子的答案,并将相应字母填写在答卷上。例如:(录音)Whenever I go to the bank near my house, the cashiers are either fooling around or keeping whole queues of people waiting by chatting to the customer at the front about their holidays.(试题)A. The spea

5、ker means that the cashiers are helpful. B. The speaker means that the cashiers are unprofessional. C. The speaker means that the cashiers are professional. D. The speaker means that the cashiers are unskillful. 第二部分(Part 2): 简短对话(Conservation)。共有10小题,每题1.5分。该部分题目为一段简短的对话,每段对话后设一个问题,每段对话和问题都只念一遍,其后有

6、10秒钟停顿时间。考生在听完录音以后,从问卷所提供A, B, C, D四个答案中选出最佳答案,并将相应字母填写在答卷上。例如:(录音)Male: Could you give me the number of the Best Bag Company?Female: Is that in the city or in the suburbs?Male: In the city. On Tenth Street.Female: Just a moment, please. Question: Where is the Best Bag Company? (试题) Where is the Bes

7、t Bag Company?A. on Eleventh Street. B. in the suburbs. C. in the city. D. by the river.第三部分(Part 3): 短文理解(Passage)。共有20小题,每题1.5分。该部分题目为四段长度约150字的短文,每段短文后设5个问题。短文和问题都念两遍,每个问题之间设10秒钟停顿时间。考生在听完录音以后,从问卷所提供A, B, C, D四个答案中选出最佳答案,并将相应字母填写在答卷上。例如:(录音)One of the major problems in our economy is inflation, a

8、 situation in which prices are going up faster than wages. Thus, a person has to work more hours to pay for the same items.For example, lets say that this year a loaf of bread costs $1.00 and the average salary in the United States is $10.00 per hour. That means a person could earn enough money to b

9、uy a loaf of bread on one-tenth of an hour, or six minutes. Then, half way through the year, the price of the bread goes up to $1.25, while wages stay the same. That means that a person now has to work one-eighth of an hour - seven and a half minutes - to buy the same loaf of bread.Now lets say that

10、 at the end of the year, wages go up to $11.00 per hour, but the price of bread goes up to $1.50. Now a person has to work more than one-seventh of an hour - over eight minutes - to buy the same loaf of bread. Inflation means that the same money buys fewer things, and everybodys standard of living g

11、oes down, even if salaries are going up. Are you clear about inflation now? If you have any questions, you can come to my office after class. Question 1. What is the main purpose of the talk?Question 2. What is inflation?Question 3. What happens when the prices go up but salaries remain the same?Que

12、stion 4. Why does an employees standard of living go down when there is inflation?Question 5 Who is the speaker? (试题) 1. What is the main purpose of the talk?A. To list the major problems in the economy. B. To describe some effects of inflation. C. To explain why bread prices increases. D. To classi

13、fy the types of inflation. 2. What is inflation?A. A situation in which prices are going down. B. A situation in which prices are going up. C. A situation in which prices remain stable. D. A situation in which wages increase very fast. 3. What happens when the prices go up but salaries remain the sa

14、me?A. The government regulates the economy. B. People save money instead of spending it. C. Workers lose their jobs if they buy more things. D. People must work longer to buy the same things. 4. Why does an employees standard of living go down when there is inflation?A. The same money buys fewer thi

15、ngs. B. The employee might lose his or her hob. C. The high price of bread means many people are hungry. D. The crime rate goes up. 5. Who is the speaker?A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. An economist. D. A scientist. 第四部分(Part 4):填空听写(Spot Dictation)。共有20题,每题1分。该部分题目为一段长度约150字的短文,要求考生根据录音填空,每空填一词。该短文一共

16、念三遍。其中,第一、第三遍以常速朗读,速度约120字/分钟;第二遍逐句朗读,句与句之间有10秒钟停顿时间。考生听完录音以后,将单词填写在答卷上。例如:(录音)A stock is a 1 of ownership in a business. It is a 2 of ownership that is especially 3 because it offers 4 to the investor and to the business. Every company wants to develop new products and 5 new jobs. There can be litt

17、le prospect of 6 the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know. While banks may 7 to provide short-term 8 , they are generally 9 to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term 10 . So companies turn to the public, 11 people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in 12 for

18、 a share in future 13 . This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business 14 the Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into 15 the savings of individuals and 16 , both at home and overseas. As an owner, you get to 17 in the success and failure of the business. You enjoy certain 18 and rig

19、hts, and you also take a risk. The 19 thing about investing in stocks is that your risk is usually 20 to the amount you paid to purchase your shares. (试题)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 20._第五部分(Part 5): 篇章问答(Answering Questions)。共有5小题,每题4分。该部分题目为两段材料,分别为长度约120字的对话或短文,每段材料后有二至三个问题。每段材料念两遍,并设90秒钟停顿时间。考生在听完每段材料录音

