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1、2022年考博英语-安徽大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Mr. Smith had an unusual( ): he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.问题1选项A.professionB.occupationC.positionD.career【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项profession“职业;专业”,一般是指需要经过专业培训的职业,尤指需要较高的受教育水平的职业;B选项occupation“职业;占有”,泛指任何一种工作,多用于表格填写或正

2、式书面语中;C选项position“位置;职位”,多指所处的方位;D选项career“生涯;职业”,指从事的职业或希望毕生从事的事业。句意:史密斯先生有一个不同寻常的职业生涯:他最初是一名办公室职员,然后是一名水手,最后成为一所学校的老师。他的职业从职员到水手,最后到老师,是一段任职经历,而不单单指一份职业,故选D。2. 单选题( )outside in the street, the man was sent to hospital at once.问题1选项A.To be found dyingB.Finding deadC.Found lying and dying fastD.Foun

3、d lying and almost died【答案】C【解析】考查分词辨析。A选项To be found dying“被发现奄奄一息”;动词不定式表将来,本句所用一般过去式,故排除A选项。B选项Finding dead“发现死者”;主语是the man和find之间的关系为被动关系,故排除B选项。D选项Found lying and almost died有语病,die是瞬间动词,也不能用almost修饰,可以用die的连续性动词dying“奄奄一息的”。句意:人们发现了这个男人躺在大街上奄奄一息的时候,立即将他送往医院。故选C。3. 单选题He doesnt drive yet, but

4、he wants( ).问题1选项A.the own carB.the car of his ownC.an own carD.a car of his own【答案】D【解析】考查own和冠词的用法。own用作代词时是限定代词,用在所有格之后,强调某事物的个人所有或私人性质;需要和of连用。因此可以排除AC选项,句中的车是泛指,并非特指,可排除B选项,句意:他还不会开车,但他想要一辆自己的车。故选D。4. 单选题Standing at the top of the mountain, we watched the fog( )from the valley below; it seemed

5、that we had entered a fairyland.问题1选项A.descendB.decreaseC.ascendD.increase【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项descend“下降;遗传”;B选项decrease“减小;减少”;C选项ascend“上升;攀登”;D选项increase“增加;增大”。句意:站在山顶,我们看着雾从下面的山谷,我们好像进入了一个仙境。形容云雾缭绕,雾应该是从下方升起的,故选C。5. 单选题To( )a room is to keep it supplied with fresh air.问题1选项A.blazeB.ventilateC.bo

6、astD.violate【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项blaze“燃烧;怒视”;B选项ventilate“(使)通风”;C选项boast“吹嘘;以有而自豪”;D选项violate“违反;侵犯”。句意:就是使它充满新鲜空气。后文的fresh air“新鲜空气”,想在室内呼吸到新鲜空气就需要给房间通风。因此B选项符合题意。6. 单选题The vocabulary of any technical discussion may include words which are never used outside the subject or field( ).问题1选项A.in viewB.

7、in questionC.in caseD.in effect【答案】B【解析】考查词组搭配。A选项in view“已提出的;已计划好的”;B选项in question“正被讨论的”;C选项in case“万一;如果”;D选项in effect“生效;正实施中”。句意:任何专业讨论的词汇可能包括主题或领域之外从来不使用的单词。一些专业术语会在正讨论着的主题或者领域外产生。句中缺少outside the subject or field一个修饰语,B选项符合句意和逻辑,故选B。7. 单选题The unemployed man is( )about streets with a cigar in

8、his hand and a miserable feeling in mind.问题1选项A.plungingB.patrollingC.loungingD.lingering【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项plunging“骤降;投入”;B选项patrolling“巡逻;侦查”;C选项lounging“懒洋洋地站着”;D选项lingering“徘徊;磨蹭”。句意:那个失业的人手里拿着雪茄在街上,心里愁闷不安。D选项符合语境语义,故选D。8. 单选题How can a company improve its sales? One of the keys to more effectiv

9、e selling is for a company to first decide on its “sales strategy.” In other words, what is the role of the sales person? Is the salespersons job narrative, suggestive or consultative?The “narrative” sales strategy depends on the salesperson moving quickly into a standard sales presentation. His or

10、her pitch highlights the benefits for the customer of a particular product or service. This approach is most effective for customers whose buying motives are basically the same and is also well suited to companies who have a large number of prospects(可能的主顾) on which to call.The “suggestive” approach

