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1、2022年考博英语-外交学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and energetic.问题1选项A.tractableB.texturedC.adeptD.shriveled【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项tractable“易于管教的;易驾驭的;易处理的;驯良的”;B选项textured“起纹理的;质地不平的;(艺术、文学、音乐等)有神韵的”;C选项adept“熟练的;擅长的”;D选项shriveled“枯萎的”。句意:敬老院里那位干瘪的老

2、人依然精神抖擞。wizened“干瘪的;枯萎的;消瘦的”。D选项与该词意思最相近,因此D选项正确。2. 单选题The Republican landslide in the 2010 mid-terms swept a new breed of conservative zealot into office, destroying the middle ground and making legislating next to impossible.问题1选项A.sensationB.teeteringC.fanaticD.prod【答案】C【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项sensation“

3、感觉,轰动,感动”;B选项teeter“跷跷板,摇摆不定”;C选项fanatic“狂热入迷者,狂热分子,盲信者”;D选项prod“戳,捅,刺戳的工具,刺激,提醒”。句意:共和党在2010年中期选举中取得压倒性胜利,将一批新一代的保守狂热分子推上了白宫,摧毁了中间立场,使得立法几乎不可能。Zealot“狂热者,犹太教狂热信徒”,C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。3. 单选题The biggest problem facing Chile as it promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that i

4、t is at the end of the earth. It is too far south to be a convenient stop on the way to anywhere else and is much farther than a relatively cheap half-days flight away from the big tourist markets, unlike Mexico, for example.Chile, therefore, is having to fight hard to attract tourists, to convince

5、travelers that it is worth coining halfway round the world to visit. But it is succeeding, not only in existing markets like the USA and Western. Europe but in new territories, in particular the Far East. Markets closer to home, however, are not being forgotten. More than 50% of visitors to Chile st

6、ill come from its nearest neighbor, Argentina, where the cost of living is much higher.Like all South American countries, Chile sees tourism as a valuable earner of foreign currency, although it has been far more serious than most in promoting its image abroad. Relatively stable politic ally within

7、the region, it has benefited from the problems suffered in other areas. In Peru, guerrilla warfare in recent years has dealt a heavy blow to the tourist industry and fear of street crime in Brazil has reduced the attraction of Rio de Janeiro as a dream destination for foreigners.More than 150,000 pe

8、ople are directly involved in Chiles tourist sector, an industry which earns the country more than US$950 million each year The state-run National Tourism Service, in partnership with a number of private companies, is currently running a world-wide campaign, taking part in trade fairs, and internati

9、onal events to attract visitors to Chile.Chiles great strength as a tourist destination is its geographical diversity. From the parched Atacama Desert in the north to the Antarctic snowfields of the south, it is more than 5,000km long. With the Pacific on one side and the Andean mountains on the oth

10、er, Chile boasts natural attractions. Its beaches are not up to Caribbean standards but resorts such as Vina del Mar are generally clean and unspoilt and have a high standard of services.But the trump card is the Andes mountain range. There are a number of excellent ski resorts within one hours driv

11、e of the capital, Santiago, and the national parks in the south are home to rare animal and plant species. The parks already attract specialist visitors, including mountaineers, who come to climb the technically difficult peaks, and fishermen, lured by the salmon and trout in the regions rivers.Howe

12、ver, infrastructural development in these areas is limited. The ski resorts do not have as many lifts as their European counterparts and the poor quality of roads in the south means that only the most determined travelers see the best of the national parks.Air links between Chile and the rest of the

13、 world are, at present, relatively poor. While Chiles two largest airlines have extensive networks within South America, they operate only a small number of routes to the United States and Europe, while services to Asia are almost non-existent. Internal transport links are being improved and luxury

14、hotels are being built in one of its national parks. Nor is development being restricted to the Andes. Easter Island and Chiles Antarctic Territory are also on the list of areas where the Government believes it can create tourist markets.But the rush to open hitherto inaccessible areas to mass touri

15、sm is not being welcomed by everyone. Indigenous and environmental groups, including Greenpeace, say that many parts of the Andes will suffer if they become over-developed. There is a genuine fear that areas of Chile will suffer the cultural destruction witnessed in Mexico and European resorts.The p

16、olicy of opening up Antarctica to tourism is also politically sensitive. Chile already has permanent settlements on the ice and many people see the decision to allow tourists there as a political move, enhancing Santiagos territorial claim over part of Antarctica.The Chilean Government has promised

