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1、2022年考博英语-中国海洋大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature( ).问题1选项A.takeB.takingC.to takeD.taken【答案】D【解析】句意:打扰一下,该量体温了。语法题。考查宾语补足语。题干考查 “使役动词have+宾语your temperature +宾语补足语”结构,此处的宾语temperature和宾语补足语take之间是被动关系,故使用过去分词taken。2. 单选题There is no point ( )the game, unless y

2、ou practice every day.问题1选项A.to learn to playB.by learning to playC.in learning to playD.having learned to play【答案】C【解析】句意:除非你天天练习,不然学玩游戏是没有意义的。考查固定搭配。There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没意义。3. 单选题While some business executives repeated their objections to the new smoking restrictions, others said th

3、ey wanted more time to ( )the impact of todays decision.问题1选项A.attestB.obtainC.affectD.weigh【答案】D【解析】句意:一些企业经管人员对新的吸烟限制条件表示反对,另外一部分人表示需要更多的时间去权衡如今决定的影响。考查动词辨析。Attest证明,证实; obtain获得; affect影响,感染,感动; weigh权衡,考虑,称重量。故D符合句意。4. 单选题The new principal hopes to ( )a number of changes to the courses of study.

4、问题1选项A.affectB.effectC.reactD.influence【答案】B【解析】句意:这位新校长希望对学习课程进行一些改变。考查动词辨析。Affect影响,感染; effect使发生,实现,引起; react起反应,(对)作出反应,回应; influence影响,对起作用,支配。故B符合句意。5. 单选题Successful innovations have driven many older technologies to extinction and have resulted in higher productivity, greater consumption mate

5、rials through the economy and increased quantities of metals and other substances in use per capita. The history of industrial development abounds with examples.In 1870, horses and mules were the prime source of power on US farms. One horse or mule was required to support four human beings a ration

6、that remained almost constant for many decades. At that time, had a national commission been asked to forecast the horse and mule population for 1970, its answer probably would have depended on whether its consultants were of an economic or technological turn of mind. Had they been “economists”, the

7、y would probably have projected the 1970 horse or mule population to be more than 50 million. Had they been “technologists”,they would have recognized that the power of steam had already been harnessed to industry and to land and ocean transport. They would have recognized further that it would be o

8、nly a matter of time before steam would be the prime source of power on the farm. It would have been difficult for them to avoid the conclusion that the horse and mule population would decline rapidly.1.According to the passage, what supplied most of the power on U.S. farms in 1870?2.Which of the fo

9、llowing is NOT mentioned by the author as a consequence of new technological developments?3.It can be inferred from the passage that by 1870( ).4.In the second paragraph, the author suggests that “economists” would( ).5.What is the authors attitude toward changes brought on by technological innovati

10、on?问题1选项A.AnimalsB.HumansC.EnginesD.Water问题2选项A.Older technologies die away.B.The quality of life is improved.C.Overall productivity increasedD.More raw materials become necessary问题3选项A.technology began to be more commercialB.the steam engine had been inventedC.the U.S. horse population was about 10

11、 millionD.a national commission on agriculture had been established问题4选项A.plan the economy through yearly forecastsB.fail to consider the influence of technological innovationC.value the economic contribution of farm animalsD.consult for the national commission on the economy问题5选项A.He is excited abo

12、ut themB.He accepts them as naturalC.He is disturbed by themD.He questions their usefulness【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。第二段指出: In 1870, horses and mules were the prime source of power on US farms (在1870年,马和骡子是美国农场的主要劳动力),由此可知A项“动物”正确。2.细节事实题。题干问的是:下列哪项不属于作者所述技术革新的结果?第一段指出: Successful inn

13、ovations have driven many older technologies to extinction and have resulted in higher productivity, greater consumption materials through the economy (成功的新发明让很多较旧的技术消失,带来了更高的生产力,通过经济发展带来更多数量的消耗材料)。故作者并未提及B项“人的生活质量得到 了改善”。3.判断推理题。第二段指出: .they would have recognized that the power of steam had already

14、 been harnessed to industry and to land and ocean transport (他们将认识到蒸汽动力已被使用到工业、土地和海洋运输)。由此推测B项“蒸汽引擎已被发明”正确。4.判断推理题。根据题干关键词“economists”定位至第二段: Had they been “economists”,they would probably have projected the 1970 horse or mule population to be more than 50 million (如果他们是经济学家,那么他们会认为到1970年马或骡子的数量要达到5

