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1、2022年考博英语-西安交通大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题When one leaves his car ( ) , he assumes that the mechanic will repair the car well.问题1选项A.repairedB.to be repairedC.repairingD.being repaired【答案】A【解析】leave sth. done常用来表示宾语所处的状态或表示动作已经完成, 宾语和宾补为被动关系, 翻译为让.保持.的状态, 留下.被做。由此可知选项A正确。2. 单选题I regret ( ) you that I ca

2、nt go to Hangzhou for a visit next Sunday with you, because Ive caught a bad cold.问题1选项A.to tellB.tellingC.tellD.having told【答案】A【解析】regret to do sth.指很遗憾要做某事;regret doing sth.指很遗憾做过某事。根据句意可知, 这里指很遗憾的告诉你.next Sunday, 事情还没有发生, 所以选项A正确。3. 单选题Noah Websters Dictionary was ( ) in 1828 and has been extrem

3、ely influential in American language usage ever since then.问题1选项A.the first publishedB.first publishedC.the first to be publishedD.to be first published【答案】B【解析】根据句意:这部字典在1828年首次出版, 事情已经完成, 首先排除选项C和D;选项A不符合句意, 所以只有选项B正确。4. 填空题Families come in many shapes and sizes. Who do you include when you talk a

4、bout “your family”? Your family might be the family you were born into or the family you have created with your partner. You might include just your partner, or families one or both of you bring from previous relationships. You might live with people you regard as family even though they are not blo

5、od relatives. The possibilities are many.Families may be based on different kinds of adult relationships but the thing they have in common is that they provide a sense of belonging. They give identity and provide support and security. Your family is made up of the people you care about and the peopl

6、e who care about you. You might also want to include any close friends that you have a family-like relationship with, people you can rely on and trust. These relationships might be the people you look to when your extended family live elsewhere or are not available to give you active support.Having

7、a concept of your family that goes beyond mum, dad and the kids is also important when adult relationships break up. When parents separate, children often find security in wider and different family connections. Often these take in different generations and wider circles of friends.The word “family”

8、 can mean different things to different people. But no matter how our families are made up. Most share some common values. Its worth thinking about what these are. When we start thinking values of families, its likely that most families will come up with a fairly common set of principles. For instan

9、ce, most would say the support one another, trust one another, care for each other when things get tough, share their resources and make sure everyone in the family is safe.Its important to talk about what binds us together because this is how children learn about how to treat others. What they lear

10、n at home about respecting and caring for others, and taking responsibility, feeds into their relationships at school, on the sports field, at work and eventually, into their own families as adults.Sometimes parents havent had the opportunity to think about these sorts of things. Or they have been r

11、aised in families that were not safe, where they were abused, hurt or not respected. However, its possible to break this cycle. We can choose to build families that are different from the ones we grew up in.For instance, there are lots of things we can do to make our families work well. We can learn

12、 how to communicate so that our messages and feelings are understood and we understand how other people are feeling and what they are trying to tell us.We can also learn how to resolve conflict in safe ways that strengthen our relationships and reinforce our values. Conflict is an inevitable, natura

13、l and healthy part of family life. No matter how close we are to someone we will find differences, and some of these will be irritating to us. But once we understand the other persons point of view our relationship with them will improve. And we can learn how to make decisions and plan ahead as a fa

14、mily. Regardless of our own background, it is possible for us to decide what we want as a family and take steps towards making it happen.When the people you love make decisions you dont like, do you choose to be loving or would you rather be right?You have high expectations of the people you care ab

15、out. You know they are capable of doing well. You only want whats best for them. Maybe you also want whats best from them too. Thats a bit different. Its about what you get rather than what they get. Looking at it like that your motives might not seem so noble, and your partner, or your teenager, or

16、 your friend might be quick to point that out as a way of discounting your view.You might say to your teenager “I really hope youll go to University. It was a struggle for me to get there. I took years and had to do it part time. I want you to have the chance to enjoy it before you get tied down wit

17、h kids and mortgages. Im worried that youll want to do it later, when Im no longer in a position to help you financially.Will it change what they do? Probably not. Theyll make their own choices, complete with predicted mistakes and unexpected triumphs. Its not their job to live the life you wanted t

18、o have, or even the one you want to give them.Will they be furious with you for interfering, for telling them what to do, and doubting their ability to competently manage their own life? Probably not. All youve done is tell them what you want, and what their decision means for you.When you tell your

