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1、2022年考博英语-武汉理工大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题One airline chief executive officer (CEO) was the master of the personal touch. Spending hours with his employees and getting to know their jobs, he persuaded them to accept pay cuts in return for an ownership stake. The concession put the company so solidly i

2、n the black that the CEO was able to sell it for $860 million. Another CEO scolded managers in front of others, cut one third of the work force and so embittered the survivors that his airline began to lose money, and the board of directors fired him.In any test of knowledge or IQ, the two CEOs coul

3、d have dueled to a draw. The difference was the ability to handle relationships, argues Daniel Goleman in his new book, working with Emotional Intelligence. Building on his 1995 bestseller, Emotioned Intelligence, Goleman now probes how EI relates to the world of work. As he did in his earlier book,

4、 Goleman masterfully explains how a low EI hinders peoples full intellectual potential by flooding the brain with stress hormones that impair memory, learning and thinking. The heart of the book, though, is an analysis of data collected from more than 150 firms on what distinguishes so-so performers

5、 from superstars. Golemans findings: conventional intelligence takes second position to emotional intelligence in determining job performance. In jobs ranging from repairman to scientist, IQ accounts for no more than 25 percent of the difference between, say, a successful high-tech entrepreneur and

6、a failed one. In another surprise, the contribution of IQ shrinks and the contribution of EI rises with difficulty of a job and how high it ranks in an organization. Based on traits that companies say distinguish winners from losers, Goleman concludes that EI carries much more weight than IQ in dete

7、rmining success at the top.However, the many examples of CEOs and other people in top positions who have the emotional intelligence of a snake-but still were CEOs-undermine the case for EPS indispensability in business. But even if you accept that EI determines who excels, you have to wonder if it s

8、hould. Goleman describes how 112 entry-level accountants were judged more or less successful (by their bosses) according to their level of EI rather than their actual skills. No wonder so many auditors fail to notice cooked books.1. According to Goleman, the biggest difference between the two CEOs d

9、escribed in the first paragraph lies in _.2. Golemans new book Working with Emotional Intelligence is chiefly about _.3. According to Goleman, which of the following persons owes the most to EI for his/her success?4. The phrase “cooked books” in the last sentence most probably means _.问题1选项A.their a

10、ttitude toward their employeesB.their emotional intelligenceC.their conventional intelligenceD.their business strategy问题2选项A.the difference between IQ and EIB.the relationship between EI and job performanceC.the role of EI in a persons successD.the importance of handling personal relationships问题3选项A

11、.President of a companyB.Manager of the personnel departmentC.Manager of the sales departmentD.Plumber问题4选项A.falsified account booksB.books containing information for preparation of foodC.damaged booksD.pirated books【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A【解析】1.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干,可以定位到文章第一段,文章提到两个CEO对待他们的员工有不同

12、的方法。B选项“他们的情商”,关于两位CEO的比较结果在第二段段首体现,两位CEO最主要的区别是处理各种关系的能力,也就是下文讨论的情商,故本题答案应为B。A选项“他们对员工的态度”,在第一段提到,但它只是情商的具体表现形式。C选项“他们的传统智慧”,第二段首句指出两位CEO的知识或智商水平都几近持平,可排除。D选项“他们的业务策略”,原文没有提到此内容,可排除。因此B选项正确。2.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段第二句The difference was the ability to handle relationships, argues Daniel Go

13、leman in his new book, working with Emotional Intelligence.(丹尼尔戈尔曼在他的新书如何处理情商中指出,差异在于处理人际关系的能力)。这里解释了本书的内容,本书主要探讨情商和工作的关系,因此B选项“EI与工作绩效的关系”正确。A选项“IQ和EI之间的区别”,虽在书中有提及,但不是主要内容。C选项“EI在一个人的成功中所起的作用”,虽在书中有提及,但不是主要内容,可排除。D选项“处理人际关系的重要性”,虽在书中有提及,但不是主要内容,可排除。因此B选项正确。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干,可以定位到文章第三段倒数第二句

14、Goleman describes how 112 entry-level accountants were judged more or less successful (by their bosses) according to their level of EI rather than their actual skills.(戈尔曼描述了112名初级会计师(他们的老板)是如何根据他们的EI水平而不是他们的实际技能来判断他们是否成功的)。从该句可推测:工作性质越重要,EI的作用就越大。A选项“公司总裁”,根据文章内容,A选项正确。B选项“人事部经理”,文章没有提到这一点,因此可排除。C选