15、000万),因此选B项“未能考虑到技术革新的影响”。5.观点态度题。由第一段中“Successful innovations have driven many older technologies to extinction and have resulted in higher productivity(成功的新发明让很多较旧的技术消失,提高了生产力)”和最后一段中“It would have been difficult for them to avoid the conclusion that the horse and mule population would decline rap

16、idly (他们最后很可能会得出这样的结论:马和骡子的数量会迅速减少)”可知作者对于技术革新带来的改变的态度是“自然地接受了他们”。6. 单选题It is impossible to reverse knowledge, but it is societys prerogative to state which pieces of knowledge should remain unused. “Can do” never implies “must do”. It is rightly illegal to clone a human being in the UK, but it woul

17、d not be beyond human perversity for someone to try to do it elsewhere in the world. One UK doctor, who has publicly condemned the very ideas, claims to have had people offering themselves for cloning or asking to have it done to loved ones. It would appear that some are attracted by the idea, but m

18、aybe they have not fully understood the implications. Even supposing someone would be stupid enough to try, there are many serious obstacles to be overcome. There is firstly the risk of imprisonment. A scientist would take the risk of ostracism from a disapproving medical and scientific establishmen

19、t, and know that a journal would possibly refuse to publish any paper on the subject. Then, he or she would have to persuade or induce dozens of people to take part in prolonged illegal experiments. It would need donors, egg cell recipients and surrogate mothers in fairly large numbers, to take part

20、 in experiments. Abnormally large progeny have resulted in animal cloning done to date, which suggests that there are serious risks to the health of the mother and potential embryo.In order to prevent the genie from coming out of the bottle, there should be immediate moves to set up, if possible, an

21、 international binding treaty to ban experiments regarding human cloning worldwide.1.This short article is mainly about ( ).2.Why does putting “clone man to practice face so many obstacles?3.In order to prevent the genie from coming out of the bottle, we should do all the following except that( ).4.

22、All the following are the obstacles that a doctor can meet when trying to clone a human being except( ).问题1选项A.the fact that it is illegal to clone human beingsB.what you should do with a Genie out of a bottle and why you do soC.how a scientist could do this kind of experiments successfully though i

23、t is illegalD.the problems that “cloning humans” could bring问题2选项A.Everybody opposes it.B.The technique is not mature.C.It is against the humans ethicD.Both B and C问题3选项A.we should really know the implications carried by the idea of cloning a human beingB.we shouldnt let our bodies be used for the i

24、llegal experiments done by some ambitious scientists.C.we should do our best to appeal to stopping all the “clone” experiments whether its on humans or on other speciesD.we should make our best efforts to put a worldwide ban on the experiments on humans问题4选项A.serious risks to the health of the surro

25、gate motherB.the risk of imprisonmentC.the risk of being executedD.the risk of resistance from medical establishments【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。第一段指出:在英国,克隆人被公正地规定为非法,但仍有很多科学家们愿冒着风险去尝试。如果真的开始克隆人的实验,那么实验人员也会面临很多的阻碍,带来很多严重的危害。而最后一段又强调:为了阻止这一违法的罪恶行为出现,必须立即采取相关的限制措施。因此此文章主要是关于 “克隆人是一种违法行为的事实”。2

26、.细节事实题。第一段指出: It is rightly illegal to clone a human being in the UK, but it would not be beyond human perversity for someone to try to do it elsewhere in the world (在英国,克隆人被公正地规定为非法。但不能排除在世界某个地方有某个违背常情的人试图那样做)。故选C“违背人类道德”。3.判断推理题。题干问的是哪一个不是阻止魔鬼逃出玻璃瓶(即违法行为出现)的方法。A:我们应该充分认识到克隆人的想法意味着什么,第一段指出: It woul

27、d appear that some are attracted by the idea, but maybe they have not fully understood the implications (这一观点对部分人似乎很有吸引力,这也许是因为他们没有充分认识到克隆人意味着什么),由此可知A符合原文;B: 我们不能让自己的身体被那些野心勃勃的科学家用来 做实验,根据第一段倒数第二句“It would need donors, egg cell recipients and surrogate mothers in fairly large numbers, to take part

