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1、2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 填空题John has a great voice, but with that cold he wont ( )very good if he tries to sing.【答案】sound【解析】语法分析。考查系动词。he wont very good是个主系表结构,空白处应填入一个系动词, 此处填sound合适。2. 填空题(1) of a series of unforeseen problems, Professor Bandini and his research group dont have(2 )money

2、 to finish their current project. Bandini has(3) to the ministry for (4)funds.【答案】1.Because2.enough3.applied to4.more【解析】1.固定搭配。Because of 因为。2.语义题。enough 足够的。3.固定搭配。apply to 申请4.语义题。More 更多的3. 单选题9. If there is any endeavour whose fruits should be freely available, that endeavour is surely publicly

3、 financed science. Morally, taxpayers who wish to should be able to read about it without further expense. And science advances through cross-fertilization between projects. Barriers to that exchange slow it down.10. There is a widespread feeling that the journal publishers who have mediated this ex

4、change for the past century or more are becoming an impediment to it. One of the latest converts is the British government. On July 16 it announced that, from 2013, the results of taxpayer-financed research would be available, free and online, for anyone to read and redistribute.11. Britains governm

5、ent is not alone. On July 17 the European Union followed suit. It proposes making research paid for by its next scientific-spending round - which runs from 2014 to 2020, and will hand out about 80 billion, or $100 billion, in grants - similarly easy to get hold of. In America, the National Institute

6、s of Health (NIH, the single biggest source of civilian research funds in the world) has required open-access publishing since 2008. And the Wellcome Trust, a British foundation that is the worlds second-biggest charitable source of scientific money, after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also

7、 insists that those who receive its support make their work available free.12. Criticism of journal publishers usually boils down to two things, One is that their processes take months, when the internet could allow them to take days, The other is that because each paper is like a mini-monopoly, whi

8、ch workers in the field have to read if they are to advance their own research, there is no incentive to keep the price down. The publishers thus have scientists or, more accurately, their universities, which pay the subscriptions -in an armlock. That, combined with the fact that the raw material (m

9、anuscripts of papers) is free, leads to generous returns. In 2011 Elsevier, a large Dutch publisher, made a profit of 768m on revenues of 2.06 billion - a margin of 37%. Indeed, Elseviers profits are thought so egregious by many people that 12,000 researchers have signed up to boycott the companys j

10、ournals.13. Publishers do provide a service. They organize peer review, in which papers are criticized anonymously by experts (though those experts, like the authors of papers, are seldom paid for what they do). They also sort the scientific sheep from the goats, by deciding what gets published, and

11、 where. That gives the publishers huge power. Since researchers, administrators and grant-awarding bodies all take note of which work has got through this filtering mechanism, the competition to publish in the best journals is intense, and the system becomes self-reinforcing, increasing the value of

12、 those journals still further.14. But not, perhaps, for much longer. Support has been swelling for open-access scientific publishing: doing it on line, in a way that allows anyone to read papers free of charge. The movement started among scientists themselves, but governments are now, as Britains an

13、nouncement makes clear, paying attention and asking whether they too might benefit from the change.15. The British announcement followed the publication of a report by Dame Janet Finch, a sociologist at the University of Manchester, which recommends encouraging a business model adopted by one of the

14、 pioneers of open-access publishing, the Public Library of Science. This organization, a charity based in San Francisco, charges authors a fee (between $1,350 and $2,900, though it is waived in cases of hardship) and then makes their papers available over the internet for nothing. For PLoS, as the c

15、harity is widely known, this works well. It has launched seven widely respected electronic journals since its foundation in 2000. For reasons lost in history, this is known as the gold model.16. The NIHs approach is different. It lets researchers publish in traditional journals, but on condition tha

16、t, within a year, they post their papers on a free repository website called PubMed. Journals have to agree to this, or be excluded from the process. This is known as the green model.17. Both gold and green models involve pre-publication peer review. But a third does away with even that. Many scient

