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1、2022年考博英语-郑州大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 不定项选择题The University of California study has linked behavior in young children(56)the type of job their mother has. Mothers with complex occupations that are self-directed and require working with other people(57)to have offspring with relatively low levels of beha

2、vior problems. The opposite held(58)when the jobs were routine, closely supervised, and dealt with things, rather than people.“A job that challenges and interests a mother and gives her an opportunity to exercise judgment and solve problems clearly has(59)consequences for her childrens behavior,” in

3、dicates(60)professor of sociology Elizabeth Tunner. Occupations with more positive conditions include management, sales, and teaching positions. Jobs that may be related to increased child behavior. problems include book keeping, food service, and(61)line positions.Women who are supervised closely a

4、t work and made to(62)strict orders may be more likely to use this same style in(63)their kids. They may emphasize obedience to parental authority and the potential for(64)punishment. “We believe that the choice of such a parenting style may increase the(65)of behavior problems in children.” On the(

5、66)hand, mothers whose jobs are less controlled by supervisors and(67)must work closely with other people probably rely less on physical punishment,(68)encouraging children to think about consequences of their actions and(69)responsibility for their behavior.(70)an approach encourages youngsters to

6、follow parental demands(71)they arent being supervised because they have accepted parental values as their own. Moreover, mothers whose jobs dont(72)constant supervision “(73)problem-solving skills that they can bring to other parts of their life”.The research also found that those who have(74)chall

7、enging and interesting jobs provide better home environments for their children. The mothers give their offspring more intellectual stimulation and emotional support, and this,(75)turn, is linked to fewer behavior problem.问题1选项A.ofB.withC.inD.on问题2选项A.likelyB.linkedC.relatedD.tended问题3选项A.trueB.fals

8、eC.wrongD.the same问题4选项A.negativeB.positiveC.affirmativeD.denial问题5选项A.viceB.deputyC.associateD.junior问题6选项A.assemblyB.assembledC.gatherD.gathering问题7选项A.followB.giveC.listenD.hear问题8选项A.growingB.bringingC.feedingD.raising问题9选项A.mentalB.psychologicalC.physicalD.body问题10选项A.frequencyB.degreeC.extentD

9、.depth问题11选项A.oneB.otherC.anotherD.others问题12选项A.whomB.whoseC.whoD.those问题13选项A.insteadB.rather thanC.ratherD.instead of问题14选项A.takeB.getC.haveD.make问题15选项A.ThusB.WhatC.SoD.Such问题16选项A.evenB.even thenC.even whenD.even so问题17选项A.involveB.relateC.revolveD.relating问题18选项A.inventB.developC.developingD.i


11、“很可能;或许”;B选项linked“连接,连结;联合,结合”;C选项related“叙述;使有联系”;D选项tended“趋向,倾向;照料,照顾”。句意:如果母亲的职业复杂,需要自我指导,需要与他人合作,那么她们的后代往往行为问题的程度相对较低。本句表示“易于有行为问题的程度相对较低的后代”,tend to(趋向;注意;易于;有的倾向)。因此D选项正确。第3题:考查固定搭配。A选项true“真实的;正确的;真实地;准确地;真实;准确”;B选项false“错误的;虚伪的;伪造的;欺诈地”;C选项wrong“错误的;搞错了的;失常的;不适当的;不道德的;错误地;出问题;不正当地;恶行;犯罪;不公

12、正地对待”;D选项the same“同样地;一样”。hold true(适用;有效)。句意:当工作是例行公事,受到密切监督,处理的是事情而不是人的时候,情况就相反了。本句表示“相反的情况适用于”,因此A选项正确。第4题:考查形容词辨析。A选项negative“数负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的”;B选项positive“积极的;数正的,医化学阳性的;定的;实际的,真实的;绝对的(强调的是“正面,积极”的意思)”;C选项affirmative“肯定的;积极的(该词中没有正面性的意思,强调比较大,断言的)”;D选项denial“否认;拒绝;节制;背弃”。句意:一个对母亲有挑战和兴趣的工作,给她一个机会

