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1、2022年考博英语-陕西师范大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk coherently.问题1选项A.honestlyB.appropriatelyC.intelligiblyD.flexibly【答案】C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项honestly adv.真诚地,公正地;B选项appropriately adv.适当地,恰当地;C选项 intelligibly adv.易理解地,清楚明白地;D选项flexi

2、bly adv.灵活地,柔软地。句意:他意识到自从自己说话不能保持前后一致开始,他已经失去了自己的听众。因此,C项为正确答案。2. 单选题Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform. For example, when you reach for

3、 an object, the sensory nerves linking the muscles to the brain stop your hand at the correct spot. This automatic perception of the position of your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in action.Muscles are stringy bundles of fibers varying from one five-thousandth of an inch t

4、o about three inches. They have three unique characteristics; they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch; and they can retract to their original positions. Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood.More than half of a per

5、sons body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary in other words, work without conscious direction. The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform particular actions, number more than five hundred. Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their

6、 body mass. That is why an average woman cant lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man.1. Intelligent use of the muscles means that().2. According to the selection, more than half of a persons body is composed of().3. An average woman is weaker than an average man because she has

7、 ().4. It is implied but not stated that() .5. According to the selection, the muscular sense is responsible for ().问题1选项A.one always knows what his muscles are doingB.one performs simple actions without workingC.ones muscles are used only to the extent necessary for each action they performD.one im

8、proves muscular action consciously问题2选项A.voluntary musclesB.muscle fibersC.involuntary fibersD.sensory nerves问题3选项A.more voluntary muscles than an average manB.only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle for her body massC.60 to 70 percent less muscle for her body massD.less muscle fiber for her body weigh

9、t问题4选项A.the muscular sense is more important than any other sensesB.muscular sense involves automatic perceptionC.there are many more than 500 involuntary muscles in the bodyD.muscle tissue is inflexible问题5选项A.the efficiency of our musclesB.the normal breathing functionC.directing our muscles intell

10、igentlyD.the work of only our involuntary muscles【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段第二句The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform.可知,第六感是一种肌肉感觉,可智能地精准控制人体活动。因此,C项是正确答案。2.细节事实题。题意:根据原文

11、,人类身体超过一半的组织是由什么构成的?根据原文第三段第一句:More than half of a persons body is composed of muscle fibers.可知,人体超过一半的组织是由muscle fibers(肌肉纤维)构成。因此,正确答案为B项。3.细节事实题。根据原文第三段Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average woman cant lift as much, throw as far, or hit

12、as hard as an average man. 可知,女性比正常男性力气小是因为女性身体内肌肉含量仅为男性的60-70%。因此,B项为正确答案。4.推理判断题。本文并未说明也未暗示肌肉感觉比其他感官重要,因此A选项错误。根据原文最后一段The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform particular action, number more than five hundred.可知,C选项与原文意思相反,故C项错误。D选项说肌肉组织是不可弯曲的,与原文不符,故排除。因此,B选项是正确答案。5.细节事实题。

13、由文章第一段The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently.可知,肌肉感官的作用是directing your muscles intelligently,因此,本题正确答案为C项。3. 单选题Please check the copy_the original before handing in.问题1选项A.withB.againstC.overD.A and B【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。check sth. against/with sth.表示“对照某

14、物核对某物”,为固定搭配。根据the copy与the original可知此处表示“对照原件核对该复印件”,因此选D。句意:交上来之前请把复印件和原件核对一下。4. 单选题“Johns ()was irritating. He was reluctant even to buy bread”问题1选项A.jealousyB.sorenessC.luckD.parsimony【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据后半句He was reluctant even to buy bread.(他甚至连买个面包都很不情愿)可知,他是相当吝啬。A选项为“嫉妒”;B选项为“悲伤,痛苦”;C选项为“幸运”

