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1、2022年考博英语-国防科技大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题She still looks weak though her fever subsided after she took some medicine.问题1选项A.caughtB.reducedC.came downD.got off【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。A项catch“抓住,感染”,B项reduce“减少,减小”,C项come down“下来,降落,流传下来”,D项get off“动身,免于受罚”。句意:她吃了药后退烧了,但看起来还是很虚弱。Subside在句中表示“消退,减退”,四个选项中意思与之相

2、近的是C项。因此,该题选择C项。2. 单选题The newly-built apartment is well _.问题1选项A.ventilatedB.meditatedC.irritatedD.evaluated【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项ventilate“使通风,给装通风设备”,B项meditate“考虑,计划,企图”,C项irritate“刺激,使兴奋,激怒”,D项evaluate“评价,估价”。由主语newly-built apartment(新建的公寓)可知,空格处填入“通风”符合语境。句意:这座新建的公寓通风良好。因此,该题选择A项。3. 单选题Living in cl

3、ose _ to ones neighbors can be cozy and comforting, but living on top of one another can be suffocating.问题1选项A.homogeneityB.proximityC.lingeringD.access【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析。A项homogeneity“同质,同种”,B项proximity“接近”,C项lingering“拖延的,迟迟不结束的”,D项access“通道,进入,机会”。根据but可知,前后句子为转折,由后面的but living on top of one another

4、 can be suffocating(但是住在一个邻居的上面可能会令人窒息)对比可知,前面空格处应该表示“住在邻居隔壁”,B项符合。句意:住得离邻居很近是很舒适的,但是住在一个邻居的上面可能会令人窒息。因此,该题选择B项。4. 单选题Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by coercion, the leaders of the movement have recently _ most of the previous statements su

5、pporting totalitarianism.问题1选项A.issuedB.repudiatedC.demonstratedD.deliberated【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项issue“发行,发布,发给”,B项repudiate“拒绝,否定”,C项demonstrate“证明,展示”,D项deliberate“仔细考虑,商议”。根据前半句的意思“完全接受了说服政府比强迫政府更可取的信念”,可知,对于后半句中的_ most of the previous statements supporting totalitarianism(_ 以前大多数支持极权主义的声明)应该是表示“否认

6、”,B项符合。句意:该运动的领导人完全接受了说服政府比强迫政府更可取的信念,最近他们否认了以前大多数支持极权主义的声明。因此,该题选择B项。5. 单选题We rarely perceive more than a minute _ of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.问题1选项A.frictionB.functionC.fractionD.fiction【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A项friction“摩擦”,B项function“功能,职责”,C项f

7、raction“分数,部分,小部分”,D项fiction“小说,虚构,编造”。空格处需要填入一个of所属关系的名词,与the sights and sounds(视觉和听觉)搭配,B、D可排除。由后面的the great majority(大多数)可知,这里形成了对比,所以前面表示“一小部分”,C项符合。句意:我们很少能够感知到那些极其微小的落在我们感觉器官上的视觉或听觉片断,(这些片断中的)大部分从我们身边溜走了。因此,该题选择C项。6. 单选题Most members of the camel family are found in arid habitats.问题1选项A.dirtyB.

8、dryC.sandyD.harsh【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项dirty“下流的,卑鄙的,肮脏的”,B项dry“干的,口渴的,枯燥无味的”,C项sandy“沙地的,多沙的,含沙的”,D项harsh“严厉的,严酷的,刺耳的”。句意:骆驼科的大多数成员生活在干旱的栖息地。根据句意可知,arid在句中表示“干旱的”,四个选项中意思与之相近的是B项。因此,该题选择B项。7. 单选题The economic depression in the late-nineteenth-century United States (31) significantly to a growing moveme

9、nt in literature toward realism and naturalism. After the 1870s, a number of important authors began to reject the romanticism that had (32) immediately following the Civil War of 1861-1865 and turned (33) to realism. (34) to portray life as it was, with (35) to real life and accurate representation

10、 without idealization, they studied local dialects, wrote stories which focused on life in specific regions of the country, and emphasized the “true” relationships between people. In doing so, they reflected broader trends in the society, (36) industrialization, evolutionary theory which emphasized