11、 is tailored more for the individual customer. The salesperson must be in a position to offer alternative recommendations that meet a particular customers needs. One key aspect of the suggestive approach is the need for the salesperson to engage the buyer in some sort of discussion. The salesperson

12、can use the information gleaned from the customer to suggest an appropriate product or service.“We tell our salespeople to be like wine stewards.” says Mindy Shawnee, a corporate sales trainer, “the wine steward first checks to see what food the customer has ordered and then opens by suggesting the

13、wine that best complements the dish. Most companies who use a narrative strategy should be using a suggestive strategy. Just like you cant drink red wine with every dish, you cant have one sales recommendation to suit all customers.”The final strategy demands that a companys sales staff act as “cons

14、ultants for the buyer. In this role, the salesperson must acquire a great deal of information about the customer. They do this through market research, surveys, and face-to-face discussions. Using this information, the salesperson makes a detailed presentation tailored specifically to a customers ne

15、eds.“Good sales consultants,” says Alan Goldfarb, president of AD Pro, Inc., “are the people who use a wide range of skills including probing, listening, analysis, and persuasiveness. The best sales consultants, however, are the ones who can think outside the box and use their creativity to present

16、a product and close the sale. The other skills you can teach. Creativity is innate. Its something we look for in every employee we hire.”More and more sales teams are switching from a narrative or suggestive approach to a more consultative strategy. As a result, corporations are looking more at inta

17、ngibles such as creativity and analytical skills and less at less at educational background and technical skills.“The next century will be about meeting individual customer needs.” says Goldfarb, “the days of one size fits all are over.”30. Mindy compares salespeople to wine stewards in that( ).31.

18、The biggest challenge for a consultative salesperson is( ).32. According to Alan, creativity in salespeople( ).33. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.both of them have to sell product to their customersB.both of them use their eloquent tongue to make a livingC.both of th

19、em need to suit their service to the customers needsD.both of them have to make recommendations all the time问题2选项A.face-to-face discussionB.tailor-made presentationC.appropriate pitch of voiceD.large amount of research问题3选项A.is something that cant be trained or taughtB.is something that can be gaine

20、d through years of experienceC.is the ability to “think outside the box”D.is the ability to persuade customers effectively and efficiently问题4选项A.The Power of PersuasionB.New Trends in the Sales IndustryC.Suit Your Tactics to the CustomersD.The Importance of Creativity in Sales【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:

21、B【解析】30. 推理判断题。定位在第四段Mindy说We tell our salespeople to be like wine stewards.(我告诉我们的销售人员要像酒水专员一样。)the wine steward first checks to see what food the customer has ordered and then opens by suggesting the wine that best complements the dish.(酒保首先检查顾客点了什么菜,然后开始推荐最适合这道菜的酒。)由此可知销售人员和酒水专员一样得学会根据客人的喜好再给出建议。

22、因此C选项“两者都需要让其服务符合顾客的需求”正确,符合题意。A选项“两者都必须把产品卖给客户”,B选项“两者都使用他们雄辩的口才谋生”,D选项“两者总是需要提出建议”均不符合题意,故选C。31. 推理判断题。由关键词consultative salesperson定位到第五段the salesperson must acquire a great deal of information about the customer. They do this through market research, surveys, and face-to-face discussions. Using t

23、his information, the salesperson makes a detailed presentation tailored specifically to a customers needs.(销售人员必须搜集大量客户信息,可以通过市场研究和调查面对面讨论方式完成。然后利用这些信息制定出特别符合客户需求的详细展示。)对于一位顾问式销售人员来说,需要对客户的信息了解透彻,从而制定出与客户需求特别符合的展示是他们面临的最大挑战。因此B选项“量身定做的展示”正确,符合题意。A选项“面对面讨论”,D选项“大量的研究”。A,D选项是职责内必做的事情。C选项“适当的音调”,属于说明式销

24、售人员的加分项,与顾问式销售人员无关。故选B。32. 客观细节题。定位在文章的第六段The best sales consultants, however, are the ones who can think outside the box and use their creativity to present a product and close the sale. The other skills you can teach. Creativity is innate.(然而,最好的销售顾问是那些能够跳出框框思考,利用自己的创造力展示产品并完成销售的人。其他的技能可以教。创造力是与生俱