15、项“销售部经理”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“水管工”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。因此A选项正确。4.【试题答案】A【试题解析】语义理解题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段最后一句No wonder so many auditors fail to notice cooked books.(难怪这么多审计师没有注意到造假的账目)。这里谈的是审计员的情况,因此可推测cooked books和cook的基本意思“做饭”无关,book的意思不是“书”,而是和审计会计有关的意思“账簿”。A选项“伪造会计账簿”符合句意,A选项正确。B选项“载有烹调食物资料的书籍”,可排除。C选项“破损图书”,文

16、章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“盗版书”,不符合文章内容,可排除。因此A选项正确。2. 翻译题(1) Science fiction can help to explain what science and scientist are all about to the non-scientists. It is no accident that several hundred universities and public schools are now offering science fiction courses and discovering that these classes

17、are a meeting ground for the scientist-engineers and the humanists. Science and fiction. Reason and emotion.The essence of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe. By taking thought, men can move mountainsand have. In this sense, science is an utterly

18、 humanistic pursuit.Much of science fiction celebrates this spirit. (2) Very few science fiction stories picture humanity as a passive species, allowing the tidal forces of nature to flow freely. The heroes of science fiction storiesthe gods of the new mythologystruggle manfully against the darkness

19、, whether its geological doom for the whole planet or the evil of grasping politicians. They may not always win. But they always try.Perhaps, however, the most important aspect of science fictions role in the modern world is best summed up in a single word. Change.After all, science fiction is the l

20、iterature of change. Each and every story preaches from the same gospel: tomorrow will be different from today, violently different perhaps.(3) Science fiction very clearly shows that changeswhether good or badare an inherent Dart of the universe. Resistance to change is an archaic, and nowadays dan

21、gerous, habit of thought. Humanitys most fruitful course of action is to determine how to shape these changes, how to influence them and produce an environment where the changes that occur are those we want.Perhaps this is the ultimate role of science fiction: to act as an interpreter of science to

22、humanity. This is a two-edged weapon, of course. It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize. (4) Science can kill as well as create; technology can deaden the human spirit or lift it to the furthermost corners of our imaginations. Only knowledgeable people can wisely decide how to use science and

23、 technology for humankinds benefit. In the end, this is the ultimate role of all art: to show ourselves to ourselves, to help us to understand our own humanity.【答案】(1)科幻小说可以帮助解释科学和科学家都是关于非科学家。几百所大学和公立学校现在开设科幻课程,并发现这些课程是科学家、工程师和人文主义者的聚会场所,这并非偶然。(2)很少有科幻小说把人类描绘成一个被动的物种,任由大自然的潮汐力自由流动。科幻故事中的英雄新神话中的神勇敢地与

24、黑暗抗争,无论是对整个地球的地质毁灭,还是贪婪的政客的邪恶。(3)科幻小说非常清楚地表明,变化不管是好是坏是宇宙固有的飞镖。抵制改变是一种过时的、在今天也是危险的思维习惯。人类最富有成效的行动方针是决定如何塑造这些变化,如何影响它们,并产生一种环境,在这种环境中发生的变化是我们所希望的。(4)科学可以创造,也可以杀人;技术可以麻木人类的精神,也可以把它提升到我们想象的最遥远的角落。只有有知识的人才能明智地决定如何利用科学技术造福人类。最后,这是所有艺术的终极角色:向自己展示我们自己,帮助我们理解我们自己的人性。3. 单选题A generation of e-mailing, followed

25、by an explosion in texting, has pushed the telephone conversation into serious decline, creating new tensions between baby boomers and millennial-those in their teens, 20s and early 30s.Nearly all age groups are spending less time talking on the phone; boomers in their mid-5Os and early 60s are the

26、only ones still yakking as they did when Ma Bell was Americas communications queen. But the fall of the call is driven by 18-to-34-year-olds, whose average monthly voice minutes have plunged from about 1,200 to 900 in the past two years, according to the research by Nielsen. Texting among 18-to-24-y

27、ear-olds has more than doubled in the same period, from an average of 600 messages a month two years ago to more than 1, 400 texts a month, according to Nielsen.Young people say they avoid voice calls because the immediacy of a phone call strips them of the control that they have over the arguably l