20、以后回答问题,并将答案填写在答卷上。例如:(录音)W: Hello, Cartson College, may I help you?M: Yes. Im looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fall semester.W: Do you want a day or evening course?M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.W: Aha. Ha

21、ve you taken any courses in data processing?M: No.W: Oh! Well, data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming.M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it is not on Thursdays.W: Well, theres a class that meets on Monday evenings at 7:00.M: Just once a week?W

22、: Yes. But thats almost 3 hours from 7:00 to 9:45.M: Oh! Well, thats all right, I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last?W: Mm, let me see. 12 weeks. You start the first weekends September and finishOh, just before Christmas, December 21st.M: And how much is the course?W: Thats 300 d

23、ollars including the necessary computer time.M: Ah-hum. Is there anything that I should bring with me?W: No, just your check book.M: Well, thank you so much.W: Youre very welcome. Bye!M: Bye!(试题)1. Does the man want a day or evening course? _2. How many weeks does the course last? _3. How much is th

24、e course altogether?_样题广东省高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(专科)商务英语听力 问卷(课程代号: 01315)试卷说明:1. 本试卷共8页,满分100分;考试时间约60分钟。 2. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在试卷上无效。PART ONE STATEMENT ( 15 points, 1.5 point each )Directions: In this part you will hear 10 statements. The statements will be read to you ONCE ONLY. After you hear a statement, read

25、 the four sentences on your question paper and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. You will be given 10 seconds after each statement. Now listen to the statement.1. A. Our products are nice-looking.B. Our pr

26、oducts are designed by fashion models.C. Our products are put in bright colored boxes.D. Our products are good both in color and quality2. A. Our price is so low that the profit margin is slim.B. The profit of our product is quite handsome.C. There is still some room for further discount.D. Our prod

27、uct is of good quality and service.3. A. The more you buy, the more commission youll get.B. We give you the commission because we want to keep a good relationship with you for future business.C. For the sake of our business, both of us should be committed to the contract.D. You should keep it a secr

28、et that you are given the commission.4. A. From the graph, you can see the total sales of last year.B. From the graph, you can see the total sales of each month of last year.C. The graph shows that the sales of this year are more than those of last year. D. The graph shows that the sales last year a

29、re increasing rapidly.5. A. This offer will change a little.B. Your reply should be as soon as possible.C. Your reply will be responded immediately.D. This offer may change if your reply is not prompt.6. A. Domestic prices are rising.B. Sales at home are decreasing while increasing abroad.C. Domesti

30、c sales have to be considered.D. Domestic sales are increasing considerably.7. A. The company went bankrupt due to poor management.B. The company went into debt due to poor management.C. The manager made the company bankrupt.D. The manager of the company was poor financially.8. A. Regular customers

31、should be given some favor concerning the supply.B. New customers should be given priority for future business.C. Regular customers should always be given priority.D. The supply seems to be able to meet the regular customers only.9. A. No matter how many units you buy, you can get a discount of 8 %.

32、B. Only when you buy 500 units can you get a discount of 8%.C. Only you buy 500 units or more can you get a discount of 8%.D. The least discount for your purchase is 8%.10. A. The invoice has been produced for six days.B. You have to pay us six days later from the invoice date.C. You can pay us sixt

33、y days later from the invoice date.D. Within the time limit of sixty days from the invoice date you have to pay us.PART TWO CONVERSATION ( 15 points,1.5 points each )Directions: In this part you will hear 10 short conversations. After each conversation there will be a question. Both the conversation

34、 and the question will be read to you ONCE ONLY. Your have 10 seconds to choose from A, B, C and D the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet . Now listen to the conversation. 11. What does the woman mean?A. She would prefer meeting him next week.B. She will try to copy th

35、e report by herself.C. She will let him decide about the next meeting.D. She certainly wants to have a copy of the report.12. What will the man do on Tuesday?A. He must see the dentist.B. He must give a speech.C. He has a meeting to attend.D. He must travel to a business conference.13. What does the

36、 woman suggest the man to do?A. Try a new ribbon.B. Fix the printer.C. Get another printer. D. Change the paper.14. Where did the conversation most probably take place?A. In a hospital. B. In a restaurant.C. In a post office. D. In a school. 15. What does the man mean?A. Nothing unusual happened at

37、the office. B. It was a long day. C. It was more interesting than he had experienced. D. He had a fruitful day. 16. How will the woman get to Chicago?A. Take a train. B. Take a coach. C. By plane. D. Drive himself. 17. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. A hospital. B. A dentis

38、ts. C. A department store. D. A post office. 18. What do we learn from the conversation?A. The 2:00 train will arrive earlier. B. The 2:30 train has a dining car. C. The woman prefers to take the 2:30 train. D. They are going to have some fast food on the train.19. What do we learn from the conversa

39、tion?A. Alice didnt seem to be nervous during her speech. B. Alice needs more training in making public speeches. C. The man can hardly understand Alices presentation. D. The man didnt think highly of Alices presentation20. Where did this conversation most probably take place?A. At a publishing hous

40、e.B. At a bookstore.C. In a reading room D. In Prof. Jordans office PART THREE PASSAGE ( 30 points, 1.5 points each )Directions: In this part you will hear 4 passages. At the end of each passage you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read to you TWICE. You must choo

41、se the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.Questions 21 through 25 are based on passage one.Now listen to the passage. 21. Where is pie-eating contest usually held?A. At a county fairB. At a shopping center.C. In a bakery.D.