25、来的。)由此可知在Alan看来,一个销售人员的创造力是与生俱来,不能作为技能一样进行教授的。因此A选项“是不能被训练或教导得来的”正确,符合题意。B选项“是可以通过多年的经验获得的”,C选项“是跳出框框思考的能力”,D选项“是有效和高效说服客户的能力”均不符合题意,故选A。33. 主旨大意题。本文介绍了几种销售策略:说明式、建议式和顾问式销售策略。先分别说明各种策略的特点和适用性,然后总结现在销售的趋势,即说明式和建议式向顾问式转变。因此B选项“销售行业的新趋势”正确,符合题意。A选项“说服力”,C选项“使你的策略适合顾客”,D选项“创造力在销售中的重要性”均不符合题意,故选B。9. 单选题A

26、mericans today dont place a very high value on intellect. Our heroes are athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, not scholars. Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education not to pursue Knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism

27、 in our schools arent difficult to find.“Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual;” says education writer Diane Ravitch. “Schools could be a counterbalance Ravitchs latest book, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of intell

28、ectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control. Without the ability to think critically, to

29、 defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they cannot fully participate in our democracy. Continuing along this path, says writer Earl Sherries; “We will become a second-rate country. We will have a less civil society.”“Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege,” writes his

30、torian and Professor Richard Hofstadter in Anti-intellectualism in American life, a Pulitzer Prize winning book on the roots of anti-intellectualism in US politics, religion, and education. From the beginning of our history says Hofstadter, our democratic and populist urge have driven us to reject a

31、nything that smells of elitism. Practicality, common sense, and native intelligence have been considered more noble qualities than anything you could learn from a book.Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints o

32、n children: “We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.” Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn exemplified American anti-intellectualism. Its hero avoids being civilized going to school and learning to read

33、so he can preserve his innate goodness.Intellect, according to Hofstadter, is different from native intelligence, a quality we reluctantly admire. Intellect is the critical, creative, and contemplative side of the mind. Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect e

34、xamines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines.School remains a place where intellect is mistrusted. Hofstadter says our countrys educational system is in the grips of people who “joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness to identify with childr

35、en who show the least intellectual promise.”36. What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school?37. We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of( ).38. The views of Ravitch and Emerson on schooling are( ).39. Emerson, according to the text, is probably( ).40. What

36、does the author think of intellect?问题1选项A.The habit of thinking independently.B.Profound knowledge of the world.C.Practical abilities for future career.D.The confidence in intellectual pursuits.问题2选项A.undervaluing intellectB.favoring intellectualismC.supporting school reformD.suppressing native inte

37、lligence问题3选项A.identicalB.similarC.complementaryD.opposite问题4选项A.A pioneer of education reformB.An opponent of intellectualismC.A scholar in favor of intellectD.An advocate of regular schooling问题5选项A.It is second to intelligence.B.It evolves from common sense.C.It is to be pursued.D.It underlies pow

38、er.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】36. 推理判断题。定位到第一段Americans today dont place a very high value on intellect. Our heroes are athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, not scholars.(现今天的美国人并不是很重视智力。我们的英雄是运动员、艺人和企业家,而不是学者。)Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education

39、not to pursue Knowledge for the sake of knowledge.(甚至我们的学校也是我们送孩子去接受实用教育的地方,而不是为了获取知识而追求学问的。)由此可推论出美国的父母是希望他们的孩子能够学习到一些实用的教育的。因此C选项“未来职业发展的实际能力”正确,符合题意。A选项“独立思考的习惯”,B选项“对世界的深刻认识”,D选项“对智力追求的自信”。A,B,D选项均与实用教育无关,可排除。故选C。37. 推理判断题。定位在第一段的第一句Americans today dont place a very high value on intellect.(现今天的

40、美国人并不是重视智力。)和第二段的第一句Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual.(学校一直处于实践比知识更重要的社会中)由此可推论出美国是不重视智力的,实用性远大于一切。因此A选项“低估智力”正确,符合题意。B选项“倾向于理智主义”错误,第二段就说到了美国看重实用性,会更倾向于实用主义。C选项“支持学校改革”在文中并未提及,可排除,D选项“压抑天生的智慧”,定位到原文Practicality, common sense, and native intell

