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1、2022教师资格-中学英语学科知识与教学能力考前拔高名师测验卷(附答案解析)1. 问答题:设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节课的教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and justification教学时间:45分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级第一学期学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到普通高中英语课程标准(实验)五级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:Po

2、mpeii: The factsAugust 24, in the year AD 79, began normally for the people in Pompeii, a town at the foot of?Mount Vesuvius. Farmers went out to their fields, shopkeepers set out their goods for sale, craftspeople?opened their workshops and the rich walked to the public baths while their servants c

3、leaned their houses?and washed their clothes. Unfortunately, the end of the day was far from normal for the 20,000 citizens of?Pompeii.Early in the afternoon, when many people were resting from the heat of the day, Mount Vesuvius?erupted. Millions of tonnes of ash, lava and pumice poured onto the su

4、rrounding hillside and over the?town of Pompeii and other towns and villages. By evening Pompeii was buried under 3-5 meters of ash and?mud, and at least 2,000 men, women and children were buried with their town.答案: 本题解析:Teaching objectives : ( 1 ) Knowledge objectiveStudents can master the words ab

5、out volcano eruptions and the usage of erupt.(2) Ability objectiveStudents can describe natural disasters and past events.( 3 ) Emotion objectiveStudents can speak English confidently in front of the class.Teaching Contents:The passage is about how the city of Pompeii was destroyed by volcano erupti

6、on.Teaching key points:Students can master the words about volcano eruption and know how to describe a natural disaster.Teaching difficult points:Students can describe a natural disaster by using the words and sentence structures they have learned.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Lead-in (5 minutes)The t

7、eacher can show students pictures of different natural disasters and tell them some historical facts about the disasters.Then show students pictures of Pompeii and tell a short story about it.(Justification:This step will warm up the class, and students will become quite curious and be attracted by

8、Pompeiis mysteries. )Step 2 Presentation (20 minutes)( 1 ) New WordsDivide the students into 4 groups and give each group cards with names of natural disasters on them.The teacher shall write all the vocabulary related to nature disasters on the blackboard and ask students to match descriptions with

9、 the corresponding disaster.(Justification: This group activity helps attract students attention and arouse their interest. They can grasp the meaning of new words faster. )(2) SpeechKeep the 4 groups and each group will be given 5 minutes to prepare for a 2-minute description of volcano eruption,th

10、en they shall select one group member to present it in front of the class.(Justification:This group activity helps students memorize all the words and promote their ability of presenting in front of the class. )Step 3 Consolidation (15 minutes)Call on 4 6 students to evaluate the presentations given

11、 by each group with questions like:What do you think of the group As presentationIs there any more vocabulary we have learned today that can be used in that presentationWhat improvements do you think they need(Justification:This step will help students memorize the vocabularies. Whats more, it will

12、also help train students critical thinking. )Step 4 Summary and homework (5 minutes)The teacher will show the flash cards of words and sentences to lead students to read and review them again.The homework is to describe a nature disaster with at least 10 sentences.(Justification: The homework of wri

13、ting will help students make use of the words they have learned,and strengthen their interest and confidence in learning English. )2. 问答题:简述语法教学中演绎法和归纳法的教学过程及其优缺点。答案: 本题解析:采用演绎法教授语法,教师首先直接讲解语法规则并举例说明,然后让学生进行各种替换练习、句子练习等训练。这种教学方式讲解清楚,易于理解。比较适合具有强烈学习动机的学习者。但是在这种方式下,学生对教师的依赖性比较强,学到的语言知识也容易遗忘。演绎法注重形式而非使

14、用,学生处于被动学习的状态。采用归纳法教授语法.教师让学生首先接触含有语法规则的语境.然后根据上下文的信息归纳出语法规则。这种方法可以增加学生和语言的接触,有助于激发学生的参与。使学生理解语法所适用的语境、所表达的含义以及所承载的功能,分析归纳总结语言使用规律,深化学生对用法的理解,有助于学生分析能力和注意力的培养。但是使用归纳法教授语法,对学生和教师的要求都很高,学生必须能够主动学习,愿意动脑筋,否则会对规则的印象不深.难以巩固。3. 问答题:根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。听力技能是语言技能的重要内容之一。请简述听力基本技能包括哪些内容(10分)并选择其中的三项技能,列举出合理的训练