19、 own story and let people know how you feel, your motivations, your hopes and your good intentions are much more apparent. Youre being open about what you hope to gain or avoid.It becomes possible for someone to appreciate your concern even if they choose a path you dont favor. They dont have to def

20、end themselves because youre not criticizing them. They dont have to be attacking because you are being loving. They dont have to resist you, because you arent trying to control them.Concentrate on talking about you, your experience, your hopes and fears. You cant “fix” someone else. You can ask abo

21、ut their thoughts and worries and dreams and get a much fuller picture of what theyre doing.You can choose to be loving and take good care of the relationship you share. That way if they ever do need advice or encouragement or support youll be someone they want to turn to. Being loving wont make som

22、eone dance to your tune, but it will help to keep a connection between you.1.The concept of ones family can go beyond ().2.In a family, members support one another, trust one another, care for each other when things get tough, and make sure everyone in the family is safe. All of this can be summariz

23、e as ().3.What values children learn at home can feeds into () at school, on the sports field, at work, and eventually their own families as adults.4.People can build better families that are () the ones they grew up in and which they feel were abusive.5.When family members you love make decisions o

24、ne doesnt like, you have to balance between choosing to be loving and ().【答案】1.mum, dad, and the kids2.principles and values of family3.their relationships4.different from5.choosing to be right【解析】1.根据第三段第一句“Having a concept of your family that goes beyond mum, dad and the kids is also important.”拥有

25、超越父母和孩子的家庭观念也很重要。2.根据第四段的最后两句“When we start thinking values of families, its likely that most families will come up with a fairly common set of principles. For instance,.”当我们开始思考家庭的价值观时, 很可能大多数家庭都会提出一套相当普遍的原则, 例如, 大多数人会说互相支持, 互相信任, 当事情变得困难时互相关心, 分享他们的资源, 确保家庭中的每个人都是安全的。3.根据第五段最后一句“What they learn at

26、 home ., feeds into their relationships at school, .”他们在家里学到的关于尊重、关心他人和承担责任的东西, 会在学校、运动场上、工作中融入他们的人际关系, 最终会在成年后融入他们自己的家庭。4.根据第六段最后一句“We can choose to build families that are different from the ones we grew up in.”有可能打破这个循环, 我们可以选择建立与我们成长环境不同的家庭。5.根据第九段“When the people you love make decisions you don

27、t like, do you choose to be loving or would you rather be right?”当你爱的人做出你不喜欢的决定时, 你是选择去爱, 还是宁愿做正确的决定? and前后结构需保持一致。5. 单选题Every American high-school student may or may not hope, to go to college, but if he does, depending on how much he wants to, he probably can. At any rate, six out of ten high-scho

28、ol graduates go to college, not all of them go immediately lack of money, the Armed Forces, an attractive job, illness, anyone of a hundred reasons, common and uncommon may hold some out for a year, or two, or five, but they too will go eventually. Some of them will go to for-year colleges, some to

29、junior colleges, some to technical institutes. And the number will climb. In ten years seven out of ten high-school graduates will go, and in twenty years four out of five.The fact that so many high-school graduates now continue their education suggests that there is a high value on college in Ameri

30、can life. And this is so. A young man or a young woman of college age is more or less expected to be going to college simply because that is the best thing to be doing at that age. The expectation is not abstract devotion to education but ordinary common sense based on the values of college. The fac

31、t is that the differences, in terms of lifetime experiences, between the average student who goes to college and the average student who does not, are so favorable to the college-going student that any student who can reach college owes it to himself to do so.The word “reach” is important. College i

32、s a separate experience. It is optional in the sense that no student is required to go to college as he is required by lawin most statesto go to high school. But it is not optional for a student who would like to enter a profession, or who would like to get into the management structure of business

33、or finance, or who would like to enter government service. Such a student has no choice but to go to college.1.Which of the following is the least possible reason that may hold a high-school graduate out for a number of years before he goes to college?2.What percentage of todays American high-school

34、 graduates will eventually go to college?3.The main reason for most high-school graduates to go to college is that ( ).4.It is implied but not directly mentioned that ( ) .5.The word “them” in line 3 of paragraph 1 refers to ( ) .6.In twenty years time, how many high school-graduates will go to coll