41、igence have been considered more noble qualities than anything you could learn from a book.(实用性、常识和天生的智慧被认为是比你从书本中学到的任何东西都更高贵的品质。)由此可知,美国对于天生的智慧是认可的,不可能会进行压制。因此D选项错误。故选A。38. 推理判断题。定位在文章的第二段“Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual;” says education wri

42、ter Diane Ravitch.(学校一直处于实践比知识更重要的社会中,教育作家黛安拉维奇说。)Ravitchs latest book traces the roots of intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.(拉维奇的最新著作,追溯了学校知性主义的根源,其结论是美国人对才学追求的厌恶根本无法抵消。)可以知道Ravitch对美国学校低估智力崇尚实用是不赞成的。

43、而文章的第五段Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children: “We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.”(拉尔

44、夫瓦尔多爱默生和其他一些先验主义哲学家认为学校教育和严格的书本学习约束了孩子的天性,“我们被关在中小学和大学的背诵室里十年或十五年,最后出来时满腹经纶却什么也不知道。”)说明Emerson对学校的教育是不看好的,会更倾向于学习的实用性。由此可知这两人的对学校学习内容的观点是不一致的。因此D选项“相反的”正确,符合题意。A选项“完全一样的”,B选项“类似的”,C选项“互补的”,均与题意不符,可排除。故选D。39. 推理判断题。定位到原文Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling an

45、d rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children: “We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.”(拉尔夫瓦尔多爱默生和其他一些先验主义哲学家认为学校教育和严格的书本学习限制了孩子们的天性,“我们被关在中小学和大学的背诵室里十年或十五年,最后出来时满腹经纶却什么也不知道。”)由此

46、可以Emerson对智慧的培养是不赞同的。由此可知B选项“一个理智主义的反对者”正确,符合题意。A选项“一位教育改革的先驱”,C选项“一位赞成智力的学者”,D选项“一位常规教学的倡导者”,A,C,D选项均不符题意,可排除。故选B。40. 观点态度题。定位在文章第二段Ravitchs latest book traces the roots of intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pu

47、rsuits.(拉维奇的最新著作,追溯了学校知性主义的根源,其结论是美国人对才学追求的厌恶根本无法抵消。)和第三段的段首句But they could and should be.(但它们可以也应该抵消的。)说明作者是赞成Ravitch的观点的,认为学校应该要能够抵消美国人对才学的厌恶,也即是说作者是看重智力的。由此可知C选项“智力是要追求的”正确,符合题意。A选项“智力仅次于智慧”,B选项“智力是从常识演变而来的”,D选项“智力是构成权力的基础”均与题意不符,故选C。10. 单选题Rock star Eric Clapton became( )to heroin in the late 60

48、s and had to go a special clinic for treatment.问题1选项A.indulgedB.addictedC.hookedD.dependent【答案】B【解析】考查动词搭配辨析。A选项indulged“沉溺”,常见搭配be indulged in“沉溺于”;B选项addicted“上瘾”,常见搭配be addicted to“对上瘾”;C选项hooked“钩住;抓住”,常见搭配be hooked on“被迷住”;D选项dependent“依赖的”,常见搭配dependent on“依靠”。句意:摇滚明星埃里克克拉普顿六十多岁时对海洛因上瘾,必须去特殊诊所

49、接受治疗。根据关键词heroin“海洛因”是毒品,一旦沾上就容易上瘾。因此B选项符合题意。11. 单选题All the data sent back from the satellites suggested that an asteroid of about the size of an auditorium( )on its way to our planet.问题1选项A.isB.wasC.wereD.be【答案】B【解析】考查谓语动词使用的一致性。that接在动词后面充当句中的宾语从句。主句使用的是一般过去式,宾语从句中的谓语动词,应与主句的时态保持一致。因此空格处应使用be动词的过去

50、式was/were。从句中的主语是an asteroid“一颗小行星”为单数,所以应使用was。句意:从卫星发来的所有数据表明一颗像礼堂一样大小的行星正在向我们的星球靠近。因此B选项符合题意。12. 单选题People will insist that watching TV( )childrens imaginations.问题1选项A.blundersB.bluntsC.blushesD.blends【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项blunders“犯大错;误入某地”;B选项blunts“减弱;使迟钝”;C选项blushes“脸红;感到羞愧”;D选项blends“使混合;使交融”。句

