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1、2022年考博英语-武汉理工大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题A generation of e-mailing, followed by an explosion in texting, has pushed the telephone conversation into serious decline, creating new tensions between baby boomers and millennial-those in their teens, 20s and early 30s.Nearly all age groups are spending les

2、s time talking on the phone; boomers in their mid-5Os and early 60s are the only ones still yakking as they did when Ma Bell was Americas communications queen. But the fall of the call is driven by 18-to-34-year-olds, whose average monthly voice minutes have plunged from about 1,200 to 900 in the pa

3、st two years, according to the research by Nielsen. Texting among 18-to-24-year-olds has more than doubled in the same period, from an average of 600 messages a month two years ago to more than 1, 400 texts a month, according to Nielsen.Young people say they avoid voice calls because the immediacy o

4、f a phone call strips them of the control that they have over the arguably less-intimate pleasures of texting, e-mailing, or Face booking. They even complain that phone calls are by their nature impolite, more of an interruption than the blip of an arriving text. The bias, against unexpected phone c

5、alls stems in good part from the way texting and e-mail have conditioned young people to be cautious about how they communicate when they are not face to face, experts, say.Deborah Tannen, a linguistics professor at Georgetown University who studies how people converse in everyday life, said older g

6、enerations misinterpret the way younger people use their cellphones. “One student told me that it takes her days to call her parents back and the parents thought she was intentionally putting them off.” she said. “But the parents didnt get it. Its the medium.”The difference in communications prefere

7、nces has created a palpable perception gap between young adults and their parents. Jane Beard, who coaches business leaders on public speaking, said that when her niece, Lindsay Spencer, 20, “is in classes at the University of Maryland, Ill never hear from her until she comes over to do the laundry.

8、 We text multiple times a day.”But Beard is understanding about the change in ways of conversing. Not all parents are quite that open to new ways. “My mom gets offended,” said Muggaga Kintu, 32, an administrative assistant at Walter Reed Army Medical Center who prefers texting or calling on his own

9、time when hes not around patients. “She thinks I dont want to hear from her, and thats not the case. One day she called me when I was at work, and I told her, Instead of calling me, can you text me? What? You dont like to hear from me? You dont like the sound of my voice? She said.”1. Who drives the

10、 decline of telephone conversation according to the research by Nielsen?2. Why do the young people avoid phone calls?3. What do experts say about young peoples bias against unexpected phone calls?4. According to Deborah Tannen, the older generations should recognize that _.5. What can we conclude ba

11、sed on the experiences of Jane Beard and Muggaga Kintu?A. The less popularity of phone calls should arouse the youngs concern.B. Lives have changed fundamentally due to the change of communication.C. Answering a phone call causes great pressure on the young.D. Perception gap emerges due to different

12、 communication preferences.问题1选项A.Baby boomers.B.Millennials.C.18-to-34-year-olds.D.18-to-24-year-olds.问题2选项A.They feel they are deprived of control.B.They feel not intimate enough to have phone calls.C.They want to make shorter conversations.D.They fall victim to the neglect of phone calls.问题3选项A.I

13、t is because they are afraid that they may be seen as rude or intrusive.B.It roots in the way that e-mails and texts enable them to make more careful responses.C.They tend to make an appointment by texting before they call.D.They become less addicted to face-to-face communication.问题4选项A.their childr

14、en are just too busy to replyB.its the medium that makes differenceC.children complain about the frequent callsD.they are intruding their childrens lives问题5选项A.their children are just too busy to replyB.its the medium that makes differenceC.children complain about the frequent callsD.they are intrud

15、ing their childrens lives【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第二段第三句But the fall of the call is driven by 18-to-34-year-olds, whose average monthly voice minutes have plunged from about 1,200 to 900 in the past two years, according to the research by Nielsen.(尼尔森公司的调查显示,18

16、岁至34岁的年轻人是通话次数减少的主要原因,在过去两年中,他们每月平均通话时间从1200分钟下降到900分钟)。C选项“18到34岁的人群”,文章所说,18-34岁通话的人数减少,因此C选项正确。A选项“婴儿潮出生的一代人”,婴儿不能使用手机通话,因此A选项可排除。B选项“千禧之子”,文章只是说千禧一代的通话减少,但并不是主要原因。D选项“18到24岁的人群”,文章所说,这个时代的人,短信数量激增,因此也可排除D。因此正确答案为C选项。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干我们可以定位到文章第三段第一句Young people say they avoid voice calls