28、ess-intimate pleasures of texting, e-mailing, or Face booking. They even complain that phone calls are by their nature impolite, more of an interruption than the blip of an arriving text. The bias, against unexpected phone calls stems in good part from the way texting and e-mail have conditioned you

29、ng people to be cautious about how they communicate when they are not face to face, experts, say.Deborah Tannen, a linguistics professor at Georgetown University who studies how people converse in everyday life, said older generations misinterpret the way younger people use their cellphones. “One st

30、udent told me that it takes her days to call her parents back and the parents thought she was intentionally putting them off.” she said. “But the parents didnt get it. Its the medium.”The difference in communications preferences has created a palpable perception gap between young adults and their pa

31、rents. Jane Beard, who coaches business leaders on public speaking, said that when her niece, Lindsay Spencer, 20, “is in classes at the University of Maryland, Ill never hear from her until she comes over to do the laundry. We text multiple times a day.”But Beard is understanding about the change i

32、n ways of conversing. Not all parents are quite that open to new ways. “My mom gets offended,” said Muggaga Kintu, 32, an administrative assistant at Walter Reed Army Medical Center who prefers texting or calling on his own time when hes not around patients. “She thinks I dont want to hear from her,

33、 and thats not the case. One day she called me when I was at work, and I told her, Instead of calling me, can you text me? What? You dont like to hear from me? You dont like the sound of my voice? She said.”1. Who drives the decline of telephone conversation according to the research by Nielsen?2. W

34、hy do the young people avoid phone calls?3. What do experts say about young peoples bias against unexpected phone calls?4. According to Deborah Tannen, the older generations should recognize that _.5. What can we conclude based on the experiences of Jane Beard and Muggaga Kintu?A. The less popularit

35、y of phone calls should arouse the youngs concern.B. Lives have changed fundamentally due to the change of communication.C. Answering a phone call causes great pressure on the young.D. Perception gap emerges due to different communication preferences.问题1选项A.Baby boomers.B.Millennials.C.18-to-34-year

36、-olds.D.18-to-24-year-olds.问题2选项A.They feel they are deprived of control.B.They feel not intimate enough to have phone calls.C.They want to make shorter conversations.D.They fall victim to the neglect of phone calls.问题3选项A.It is because they are afraid that they may be seen as rude or intrusive.B.It

37、 roots in the way that e-mails and texts enable them to make more careful responses.C.They tend to make an appointment by texting before they call.D.They become less addicted to face-to-face communication.问题4选项A.their children are just too busy to replyB.its the medium that makes differenceC.childre

38、n complain about the frequent callsD.they are intruding their childrens lives问题5选项A.their children are just too busy to replyB.its the medium that makes differenceC.children complain about the frequent callsD.they are intruding their childrens lives【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事

39、实题。由题干可以定位到文中第二段第三句But the fall of the call is driven by 18-to-34-year-olds, whose average monthly voice minutes have plunged from about 1,200 to 900 in the past two years, according to the research by Nielsen.(尼尔森公司的调查显示,18岁至34岁的年轻人是通话次数减少的主要原因,在过去两年中,他们每月平均通话时间从1200分钟下降到900分钟)。C选项“18到34岁的人群”,文章所说,

40、18-34岁通话的人数减少,因此C选项正确。A选项“婴儿潮出生的一代人”,婴儿不能使用手机通话,因此A选项可排除。B选项“千禧之子”,文章只是说千禧一代的通话减少,但并不是主要原因。D选项“18到24岁的人群”,文章所说,这个时代的人,短信数量激增,因此也可排除D。因此正确答案为C选项。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干我们可以定位到文章第三段第一句Young people say they avoid voice calls because the immediacy of a phone call strips them of the control(年轻人说,他们不喜欢打

41、语音电话,因为电话的即时性使他们失去了控制权)。A选项“他们觉得自己被剥夺了控制权”,符合文章内容,A选项正确。B选项“他们觉得没有亲密到可以打电话”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。C选项“他们想要进行简短的对话”,他们认为打电话是一种打扰,并不是简短的对话,C选项可排除。D选项“他们成了忽视电话的受害者”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。因此正确答案为A选项。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段最后一句The bias, against unexpected phone calls stems in good part from the way texting a