13、来进行判断和解决问题,显然会对她的孩子的行为产生积极的影响。由下文Occupations with more positive conditions include management, sales, and teaching positions(更有利条件的职业包括管理,销售和教学岗位)可知空格处是表示对孩子产生积极影响,因此B选项正确。第5题:考查形容词辨析。A选项vice “副的;代替的(表示副职的时候,后面一般接的词是职位很高的词,表示级别或权利仅次于最高级别的人员,而且能担任此副职的人员仅限于1-2个)”;B选项deputy“副的;代理的(表示副职的时候,表示被委托或任命去代某人行

14、使职责,deputy后面接的职位的名词的权利一般而言较vice后面名词要低,且能有多个)”;C选项associate “(与某组织或企业)联合的;副的(用作“副”时一般用于职称)”;D选项junior “年轻人的;下级的;(7至11岁的)学童的;(四年制大学或中学)三年级学生的;小(用于指一家人中同名两人中较年轻者)”。句意:社会学副教授伊丽莎白特纳指出,本句表示“副教授”,教授为职称且一般associate professor“副教授”为固定搭配。因此C选项正确。第6题:考查固定搭配。A选项assembly“装配;集会,集合;汇编,编译;B选项assembled“装配(assemble的过去

15、分词);集合;组合的;安装的”;C选项gather“收集;收割;使聚集;使皱起;聚集;化脓;衣褶;收获量”;D选项gathering“(名词)聚集;集会;收款;聚集(gather的ing形式)”。gathering指作为一个团体为一个共同的目的聚集在一起的行为;assembly指为特定目的而举行的集会。固定搭配assembly line(装配线;流水作业线)。句意:可能与儿童行为问题增加有关的工作包括簿记、食品服务和流水线岗位。本句表示“流水线岗位”,因此A选项正确。第7题:考查动词辨析。A选项follow“跟随;遵循;追求;密切注意,注视;注意;倾听”;B选项give“给;产生;让步;举办;

16、授予”;C选项listen“听,倾听;听从,听信”;D选项hear“听到,听;听说;审理”。句意:那些在工作中受到严密监督并被要求严格执行命令的女性由orders(命令)可知空格处表示follow orders(服从命令),因此A选项正确。第8题:考查动词辨析。A选项growing“生长;发育”;B选项bringing“带来,带到某处;提供,供给;导致,引起”;C选项feeding“饲养(强调提供食物)”;D选项raising“饲养(指养育,抚养);升起;举起”。句意:那些在工作中受到严密监督并被要求严格执行命令的女性更有可能在抚养孩子时采用同样的方式。由their kids可知空格处表示抚养


18、围;长度”;D选项depth“海洋深度;深奥”。句意:我们相信这种教育方式的选择可能会增加儿童行为问题的频率。本句表示“儿童行为问题的频率会增加”。因此A选项正确。第11题:考查固定搭配。A选项one“一;一个;一岁;一点钟;一个人;任何人;一个(强调某人或某事);一个(用于比较相似的人或物);某个(用于不认识的人的名字前)”;B选项other“其他的,另外的;另外一个”;C选项another“又一,另一;另外的,不同的;类似”;D选项others“其他人”。on the other hand“另一方面”。句意:另一方面,工作不受主管控制的母亲因此B选项正确。第12题:考查从句引导词。根据整个

19、句子判断,句子的主语是mothers,谓语动词是rely on,and之前是一个定语从句,and并列相同的成分,则and之后也是一个定语从句,空格所填的引导词在定语从句中做主语,排除A选项,B选项以及D选项。句意:另一方面,工作上受主管控制较少、必须与他人密切合作的母亲可能较少依赖体罚。因此C选项正确。第13题:考查副词辨析。A选项instead“代替;反而;相反”;B选项rather than“宁可也不愿”;C选项rather“宁可,宁愿;相当;准确地说;或多或少地”;D选项instead of“代替;而不是”。句意:相反,鼓励孩子思考他们行为的后果,根据句意可排除B, C选项。instea

20、d可位于句首,连接上下句。通常是上句先否定一种情况,再以instead引出下句,提出相反的情况;instead of是短语介词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词,有时也可接形容词、动词不定式、介词短语等。instead of前后两部分的意思一般是一正一反,可灵活译为“(用)代替”“(是)而不是”“并非”“反而”等。此处只是否定上一种情况,提出相反的情况,因此A选项正确。第14题:考查动词辨析以及固定搭配。A选项take“拿,取;带去;使达到;偷走;夺取;买下;订阅”;B选项get“使得;获得;受到;变成”;C选项have“有;让;拿;从事;允许”;D选项make“使得;进行;布置,准备,整理”。句意