17、ists, physicists in particular, now upload drafts of their papers into public archives paid for by networks of universities for the general good. (The most popular is known as arXivn, the middle letter being a Greek chi.) Here, manuscripts are subject to a ruthless process of open peer review, rathe

18、r than the secret sort traditional publishers employ. An arXived paper may end up in a traditional journal, but that is merely to provide a public mark of approval for the research team who wrote it. Its actual publication and its value to other scientists date from its original arrival online.18. T

19、he success of PLoS, and the political shift towards open access, is encouraging other new ventures too. Seeing the writing on the wall, several commercial publishers are experimenting with gold-model publishing. Meanwhile, later this year a coalition of the Wellcome Trust, the Max Planck Institute (

20、which runs many of Germanys leading laboratories) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute will publish the first edition of eLife, an open-access journal with ambitions to rival the most famous journal of the lot, Nature. The deep pockets of these organizations mean that, for the first few years at

21、least, this journal will not even require a publication fee.19. Much remains to be worked out. Some fear the loss of the traditional journals* curation and verification of research. Even Sir Mark Walport, the director of the Wellcome Trust and a fierce advocate of open-access publication, worries th

22、at a system based on the green model could become fragmented. That might happen if the newly liberated papers ended up in different places rather than being consolidated in the way the NIH insists on. But research just published in BMC Medicine (an open-access journal from Springer) suggests papers

23、in open-access journals are as widely cited as those in traditional publications.20. A revolution, then, has begun. Technology permits it; researchers and politicians want it.If scientific publishers are not trembling in their boots, they should be .1.The opening paragraphs of text B seem to indicat

24、e that( )2.According to text B, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation( ) .3.Text B states that people who are unhappy with publishers of scientific journals ( ).4.When scientific papers pass through peer review,( ) .5.The word egregious in paragraph 12 means( ) .6.In the publication models described

25、 in text B, peer review occurs ( ).7.Paragraph 18( ) .8.Towards the end of text B, the author mentions the concerns of Sir Mark Walport,who( ) .9.If one compares text A and text B, one can see that( ) .问题1选项A.scientists are angered by the publication practices that they confront in their work.B.comm

26、ercial publishers are increasingly seen as a negative factor in science.C.commercial publishers are needed more than ever in order to separate good research from poor research.D.less good research is appearing as a result of the control exercised by journal publishers.问题2选项A.is a very important prov

27、ider of funding for scientific research.B.requires that researchers supported by the Foundation make their findings freely available to the public.C.follows the example set by the NIH in America.D.has a monopoly on any research results produced by scientists it supports.问题3选项A.object to their slowne

28、ss and the high cost of the journals.B.think that such journals should be abolished as an obstacle to free speech.C.criticize above all the unfairness of choosing some articles for publication and not others.D.blame them for the slow pace of scientific progress in recent years.问题4选项A.they are being

29、graded and assigned to different levels of publication.B.government officials decide what research is worthy of publication.C.researchers are being paid to criticize the work of fellow researchers.D.scientists are evaluating the work of other scientists in their field问题5选项A.somewhat unfavorableB.qui

30、te unnecessaryC.strikingly unreasonableD.clearly bizarre问题6选项A.before publication in the first two, after publication in the thirdB.in secret and without the name of the reviewers being knownC.for papers in some scientific fields but not in othersD.in exactly the same way. Peer review is not an issu

31、e问题7选项A.seems to indicate that most journal publishers are resisting any change.B.makes it clear that the present publishing arrangements are doomedC.provides support for the strong assertions in the final paragraph of the text.D.in effect predicts that the commercial publishers will win in the stru

32、ggle with free open-access publication.问题8选项A.fears that the quality of scientific publishing is currently in decline.B.strongly supports the green model over current arrangements and other publishing models.C.believes that the weaknesses of the green model can easily be remedied by the use of open-

33、access repository websites for research.D.worries that good papers published in open-access journals and repositories may not receive the attention that they deserve.问题9选项A.both texts are straightforward reports, i.e. objective presentations of facts.B.text B is basically a discussion essay advancin