28、in Experiments (这将需要有大量的捐赠者、卵细胞接受者和代孕妈妈参与到实验中)”可以推断B也是可以阻止魔鬼逃出玻璃瓶(即违法行为出现)的方法;C: 我们应该尽一切努力呼吁停止一切克隆实验,无论 是克隆人类还是克隆动物,文章中并未提及对动物的克隆实验进行限制。D: 我们应该尽一切努力 在全世界范围内限制克隆人的实验,根据最后一段“In order to prevent the genie from coming out of the bottle, there should be immediate moves to set up, if possible, an internat

29、ional binding treaty to ban experiments regarding human cloning worldwide (为了阻止魔鬼,逃出玻璃瓶(即 违法行为出现),必须立即采取相关的措施,如果可以的话,制定在世界范围内 与克隆人类相关的具有国际约束力的条约)”可知D也是方法之一。故选C。4.细节事实题。题干问的是以下哪个选项不属于克隆人的实验面临的阻碍。A: 对代孕妈妈的健康存在巨大威胁,根据第一段最后一句话“Abnormally large progeny have resulted in animal cloning done to date, which

30、suggests that there are serious risks to the health of the mother and potential embryo (迄今为止,很多克隆得来的动物们都显得不正常,这意味着克隆对于代孕妈妈和潜在的胚胎都存在这巨大的健康威胁)”可知A属于面临的阻碍;B:监禁的风险,根据第一段中的“There is firstly the risk of imprisonment (首先是面临监禁的风险)”可知B也属于面临的阻碍。C: 面临被处决的风险,文章并未提及。D:被医疗机构排斥的风险,根据第一段中的“A scientist would take th

31、e risk of ostracism from a disapproving medical and scientific establishment (科学家可能会面临被医疗和科研机构排斥的风险)”可知D也属于面临的阻碍。因此本题选C。7. 单选题The students were supposed to ( )their assignment by now.问题1选项A.finishB.have finishedC.finishingD.having finished【答案】B【解析】句意:到现在为止,学生们应该已完成作业了。语法题。考查现在完成时。由关键词by now (到现在为止)可

32、知句子 用现在完成时态。Be supposed to 后面应该接动词原形have。故选B。8. 单选题He is a bit of an expert ( )computers, which has become something he would boast to his friends.问题1选项A.spout offB.feel right aboutC.get away withD.when it comes to【答案】D【解析】句意:说到电脑,他还是有点在行的。而这也成为他在朋友面前自夸的资本。考查短语辨析。spout off喋喋不休,夸夸其谈; feel right about

33、感觉是对的; get away with侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱; when it comes to当提到。故D符合句意。9. 单选题Dont run ( )the idea that Scotsmen are mean. They just dont like wasting money.问题1选项A.in forB.intoC.away fromD.away with【答案】D【解析】句意:不要轻率地下结论说苏格兰人很吝啬。他们只是不想浪费钱。考查固定搭配。run away with the idea轻易接受(意见、看法等)。10. 单选题The railway ticket for one s

34、ingle journey between Beijing and Shanghai is ( )for five days.问题1选项A.fruitfulB.beneficialC.validD.effective【答案】C【解析】句意:北京和上海之间的单程火车票五日内有效。考查形容词辨析。Fruitful成果丰硕的,富有成效的; beneficial有利的;valid有效的,(正式)认可的,符合逻辑的; effective有效果的,起作用的。这里指火车票的有效时间,故C符合句意。11. 单选题The loss of the ( )of his hearing didnt stop him

35、from being a useful member of the society.问题1选项A.abilityB.capabilityC.powerD.faculty【答案】A【解析】句意:听觉能力的丧失阻碍不了他成为一名对社会有用的人。考查名词辨析。Ability能力,才能(指人先天的或学来的各种能力); capability才能,能力,容量(指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜能); power功率,力量,能力,政权,势力(泛指一切力量或能力等); faculty科,系,能力,全体教员(指特殊的才能或智力)。由关键词hearing(听力)可知这里指先天能力,故选A。12.