21、:另一方面,那些工作上受主管控制较少、必须与他人密切合作的母亲可能较少依赖体罚,相反,她们鼓励孩子思考自己行为的后果,并为自己的行为负责。本句表示“为自己的行为负责”,固定搭配take responsibility for(对负责)。因此A选项正确。第15题:考查固定搭配。A选项Thus“因此;从而”;B选项What“什么;多么;多少;到什么程度,在哪一方面”;C选项So“如此,这么;确是如此;所以”;D选项Such “这样的;那样的;这样”。句意:这种方法鼓励年轻人听从父母的要求。本句表示“这样的一个方法”,结合固定搭配such a/an“这样的;这种”,可知D选项正确。第16题:考查从句。

22、Such an approach encourages youngsters to follow parental demands even when they arent being supervised because they have accepted parental values as their own(这种方法鼓励青少年在没有人监督的情况下也听从父母的要求,因为他们已经接受了父母的价值观)根据句子结构可知,主句为Such an approach encourages youngsters to follow parental demands,空格处应填入引导词引导空格后的从句,



25、better可知此处填入表示比较级的词,因此B选项正确。第20题:考查固定搭配。A选项in turn“反过来;转而;轮流,依次”;B选项to turn“改变”;C选项by turn“轮流”;D选项不是固定搭配。句意:妈妈给后代更多的智力刺激和情感上的支持,而这,反过来,减少行为问题。本句表示“给后代更多的智力刺激和情感上的支持这件事反过来会减少行为问题”,因此A选项正确。2. 单选题According to some psychologists, we must recognize that perception of the external world does not always re

26、main independent( )motivation.问题1选项A.onB.ofC.withD.in【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。be/remain independent of “与无关”,因此选项B符合题意。3. 单选题We are going to( )what were learned so far by some revision exercise today.问题1选项A.affirmB.reinforceC.consolidateD.conform【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。affirm “肯定,断言”; reinforce “加强”;consolidate “巩

27、固”; conform “使遵守”。根据 what we learned “我们所学的”与by some revision exercise“通过一些练习”可知是通过练习来巩固我们所学的内容,因此选项C符合题意。4. 单选题When the first of the two Viking landers touched down on Martian soil on July 20, 1976, and began to send camera images back to Earth, the scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory could

28、 not suppress a certain nervous anticipation, like people who hold a ticket to a lottery they have a one-in-a-million chance of winning. The first photographs that arrived, however, did not contain any evidence of life. What revealed itself to them was merely a barren landscape littered with rocks.

29、The view resembled nothing so much as a flat section of desert in fact, the winning entry in a contest at J. P. L. for the photograph most accurately predicting what Mars would look like as a snapshot taken in a particularly arid section of the Mojave Desert.The scientists were soon ready to turn th

30、eir attention from visible life to microorganisms. The twin Viking landers carried three experiments designed to detect current biological activity and one to detect organic compounds, because researchers thought it possible that life had developed on early Mars just as it is thought to have develop

31、ed on Earth, through the gradual chemical evolution of complex organic molecules(分子).To detect biological activity, Martian soil samples were treated with various nutrients that would produce characteristic by-products if life forms were active in the soil. The results from all three experiments wer

32、e inconclusive. The fourth experiment heated a soil sample to look for sign of organic material but found none, an unexpected result because at least organic compounds from the steady bombardment of the Martian surface by meteorites (限星)were thought to have been present.The absence of organic materi

33、al, some scientists speculated, was the result of intense ultraviolet radiation penetrating the atmosphere which was at one time rich in carbon dioxide and thus thick enough to protect its surface from the harmful ray of the Sun, the carbon dioxide had gradually left the atmosphere and been converte

34、d into rocks. This means that even if life had gotten a start on early Mars, it could not have survived the exposure to ultraviolet radiation when the atmosphere thinned. Mars never developed a protective layer of ozone as Earth did.Despite the disappointed Viking results, there are those who still

