2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 1 Breaking records Section Ⅱ Learning about Language练习 新人教版选修9

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1、Section Learning about Language一、英汉互译1.be doomed to 答案:注定2.noble mind 答案:崇高的思想3.令人遗憾的是答案:to ones regret4.brave deed 答案:勇敢的行为5.sacred duty 答案:神圣的职责二、完成句子1.看这部电影简直是浪费时间。is really a waste of time.答案:Watching this film2.怎样控制人口的增长是一个严肃的问题。is a serious problem.答案:How to control the increase of population3

2、.早睡早起,让人强身健体。makes a person healthy.答案:Early to bed and early to rise 4.在中国拥有一辆私家车正变得越来越普遍。is becoming more and more common in China.答案:Owning a private car5.一直和你争论,我觉得厌烦。It makes me tired .答案:to quarrel with you frequently.6.这些日子找份好工作不容易。to find a good job.答案:It is difficult三、写出恰当的主语从句1.给我印象最深的是他们都

3、受过很多苦。 was that they have all suffered a lot.答案:What impressed me most 2.她来还是不来没有关系。makes no difference.答案:Whether she comes or not 3.使这个商店与其他(商店)不同的是它提供更多个人服务。is that it offers more personal services.答案:What makes this shop differ from others4.他还活着,真是个奇迹。 is a wonder.答案:That she is still alive5.任何值

4、得做的事情都应该做好。 should be done well.答案:Whatever is worth doing四、完形填空1.James Cleveland Owens(1913-1980)was a great American athlete.In the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin,he achieved1fame by winning four gold medals:one each in the 100-metre dash,the 200-metre dash,the 2,and for being part of the 4100-met

5、re relay team.Born in Alabama,Owens was often3with what his mother reportedly called“devils cold”.Life was hard for the family.The family4to Ohio in 1921.There was little 5 in their life,but the move did enable young Owens to6public school,where a teacher who didnt understand his country7accidentall

6、y wrote down his name as“Jesse”instead of J.C.Owens had to take different jobs in his8time.During the period,when he was in the fifth grade,the athletic supervisor asked him to go out for9.From a 10boy he developed into a strong runner.Throughout his life Owens believed that the success of his athle

7、tic career11from the 12of Charles Riley,his junior-high track coach,who had picked him off the playground and put him on the track team.Since Owens worked in a shoe-repair shop after school,Riley13Owens to practise before school instead.Owens first came to national14when he was a student of East Tec

8、hnical High School in Cleveland,Ohio.He tied the world15of 9.4 seconds in the 100-yard dash and long-jumped 24 feet 9.5 inches at the 1933 National High School Championship in Chicago.In 1956,he organized the Junior Olympic Games for youngsters in Chicago,which was active in helping black 16.With ti

9、me progressing,his17grew worse.He died in 1980 after a lengthy18in a hospital.The highest honour,the Congressional Gold Medal,Owens19 came in 1990.During the20,Bush called Owens“an Olympic hero and an American hero every day of his life”.1.A.traditionalB.nationalC.internationalD.practical答案:C解析:欧文斯在

10、1936年柏林夏季奥运会上赢得4枚金牌,从而赢得了国际声誉。traditional“传统的”;national“全国的”;international“国际的”;practical“实际的,实践的”。C项符合语境。2.A.long jumpB.high jump C.boxingD.gymnastics答案:A解析:根据第五段中的“.inthe100-yarddashandlong-jumped24feet9.5inchesatthe1933NationalHighSchoolChampionshipinChicago.”可知,欧文斯擅长短跑和跳远。故本题选A项。3.A.naughtyB.sic

11、kC.proudD.determined答案:B解析:根据下文信息“withwhathismotherreportedlycalleddevilscold”可知欧文斯小时候经常生病。4.A.joinedB.movedC.arrivedD.reached答案:B解析:由于家境贫困,欧文斯一家从阿拉巴马迁到俄亥俄。join“加入(组织、团体)”;arrive“到达”,后面常和介词in/at搭配;reach为及物动词。moveto“迁移到某地”。后文“butthemove.”是暗示。5.A.improvementB.appearance C.achievementD.arrangement答案:A解



14、强壮的跑步运动员。11.A.datedB.resultedC.madeD.chose答案:B解析:resultfrom“产生于,由引起”;datefrom“追溯到”。12.A.competitionB.explanation C.advantageD.encouragement答案:D解析:根据下文信息可知,查尔斯赖利给予欧文斯很大的鼓励和帮助。13.A.forcedB.allowedC.remindedD.promised答案:B解析:此处的意思是:查尔斯赖利允许欧文斯在放学前进行练习。allowsb.todosth.“允许某人做某事”。forcesb.todosth.“强迫某人去做某事”;



17、ive“得到,接收”;praise“表扬”;accept“收下”;found“成立,建立”。20.A.ceremonyB.paradeC.celebrationD.program答案:A解析:这里应该是举办了一个仪式。ceremony“仪式”;parade“游行”;celebration“庆祝”;program“程序,节目”。五、语法填空1.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Sometimes parents may demand too much of their children.They may burden them 1too many re

18、sponsibilitiesan 2(fair)number of chores,excess hours of taking care of younger siblings or a too rigorous schedule of after-school 3(act).When that happens,children may feel overwhelmed and resist taking on any 4(responsible)at all.Parents need to guard against this kind of overloading,while still

19、making sure that their youngsters are assuming 5 appropriate level of responsibility.Children,of course,differ in the 6(person)traits(特点)and temperament(气质)they bring to tasks.Some are simply not very persistent and drift away in the middle of chores.Others have difficulty getting 7(organize).Still

20、others have trouble shifting from one activity to 8.You should have a good sense of your childs style,and shape your expectations accordingly.Children need to have some duties within the family,9 they will not learn to accept responsibility.In free home environments,or in families 10are very permissive,youngsters are losing out on some valuable learning experiences,and their development of a sense of responsibility and initiative may not happen until later in life,if ever.答案:1.with2.unfair3.activities4.responsibilities5.an6.personal7.organized8.another9.or10.that 7

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