15、方式(10分)。答案: 本题解析:听力基本技能包括:(1)辨音能力:包括语音辨别、重弱读辨别、意群辨别等。(2)交际信息辨别能力:指谈话中新信息指示语、例证指示语、话题中止语、话题转换指示语等。(3)大意理解能力:包括理解谈话或独自的主题或意图等。(4)细节理解能力:获取听力中具体信息的能力。(5)词义猜测能力:借助各种技巧猜测谈话所使用的未知表达方式的能力。(6)推理判断和预测能力:对说话人的意图、谈话人之间的关系、说话者的情绪态度等的推理判断以及对谈话下文的预测能力。(7)记笔记的能力:根据听力材料类型和听力要求选择适当的笔记记录形式。训练方式:(1)培养学生的辨音能力,可以让学生“听并辨

16、别不同的音位”“听后标示重弱读、节奏、意群”“模仿”等。(2)培养学生的大意理解能力可以让学生“听后选择适当的标题”“为听力材料写概要”“进行话题匹配”等。(3)培养学生的细节理解能力,可以让学生“进行正误判断”“根据听力内容进行句子排序”“回答细节问题”等。4. 问答题:简述课堂教学反馈的原则.答案: 本题解析:本题考查课堂教学反馈的原则。课堂教学反馈要有目的性、层次性、参与性、启发性、激励性。根据这几个要点具体展开论述。5. 问答题:简要分析精读课和泛读课的主要区别?答案: 本题解析:阅读课的教学分读前(pre-writing)、读中(while-writing)和读后(post-writ

17、ing)。其中读中分为泛读和精读,泛读又分略读(skimming)和跳读(scanning)。略读是找主旨,topic sentence,跳读是找具体信息specific information.6. 问答题:词汇教学的原则是什么?答案: 本题解析:词汇教学的原则常见的就是目标分类原则、词汇选择原则、系统性原则和结合原则。其中比较重要的是系统性原则中的和结合原则,可以在理解的基础章进行记忆。7. 问答题:下面是某英语教师在写作课的教学片段阅读并回答问题。Tell students we would write an article for our favorite sports, and th

18、e topic is about sports.Show students a model article on the screen and lead them to find out the format of anarticle: main heading, smaller heading and the body.Run a brainstorming activity: show some pictures about the sports and the famous athletes.Ask students the questions as follows.Why are yo

19、u interested in that sportWho is your favorite athleteWhat do you do to improve your skillsThen I would ask them to have a discussion about the above questions. They can change theirideas with their partners and find out the similarities and differences. Then choose one idea towrite with. After the

20、discussion, I would pick some students to report their topics at the front.根据上面的课堂教学片段回答下面三个问题:(1)该片段属于什么教学环节体现了哪种写作教学模式(2)请从写作教学原则的角度,评价该教学片段。(3)该片段中教师的课堂角色有哪些答案: 本题解析:(1)该片段集中于写作思路的产生和形成,属于写前环节,体现了重过程的写作教学模式主要过程包括: 产生写作动机、头脑风暴、词汇思路、自由写作、列出大纲、写出草稿、修改、提高、校对和讨论等。?(2)写作教学需要体现过程性原则、交际性原则、整体性原则等。?过程性原则要


22、布置完讨论任务后深入其活动,了解其进程并选出好的典型进行展示有效地调控全体学生的学习积极性、学习进程和学习的高效性等,体现了课堂教学的调控者的角色。最后。该教学片段在写前环节先引导学生学习范文。总结写作的格式、范文的主题等再通过头脑风暴进行讨论为学生进行格式、内容、话题、词句等的输入,为学生营造了学习英语的语言环境,使学生能够更有效地学习和使用目的语,体现了语言环境的营造者的角色?8. 问答题:课堂提问有哪些功能?(8分)常见的理解性提问有哪三种类型?(6分)请各写出一个英语例子加以说明。(6分)答案: 本题解析:提 问是课堂教学的重要组成部分。从教师教的角度看提问是教师输出信息、传递信息和获