17、to respect the environment as it seeks to bring tourism to these areas. But there are immense commercial pressures to exploit the countrys tourism potential. The Government will have to monitor developments closely if it is genuinely concerned in creating a balanced, controlled industry and if the p

18、rice of an increasingly lucrative tourist market is not going to mean the loss of many of Chiles natural riches.1. Chile is disadvantaged in the promotion of its tourism by( ).2. Many of Chiles tourists used to come from EXCEPT( ).3. According to the author, Chiles greatest attraction is( ).4. Accor

19、ding to the passage, in which area improvement is already under way?5. The objection to the development of Chiles tourism might be all EXCEPT that it( ).问题1选项A.geographical locationB.guerrilla warfareC.political instabilityD.street crime问题2选项A.U.S .AB.the Far EastC.Western EuropeD.her neighbors问题3选项

20、A.the unspoilt beachesB.the dry and hot desertC.the famous mountain rangeD.the high standard of services问题4选项A.Facilities in the ski resorts.B.Domestic transport system.C.Air services to Asia.D.Road network in the south.问题5选项A.is politically sensitiveB.is ambitious and unrealisticC.will bring harm t

21、o cultureD.will cause pollution in the area【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.判断推理题。由题干可定位到文章第一段“The biggest problem facing Chile as it promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at the end of the earth.(智利把自己标榜为一个旅游目的地所面临的最大问题就是它处于地球的尽头。)”,再根据下文说到智利不像墨西哥那样处于交通停留点,由此

22、便可推断出智利所处的地理位置不好。A选项“地理位置”正确;B选项“游击战争”是秘鲁所面临的问题;C选项“政治不稳定”文章未提到;D选项“街头犯罪”是巴西所面临的问题,因此A选项正确。2.判断推理题。根据题意可定位到文章第二段“But it is succeeding, not only in existing markets like the USA and Western. Europe but in new territories, in particular the Far East. Markets closer to home, however, are not being forg

23、otten. More than 50% of visitors to Chile still come from its nearest neighbor, Argentina, where the cost of living is much higher.(但它成功了,不仅在美国和西方国家这样的现有市场。但在新的地区,尤其是远东。然而,国内市场并没有被遗忘。到智利旅游的游客中,仍有超过50%来自最近的邻国阿根廷,那里的生活成本要高得多。)”。A选项“美国”;B选项“远东”和C选项“西欧”文中都有提到,D选项“她的邻居们”看似是正确的,但文中只提到了她的阿根廷邻居,并且所占比例就超过了50

24、%,并没有提到她的邻居们,因此D选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第六段第一句话“But the trump card is the Andes mountain range.(但王牌是安第斯山脉。)”,由此可知智利最有吸引力的地方还是安第斯山脉。A选项“未受破坏的海滩”;B选项“干热的沙漠”;C选项“著名的山脉”;D选项“高标准的服务”。因此C选项正确。4.细节事实题。本题可用排除法。A选项“滑雪胜地的设施”和B选项“国内运输系统”,文章第七段提到“The ski resorts do not have as many lifts as their European counte

25、rparts and the poor quality of roads in the south means that only the most determined travelers see the best of the national parks.(滑雪胜地没有欧洲同行那么多的电梯,而南部糟糕的道路意味着只有最坚定的游客才能看到最好的国家公园。)”,由此可知滑雪胜地设施不完善,交通运输也不发达,故排除A、B选项;C选项“飞往亚洲的航空服务”,文章第八段提到“while services to Asia are almost non-existent.(而飞往亚洲的航线几乎不存在。

26、)”,故排除C选项,因此D选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章9、10、11段,A选项“政治敏感”;B选项“雄心勃勃,不切实际”;C选项“会给文化带来危害”;D选项“将在该地区造成污染”。其中A、C、D选项都有提到,只有B选项没被提及,因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Lying( ) far back in the mountains, the coal had to be hauled from a deep valley.问题1选项A.as it isB.as it didC.was isD.did it【答案】B【解析】考查强调句用法。“过去分词+as it is(was)”“现在

27、分词+as it does (did)”是一种强调语气的表示原因的结构。由于lying为lie的现在分词,故用“现在分词+as it does (did)”这个句型,此句相当于:As it lay far back in the mountains.句意:由于煤矿位于深山深处,所以必须从深谷里运来。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题Have you ever received( )of what has happened to her?问题1选项A.the wordB.wordsC.wordD.the words【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项the word“这个词;某个特定的词或话”;B选

28、项words“歌词,台词,谈话,言语”;C选项word“消息,音信,谣言,传说”;D选项the words“特指某些单词”。句意:她发生了什么事情,你得到她的消息了吗?因此C选项正确。6. 单选题Even by tightening the purse strings and cutting( )spending other than( )necessities, the average Beijing resident would still need at least 25 years to buy an apartment, the latest report shows.问题1选项A.