17、because the immediacy of a phone call strips them of the control(年轻人说,他们不喜欢打语音电话,因为电话的即时性使他们失去了控制权)。A选项“他们觉得自己被剥夺了控制权”,符合文章内容,A选项正确。B选项“他们觉得没有亲密到可以打电话”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。C选项“他们想要进行简短的对话”,他们认为打电话是一种打扰,并不是简短的对话,C选项可排除。D选项“他们成了忽视电话的受害者”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。因此正确答案为A选项。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段最后一句The bi

18、as, against unexpected phone calls stems in good part from the way texting and e-mail have conditioned young people to be cautious about how they communicate when they are not face to face, experts, say.(专家表示,这种对“意外来电”的偏见很大程度上源于短信和电子邮件的方式,这种方式使年轻人在非面对面交流时谨慎对待交流方式)。B选项“它的根源在于,电子邮件和短信使他们能够做出更谨慎的回应”,符合

19、文章所说的内容,短信和电子邮件使年轻人有更谨慎的回应,因此B选项正确。A选项“这是因为他们害怕他们可能会被认为是粗鲁或侵犯”,A选项的情节过于严重,文章是说他们认为打电话是一种打扰,A选项可排除。C选项“他们倾向于在打电话之前先发短信预约”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“他们不太喜欢面对面的交流”,这并不是造成他们对打电话的偏见的主要原因,D选项可排除。因此正确答案为B选项。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第四段最后一句One student told me that it takes her days to call her parents back a

20、nd the parents thought she was intentionally putting them off.” she said. “But the parents didnt get it. Its the medium”.(“一个学生告诉我,她花了好几天时间给父母回电话,而父母认为她是故意拖延。”她说。“但家长们并不理解。它是媒介”)。B选项“这是不同的媒介”,父母和孩子对待打电话的观念不一样,孩子认为打电话属于一种媒介,父母却不理解,因此B选项正确。A选项“他们的孩子只是太忙了,没有时间回复”,文章并没有提到此内容,因此可排除A选项。C选项“孩子们抱怨频繁的电话”,文章没

21、有提到孩子抱怨接电话,可排除。D选项“他们正在干涉孩子们的生活”,不符合文章内容,可排除。因此正确答案为B选项。5.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章倒数第二段第一句The difference in communications preferences has created a palpable perception gap between young adults and their parents.(在沟通偏好上的差异已经在年轻人和他们的父母之间造成了一个明显的认知鸿沟)最后一段最后一句One day she called me when I was at wo

22、rk, and I told her, Instead of calling me, can you text me? What? You dont like to hear from me? You dont like the sound of my voice? She said.”( 有一天她在我工作的时候给我打电话,我告诉她,“你能不能别给我打电话,发个短信给我?”“什么?你不喜欢我的消息吗?你不喜欢我的声音吗?”她说)。可推测年轻人与父母沟通方式上产生着差异。D选项“由于沟通偏好的不同,产生了感知差距”,符合文章内容,D选项正确。A选项“电话越来越少应该引起年轻人的关注”,从这两位的

23、话语,并不能体现这个内容,可排除A。B选项“通讯方式的改变从根本上改变了人们的生活”,文中只是说父母和年轻人的通讯方式不一样,并没有从根本上发生改变。B选项可排除。C选项“接电话对年轻人造成很大的压力”,年轻人只是不喜欢接电话,并不是说接电话会让他们产生较大的压力。因此正确答案为D选项。2. 翻译题巩固和加强同广大发展中国家的团结与合作,始终是中国外交的基本立足点,也是中国全方位对外合作的重要组成部分。历史证明,只要我们从长远考虑,妥善处理彼此的分歧,我们就能在国际经济、贸易、金融、环境等重大问题上发出一致声音,提高我们的影响力,维护我们的共同利益。近年来,中国对与其他发展中国家合作的投入不断