23、得教与学的反馈的重要渠道是教师训练学生思维和提高学生理解能力的重 要手段;从学生学的角度看,提问使学习者的兴趣得以保持和提高,使创造性思维得以发展,使新、旧知识得以连接和巩固。另外,提问还具有锻炼表达能力、检查 学习效果等多种功能。理解性提问有三种类型:展示性、参考性和评估性提问。(1)展示性提问是教师根据具体教学内容进行的提问,这类问题只要求学生对课文进行事实性的表层理解并根据短时记忆或者查看课文找到答案。如:What did Mandela do to help Elias solve the problems(2)参考性提问是根据课文相关信息提问,这类问题没有现成的答案学生要结合个人的知

24、识和课文所提供的信息进行综合分析。如:Whats the meaning of the phrase“out of work”in the context(3)评估性提问要求学生在理解课文的基础上进行深层次的逻辑思维运用所学语言知识就课文的某个事件或观点发表自己的看法。如:What do you think about their way to fight for their rights9. 问答题:以下材料是某高中老师设计的单元课教材的第一课时的教案片段:Step 1 Warming-upBefore class, T plays a song Ss are familiar with t

25、ill the bell for class rings. Then T asks?Ss some questions:(1) Do you know the name of the song? (Youll Be in My Heart from the film namedTarzan, 人猿泰山)(2) Where do you think the song comes from?(3) Do you like the song? Why or why not? etc. Ss answer all these questions.Step 2 BrainstormingDo you k

26、now any other songs? In this way, Ss think about as many songs as possible.(续表)Step 3 DiscussionSs work in groups of 4. They talk about the songs they are interested in.Step 4 DemonstrationAfter discussion, choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.Step 5 Fin

27、ding a placeT shows the map of the world. While the student is reporting the result, others shouldlisten carefully. Ask a student to find the place in the map where the song comes from.请根据所给材料回答下列问题。(1)分析该教学片段使用的教学方法以及其目的(14分)。(2)对该教学片段进行教学反思(至少从三个方面)(16分)。答案: 本题解析:(1)教学方法:采用了多媒体辅助教学法,利用多媒体播放音乐能给学生提


29、问答少,参与度不高,效率难以保证;由于内容宽泛,所以小组讨论之后给出的汇报具有不定向性,同时没有明确说明汇报歌曲的相关内容规定这样活动安排占用时间长影响整体授课安排。10. 问答题:根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。以下是一位老师在进行词汇教学时的情景:Step1复习(revision)互致问候后,教师将装有彩色小图片的信封分发给各小组。T:Open the envelopes, please. You have something nice in them. What are they?S:A green ear, a red ball, a blue plane, a yellow c

30、atT:What do you like?S:I likeStep 2导入(1eading in)PPT播放歌曲,师生共同演唱。T:Lets sing the song “Who Is Wearing Yellow Today”.音乐结束后,教师并没有停下来,而是改编歌词继续唱。T:Who is wearing blue today? Blue today? Blue today? Who is wearing blue today?Blue today?Step 3呈现 (presentation)T:Who is wearing blue today?S:You are wearing b

31、lue today.T:Yes, Im wearing blue today. Im wearing a blue sweater now.学生跟读:sweater, sweater, blue sweaterT:I like the blue sweater. If you like it, please say it out loud.PPT展示粉红色毛衣图片T:Do you like the pink sweater?S:Yes, I like the pink sweater(借助学生穿着的服装,引出jacket等新词,展开活动)T:It is too hot. Ill take of

32、f my sweater. Please take off your jacket(伴随动作,一次教授词组:take of, put on, hang up和put away)根据以上所给的教学案例,回答下面问题。教师在复习、导入及呈现环节创设了不同情境,请分别对其创设方法及作用进行分析。答案: 本题解析:本题重在考查词汇教学模式的方法,以及评析教师在语言学习活动中的角色。如呈现词汇可以有 直观手段: 图片,实物,模型,肢体语言 创设语境 结合现有知识:synonym,antonym,hyponymy(上下义),paraphrase(英英释义)巩固词汇 找茬(spot the difference)(语音教学,最小对立体;辨别异同) 描述绘画(describe and draw) 玩游戏(play a game):word bingo;word missing 词汇联想(word association):kangaroo;business。

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