34、g certain opinions, while text A is a simple report.C.both texts are intended to win the reader over to certain views.D.text A is intended to win support for a certain direction in research, whereas text B explains a dilemma in straightforward terms, without taking a position of any sort【答案】第1题:B第2题

35、:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C第6题:A第7题:C第8题:D第9题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。题干意思为“文章B开始的段落似乎为了指出”。第十段指出:There is a widespread feeling that the journal publishers who have mediated this exchange for the past century or more are becoming an impediment to it (人们普遍认为, 在过去一个世纪或更多时间调停这个交换(即科研成果)的期刊出版商正成为该调停的障碍。可知B项“商业出版商正越来越被看成是科学的

36、消极因素” 正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干定位至第11段: And the Welcome Trust, a British foundation that is the worlds second-biggest charitable source of scientific money, after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also insists that those who receive its support make their work available free (另外,仅次于比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会,作去世界上第二大慈善

37、科研资金来源的英国维康信托基金会,也坚持要求那些接受它支持的对象 必须公开科研成果)。由此可知A项“一个重要的科研资金提供者”正确.。3.细节事实题。由第十二段第一句指出: Criticism of journal publishers usually boils down to two things, One is that their processes take months, when the internet could allow them to take days, The other is that because each paper is like a mini-monop

38、oly, which workers in the field have to read if they are to advance their own research, there is no incentive to keep the price down(对期刊出版商的批评通常归结为两件事,一是他们的过程需要几个月,当互联网允许他们花上几天的时间时,另一个是因为每一份报纸都像一个小的垄断,如果他们想提高自己的阅读水平,这一领域的工作人员必须阅读, 没有降价的空间),可知A项“抗议他们(出版商)的速度慢和期刊的高价格”正确。4.细节事实题。题干说 “当科学论文通过同行评审时”。第十三段

39、:They organize peer review, in which papers are criticized anonymously by experts (though those experts, like the authors of papers, are seldom paid for what they do)(他们(即出版商)组织同行评审,在该评审中专家们不具名地对论文进行评论(但是这些专家如论文的作者样很少为自己的工作而得到报酬))。由此可知D项“科学家将评价自己领域其它科学家的工作”正确。5.词义题。根据题干定位至第十二段: Indeed, Elseviers pro

40、fits are thought so egregious by manypeople that 12,000 researchers have signed up to boycott the companys journals (的确,爱思唯尔(世界领先的科技及医学出版公司)的利润被许多人认为是如此,以致1.2万名研究者签名去联合抵制这家公司的期刊)。由此推测egregious 的意思为“非常不合理的;过分的”。6.细节事实题。由第17段中 “Both gold and green models involve pre-publication peer review. But a thir

41、d does away with even that.金色和绿色模式涉及出版前同行评审,但是第三种模式经常不用在出版前进行同行评审”知A项“在前两种(出版模式)中发 生在出版前,在第三中(出版模式)发生在出版后”正确7.推理判断题。第十八段:The deep pockets of these organizations mean that,for the first few years at least, this journal will not even require a publication fee (这些组织的雄厚财力意味着至少在前几年这个期刊将甚至不需要出版费)及第二句: sev

42、eral commercial publishers are experimenting with gold-model publishing (几个商业出版商正在试用金色模式的出版)。可推知“作者对传统的科学期刊出版商的担忧”,这为第二十段中的“If scientific publishers are not trembling in their boots, they should be.如果科学出版商没有觉得担心的话,那么他们应该开始担心了”提供了论据支持,故C项“为文章最后一段中的有力的断言提供了支持”正确。8.推理判断题。根据题干定位至文章后面第十九段: But research j

43、ust published in BMC Medicine(an open-access journal from Springer)suggests papers in open-access journals are as widely cited as those in traditional publications(但是BMC 医学(斯普林格的一个开放阅览期刊)最近公布的调查显示开放阅览期刊被引用的广泛程度和传统期刊一样多)中的but “但是”表转折的对应可推测“Mark Walport先生担心开放阅览期刊相比传统期刊可能收不到应有的关注”,由此知D项“担心发布 在开放阅览期刊和存放