11、the effect of the environment on humans, and the influence of science.Realists such as Joel Chandler Harris and Ellen Glasgow depicted life in the South, Hamlin Garland described life on the Great Plains, and Sarah Orne Jewett wrote about everyday life in rural New England. Another realist, Bret Har

12、te, achieved fame (37) stories that portrayed local life in the California mining camps.Samuel Clemens, who (38) the pen name Mark Twain, became the countrys most outstanding realist author, observing life around him with a humorous and skeptical eye. In his stories and novels, Twain drew on his own

13、 experiences and used dialect and common speech instead of (39) language, touching (40) a major change in American prose style.Other writers became impatient even with realism. Pushing evolutionary theory to its limits, they wrote of a world in which a cruel and merciless environment determined huma

14、n fate. These writers, called naturalists, often focused on economic hardship, studying people struggling with poverty, and other aspects of (41) and industrial life. Naturalists brought to their writing a passion for direct and honest experience.Theodore Dreiser, the foremost naturalist writer, in

15、novels such as Sister Carrie, (42) portrayed a dark world in which human beings were (43) by forces (44) their understanding or control. Dreiser thought that writers should tell the truth about human affairs, not (45) romance, and Sister Carrie, he said, was “not intended as a piece of literary craf

16、tsmanship, but was a picture of conditions.”问题1选项A.dedicatedB.contributedC.fabricatedD.deliberated问题2选项A.debauchedB.weakenedC.enfeebledD.prevailed问题3选项A.againstB.insteadC.overD.forward问题4选项A.DeterminedB.DetermineC.DeterminingD.To determine问题5选项A.deceptionB.fantasyC.realizationD.fidelity问题6选项A.with r

17、egard toB.in terms ofC.such asD.regardless of问题7选项A.withB.onC.byD.about问题8选项A.createdB.innovatedC.adoptedD.renewed问题9选项A.literalB.literateC.literaryD.literature问题10选项A.aboutB.offC.onD.with问题11选项A.suburbanB.urbanC.localD.modern问题12选项A.grimlyB.fervidlyC.frigidlyD.frenziedly问题13选项A.tossed aboutB.held d

18、ownC.ended upD.built up问题14选项A.betweenB.withinC.beyondD.off问题15选项A.fabricateB.developC.convergeD.replenish【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D第6题:C第7题:A第8题:C第9题:C第10题:B第11题:B第12题:A第13题:A第14题:B第15题:A【解析】31.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A项dedicate“致力,献身”,dedicate to表示“献身,把(时间、精力等)用于”;B项contribute“贡献,出力”,contribute to表

19、示“有助于,促成”;C项fabricate“制造,伪造”,D项deliberate“仔细考虑,商议”。根据句子可知,空格处填入的词和to搭配,C、D项可排除。由主语economic depression(经济萧条)和宾语growing movement(蓬勃发展的活动)可知,填入“促进”符合语境。句意:19世纪后期美国的经济萧条显著地促进了文学向现实主义和自然主义发展的运动。因此,该题选择B项。32.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A项debauch“使堕落,使颓废”,B项weaken“减少,使变弱”,C项enfeeble“使衰弱,使无力”,D项prevail“盛行,流行,战胜”。根据

20、前半句句子意思“19世纪70年代以后,一些重要的作家开始拒绝浪漫主义”可知,四个选项中填入D项符合。因此,该题选择D项。33.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A项against“反对,违反”,B项instead“代替,反而”,C项over“倒下,翻转,关于”,D项forward“向前地,按顺序地”。前面提到“一些重要的作家开始拒绝1861-1865年内战后盛行的浪漫主义”,所以后面的turned _ to realism应该是指“反而转向现实主义”。句意:19世纪70年代以后,一些重要的作家开始拒绝1861-1865年内战后盛行的浪漫主义,转而转向现实主义。因此,该题选择B项。34.【