29、out, onB.off, onC.out, forD.down, for【答案】D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。cut out“删去,割掉,裁剪”;cut off“截止,中断供应,使死亡”;cut down“削减,缩短,砍倒”。句意:最新的一份报告显示,即便是精打细算,减少生活必需品以外的支出,北京居民平均仍需要至少25年的时间才能买到一套房子。因此D选项正确。7. 单选题The argument was simultaneously a policy debate and an extended exegesis of a crucial phrase in a 1986 federal la

30、w that regulates the hiring procedures.问题1选项A.exportationB.expulsionC.explicationD.expiation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项exportation“出口;输出;出口货”;B选项expulsion“逐出;开除;除籍”;C选项explication“说明;阐明;展开”;D选项expiation“补偿;赎罪;抵罪”。句意:这场争论同时是一场政策辩论,也是对1986年一项管理招聘程序的联邦法律中一个关键短语的延伸注释。exegesis“注释,解释”,C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。8. 单选题Pr

31、ice touched something near( )bottom this year.问题1选项A.capB.waterC.rockD.pot【答案】C【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项cap“盖;帽子;脱帽致意;覆盖;胜过;给戴帽;加盖于”;B选项water“水;海水;雨水;海域,大片的水”;C选项rock“岩石;摇滚乐;暗礁;摇晃”;D选项pot“壶;盆;罐;把装罐;射击;节略”。根据固定搭配rock bottom“最低点;受挫”可知该题选rock。句意:这一年物价接近低谷。因此C选项正确。9. 单选题Would such a deal fly? One source close to

32、 House Republicans tells me: “I think theyd take it; theyre holding no cards at the momentThe capping of deductions would be very magnanimous and a good way to lay the groundwork for negotiating real tax reform.”问题1选项A.magnificentB.benevolentC.prodigiousD.favoring【答案】B【解析】考查同义形容词辨析。A选项magnificent“高尚

33、的,壮丽的,华丽的,宏伟的”;B选项benevolent“仁慈的,慈善的,亲切的”;C选项prodigious“惊人的,异常的,奇妙的,巨大的”;D选项favoring“有帮助的”。句意:这样的交易会成功吗?一位亲近众议院共和党人的消息人士告诉我:“我认为他们会接受”,他说:“他们现在手头没有任何筹码对税收减免设定上限将是非常宽宏大量的,这是为谈判真正的税收改革奠定基础的好办法。”Magnanimous“宽宏大量的,有雅量的,宽大的”,B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。10. 单选题A joint communique, signed on August 17, 1982, arrest

34、ed the precipitous deterioration of the relations between Washington and Beijing but as always seemed to promise more than would be delivered.问题1选项A.propitiousB.precipitantC.propensitiousD.frivolous【答案】B【解析】考查近义形容词辨析。A选项propitious“适合的;吉利的;顺利的”;B选项precipitant“急促的;匆忙的;突如其来的;轻率的”;C选项propensitious不存在;D选

35、项frivolous“无聊的;轻佻的;琐碎的”。句意:1982年8月17日签署的一份联合公报制止了华盛顿和北京之间关系的急剧恶化,但一如既往地似乎承诺了更多的东西。precipitous“险峻的;急躁的,鲁莽的”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。11. 单选题Nakheel, a property developer owned by Dubai World, met creditors as part of its attempts to renegotiate $10.5 billion in bank debt. Dubai World spooked markets in No

36、vember after announcing a standstill on debt repayments.问题1选项A.intimidatedB.assailedC.exudeD.imbibed【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项intimidated“威胁,恐吓,胁迫”;B选项assail“攻击;质问;着手解决”;C选项exude“散发;流出;使渗出”;D选项imbibe“吸收,接受;喝;吸入”。句意:迪拜世界(Dubai World)旗下的房地产开发商棕榈岛集团(Nakheel)与债权人会面,试图就105亿美元的银行债务进行重新谈判。迪拜世界(Dubai World)去年11月宣布