44、处上的好论文可能受不到它们应有的关注”正确。9.主旨大意题。文章A中最后一段引用教授James Horne的话来对教授Dijk的研究进行评价及文章A全文都在用报告的方式进行叙述, 因此文章A是一个简单的报告文章,而文章B中大多数段落如第13段首句“Publishers do provide a service.出版商确实也提供服务”、第19段首句“Much remains to be worked out. 还需要解决很多事情”等提出观点后再论证”知文章B基本上是提出某些观点的一个议论文,由此知B项“文章B基本上是提出某些观点的一个议论文, 而文章A是一篇简单的报告文章”正确;4. 单选题Ju

45、st as one needs a J.D. to become a lawyer in America, one must obtain a M.D. in order to qualify as a physician, though the degree is not the only requirement.问题1选项A.Just as one needs a J.DB.a M.DC.qualify as aD.though the degree is not the onlyE.没有问题【答案】E【解析】5. 填空题A: This wine is delicious. Would y

46、ou like (1)?B: Not today, thanks. Its rather chilly out. Do you have anything hot that I could drink?A: Sure. Would you like tea or coffee?B: .(2) I enjoy them equally, so give me whichever is more convenient.【答案】some; Either【解析】1.常用语。would you like some? 你要点吗?2.语义题。根据后面的give me whichever is more co

47、nvenient可知茶或者咖啡都可以,填either。6. 填空题Our research team is(1) to complete a major project. Our findings will be(2) in a series of articles scheduled to appear next year. I will also(3) the results at a conference being (4)in Sydney later this year.句意: 我们的研究小组将要完成一个重点项目。我们的研究成果将发表在一系列计划明年出现的文章中。随后我也将在今年的悉

48、尼会议上公布这些成果。【答案】1.going2.published3.announce4.held【解析】1.固定搭配。Be going to do 将要。2.语义题。发表用publish,此处为被动语态, 故用published。3.语义题。此处表示 “公布成果”。4.固定搭配。hold a conference 举办会议。这里是被动语态故用held。7. 填空题The company that I work (1)has just (2)that it is opening new stores in the five (3)cities in India.【答案】1.for;2.anno

49、unced;3.biggest【解析】1.固定搭配。that I work 为定语从句修饰先行词The company, 因此填介词for合适,work for为效力。2.语义题。第二空应填入一个谓语动词,而且由空前的has just推测应填谓语动词的过去分词,宾语是that引导的从句。故announced “宣布”合适。3.语义题。第三空应为形容词修饰cities,故填biggest。the five biggest cities in India印度最大的五个城市。8. 填空题Yesterday afternoon, while John and Linda were both at wo

50、rk, thieves (1)into their flat and (2)money, jewelry and an expensive new computer.【答案】1.broke;2.took【解析】1.固定搭配。break into 闯入。因此此处填break的过去式broke。2.语义题。第二空也填动词的过去式, 由其宾语money可知填 took (带走了)。9. 填空题Our initial fieldwork site(1) out to be completely unsuitable. Our team(2) over a week there before we re

51、cognized that we (3)never find the quality of fossils we were (4) for in that spot. 【答案】1. turned;2.worked;3.would;4. looking【解析】1.固定搭配。turn out to be被发现是,结果是。而且此处应为过去式turned。2.语义题。第二空填不及物动词,因此worked符合句意。3.语法分析。第三空填would表示过去将来时。4.固定搭配。we were for是定语从句修饰the quality of fossils,那么第四空可填现在分词looking,构成loo

52、k for “寻找”。10. 单选题The clerk I spoke with insisted over and over that we had been charged the normal rate for the hotel room, so I asked to speak with his manager.问题1选项A.insisted over and overB.had been chargedC.rate forD.so I asked to speak with his managerE.没有错误【答案】E【解析】没有错误。句意:和我说话的店员一遍又一遍坚持说,我们付的