22、知,空格处应该填入“忠于”,D项符合。句意:他们决心描绘真实的生活,忠实于现实生活,准确地表现,而不是理想化;他们研究当地方言,写故事,关注特定地区的生活,强调人与人之间的真实关系。因此,该题选择D项。36.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查词组辨析。A项with regard to“关于,至于”,B项in terms of“依据,按照”,C项such as“比如,诸如”,D项regardless of“不顾,不管”。根据句意“在这样做的过程中,他们反映了更广泛的社会趋势,工业化以及科学的影响”可知,四个选项中填入such as符合句意。句意:在这样做的过程中,他们反映了更广泛的社会趋势,如工业化


24、B项innovate“创新,改革”,C项adopt“采取,接受,收养”,D项renew“使更新,续借”。根据pen name(笔名)可知,adopt正确。句意:塞缪尔克莱门斯以马克吐温为笔名,成为美国最杰出的现实主义作家,用幽默和怀疑的眼光观察周围的生活。因此,该题选择C项。39.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A项literal“文字的,逐字的”,B项literate“受过教育的,精通文学的”,C项literary“文学的,书面的”,D项literature“文学,文献”。根据句子可知,空格处要填入一个形容词修饰language,D项排除。前面提到dialect and common

25、 speech(方言和共同语),结合instead of(而不是)对比可知,空格部分表示“文学语言”符合。因此,该题选择C项。40.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查介词辨析。A项about“关于,目的是,针对”,B项off“不在,远离”,touch off表示“触发,勾划出,草草写”;C项on“在上”,touch on表示“提及,谈及”;D项with“具有,和,使用”,touch with表示“用触摸,接触”。根据空格后的信息a major change in American prose style(美国散文风格的重大变化)可知,“引起、导致”符合语境,四个选项中只有B项符合。句意:马克吐温利


27、济困难,研究在贫困中挣扎的人们,以及城市和工业生活的其他方面。因此,该题选择B项。42.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查副词辨析。A项grimly“可怕地,冷酷地”,B项fervidly“激情地,热情地”,C项frigidly“冷淡地,呆板地”,D项frenziedly“极其激动地,狂乱地”。根据句意“最重要的自然主义作家西奥多德莱塞在嘉莉妹妹等小说中描绘了一个黑暗的世界”可知,四个选项中,A选项比较符合语境。因此,该题选择A项。43.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查词组辨析。A项toss about“翻来覆去,折腾”,B项hold down“抑制,压制”,C项end up“结束,死亡”,D项bu

28、ild up“增进,加强”。根据human beings were _ by forces(人类被力量)可知,四个选项中只有A项能符合。因此,该题选择A项。44.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查介词辨析。A项between“(空间、时间、数量等)在之间”,B项within“在之内”,C项beyond“在(或向)较远的一边,超过,越过”,D项off“远离”。由后面的understanding or control可知,空格处填入beyond符合。句意:著名的自然主义作家西奥多德莱塞在嘉莉妹妹等小说中,冷酷地描绘了一个黑暗的世界,在这个世界里,人类被他们无法理解或控制的力量所摇动。因此,该题选择B项

29、。45.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A项fabricate“制造,伪造”,B项develop“开发,进步”,C项converge“使汇聚”,D项replenish“补充,再装满”。由前面的truth对比可知,空格处填入fabricate表示“编造”符合语境。句意:德莱塞认为,作家应该讲述人性的真实,而不是编造爱情故事;他说嘉莉妹妹不是一种文学技艺,而是一幅现实状况的图画。因此,该题选择A项。8. 翻译题Four legal approaches may be followed in attempting to channel technological development in

30、 socially useful direction: specific directives, market incentive modifications, criminal prohibitions, and changes in decision-making structures. Specific directives involve the governments identifying one or more factors controlling research, development, or implementation of a given technology. D

31、irectives affecting such factors may vary from administrative regulation of private activity to government ownership of a technological operation. Market incentive modifications are deliberate alterations of the market within which private decisions regarding the development and implementation of te

32、chnology are made. Such modifications may consist of imposing taxes, to cover the costs to society of a given technology, granting subsidies to pay for social benefits of a technology, creating the right to sue to prevent certain technological development, or easing procedural rules to enable the re

33、covery of damages to compensate for harm caused by destructive technological activity. Criminal prohibitions may modify technological activity in areas impinging on fundamental social values, or they may modify human behavior likely to result from technological applicationsfor example, the deactivat