15、;D项“吝啬的,过度节俭”,因此,D项是正确答案。5. 单选题In the next few years major changes will be ()in Chinas industries.问题1选项A.brought forwardB.brought upC.brought onD.brought about【答案】D【解析】考查词组搭配。A选项brought forward提前,提出;B选项brought up提出,养育;C选项 brought on导致,引起,使发展;D选项brought about导致,带来,产生。bring on是指事情己经告一段落又再次被引起,而bring a

16、bout则指事情被从头引起;根据句意“在接下来的几年中,中国的工业将发生巨大的变化”,因此,因此,D项更符合题意。6. 单选题You may either sow wheat in rows or broadcast it, ()way you do it; it is a good thing to break up the soil after seeding.问题1选项A.whateverB.wheneverC.howeverD.whichever【答案】D【解析】考查状语从句。句意:你可以成排的播种或散播小麦。但无论是哪种方式,播种后最好都要松松土。A选项为“无论什么”;B选项为“无论

17、何时”,而从句主语为way,故可排除A和B。C项表示“无论如何”,是副词。D选项whichever可以单独使用或加一个名词。因此,D项正确。7. 单选题I cant wait to hear about your English class问题1选项A.am eager toB.am late toC.am indifferentD.am happy to【答案】A【解析】考查短语词义辨析。题目中cant wait to do sth表示“迫不及待去做某事”;A选项为“渴望去做某事”;B选项为“迟到”; C选项为“对漠不关心”;D选项为“开心做某事”。由题意可知,我已经迫不及待要听你的英语课了

18、。因此,正确答案是A项。8. 翻译题Translate the following passage into English.我崇拜朝气,喜欢自由,赞美胆量大的,精力强的。一个人行为或精神上有朝气,不在蝇头小利上打算计较,不拘泥于物质攫取与人世毁誉;他能挺起脊梁,坚持走自己的路,他所学的或同我所学的完全是两样东西,他的政治思想或与我的极其相反,他的宗教信仰或与我的格格不入,那不碍事,我仍然觉得他是个朋友,这是个人。我喜欢这种人,也尊敬这种人。这种人也许粗鲁了一点,但一切伟大事业伟大作品就只有这类人才有份,他不可避免会失败,但决不会轻易放弃。【答案】I worship vitality and

19、freedom, and I admire the plucky and the strong in heart. A person who is full of vitality in behavior and spirit would be neither concerned with petty profits nor constrained by the material prosperity and reputation. He can be upright and insist on his own way. Though what he has learnt is totally

20、 different from that of mine, as well as political thoughts and religious belief, all of these do not matter. I still consider him as my friend and a real man. I like him and also respect his kind of person. Maybe they are a little rude, but only this kind of men can accomplish great works and cause

21、. Inevitably, he may be fail, but he will never give up easily.9. 单选题The customs inspector was _for smugglers.问题1选项A.on the guardB.on the watchC.on watchD.on alert【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项搭配不正确,应为on guard“站岗,警惕,提防”;B选项on the watch“留神,守候,注意”;C选项on watch“值班,放哨,监视”;D选项on alert“提防着,警惕着”。根据The customs inspecto

22、r(海关稽查员)与smugglers(走私者)可知B选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:海关稽查员在密切关注着走私者。10. 单选题Although he has become rich, he is still very_of his money.问题1选项A.economicB.thriftyC.frugalD.careful【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项economic“经济的,有关经济的”;B选项thrifty“节俭的”,常用于be thrifty with sth.;C选项frugal“节省的,节俭的”,可用于be frugal with/of sth.;D选项careful“小心地,

23、仔细地”,be careful with/of sth.表示“当心,注意”。根据Although he has become rich与of可知选C。句意:虽然他变得富有了,但他仍然很节俭。11. 单选题Once it was possible to define male and female roles easily by the division of labor. Men worked outside the home and earned the income to support their families, while women cooked the meals and to

24、ok care of the home and the children. These roles were firmly fixed for most people, and there was not much opportunity for women to exchange their roles. But by the middle of this century, mens and womens roles were becoming less firmly fixed.In the 1950s, economic and social success was the goal o