37、暂停偿债后,令市场恐慌。spook“吓;惊吓;受惊;鬼怪般的出没”,A选项与该词意思最相近,因此A选项正确。12. 单选题Carutherss latest literary criticism( )her reputation for trenchant commentary; despite its intriguing title and the fulsome praise on its dust jacket, it is nothing more than a collection of( ).问题1选项A.reinforces, pronouncementsB.advances,

38、 aphorismsC.belies, platitudesD.undermines, judgments【答案】C【解析】考查动词和名词辨析。A选项reinforces, pronouncements“加强,加固;强化;补充”,“声明;宣告;公告;判决”;B选项advances, aphorisms“提出;预付;使前进;将提前;前进;进展;上涨”,“格言;警句”;C选项belies, platitudes“掩饰;与不符;使失望;证明虚假错误”,“陈词滥调;平凡;陈腐”;D选项undermines, judgments“破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基”,“判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力”。句意:卡拉瑟斯

39、最新的文学批评掩盖了她犀利评论的名声;尽管书名引人入胜,书皮上也有溢美之词,但这本书不过是陈词滥调的集合。因此C选项正确。13. 单选题There is likely to be tension between landlord and tenant, between large landowners and impecunious peasants.问题1选项A.pettyB.modicumC.impoverishedD.frolicsome【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项petty“琐碎的;小气的;小规模的”;B选项modicum“(n.)少量,一点点”;C选项impoverish

40、ed“穷困的;用尽了的,无创造性的”;D选项frolicsome“嬉戏的,爱闹着玩的”。句意:地主和佃户之间、大地主和贫穷的农民之间可能会出现紧张关系。impecunious“没有钱的;贫穷的”。C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。14. 单选题It only took a few seconds for her to size( )the situation.问题1选项A.overB.upC.onD.to【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。根据题干可知考查size up“打量;估计的大小;判断”,其他的选项都没有这种搭配。句意:她只花了几秒钟审时度势。因此B选项正确。15. 单选题We

41、are making little( )in pollution control.问题1选项A.headwayB.sidewayC.edgewaysD.leeway【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项headway“前进;进步;航行速度;间隔时间”;B选项sideway“人行道;小巷”;C选项edgeways“侧着;边对边地;在边上的”;D选项leeway“退路;留有余地;风压差;余地”。根据固定搭配make little headway“前进的步伐很小;没什么进展”可知该题选headway。句意:我们在控制污染方面成绩甚微。因此A选项正确。16. 单选题After the Democr

42、atic shellacking in the midterm election, everyone wondered how President Obama would respond.问题1选项A.fanfareB.fiascoC.facadeD.fantasy【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项fanfare“(仪式上庆祝或欢迎重要人物到场时)号角齐鸣,嘹亮短曲;大张旗鼓宣扬,热议”;B选项fiasco“惨败;大惨败;泥鸽靶”;C选项facade“正面;表面;外观”;D选项fantasy“幻想;白日梦;幻觉”。句意:民主党在中期选举中落败后,每个人都想知道奥巴马总统会作何反应。shel

43、lacking“殴打;彻底击败”,B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。17. 单选题It is fashionable in the sixties but definitely passe in the eighties.问题1选项A.clivoseB.demodeC.abrimD.xenial【答案】B【解析】考查近义形容词辨析。A选项clivose“小山的,丘陵的”;B选项demode“陈旧的;老式的”;C选项abrim“充满着的”;D选项xenial“主客关系的;款待的”。句意:那在六十年代是时髦的,但在八十年代肯定是过时了。passe“已过盛年的;过时的;凋谢的”,B选项与该词词

44、意最相近,因此B选项正确。18. 单选题Barack Obama revs up on the environment by letting states set car-emissions standards.问题1选项A.lands upB.botches upC.starts upD.sharks up【答案】C【解析】考查近义短语辨析。A选项land up“到达终点;最终成为;使淤塞”;B选项botch up“搞坏;弄糟”;C选项start up“开始;发动;突然站起;突然出现”;D选项shark up“敲诈”。句意:巴拉克奥巴马(Barack Obama)通过让各州设定汽车排放标准来