42、nd e-mail have conditioned young people to be cautious about how they communicate when they are not face to face, experts, say.(专家表示,这种对“意外来电”的偏见很大程度上源于短信和电子邮件的方式,这种方式使年轻人在非面对面交流时谨慎对待交流方式)。B选项“它的根源在于,电子邮件和短信使他们能够做出更谨慎的回应”,符合文章所说的内容,短信和电子邮件使年轻人有更谨慎的回应,因此B选项正确。A选项“这是因为他们害怕他们可能会被认为是粗鲁或侵犯”,A选项的情节过于严重,文章

43、是说他们认为打电话是一种打扰,A选项可排除。C选项“他们倾向于在打电话之前先发短信预约”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“他们不太喜欢面对面的交流”,这并不是造成他们对打电话的偏见的主要原因,D选项可排除。因此正确答案为B选项。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第四段最后一句One student told me that it takes her days to call her parents back and the parents thought she was intentionally putting them off.” she said. “B

44、ut the parents didnt get it. Its the medium”.(“一个学生告诉我,她花了好几天时间给父母回电话,而父母认为她是故意拖延。”她说。“但家长们并不理解。它是媒介”)。B选项“这是不同的媒介”,父母和孩子对待打电话的观念不一样,孩子认为打电话属于一种媒介,父母却不理解,因此B选项正确。A选项“他们的孩子只是太忙了,没有时间回复”,文章并没有提到此内容,因此可排除A选项。C选项“孩子们抱怨频繁的电话”,文章没有提到孩子抱怨接电话,可排除。D选项“他们正在干涉孩子们的生活”,不符合文章内容,可排除。因此正确答案为B选项。5.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题

45、。由题干可以定位到文章倒数第二段第一句The difference in communications preferences has created a palpable perception gap between young adults and their parents.(在沟通偏好上的差异已经在年轻人和他们的父母之间造成了一个明显的认知鸿沟)最后一段最后一句One day she called me when I was at work, and I told her, Instead of calling me, can you text me? What? You dont l

46、ike to hear from me? You dont like the sound of my voice? She said.”( 有一天她在我工作的时候给我打电话,我告诉她,“你能不能别给我打电话,发个短信给我?”“什么?你不喜欢我的消息吗?你不喜欢我的声音吗?”她说)。可推测年轻人与父母沟通方式上产生着差异。D选项“由于沟通偏好的不同,产生了感知差距”,符合文章内容,D选项正确。A选项“电话越来越少应该引起年轻人的关注”,从这两位的话语,并不能体现这个内容,可排除A。B选项“通讯方式的改变从根本上改变了人们的生活”,文中只是说父母和年轻人的通讯方式不一样,并没有从根本上发生改变。B

47、选项可排除。C选项“接电话对年轻人造成很大的压力”,年轻人只是不喜欢接电话,并不是说接电话会让他们产生较大的压力。因此正确答案为D选项。4. 翻译题Since the dawn of humanity, the sky and stars have stimulated our imagination and curiosity. (1)As our understanding about outer space increases.so does our passion and drive to explore beyond the reaches of our own planet and

48、 to utilize space to understand our own planet. Just as communications satellites have emerged as an important part of our telecommunication networks, our daily lives are enhanced greatly by services such as weather forecasting, GPS, satellite imagery, and other applications. Just a half-century aft

49、er the launch of the Sputnik, space infrastructure has become central to the way we live, work and play. The budget and revenue of space activities reached 257 billion dollars in 2008. (2)More and more countries are paying attention to space and joining in the space endeavor. It has been the hot top

50、ic for us all on how to develop space technology in an efficient and sustainable fashion and how to further the global cooperation on space development.It has been 50 splendid years since China embarked on the road to develop its space industry, starting in 1956. For half a century, China has worked

51、 independently in this field. (3) China has made eye-catching achievements, and ranks among the worlds most advanced countries in some important fields of space technology. China is unflinching in taking the road of peaceful development, and always maintains that outer space is the common wealth of

52、mankind. While supporting all activities that utilize outer space for peaceful purposes, China actively explores and uses outer space and is trying to make new contributions to the development of mans space programs.Chinas space program attaches great importance to better serving the needs of social