36、 单选题A concert ( )will be held next week问题1选项A.in which Mozarts works are to be performedB.which performs Mozarts worksC.performs Mozarts worksD.that Mozarts works will be performed【答案】A【解析】句意:下周将举行一场演奏莫扎特作品的音乐会。语法题。考查定语从句。分析题干跟选项可知, A concert为句子主语, will be held为谓语动词。所以空格处是一个限制性定语从句。排除C项。先行词为concert,

37、所以空格处应该包含介词in.故选A。13. 单选题The hotel ( )only $50 for a double room in the slack season.问题1选项A.claimsB.pricesC.chargesD.demands【答案】C【解析】句意:在淡季,这家旅馆的双人间只需要50美元。考查固定搭配。charge for 索价,要价。14. 单选题Fred tried to get to the door but the table was ( ).问题1选项A.in a wayB.on the wayC.in the wayD.by the way【答案】C【解析】句

38、意:Fred打算到门口去,但桌子挡住了路。考查短语辨析。in a way 在某种程度上; on the way 在途中; in the way 妨碍,挡道; by the way附带说一句。故C符合句意。15. 单选题The influence of climate on behavior appears all-pervasive. Indeed, who can claim that weather factors have no influence on their decision-making? Everyone can point to instances where plans

39、and activities have been changed because of weather conditions. Peoples moods also change with the weather: bright sunny days seem to lift spirits, while dark rainy periods bring on depression.Law enforcement agencies are beginning to show interest in the effect of atmospheric conditions on behavior

40、. Every year, the FBIs Uniform Crime Reports provide breakdowns of the crime rates by month and season of the year. Both monthly and seasonal variations are considered to reflect the varying influence of temperature, precipitation, humidity, length of daylight, and a number of other climatological f

41、actors.Various studies find relationships between specific climatological conditions and crime. Rising temperature is generally accompanied by increases in aggression and violent crime. On the other hand, high humidity appears to reduce the incidence of physical activity and aggression. Rain, cloud

42、cover, and other forms of inclement weather are associated with lower levels of property crimes and increased depression.Our study showed that low humidity has the most widespread influence on all types of crime studied. The analysis also shows that as humidity increases the level of crime decreases

43、. Temperature also has a great effect Increasing temperature fails to influence the number of nighttime burglaries, but it also increases the other crime categories. Burglaries and daytime assaults also tend to increase along with cloud cover. Except for wind speed and barometric pressure with regar

44、d to daytime assaults, the remaining weather factors have virtually no influence on the levels of crime.Individuals who respond with criminal behavior to weather changes or weather extreme may be controllable by administering drugs that offset these influences. Electrical stimulation of pleasure cen

45、ters in the brain may someday be a feasible countermeasure to aggressive stimuli due to increased temperature or other weather variables.Changing or manipulating the weather is one possible means of attacking a weather-crime interaction. This approach may not be feasible due to the many relationship

46、s between weather climate and the rotation of the earth. Minor changes may be possible such as regulation of rainfall or sky cover. On the other hand, temperature control may be possible.More research is needed to assess and clarify the relationship between crime and the various climatological facto

47、rs. Once this is accomplished, it will be necessary to devise more accurate means of forecasting the weather, counteracting the effects of weather on human behavior, and controlling the environment, or identifying other approaches to the problem.1.People are likely to be very active and aggressive (

48、 ).2.People are in low spirits( ).3.All the following statements are true except that( ).4.The following are all optimum-conditions except( ).5.Which of the following ways to handle crime is not mention( ).问题1选项A.when it is rainy and cloudyB.as humidity increasesC.when there is little moistureD.as t

49、emperature decreases问题2选项A.during the nightB.on clear and fine daysC.on hot and sunny daysD.during cold and stormy-weather问题3选项A.nighttime stealing increases along with temperatureB.nobody is free from the influence of weather factorsC.crime rates are related to temperature, moisture, etc.D.people a

50、re thinking about the possible ways to handle individual reaction to climatological changes.问题4选项A.little sky coverB.higher temperatureC.higher humidityD.lower temperature问题5选项A.Surgical correctioB.Medicine treatmentC.Weather controlD.More police work.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.判断推理题。根据题干关键词

51、active and aggressive定位至第三段: On the other hand, high humidity appears to reduce the incidence of physical activity and aggression (另一方面,湿度高会减少激烈的身体接触和侵害事件的发生),因此C项 “温度低时”正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干关键词in low spirits定位至第三段: Rising temperature is generally accompanied by increases in aggression and violent crime (

52、温度上升时人的好斗情绪和暴力犯罪事件会增加),由此可知D项 “在寒冷和暴风雨时”人情绪低落”正确。3.细节事实题。A:气温升高时夜间入室盗窃事件增多,第四段指出: Increasing temperature fails to influence the number of nighttime burglaries, but it also increases the other crime categories (气温升高不会影响夜间入室盗窃的频率,但会增加其他类型的犯罪事件),因此A项不符合文章所述。B:人人都会受天气因素的影响,第一段指出: The influence of climat