24、增加,合作的形式日益丰富。虽然中国本身受到金融危机的严峻影响,中国仍将在力所能及的范围内继续向其他发展中国家提供援助。中国领导人相继提出了同发展中国家加强合作、实现共同发展的重大举措。作为人口众多的发展中国家,中国面临加快自身发展的问题。中国将始终不渝地奉行互利共赢的开放战略,与广大发展中国家一道,为推动建设一个更加和谐、繁荣的世界做出贡献。【答案】To consolidate and strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries, is always the fundamental standpoi

25、nt of Chinas diplomacy, is also a comprehensive international cooperation is an important part of China. History proves that as long as we think about the longer term, properly handle their differences, we can in the international economic and trade on such major issues consistent sound financial en

26、vironment, improve our influence, our common interests. In recent years, Chinas investment in cooperation with other developing countries continue to increase, in the form of cooperation is becoming more and more rich. Although China itself is affected by the serious financial crisis, China will sti

27、ll be within the scope of the power to continue to provide assistance to other developing countries. Chinas leaders have been put forward to strengthen cooperation with developing countries a major measure for achieving common development. As a populous developing country, China is faced with the pr

28、oblem of accelerating the development of their own. China will unswervingly pursue the win-win strategy of opening up, along with developing countries, to promote the construction of a more harmonious and prosperous world.3. 翻译题中国人讲究“义利相兼,以义为先”。中非关系最大的“义”,就是用中国发展助力非洲的发展、最终实现互利共赢、共同发展。中方支持非洲人以非洲方式解决非

29、洲问题,主张解决安全问题要标本兼治、综合施策。在工业、基础设施建设、投资和贸易便利化等领域,中非合作将为双方企业投资和贸易提供更多机会,从而提高非洲产业竞争力,弥补非洲基础设施缺口。在现代农业、绿色发展、减贫惠民等方面的合作,将促进中非企业分享先进技术和建立可持续发展模式,增强自主发展能力,提高公共治理水平。【答案】Chinese people pay attention to the phase of righteousness and concurrently to righteousness first. China-Africa relations the righteousness

30、of the biggest boost Africas development is to use Chinas development, Ultimately achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. The common development of Chinas support of the African people in Africa way solve the problem of Africa, argues that to solve security problems to treat both comprehensive S

31、hiCe. In the industrial areas such as infrastructure construction investment and trade facilitation, china-Africa cooperation will provide more opportunities for both business investment and trade, to improve industrial competitiveness, Africa gaps African infrastructure Green development in modern

32、agricultureCooperation in poverty reduction and peoples well-being will encourage Chinese and African companies to share advanced technologies, establish sustainable development models, enhance their capacity for independent development and improve public governance.4. 单选题Marc Hooper, not long promo

33、ted to CEO of confectionery giant Spartan Ketley(SK), is very different from his predecessors. He is a corporate lawyer by training, and his background has clearly shaped his management style. He was taught that no work should go unchecked and that no statement can go out without everything being fu

34、lly defined. ”The legal world teaches you to think in a synthetic way, to take contrasting ideas and thread them together to form a strategy Hooper, with little marketing experience, was not at the top of market observers lists for the job. But here he is, just over a year into the role and seemingl

35、y on top of things.Educated at Harvard University, Hooper started his career with well-known New York consultants Cox & Leight(C&L), and became a specialist in mergers and acquisitions. It was a tremendous training ground and I could have stayed in mergers and acquisitions I found the work interesti

36、ng. But another opportunity presented itself: SK offered him a job as general advisor. Hooper knew SK well because C&L was its main New York consultancy firm and Hooper looked after its account.Hooper liked SK and when they came calling, several factors weighed on his mind. “I admired SK and thought

37、 it would be a great place to work. C&L had told me I was only five years through a ten-year journey to become a partner. Also, for three years in a row my pay at C&L had stayed the same. Finally, I was working very long hours in a large, impersonal office and it seemed like an intelligent lifestyle

38、 decision to take a job with a different company.Hooper became established at SK, and soon felt ready for a higher position, but was told that no one could get on at SK unless they had been in sales and marketing. I had to make a move, “says Hooper.” I took a risk; I became head of marketing in Euro