53、是正常价位的房钱,所以我要求和经理谈话11. 填空题 Im surprised that she has agreed to marry John. I knew that he(1) going to propose,but I (2)her to say no. I (3)what led her to accept his offer. Shes certainly not in love with him! 【答案】1.was2.considered3.wonder【解析】1.固定搭配。be going to do 打算做,前面的谓语动词knew用的过去式,因此这里也用过去式was。2

54、.固定搭配。consider sb. to do sth. 认为某人会。3.语义题。句意:我在想是什么让她 决定接受他的求婚的。12. 单选题Finally he lowered his eves in a show of respect and said, That room is reserved for honored guests from rich countries. I was so shocking that I didnt know how to reply.问题1选项A.lowered his eves inB.a show of respectC.honored gues

55、tsD.was so shockingE.没有错误【答案】D【解析】形容词误用。shocking改为shocked。句意:最后,他目光低垂以表尊敬,并且说:那个房间时专门招待富裕国家的尊客。我感到非常震惊,以至于不知道如何回答。shocking 令人震惊的。shocked 感到震惊的。13. 单选题Excuse me, but dont you think that its rather odd to give such an elaborate welcome speech and then turn around and treat a delegate with a good quest

56、ion as if he were a nuisance?问题1选项A.Excuse me, butB.think that its rather oddC.then turn around and treatD.as if he were a nuisance?E.没有问题【答案】E【解析】14. 单选题I thought that Professor Liebermanns speech at the farewell banquet was very marvelous.and so did most of the other people there, to judge from th

57、e vigorous applause it received.问题1选项A.speech at the farewell banqueB.very marvelousC.and so didD.to judge from the vigorousE.to judge from the vigorous【答案】D【解析】语法错误。非谓语动词错误。to judge from改为judging from。“to judge from the vigorous applause it received”这部分在句子中作方式状语,故需要用现在分词形式judging from。15. 单选题His sc

58、hedule is jammed with meetings and other sorts of events; I very much doubt that he will have time to attend the annual drama festival on our campus.问题1选项A.jammed with meetingsB.very much doubtC.have time to attendD.on our campusE.没有问题【答案】E【解析】16. 填空题The fire quickly spread through the hotel, but fo

59、rtunately there were only a (1)guests and they all managed to (2).【答案】1.few2.escape【解析】1.语义题。a few后面接可数名词,表示“少量,几个”2.语义题。句意: 他们都成功逃脱了。17. 填空题Who(1 ) you your first Chinese characters when you were a child? And did you use a pencil, a pen (2)a brush to write them?【答案】1.taught2.and【解析】1.语义题。teach sb.

60、sth. “教授某人 ”,由题干的表示时间的“when you were a child”可知第一个空应填入teach的过去式taught。2.逻辑分析。a pencil, a pen, a brush三者是并列关系,用and连接表示列举。18. 单选题Thanks to some help from professors at the university in Canberra,the Australian authorities are letting me to bring my biological samples into the country without the usual

61、 three-week quarantine.问题1选项A.Thanks to some help fromB.at the university in CanberraC.are letting me to bringD.three-weekE.没有问题【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。C项中去掉to。Let sb. do sth.为固定搭配。19. 单选题Her advisor persuaded her to remain at Nanjing University to do her doctorate, but she decided to apply to the postgraduat

62、e division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences instead.问题1选项A.persuadedB.to do her doctorateC.apply toD.of the Chinese Academy of Sciences instead.E.没有问题【答案】C【解析】固定短语误用。apply to改为apply for。 apply to适用于,应用于。apply for 申请,请求。题干意思事 申请中国科学院的研究生”,故需要改为apply for。20. 填空题The company headquarters include a technical library and a big research laboratory. Ive visited (1)lab, which is very (2)equipped. I wouldnt mind working there myself.【答案】1.the2.well【解析】1.语法题。考查定冠词。这里应该用定冠词the来表示特指前面出现过的laboratory。2.固定搭配。Be well equipped 设备齐全精良。

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