53、e on behavior appears all-pervasive(气候对行为的影响是全方位的),因此B项符合原文。C:犯罪率与气温、湿度等因素有关,第四段指出: Our study showed that low humidity has the most widespread influence on all types of crime studied (研究表明低湿度对各类犯罪有最广泛的影响),以及Increasing temperature fails to influence the number of nighttime burglaries, but it also inc

54、reases the other crime categories(气温升高不会影响夜间入室盗窃的频率,但会增加其他类型的犯罪事件),因此C项正确。D:人们在考虑个人应对气候变化的有效方法,最后一段指出: More research is needed to assess and clarify the relationship between crime and the various climatological factors (需要更多研究来评估和阐明犯罪与多种多样气候因素的关系)。因此本题答案选A。4.判断推理题。题干问的是以下哪个选项不属于能减少犯罪的情况。第四段指出: Incre

55、asing temperature fails to influence the number of nighttime burglaries, but it also increases the other crime categories(气温升高不会影响夜间入室盗窃的频率,但会增加其他类型的犯罪事件), 由此可知答案为B项 “气温升高”。5.细节事实题。题干问的是以下哪项不属于文中提及的解决措施。由第五段“Electrical stimulation of pleasure centers in the brain may someday be a feasible countermea

56、sure to aggressive stimuli due to increased temperature or other weather variables (总有一天,电刺激大脑快感中心会成为应对因气温不断升高或其他天气变量而导致的激进刺激的一种可行措施)”可知A项“外科轿治”正确。由第五段“Individuals who respond with criminal behavior to weather changes or weather extreme may be controllable by administering drugs that offset these in

57、fluences (可能通过采用能抵消这些影响的药物来治疗有犯罪行为的人)”可知B项“药物治疗”正确。由第六段“Changing or manipulating the weather is one possible means of attacking a weather-crime interaction(改善或控制天气变化可能成为对抗受天气影响的犯罪行为的一个方法)”可知C项“天气控制”正确。因此本题选D。16. 单选题( )that your daughter is well again, you no longer have anything to worry about问题1选项A

58、.SinceB.WhenC.NowD.After【答案】C【解析】句意:既然你女儿恢复了健康,那么你就没有什么需要担忧的了。考查固定搭配。since that 从那以后。when that 在语法上是错误的。now that 既然。after that 从那以后。因此C符合句意。17. 翻译题Translate the following paragraph into English.钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。著名的词作家乔羽说:“钓鱼 可以分为三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三个阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛到一边,使自己的身心得

59、到充分休息。”【答案】Fishing is a sport that can help improve ones temperament. It is good for physical and mental health. The well-known songwriter Qiao Yu said : “Fishing falls into three stages. The first stage is just for eating fish. The second stage is for enjoying the pleasure of fishing as well as eat

60、ing fish. The third stage is mainly for the pleasure of fishing-facing a pool of clear water, one casts aside all anxieties and worries and enjoys a good mental and physical rest.18. 单选题A good education is an ( )you can fall back on for the rest of your life.问题1选项A.assetB.ethicC.inventoryD.obligatio

61、n【答案】A【解析】句意:好的教育是你余生能依靠的资产。考查名词辨析。Asset资产,优点,有利条件; ethic道德准则,伦理标准; inventory清单,财产清单,(商店的)存货; obligation义务,职责,责任。因此A符合句意。19. 单选题I was deeply impressed by the hostess ( )and enjoyed the dinner party very much.问题1选项A.hostilityB.indignationC.hospitalityD.humanity【答案】C【解析】句意:女主人的热情好客给我留下了深刻印象,我在这次晚宴中很开心

62、。考查名词辨析。Hostility 敌意,战争行动; indignation愤慨,义愤; hospitality好客,殷勤; humanity人道,仁慈。故C符合句意。20. 单选题The result of our survey indicated that students in the city averaged( )of daily self-study this year than last year.问题1选项A.60 minutesB.as many as 60 minutesC.more 60 minutesD.60 minutes more【答案】D【解析】句意:我们的调查结果显示,城市里的学生每天的自学时间相比去年平均増加了 60分钟。语法题。考查比较级。

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