39、pe. In fact, this was a sideways move-not for more money but to add to his knowledge and to further his career. The first challenge was that he found himself in charge of 25 bright young marketing people. “I had to work hard to keep up,” he admits.Throughout, he has remained focused, his eye always

40、on the main prize. His elevation to CEO, he says, is proof of SKS inclusiveness. “We are always open to people with fresh ideas, as CEO I support anyone who is willing to take a chance and who wants to stretch themselves. If you are keen to develop and prove you can succeed, this company will provid

41、e the challenge you need.” And in line with this philosophy, Hooper is not an autocratic leader his style is to consult, to seek advice, then to act.1. The choice of Mare Hooper as Spartan Ketleys CEO was surprising because _.2. What does Hooper say about his first job?3. One of the reasons for Hoop

42、er leaving Cox and Leight was _.4. After some time at Spartan Ketley, Hooper changed departments because _.5. Hooper says that his policy as CEO is to _.问题1选项A.he knew more about law than marketingB.he had little experience of strategic planningC.he had been with the company for a short timeD.he int

43、ended to take the company in a different direction问题2选项A.He regarded the job as a means to a more interesting careerB.He gained useful skills while he was with the company.C.He found that his education prepared him well for the job.D.He enjoyed working for such a prestigious company.问题3选项A.he had no

44、 chance of becoming a partnerB.he was not happy with the working conditionsC.he wanted to move to a workplace in a different area.D.he felt it was important to change jobs every few years问题4选项A.he did not find his current job financially rewarding enoughB.he wanted to have experience of working in E

45、uropeC.it was an opportunity to work with young peopleD.it improved his chances of promotion问题5选项A.develop a sense of competition within his workforceB.train people to become proficient in a wide range of skillsC.hire staff who are not afraid to make important decisionsD.encourage employees to be in

46、novative in their approach to work【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第一段The legal world teaches you to think in a synthetic way, to take contrasting ideas and thread them together to form a strategy Hooper, with little marketing experience, was not at the top of market o

47、bservers lists for the job.(法律世界教会你以一种综合的方式思考,将不同的观点结合在一起,形成一个战略Hooper,因为几乎没有营销经验,所以不是市场观察人士对该工作的首选。)A选项“他的法律知识比市场营销知识多”,文章第一段提到,他是一位企业律师,并且没有营销策略,因此A选项正确。B选项“他几乎没有战略规划的经验”,文章只是说他没有营销策略,因此B选项可排除。C选项“他在公司待了一段时间”,这并不能成为马瑞胡珀担任首席执行官令人惊讶的原因,可排除C选项。D选项“他打算使公司朝着不同的方向发展”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除D选项。因此A选项为正确答案。2.【试题答案

48、】A【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段中第四句It was a tremendous training ground and I could have stayed in mergers and acquisitions I found the work interesting.(那是一个巨大的训练场地,我本可以继续从事并购工作,我发现那份工作很有趣。)选项A“他把这份工作看作是通向更有趣的事业一种手段”,符合文章内容,他认为这份工作很有趣,A选项正确。选项B“他在公司期间获得了有用的技能”,文章并没有提到此内容,可排除。C选项“他发现他所受的教育使他能胜任这项工作”,文章并没

49、有提到此内容,可排除。D选项“他很喜欢在如此著名的公司工作”,文章没有提到这个内容,都可排除。因此A选项为正确答案。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文第三段第三句 C&L had told me I was only five years through a ten-year journey to become a partner.(C&L曾告诉我,我要经过10年的努力才能成为合伙人。)因此可推测,Hooper所在公司的晋升条件过高。B选项“他对工作条件不满意”,符合题意,B选项正确。A选项“他没有机会成为合伙人”,这里说他十年努力能够成为合伙人,因此A选项排除。C

50、选项“他想搬到一个不同地区的工作场所”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“他觉得每隔几年换一份工作很重要”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。因此B选项为正确答案。4.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到倒数第二段第五句In fact, this was a sideways move-not for more money but to add to his knowledge and to further his career.(事实上,这是一种横向移动不是为了更多的钱,而是为了增加他的知识和进一步发展他的事业),由此可推测,他是为了一个好的事业,才选择换部门。D选项“这增加