42、In a fast-food restaurant.22. What should a person do before entering into the pie-eating contest?A. Practice eating a pie quickly.B. Wash his hands thoroughly.C. Avoid eating any foods.D. Prepare the right type of pie23. Why the cream types are a good choice?A. They are tasty.B. They look nice. C.

43、They slide down the throat more easilyD. They are smaller than the others. 24. Where is person advised to put his hands during the contest?A. On his lap. B. On the table.C. Under his bottom. D. Behind his back.25. What suggestion is offered for eating up the pie quickly?A. Swallowing the pie with wa

44、ter.B. Holding the pie in the right position.C. Eating from the outside toward the middle.D. Looking side ways to see how fast your neighbor eats.Questions 26 through 30 are based on passage two.Now listen to the passage.26. What has become one of Americas fastest growing business?A. Renting of furn

45、iture. B. Sales of furniture. C. Buying of furniture. D. Furniture making. 27. What kind of people prefers to rent furniture?A. All people in America. B. International businessmen.C. Poor people who cant afford to buy. D. Rich people who like different kinds of furniture. 28. Why do people prefer to

46、 rent furniture?A. It can save the trouble of moving furniture. B. It can save the cost of moving furniture. C. People can rent better furniture than they can afford to buy.D. All of the above. 29. Why do young people especially prefer to rent furniture?A. They are too busy to buy furniture. B. They

47、 dont care much for furniture. C. They want to buy better furniture in the future. D. They can get better furniture with less money. 30. Why does one family keep renting furniture as a secret? A. Renting furniture means they are poor. B. They are not sure what their neighbors might think. C. They ar

48、e not getting along well with their neighbors. D. Their neighbors dont like renting furniture. Questions 31 through 35 are based on passage three.Now listen to the passage.31. Whats the main reason of buying life insurance?A. To provide income replacement to your beneficiaries if you die B. To avoid

49、 dangers C. To look after your family if you die D. To pay for mortgage32. What are the main types of life insurance today?A. Short term and long term B. Term and permanent C. High risk and low risk D. investment oriented and non-investment oriented33. Why is term life insurance a good choice for yo

50、ung people?A. Because they need more cash accumulation. B. Because there are a lot of position vacations. C. Because it covers the rest of their life. D. Because it offers the money to pay the mortgage. 34. Which kind of people is not recommended to buy term life insurance?A. Young people B. People

51、who have to pay the mortgage of a car or a house. C. People covering specific needs that will disappear in time. D. People who have investment goals. 35. For which kind of people it is better to buy permanent insurance?A. He who is looking to have a policy to cover the rest of his life. B. People wh

52、o needs to pay their houses by mortgage. C. Those who dont have much money to pay the premium. D. People who need money urgently to set up a firm. Questions 36 through 40 are based on passage four.Now listen to the passage.36. Whats the upshot of pointing out errors in public in Asian cultures?A. Ar

53、gument B. Disagreement C. Enthusiasm D. Embarrassment 37. What conception is linked to saving face in Confucian countries?A. Individual growth B. Preservation of group harmony C. Team spirit of the whole company D. Encouragement to young people 38. In Asian countries, if you lose face in public, how

54、 do people think of you?A. Shameful B. Enterprising C. Impudent D. Confident39. In which country do people not consider losing face a shame of the community?A. Japan B. The United States C. Korea D. Iran 40. Which concept does the Confucian culture value?A. Individualism B. Humor C. Group harmony D.

55、 Innovation without respect to the old PART FOUR SPOT DICTATION ( 20 points, 1 point each )Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the gaps with the words you hear. Altogether the passage will be read to you THREE times .The first reading will be read at normal speed. During the seco

56、nd reading, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, with intervals of about 10 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again. You have two minutes to check your work after the readings. Now listen to the passage.Today, growing numbers of people are 41_ careers or getting second

57、 starts in careers that have greater 42_ to them. Society no longer attaches the stigma of “instability” to the 43_ of career hopping, as it once did. Motives or 44_ for changing careers vary widely, but many people 45_ because they feel stale or fed up with a grinding or dull 46_. For some, a secon

58、d start grows out of the realization 47_ what they want out of life is not what they are doing, and they 48_ to do those things they enjoy and believe to be 49_. Certainly, time spent in one occupation is likely to 50_ the range of later occupational choices, very 51_ people have the motivation and financial resources to start a 52_ new career in mid-life. Most people move to a related field that 53_ a minimum of 54_ training. Career planning does not guarantee that all the problems, decision-making 55_ will be solved or made any easier. Bu

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