53、 and economic development, through activities concerning space systems, space technology applications and space services. Chinas space enterprises are fulfilling their social responsibility and providing continuous technical support to such fields of the national economy as satellite communications,

54、 disaster monitoring, earthquake rescue and relief, meteorological and ocean monitoring, land survey, forestry and agriculture. Taking advantage of creativity and advanced technologies, Chinas space industry is developing IT products, new energy, new materials, environmental protection technologies

55、and modern industrial equipment. (4)Using space technology. China upgrades conventional industries and realizes the effective integration of low resource and energy consumption, low-emission and high economy efficiency which is conductive to building a resource-saving, environment-friendly and harmo

56、nious-developing society. China has long been active in international space cooperation. Chinese space technology has also benefited people of other countries through sharing and free distribution of satellite data and commercial cooperation.As everyone knows, high input and high risk are features o

57、f space programs. (5) Facing the global economic recession, the space community is under more pressure than before. Enhancing exchange and cooperation might be the best way to a win-win situation. Global Space Development Summit offers a top-level forum for people from governments, research institut

58、es, companies and relevant agencies to exchange their views at policy and academic levels, thus improving mutual understanding and creating a favorable atmosphere for international space cooperation.【答案】(1)随着我们对外层空间理解的加深。我们探索地球以外的地方,利用太空来了解我们的星球的热情和动力也是如此。(2)越来越多的国家开始关注和参与太空事业。如何以有效和可持续的方式发展空间技术以及如何

59、促进空间发展方面的全球合作,一直是我们大家的热门话题。(3)中国在一些重要的空间技术领域取得了举世瞩目的成就,已跻身世界先进行列。(4)使用空间技术。中国升级传统产业,实现低资源能耗、低排放、高效益的有效融合,有利于建设资源节约型、环境友好型、和谐发展的社会。 (5)面对全球经济衰退,航天界面临着前所未有的压力。加强交流合作才是实现共赢的最佳途径。 5. 翻译题中国人讲究“义利相兼,以义为先”。中非关系最大的“义”,就是用中国发展助力非洲的发展、最终实现互利共赢、共同发展。中方支持非洲人以非洲方式解决非洲问题,主张解决安全问题要标本兼治、综合施策。在工业、基础设施建设、投资和贸易便利化等领域,

60、中非合作将为双方企业投资和贸易提供更多机会,从而提高非洲产业竞争力,弥补非洲基础设施缺口。在现代农业、绿色发展、减贫惠民等方面的合作,将促进中非企业分享先进技术和建立可持续发展模式,增强自主发展能力,提高公共治理水平。【答案】Chinese people pay attention to the phase of righteousness and concurrently to righteousness first. China-Africa relations the righteousness of the biggest boost Africas development is to

61、 use Chinas development, Ultimately achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. The common development of Chinas support of the African people in Africa way solve the problem of Africa, argues that to solve security problems to treat both comprehensive ShiCe. In the industrial areas such as infrastr

62、ucture construction investment and trade facilitation, china-Africa cooperation will provide more opportunities for both business investment and trade, to improve industrial competitiveness, Africa gaps African infrastructure Green development in modern agricultureCooperation in poverty reduction an

63、d peoples well-being will encourage Chinese and African companies to share advanced technologies, establish sustainable development models, enhance their capacity for independent development and improve public governance.6. 翻译题巩固和加强同广大发展中国家的团结与合作,始终是中国外交的基本立足点,也是中国全方位对外合作的重要组成部分。历史证明,只要我们从长远考虑,妥善处理彼

64、此的分歧,我们就能在国际经济、贸易、金融、环境等重大问题上发出一致声音,提高我们的影响力,维护我们的共同利益。近年来,中国对与其他发展中国家合作的投入不断增加,合作的形式日益丰富。虽然中国本身受到金融危机的严峻影响,中国仍将在力所能及的范围内继续向其他发展中国家提供援助。中国领导人相继提出了同发展中国家加强合作、实现共同发展的重大举措。作为人口众多的发展中国家,中国面临加快自身发展的问题。中国将始终不渝地奉行互利共赢的开放战略,与广大发展中国家一道,为推动建设一个更加和谐、繁荣的世界做出贡献。【答案】To consolidate and strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries, is always the fundamental standpoint of Chinas diplomacy, is also a comprehensive international cooperation is an important part of China. History proves that as long as we think about the longer term, properly

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