35、keep open the possibility of life on Mars. They point out that the Viking data cannot be considered the final word on Martian life because the two landers only sampled two limited and uninteresting sites. The Viking landing sites were not chosen for what they might tell of the planets biology. They

36、were chosen primarily because they appeared to be safe of landing a spacecraft. The landing sites were on part of the Martian plains that appeared relatively featureless from orbital photography.The type of Martian terrain that these researchers suggest may be a possible hiding place for active life

37、 has an earthly parallel: the ice-free region of southern Victoria land. Antarctica, where the temperatures in some dry valley average below zero. Organisms known as endoliths, a form of blue-green algae (藻类)that has adopted to this harsh environment, were found living inside certain porous rocks in

38、 these Antarctic valleys. The argument based on this discovery is that if life did exist on early Mars, it is possible that it escaped worsening condition by similarly seeking too dry, even compared with Antarctic valleys, to sustain any life whatsoever.Should Mars eventually prove to be completely

39、barren of life, as some suspect, then this would have a significant impact on the current view of the chemical origin of life. It could be much more difficult to get life started on a planet than scientists thought before the Viking landings.1. The major purpose of the passage is to( ).2. The author

40、 used the evidence from the four Viking experiments (paragraph 2) to establish that( ).3. The author suggests that important difference between Mars and Earth is that unlike Earth, Mars( ).4. In paragraph 5, the researchers argument that life may exist in Martian rocks rests on the idea that( ).问题1选

41、项A.relate an account of an extraordinary scientific achievementB.undermine the prevailing belief that life may exist on MarsC.show the limitations of the scientific investigation of other planetsD.discuss the efforts of scientists to determine whether Martian life exist问题2选项A.meteorites do not strik

42、e the surface of Mars as often as scientists had thought.B.there was no experimental confirmation of the theory that life exist on Mars.C.current theory as to how life developed on Earth is probable flawed.D.biological activity has been shown to be absent from the surface of Mars.问题3选项A.could not ha

43、ve sustained life that developedB.possessed at one time an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxideC.is in the path of the harmful rays of ultraviolet radiationD.accumulated organic compounds from the steady bombardment of meteorites问题4选项A.life evolved in the same way on two different planetsB.life develop

44、ed in the form of blue-green algae on MarsC.organisms may adopt identical survival strategies in comparable environmentsD.endoliths are capable of living in the harsh environment of Mars【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。题目问的是“文章的主要目的是什么?”文章第一段提到科学家们通过图像并没有发现火星上可见的生命,接下来讲述了科学家们通过火星土样也没有发现火星上有微生物存在,

45、然后推测原因,最后一段提到如果火星最后被证明没有生命存在可能带来的影响,由此可知本文主要是讲述了科学家们努力确定火星上有无生命,因此选项D符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者使用四个火星实验得来的证据是为了”。文章第二段提到“因为研究人员认为有可能早期火星上的生命就想地球上的生命一样”(because researchers thought it possible that life had developed on early Mars just as it is thought to have developed on Earth),但是在火星土样中没有发现任何迹象(The four

46、th experiment heated a soil sample to look for sign of organic material but found none),因此选项B“火星上有生命这一理论没有得到实验的证实”符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者认为火星和地球之间的重要区别在于不像地球,火星”。文章第三段提到“是强烈的紫外线辐射穿透大气层的结果”(was the result of intense ultraviolet radiation penetrating the atmosphere),最后一句提到“火星没有像地球那样形成一层保护臭氧层”(Mars never

47、 developed a protective layer of ozone as Earth did)。选项C“在紫外线辐射的有害射线路径上”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“在第五段中,研究者认为火星岩石上有生命的观点是依靠”。文章第五段提到“基于该发现的论证是如果有生命存在于早期的火星上,那么这些生命就可能通过寻找比南极干谷更干燥的环境来维持生命形式”(The argument based on this discovery is that if life did exist on early Mars, it is possible that it escaped worsenin

48、g condition by similarly seeking too dry, even compared with Antarctic valleys, to sustain any life whatsoever),选项C“生命体在类似环境中可能采取同样的生存策略”符合题意。5. 不定项选择题Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment, has been continuously practiced by humans for some 20,000 years. Togeth