35、ege?7.The word “this” in line 2 of paragraph 2 refers to( ) .8.Going to high school is ( ) .问题1选项A.His service in the army.B.The problem of age.C.The problem of money.D.His poor health.问题2选项A.About 60%B.About 70%C.About 80%D.About 90%问题3选项A.they want to devote themselves to higher education of Ameri

36、caB.higher education, in a sense, means better job opportunitiesC.college education is their only possible choiceD.they think college is a separate, joyful experience they must learn问题4选项A.in most states a student is required by law to go to high school.B.in some states there is law that requires ev

37、ery high-school graduate to go to collegeC.to go to college is the best thing for a young man of college ago to do.D.a high-school education is not enough for those who want to be, for example, doctors, lawyers, managers, or scientists.问题5选项A.high-school graduatesB.four-year collegesC.technical inst

38、itutesD.junior colleges问题6选项A.Seven out of ten.B.Five out of tenC.Four out of five.D.Six out of ten问题7选项A.high value on college education in American lifeB.the fact that so many high-school graduates go to collegeC.demand of going to college by high-school graduatesD.low value on college education i

39、n American life问题8选项A.optionalB.requiredC.a separate experienceD.profession-based education【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A第6题:C第7题:A第8题:B【解析】1.根据第一段第二句可知, 部分高中生毕业后没能立马进入大学而继续留校是因为缺钱, 参军, 吸引人的工作, 疾病等各种各样的原因, 只有选项B年龄没有涉及, 所以本题选B。2.根据第一段第二句 “At any rate, six out of ten high-school graduates go to college

40、, not all of them go immediately lack of money” 可知,现在有60%的高中毕业生将会去上大学。选项A符合原文。3.根据第二段的第一句“The fact that so many high-school graduates now continue their education suggests that there is a high value on college in American life.”如此多高中毕业生现在继续接受教育的事实表明, 大学在美国生活中有很高的价值。选项D符合原文。4.根据最后一段最后两句可知, 对于想要进入职业领域

41、、想要进入商业或金融管理结构、想要进入政府部门的学生来说, 这是不可选的。这样的学生除了上大学别无选择。选项D符合原文。5.根据原文结合句意可知, “them”指代的是前面所提到的未能立即上大学的高中毕业生。选项A正确。6.根据第一段最后一句“In ten years seven out of ten high-school graduates will go, and in twenty years four out of five.”可知选项C正确。7.根据原文句意可知, 这里的“this”指代的是上一句提到的“there is a high value on college in Ame

42、rican life.”选项A符合原文。8.根据最后一段第二句“It is optional in the sense that no student is required to go to college as he is required by lawin most statesto go to high school.”在大多数州, 法律要求学生上高中, 而不是要求学生上大学。由此可知, 上高中是必须的, 选项B正确。6. 翻译题Passage 1Several promising drug development strategies are emerging in the figh

43、t against tuberculosis (TB), which continues to claim nearly two million lives worldwide each year, largely in developing countries. As the TB bacterium evolves to resist anti-TB drugs, and patients find it difficult to stick to existing drug regimes the search is on for both new drugs and good diag

44、nostics. Some promising drugs are in early clinical trials, which could reduce the time needed to treat TB but the odds are stacked against them because fewer than ten per cent of antibiotics that enter early clinical trials ever gain approval. But researches are finding that fields involving the st

45、udy of genes, proteins and metabolism offer the potential to unlock new information about the bacterium and its interactions with people in unprecedented detail.Passage 2As far as Web 2.0 is concerned, bigger is definitely better. Bigger text, that is. Large text is easy on the eye, and coupled with

46、 snappy copywriting makes information easy to absorb. The layout of Web 2.0 sites might be described as minimal. With a focus on legibility and ease of use, good use is made of white space. White space allows important information to stand apart, provides rest for the eye, and imparts a sense of cal

47、m and order. Generous leading also makes text copy easier for the eye to follow. Some Web 2.0 layouts are so minimal that they verge on boring, but designed well, an uncluttered page can be incredibly tasteful. Friendly, informal copywriting allows a more personal relationship with website visitors.