51、了他晋升的机会”,符合文章内容,D选项正确。A选项“他觉得目前的工作在经济上的回报不够”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。B选项“他想有在欧洲工作的经验”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。C选项“这是一个和年轻人一起工作的机会”,文章只是说他要努力工作才能赶上年轻人,可排除C选项。因此D选项为正确答案。5.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段第四句as CEO I support anyone who is willing to take a chance and who wants to stretch themselves.(作为首席执行官,我支持任何愿意碰碰运气

52、、想拓展自己的人。因此可推测Hooper作为首席执行官,会鼓励员工拓展自己,革新自己。)D选项“鼓励员工在工作方式上创新”,符合文章内容,D选项正确。A选项“在员工中培养竞争意识”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。B选项“培训人们,使他们精通各种技能”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。C选项“雇佣那些敢于做出重要决定的员工”,文章所说“如果你渴望发展并证明你能成功,本公司将提供你所需要的挑战”,因此C选项不符合句意,可排除。因此D选项为正确答案。5. 单选题First the good news: 9 in 10 people said they were satisfied with their

53、jobs or work that they do-and that remained steady throughout 2008, despite the economy. And now the bad, even if its not so surprising: The number of people who said their employer reduced the size of the workforce rose dramatically during the year, from 15% in the first quarter to 23% in the fourt

54、h quarter.Thats according to a survey from Gallup and health management company Healthways. Nearly each day in 2008, about 1,000 adults were asked about their physical, emotional, economic and workplace well-being. When it came to their work environment, many of the 355,334 people surveyed by phone

55、were positive. But there were some labor pains.Just 47% of respondents from Hawaii said they were satisfied with their jobs, used their strengths at work, were treated by a supervisor as a partner and worked in an “open, trusting environment”. That was the lowest score of any state on a work environ

56、ment index that was compiled by calculating positive responses in those four areas. Utah nabbed top honors, with 59% of its respondents saying those four elements were prevalent in work lives. Among the biggest differences between Utah and Hawaii: 73% of Utah respondents said their supervisor create

57、d a trusting environment, while only 58% of folks in Hawaii felt that way. The national average was 65%. The GallupHealthways AHIP Congressional Report didnt offer any insights into why Utah ruled and Hawaii ranked so poorly on the workplace front.Hawaiis residents took the No.1 slot in another two

58、survey areas, emotional health and living conditions. “Maybe having a job while youre in paradise may not be all that great,” says Jim Harter, a chief scientist of workplace and well-being at Gallup.Utah has done well in separate workplace studies, as well. After considering factors such as unemploy

59、ment rate, job growth, income growth, median household income and the cost of living, Moodys E named its capital, Salt Lake City, the best U.S. city to work in for 2007 and 2008. But those glory days have faded, says Gus Faucher, Moodys E director of macroeconomics. Utahs housing boom turned into a

60、bust later than most states. The national recession began in December 2007, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. Salt Lake Citys recession began in November 2008, according to Moodys E.From a non-economic angle, Faucher says he can see why Utah would earn strong marks on the work f

61、ront. “The state is really Mormon, so there is a sense of solidarity” among many employees, he says. “People feel very connected to each other.” Also, with its high birth rate, Utah has a robust population of younger employees who often add enthusiasm to the workplace, Faucher says. Thats the case a

62、t the Wasatch Music Coaching Academy in Salt Lake City, school owner David Murphy says. Most instructors are between 22 and 35 years old and are extremely passionate and excited about teaching students, he says. Murphy, 52, who says he has a “dream” job, takes a collaborative approach in managing al

63、l staffers, “I see myself working side by side with my staff, not over my staff.”1. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?2. From Paragraph 4, we can infer all of the following EXCEPT that _.3. The author mentions several factors that will affect the happiness of people EXCEPT: _.4. Which

64、of the following is correct according to the passage?5. Why could Utah earn strong marks on the work front?问题1选项A.The economy of 2008 was still steady.B.More people had to change their jobs.C.From Jan. to Apr., about 54,000 people lost their jobs.D.Most of the people surveyed felt hopeless.问题2选项A.Hawaiis residents may feel more relaxedB.the word “paradise” may refer to HawaiiC.people may prefer living in Hawaii to working thereD.Jim Harter may be a scientist in Hawaii

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