45、加速环境保护。rev up“使更活跃;使快转;加速”。与该词组意思最接近的是C选项,因此C选项正确。19. 单选题Several guests were waiting in the( )for the front door to open.问题1选项A.porchB.ventC.inletD.entry【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项porch“(沿外墙建筑、常带顶的)门廊,走廊”;B选项vent“(气体、液体的)进出口,通风口,排放口”;C选项inlet“(河道、水湾)入口,进口”;D选项entry“进入,入口”。句意:有几位客人在入口处等着开门。因此D选项正确。20. 单选题How

46、 many really suffer as a result of labor market problems? This is one of the most critical yet contentious social policy questions. In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hardship. Unemployment does not have the same dire consequences today as it did in the 1930s when most of t

47、he unemployed were primary breadwinners, when income and earnings were usually much closer to the margin of subsistence, and when there were no countervailing social programs for those failing in the labor market. Increasing affluence, the rise of families with more than one wage earner, the growing

48、 predominance of secondary earners among the unemployed, and improved social welfare protection have unquestionably mitigated the consequences of joblessness. Earnings and income data also overstate the dimensions of hardship. Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage leve

49、l, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families. Most of those counted by the poverty statistics are elderly or handicapped or have family responsibilities which keep them out of the labor force, so the poverty statistics are by no means an accurate indicator of l

50、abor market pathologies.Yet there are also many ways our social statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-related hardship. The unemployment counts exclude the millions of fully employed workers whose wages are so low that their families remain in poverty. Low wages and repeated or prolong

51、ed unemployment frequently interact to undermine the capacity for self-support. Since the number experiencing joblessness at some time during the year is several times the number unemployed in any month, those who suffer as a result of forced idleness can equal or exceed average annual unemployment,

52、 even though only a minority of the jobless in any month really suffer. For every person counted in the monthly unemployment tallies, there is another working part-time because of the inability to find full-time work or else outside the labor force but wanting a job. Finally, income transfers in our

53、 country have always focused on the elderly, disabled, and dependent, neglecting the needs of the working poor, so that the dramatic expansion of cash and in-kind transfers does not necessarily mean that those failing in the labor market are adequately protected.As a result of such contradictory evi

54、dence, it is uncertain whether those suffering seriously as a result of labor market problems number in the hundreds of thousands or the tens of millions, and, hence, whether high levels of joblessness can be tolerated or must be countered by job creation and economic stimulus. There is only one are

55、a of agreement in this debatethat the existing poverty, employment, and earnings statistics are inadequate for their primary applications, measuring the consequences of labor market problems.1. Which of the following is the principal topic of the passage?2. The author contrasts the 1930s with the pr

56、esent in order to show that( ).3. Which of the following proposals best responds to the issues raised by the author?4. According to the passage, one factor that causes unemployment and earnings figures to over-predict the amount of economic hardship is the( ).5. Which of the following, if true, is t

57、he best criticism of the authors argument concerning why poverty statistics cannot properly be used to show the effects of problems in the labor market?问题1选项A.What causes labor market pathologies that result in suffering.B.Why income measures are imprecise in measuring degrees of poverty.C.How socia

58、l statistics give an unclear picture/of the degree of hardship caused by low wages and insufficient employment opportunities.D.Which of the currently used statistical procedures are the best for estimating the incidence of hardship that is due to unemployment.问题2选项A.unemployment now has less severe

59、effectsB.more people were unemployed in the 1930sC.poverty has increased since the 1930sD.social programs are more needed now问题3选项A.New statistical indices should be developed to measure the degree to which unemployment and inadequately paid employment cause suffering.B.Consideration should be given

60、 to the ways in which statistics can act as partial causes of the phenomena that they purport to measure.C.The labor force should be restructured so that it corresponds to the range of job vacancies.D.Innovative programs using multiple approaches should be set up to reduce the level of unemployment.

61、问题4选项A.recurrence of periods of unemployment for a group of low-wage workersB.possibility that earnings may be received from more than one job per workerC.fact that unemployment counts do not include those who work for low wages and remain poorD.establishment of a system of record-keeping that makes

62、 it possible to compile poverty statistics问题5选项A.A short-term increase in the number of those in poverty can indicate a shortage of jobs because the basic number of those unable to accept employment remains approximately constant.B.For those who are in poverty as a result of joblessness, there are social programs available that provide a minimum standard of living.C.Poverty statistics do not consistently agree with earnings statistics, when each is taken as a measure of hardship resulting from unemployment.D.The elderly and

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