48、Passage 3The project management team must be careful not to confuse quality with grade. Low quality is always a problem; low grade may not be. Determining and delivering the required levels of both quality and grade are the responsibilities of the project manager and the project management team. In

49、addition, quality improvement initiatives undertaken by the performing organization can improve the quality of the project management as well as the quality of the project product. However, there is an important difference that the project management team must be acutely aware ofthe temporary nature

50、 of the project means that investments in product quality improvement, especially defect prevention and appraisal, must often be borne by the performing organization since the project may not last long enough to reap the rewards.Choose ONLY ONE text from the following passages and translate it into

51、Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet provided. If more than ONE translation appears on the Answer Sheet, only the first or the indicated one would be scored【答案】Passage 1在反击结核病的战争中, 几种有前景的药物开发策略正在出现。结核病如今每年仍在夺去将近两百万人的生命, 其中大多发生在发展中国家。随着结核分枝杆菌进化成可以耐受抗结核药物, 而患者感到很难接受现有的药物治疗框架, 科学家正在寻找新药和

52、好的诊断方法。一些有前景的药物正在进行早期临床试验, 这可能缩短结核病治疗时间, 但是他们面临的情况不利, 因为只有不到10%的进入早期临床试验阶段的抗生素获得了批准。但研究人员发现, 研究基因、蛋白质和代谢的领域提供了破解关于这种细菌及其与人类相互作用的空前详细的新信息的潜力。Passage 2对于Web2.0来讲, 越大肯定是越好。大的文字就是, 大的文字看起来不累, 配合流畅的文字内容使得信息容易被吸收。Web 2.0网站的排版布局(难度)可说是微乎其微。利用好空白可以使重点突出, 易读, 易用。空白能让重要信息凸显, 让眼睛得以休息, 并给予一种安定和秩序的感觉。宽松的行间距也让视线易

53、于跟随文本流动。一些Web 2.0 网站的布局简单到令人感到无聊的地步, 但若设计上出色的话, 一个四平八稳的页面也能成为绝顶的美味大餐。友好、活泼的行文方式会使作者与访问者建立更多良好的关系。Passage 3项目管理队伍必须注意不能将质量与等级混淆。质量低常成为一个问题, 但等级低则不是。确定和传达所需的质量及等级水平是项目经理和项目管理队伍的责任。另外, 执行组织主动采取质量改进不仅能提高项目管理的质量, 也可提高项目产品质量。但是, 项目管理队伍必须清楚知道一个重要的区别一项目的临时性意味着对产品质量改进的投资, 特别是缺陷的预防和评估, 必须由执行组织承担, 因为项目可能不会持续到获

54、得回报的时候。7. 单选题Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they are always coming in for criticism. Their critics seem to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion and because they have so much money to throw around. Its iniquitous, they say, that this entirely unproductive in

55、dustry should absorb millions of pounds each year. It only goes to show how much profit the big companies are making. Why dont they stop advertising and reduce the price of their goods? After all, its the consumer who pays.The poor old consumer! Hed have to pay a great deal more if advertising didnt

56、 create mass markets for products. It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumer goods are so cheap. But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another equally important function is to inform. A great deal of the knowledge we have about h

57、ousehold goods derives largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about. Supposing you wanted to buy a washing-machine, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, ere, f

58、rom an advertisementLots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim may be seriously doubted. It is hardly possible not to read advertisements these days. And what fun they often are, too! Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be like without advertisement

59、s, would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway bye-law while waiting for a train? Would you like to read only closely-printed columns of the news in your daily paper? A cheerful wily advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or a newspaper full of the daily ration of calamit

60、ies.We must not forget, either, that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets. Newspapers, commercials radio and television companies could not subsist without this source of revenue. The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programs is due e

61、ntirely to the money spent by advertisers. Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price.Another thing we mustnt forget is the small ads, which are in virtually every newspaper and magazine. What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community! Just about anythi

62、ng can be accomplished through these columns. For instance, you can find a job, buy or sell a house, announce a birth, marriage or death in what used to be called the hatch match and dispatch columns; but by Far the most fascinating section is !he personal or agony columns. No other item in a newspa

63、per provides such entertaining reading or offers such a deep insight into human nature. Its the best advertisement for advertising there is!1.Advertisers should stop advertising and reduce price of goods because( ) .2.The purpose of advertising is to( ) .3.What can be inferred from the passage?4.The

64、 best title for this passage could be ( ) .5.Regarding advertisements, we can conclude that the tone of the author of this passage seems to be( ) .6.The word they in line 3 of paragraph 3, refers to ( ) .7.We can infer from the passage that the author seems to suggest that ( ) .问题1选项A.critics resent themB.they have so much to throw aroundC.the consumer pays for all

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