34、ion of automotive pollution control devices in order to improve vehicle performance. Alteration of decision-making structures includes all possible modifications in the authority, constitution, or responsibility of private and public entities deciding questions of technological development and imple

35、mentation. Such alterations include the addition of public-interest members to corporate boards, the imposition by statute of duties on governmental decision-makers, and the extension of warranties in response to consumer action.【答案】参考译文:在尝试引导技术朝对社会有用的方向发展时可以采取四种法律途径:特定的指令、市场激励的更改、犯罪的禁止以及决策结构的改变。特定的


37、、组成或职责方面所有可能的更改。这样的更改包括增加公共利益成员至公司董事会,依照法规强加职责给政府决策者和延长保修期来回应消费者的行动。9. 单选题Most economists in the United States seem captivated by the spell of the free market. Consequently, nothing seems good or normal that does not accord with the requirements of the free market. A price that is determined by the

38、seller or, for that matter, established by anyone other than the aggregate of consumers seems pernicious. Accordingly, it requires a major act of will to think of price-fixing (the determination of prices by the seller) as both “normal” and having a valuable economic function. In fact, price-fixing

39、is normal in all industrialized societies because the industrial system itself provides, as an effortless consequence of its own development, the price-fixing that it requires. Modern industrial planning requires and rewards great size. Hence, a comparatively small number of large firms will be comp

40、eting for the same group of consumers. That each large firm will act with consideration of its own needs and thus avoid selling its products for more than its competitors charge is commonly recognized by advocates of free- market economic theories. But each large firm will also act with full conside

41、ration of the needs that it has in common with the other large firms competing for the same customers. Each large firm will thus avoid significant price cutting, because price cutting would be prejudicial to common interest in a stable demand for products. Most economists do not see price-fixing whe

42、n it occurs because they expect it to be brought about by a number of explicit agreements among large firms; it is not.Moreover those economists who argue that allowing the free market to operate without interference is the most efficient method of establishing prices have not considered the economi

43、es of non-socialist-countries other than the United States. These economies employ intentional price fixing, usually in an overt fashion. Formal price-fixing by cartel and informal price-fixing by agreements covering the members of an industry are commonplace. Were there something peculiarly efficie

44、nt about the free market and inefficient about price-fixing, the countries that have avoided the first and used the second would have suffered drastically in their economic development. There is no indication that they have.Socialist industry also works within a framework of controlled prices. In th

45、e early 1970s the Soviet Union began to give firms and industries some of the flexibility in adjusting prices that a more informal evolution has accorded the capitalist system. Economists in the United States have hailed the change as a return to the free market. But Soviet firms are no more subject

46、 to prices established by a free market over which they exercise little influence than are capitalist firms; rather, Soviet firms have been given the power to fix prices.50. The authors attitude toward “Most economists” in the United States (para 1) can best be described as _.51. It can be inferred

47、from the authors argument that a price fixed by the seller “seems pernicious” (para 1) because _.52. The suggestion in the text that price fixing in industrialized societies is normal arises from the authors statement that price-fixing is _.53. According to the author, price fixing in non-socialist

48、countries is often _.问题1选项A.spiteful and enviousB.scornful and denunciatoryC.critical and condescendingD.ambivalent but deferential问题2选项A.people do not have confidence in large firmsB.people do not expect the government to regulate pricesC.most economists believe that consumers as a group should det

49、ermine pricesD.most economists associate fixed prices with communist and socialist economies问题3选项A.a profitable result of economic developmentB.an inevitable result of the industrial systemC.the result of a number of carefully organized decisionsD.a phenomenon common to industrialized and non-indust

50、rialized societies问题4选项A.accidental but productiveB.illegal but usefulC.legal and innovativeD.intentional and widespread【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D【解析】50. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】观点态度题。定位到文章第一段最后一句Most economists do not see price-fixing when it occurs because they expect it to be brought about by a number of expl

51、icit agreements among large firms; it is not(大多数经济学家并不知道价格操纵会在何时发生,因为他们期望价格操纵由大公司之间的一系列明确协议带来;事实并非如此)和第二段第一句Moreover those economists who argue that allowing the free market to operate without interference is the most efficient method of establishing prices have not considered the economies of non-s