49、er with other activities(1)ritualistic in origin but have come to be designated as artistic (such as music or dance), painting was one of the earliest ways in which man(2)to express his own personality and his(3)understanding of an existence beyond the material world.(4)music and dance, however, exa

50、mples of early forms of painting have survived to the present day. The modern eye can derive aesthetic as well as antiquarian satisfaction(5)the 15,000-year-old cave murals of Lascaux - some examples(6)to the considerable powers of draftsmanship of these early artists. And painting, like other arts,

51、 exhibits universal qualities that(7)for viewers of all nations and civilizations to understand and appreciate. The major(8)examples of early painting anywhere in the world are found in Western Europe and the Soviet Union. But some 5,000 years ago, the areas in which important paintings were execute

52、d(9)to the eastern Mediterranean Sea and neighboring regions.(10), Western shared a European cultural tradition - the Middle East and Mediterranean Basin and, later, the countries of the New World. Western painting is in general distinguished by its concentration(11)the representation of the human(1

53、2), whether in the heroic context of antiquity or the religious context of the early Christian and medieval world. The Renaissance(13)this tradition through a(14)examination of the natural world and an investigation of balance, harmony, and perspective in the visible world, linking painting(15)the d

54、eveloping sciences of anatomy and optics. The first real(16)from figurative painting came with the growth of landscape painting in the 17th and 18th centuries. The landscape and figurative traditions developed together in the 19th century in an atmosphere that was increasingly(17)“painterly” qualiti

55、es of the(18)of light and color and the expressive qualities of paint handling. In the 20th century these interests(19)to the development of a third major tradition in Western painting, abstract painting, which sought to(20)and express the true nature of paint and painting through action and form.问题

56、1选项A.may have beenB.that may haveC.may haveD.that may have been问题2选项A.seekB.sought forC.seek forD.sought问题3选项A.emergencyB.emergingC.mergingD.merger问题4选项A.AsB.LikeC.UnlikeD.Since问题5选项A.forB.toC.intoD.from问题6选项A.ratifyB.certifyC.testifyD.gratify问题7选项A.make it easyB.make easyC.make hardD.make it hard问题

57、8选项A.extinctB.extantC.extentD.exterior问题9选项A.had shiftedB.shiftedC.shiftingD.have shifted问题10选项A.NeverthelessB.MoreoverC.ThereforeD.However问题11选项A.toB.onC.inD.for问题12选项A.shadowB.shapeC.figureD.form问题13选项A.extractedB.extrudedC.extortedD.extended问题14选项A.closeB.closingC.closedD.closure问题15选项A.onB.toC.i

58、n D.for问题16选项A.breakdownB.breakageC.breakD.breaking问题17选项A.concerningB.concerned withC.concerning withD.concerned for问题18选项A.reactionB.actionC.relationD.interaction问题19选项A.distributedB.contributedC.attributedD.construed问题20选项A.uncoverB.discoverC.recoverD.cover【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D第6题:C第7题:A第

59、8题:B第9题:B第10题:C第11题:B第12题:C第13题:D第14题:A第15题:B第16题:C第17题:B第18题:D第19题:B第20题:A【解析】第1题:考查从句。本句主句painting was one of the earliest ways.(绘画是最早的方式之一),together with副词短语,不是从句的引导词或者是连词,因此这里不能引导一个状语从句,排除A选项和C选项;空格后ritualistic(仪式的;固守仪式的;惯例的)是形容词,要和be动词搭配;句意:和其他起源可能是仪式的活动,但后来被指定为艺术活动(如音乐或舞蹈)。因此D选项正确。第2题:考查动词辨析。s

60、eek(寻求;寻找;探索;搜索)做及物动词时,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,用作不及物动词时,其主动形式含有被动意义,但是本句话表示主动寻求,排除B、C选项;根据主干部分时态was可排除A选项。句意:绘画是人们寻求表现自己个性的最早的方式之一;因此D选项正确。第3题:考查形容词辨析。A选项emergency“紧急的;备用的”;B选项emerging“走向成熟的;新兴的”;C选项merging“合并;融入,融合(merge 的现在分词)”;D选项merger“合并;并购;吸收”;句意:他对物质世界之外存在的领悟。根据空格前his(他的)和空格后understanding(谅解,理解;理解力;协


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