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1、Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A执笔: 林艳 审核:魏朝明 张杏娟 李俊辉【学习目标】(一)学会友好地描述别人的形象。(二)掌握正确运用have动词和be动词的描述人物外貌的方法。 学会赏识,懂得心灵美比外表美更重要。Everyone is important!人人都很重要!Dont judge people by their appearances. 不要以貌取人.【自学完成】1、通过预习,你们能又快又准确翻译下列单词和短语吗? 短头发_ 卷头发_ 长头发_ 直头发_ 不高也不矮_ 中等高度_ 瘦_ 重_中等体型_2、请快速翻译下列句子。 他长

2、什么样?他是中等体型_. 你长什么样?我矮并且瘦. _. 他们长什么样?他们是中等身材。_.【自主探究】观察:She has long straight hair. He has a big nose. She is really tall. He is of medium height.思考: 什么时候用is, 什么时候用has?_用is或has填空。1.Lei Hao _ short and straight hair.2.Dick _ tall,but his sister _ short.3.Bettys mother _of medium build.4.Du Ke _ short

3、and thin.【课堂活动】自学情况交流:小组交流自学中存在的问题(老师点拨)学习策略培养:口语训练:What do you look like?I am thin.What do they look like? They are of medium build.Do they have straight or curly hair? They have curly hair.Is he tall or short? He is of medium height.阅读策略培养(2d)1. What is Tony going to do tonight ?_2When are they me

4、eting?_3Where are they meeting?_4. What does David look like?_再读对话,完成空格Mike and Tony are going to the _tonight.They are _at seven,but Mike may be a little _.Mikes friend David is _ ,too.Tony will meet _(他) in _ of the _.He _ brown hair and _glasses.He isnt tall _ short.He is of _ height. 归纳并汇报Make a

5、 survey about your family members Family memberHeight(身高)Build(体形)HairEyesGlasses(or)fathermotherWhat does your father/mother look like?Is he/she tall/ / heavy ? Does he/she have/wear . ?Report: My father is tall and heavy. _. 当堂反馈练习1.My little brother loves telling jokes and she never stops t_.2.He

6、r father is really tall and h_ and her uncle is short and thin.3. The Chinese boy has short, s_ hair.4.He looks very cool when he w_ his sunglasses.5. Do you know the woman w_ long, blond, curly hair?6. He has curly hair.(一般疑问句)_7. 他是高呢还是矮?他很矮。_【反馈小结】 互相检查错误订正情况,教师巡视答疑回想本节课所学的内容,你学到了哪些?你还有什么疑问?请记录_【

7、课后延伸】 . Reading. (阅读)Do you know George Jackson, the rock singer with sunglasses? Now George has a new image. He had curly blonde hair last year, but now he is bald. He was a little fat and heavy, but now he is of medium build. He liked to wear jeans and sunglasses, but now he always wears a black j

8、acket and he doesnt wear glasses. When the reporter asks him about his new image. George says, “Its great! I like to change my appearance often. Thats fun. ”根据短文判断正误,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。( )1. George Jackson is a singer. ( )2. George had curly blonde hair in the past. ( )3. George is medium height now. ( )

9、4. George wore jeans and sunglasses before. ( )5. George doesnt mind his new image. Section B【学习目标】1能熟练的用英语进行对人外表特点的描述。2能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用这些词组及句型描述别人的外表,提高写作水平。【自学完成】1.根据读音规则拼读新单词,在不会的单词下做标记,向同学老师请教2.完成下列短语a)告诉他罪犯长什么样_b) 以相同的方式看待事物_c)刊登在报纸上_d) 棕色的长直发_e) 最后_f)首先_【自主探究】观察:(1)He is hea

10、vy. He has a big nose.(2) He is heavy with a big nose. (1)She is really tall.She has long straight hair.(2)He is really tall with long straight hair.思考: 那一句更好?为什么?_请你试一试。今天天气凉爽,有一点风。_她长得好看,圆脸,小鼻子。_她是一个电影明星,金黄色的头发,大眼睛。_口语训练:What does she look like?She is a good-looking woman with long blonde hair.Is

11、she tall or short?She is of medium height.阅读策略培养(2b)1. What does Joe Brown do ?_2. How does he help to find the criminal?_3.Is his job easy?Why ?_4.What does the criminal look like in the end?_再读文章,完成空格Joe Brown is a police _.Some people see _and tell him _the criminal _like.Then Joe _ a picture of

12、the _,and the police put it _ newspapers and _ television to find him.His job is sometimes _.Because many people may _ the same people _ .Also,they dont always _ well.One woman says,The criminal is of _ _and young with long _ brown hair ._ woman says ,He is tall and _with _ blond hair.In the _,the c

13、riminal is a short and _old man with short black hair.当堂操练3a & Selfcheck成果展示What does your friend look like? What does he like doing?friends name is haswearslikes My best friend_当堂反馈练习1. He always does the things _.(different)2. He is tall with _.(glass)3. There are many _(actress) in the hall(大厅).4

14、. Can you _(区别) the differences between the two pictures?5. Each student _ (have)a story book.【课后延伸】用 others, the other, another 填空1. I have four eggs,but I want to have_ one.2. Some students are playing basketball.Some students are playing tennis._ are playing ping-pong.3. Some girls agree with me

15、,but _girls think differently.4. I have two sisters.One is a teacher,_is a doctor.II. 完型填空 Zhang Qing is looking at the _1_of Li Leis fanmily. “Thats a good picture of you, Li Lei,” says Zhang Qing. “You look really cool _2_ that blue T-shirt. I like the color.” “Thank you, Zhang Qing,” Li Lei says.

16、 “_3_ is this man, do you know?” “Its your father. Where does he work?” “He _4_ in a big restaurant. He is a _5_ ,” Li Lei answers. “Is that man your _6_? He looks like your father,” asks Zhang Qing. “Yes, he is,” Li Lei says. “My father has two brothers, _7_ he has no sister.” “What does your uncle

17、 do?” asks Zhang Qing. “He worked in a TV station_8_a reporter two years age. But now he doesns work there any more. I dont know what he is. But he is always _9_writing for newspapers. He thinks writing for newspapers is _10_.” ( ) 1. A. photo B. map C. tree ( ) 2. A. with B. on C. in ( ) 3. A. What B. Who C. How ( ) 4. worked B. work C.works ( ) 5. A. cook B. sales assistant C. aunt ( ) 6. A. grandfather B. uncle C. aunt ( ) 7. A. but B. and C. so ( ) 8. A. for B. as C. with ( ) 9. A. busy B. free C. there ( ) 10. A. boring B. relaxing C. exciting .

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