52、ocialist- countries other than the United States(此外,那些认为允许自由市场不受干扰地运行是建立价格的最有效方法的经济学家没有考虑美国以外的非社会主义国家的经济),可以看出作者对大部分经济学家的态度是批判的,所以C项“批判”符合。A项“怨恨和嫉妒”,B项“蔑视和谴责”和 D项“矛盾但恭敬”,均未在文中体现。51. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】判断推理题。题干:从作者的论点可以推断,卖方定价“似乎有害”,因为 。定位到文章第一段第二句A price that is determined by the seller or, for that matte

53、r, established by anyone other than the aggregate of consumers seems pernicious(就此而言,由卖方决定的价格,或由消费者群体以外的任何人确定的价格,似乎是有害的),所以C项“大多数经济学家认为,消费者作为一个群体应该决定价格”符合这句话所表达的意思。而A项“人们对大公司没有信心”,B项“人们不指望政府调控物价”,D项“大多数经济学家把固定价格与共产主义和社会主义经济联系起来”均属于无中生有。52. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。题干:本文认为,工业社会的价格管制是正常的,这是因为作者认为价格管制是?定位到文章

54、第一段第四句In fact, price-fixing is normal in all industrialized societies because the industrial system itself provides, as an effortless consequence of its own development, the price-fixing that it requires.(事实上,在所有工业化社会中,定价都是正常的,因为工业体系本身提供了它所需要的定价,这是它自身发展的一个不费吹灰之力的结果),可知B项“工业系统的必然结果”符合文意,当选。A项“经济发展的有益

55、结果”,C项“一系列精心组织的决定的结果”,D项“工业化和非工业化社会的共同现象”,均在文中未提及。53. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。从第二段第二句和第三句These economies employ intentional price fixing, usually in an overt fashion. Formal price-fixing by cartel and informal price-fixing by agreements covering the members of an industry are commonplace(这些经济体通常以公开的方式有意操

56、纵价格。卡特尔的正式定价和涵盖行业成员的协议的非正式定价是司空见惯的),特别是里面的关键词intentional和commonplace,可知D项“有意和普遍的”符合题意。A项“偶然但富有成效”,B项“非法但有用”,C项“合法且创新”,都不符合文意,排除。10. 单选题To understand the ancient Mayan people who lived in the area that is today southern Mexico and Central America and the ecological difficulties they faced, one must f

57、irst consider their environment, which we think of as “jungle” or “tropical rainforest.” This view is inaccurate, and the reason proves to be important. Properly speaking, tropical rainforests grow in high-rainfall equatorial areas that remain wet or humid all year round. But the Maya homeland lies

58、more than sixteen hundred kilometers from the equator, at latitudes 17 to 22 degrees north, in a habitat termed a “seasonal tropical forest.” That is, while there does tend to be a rainy season from May to October, there is also a dry season from January through April. If one focuses on the wet mont

59、hs, one calls the Maya homeland a “seasonal tropical forest”; if one focuses on the dry months, one could instead describe it as a “seasonal desert.”From north to south in the Yucatan Peninsula, where the Maya lived, rainfall ranges from 18 to 100 inches (457 to 2,540 millimeters) per year, and the

60、soils become thicker, so that the southern peninsula was agriculturally more productive and supported denser populations. But rainfall in the Maya homeland is unpredictably variable between years; some recent years have had three or four times more rain than other years. As a result, modern farmers

61、attempting to grow corn in the ancient Maya homelands have faced frequent crop failures, especially in the north. The ancient Maya were presumably more experienced and did better, but nevertheless they too must have faced risks of crop failures from droughts and hurricanes.Although southern Maya are

62、as received more rainfall than northern areas, problems of water were paradoxically more severe in the wet south. While that made things hard for ancient Maya living in the south, it has also made things hard for modern archaeologists who have difficulty understanding why ancient droughts caused big

63、ger problems in the wet south than in the dry north. The likely explanation is that an area of underground freshwater underlies the Yucatan Peninsula, but surface elevation increases from north to south, so that as one moves south the land surface lies increasingly higher above the water table. In the northern peninsula the elevation is sufficiently low that the ancient Maya were able

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