51、意:人们会坚持说看电视了儿童的想象力。前因是watching TV“看电视”;后果是阻碍了childrens imaginations“儿童的想象力”。在所有选项中只有blunt有减弱,使迟钝的意思。因此B选项符合题意。13. 单选题Charles Wheelers paintings often( )the sharp edges and geometrical shapes of machines.问题1选项A.highlightB.reviveC.visualizeD.upgrade【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项highlight“突出;强调”;B选项revive“复兴;复活”;

52、C选项visualize“设想;形象化”;D选项upgrade“升级;改善”。句意:查尔斯惠勒的作品机器的锋利的边缘和几何形状。句中的主语是paintings“绘画;画作”,可知是在谈论这位画家作品的风格,会着重强调哪些部分。因此A选项符合题意。14. 单选题During Roman times,( )and marble were the materials most commonly used for sculpture.问题1选项A.boothB.broodC.bustD.bronze【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项booth“货摊;公用电话亭”;B选项brood“一窝;一伙”;C

53、选项bust“破产;半身像;胸部”;D选项bronze“青铜”。句意:在罗马时代,和大理石是最常用于雕刻的材料。由后面的并列名词marble“大理石”,可知需要填入一个和大理石一样能够进行雕刻的材料。因此可以排除A,B,C选项。D选项符合题意。15. 单选题What would you( )if you had been there at the time of the accident?问题1选项A.doB.be doingC.have doneD.to do【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气。if引导的从句使用的是过去完成时had done,提出过去的未发生的条件。主句部分:主语would/s

54、hould/might/could have动词过去分词。句意:如果你当时在事故现场,你会怎么做?因此C选项符合题意。16. 单选题More than 20 years after the mysterious disappearance of her newly-wed husband, Rose was still haunted by the( )memories of their happy days together.问题1选项A.poisonousB.passiveC.poignantD.pessimistic【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项poisonous“有毒的;恶毒

55、的”;B选项passive“被动的;消极的”;C选项poignant“深刻的;辛酸的”;D选项pessimistic“悲观的”。句意:在新婚丈夫神秘失踪后的二十多年里,罗斯一直沉浸于他们在一起的快乐时光的回忆中。时间已经过去二十多年了,对一个人的印象慢慢会变得不再那么具体生动,往往只能记住印象最深刻的瞬间。因此C选项符合题意。17. 单选题Shopping in the United States is always a pleasant experience. There are different types of shops that operate to cater to your d

56、ifferent needs. To buy groceries, you can go to the convenience store, the supermarket or the mass merchandiser (such as Wall Mart). To buy some clothes and big-ticket items you can go to the mall or factory outlets.Every grocery store has promotions on different kinds of products every week. Usuall

57、y you can find a store weekly newspaper with featured promotions for that particular week. I am a bargain hunter, forward buying a lot of daily products if I feel I need them in the future. Once, I saw a featured promotion on Pantene 2 in 1 shampoo plus conditioner(护发素). Although I did not need it a

58、t that time, I felt it was a great deal. So I decided to buy 2 bottles. However, I could not find any such Pantene on the shelf. I went to a sales clerk and asked if he could find any for me. He told me that the store was out of the stock and it would not have any in until the next week. The unfortu

59、nate thing was that by then the promotion would be over. However, the clerk told me that I could go the customer service counter and I would be given a rain check, which would guarantee the promotion price for me on that particular item.A shopping mall in the States is composed of many individual sp

60、ecialty shops and nationwide chain stores, such as Sears and JC Penny. What impresses me most when shopping is its return policy. No matter what you buy, shoes, pants or big-ticket items such as JV and VCR, if you find some problems with them or simply do not like them any longer, you can return the

61、m within 30 days. You wont be challenged at the customer service counter as long as you have your receipt. Of course there are some people who might take advantage of this return policy, especially when they need something for a momentary use. Thats why you can find a long line of people waiting to

62、return their goods right after Christmas.5. What does the word “big-ticket” (Para. 1) most probably mean?6. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the author( ).7. According to the author, the return policy of the mall( ).8. The author thinks many people return their goods after Christmas

63、 because( ).问题1选项A.A large amount of.B.Name-brand.C.Highly price.D.Huge space occupied.问题2选项A.could buy Pantene in the following week at the promotion priceB.bought what he wanted with the help of the sales clerkC.didnt buy Pantene shampoo for he didnt need it at that timeD.wouldnt buy Pantene the next week for th

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