25、f the typical American. But in the 1960s a new force developed called the counterculture. The people involved in this movement did not value the middle-class American goals. The counterculture presented men and women with new role choices. Taking more interest in childcare, men began to share child-

26、raising tasks with their wives. In fact, some young men and women moved to communal homes or farms where the economic and childcare responsibilities were shared equally by both sexes. In addition, many Americans did not value the traditional male role of soldier. Some young men refused to be drafted

27、 as soldiers to fight in the war in Vietnam.In terms of numbers, the counterculture was not a very large group of people. But its influence spread to many parts of American society. Working men of all classes began to change their economic and social patterns. Industrial workers and business executi

28、ves alike cut down on “overtime” work so that they could spend more leisure time with their families. Some doctors, lawyers, and teachers turned away from high paying situations to practice their professions in poorer neighborhoods.In the 1970s, the feminist movement, or womens liberation, produced

29、additional economic and social changes. Women of all ages and at all levels of society were entering the work force in greater numbers. Most of them still took traditional womens jobs as public school teaching, nursing, and secretarial work. But some women began to enter traditionally male occupatio

30、ns: police work, banking, dentistry, and construction work. Women were asking for equal work, and equal opportunities for promotion.Today the experts generally agree that important changes are taking place in the roles of men and women. Naturally, there are difficulties in adjusting to these transfo

31、rmations.and women. Naturally, there are difficulties in adjusting to these transformations.1. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 1?2. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 2?3. In the passage the author proposes that the counterculture_.4. It could b

32、e inferred from the passage that_.5. The best title for the passage may be_.问题1选项A.Women usually worked outside the home for wages.B.Men and womens roles were easily exchanged in the past.C.Mens roles at home were more firmly fixed than womens.D.Men and womens roles were usually quite separated in t

33、he past.问题2选项A.The first sentence.B.The second and the third sentences.C.The fourth sentence.D.The last sentence.问题3选项A.destroyed the United StatesB.transfonned some American valuesC.was not important in the United StatesD.brought people more leisure time with their families问题4选项A.men and women will

34、 never share the same goalsB.some men will be willing to exchange their traditional male rolesC.most men will be happy to share some of the household responsibilities with their wivesD.more American households are headed by women than ever before问题5选项A.Results of Feminist MovementsB.New influence in

35、 American LifeC.Counterculture and Its consequenceD.Traditional Division of Male and Female Roles【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。由文章第一段中Men worked outside the home and earned the income to support their families, while women cooked the meals and took care of the home and the children. These

36、 roles were firmly fixed for most people, and there was not much opportunity for women to exchange their roles.(男人在外面工作,挣的钱养家,而女人做饭,照顾家里和孩子。这些角色对大多数人来说是固定不变的,妇女没有机会交换她们的角色)可知过去男女的分工明确,角色相对固定,因此选D。2.主旨大意题。文章第二段主要讲述了反主流文化对男女分工角色的影响,再根据第一段最后一句中But by the middle of this century, mens and womens roles we

37、re becoming less firmly fixed.(但是到了本世纪中叶,男性和女性的角色越来越不固定)可知C选项最符合题意。A选项“在20世纪50年代,经济和社会的成功是典型的美国人的目标”;B选项“但是在20世纪60年代,一支新的力量被称为反文化。参与这场运动的人并不重视美国中产阶级的目标;C选项“反主流文化为男性和女性提供了新的角色选择”;D选项“一些年轻男性拒绝应征当兵参加越南战争”。3.推理判断题。由文章第三段中But its influence spread to many parts of American society(但它的影响却蔓延到美国社会的许多方面)可推测反主

38、流文化改变了美国的一些价值观,因此选B。4.推理判断题。由文章第二段中Taking more interest in childcare, men began to share child-raising tasks with their wives. In fact, some young men and women moved to communal homes or farms where the economic and childcare responsibilities were shared equally by both sexes.(由于对育儿更感兴趣,男人们开始和妻子分担抚

39、养孩子的任务。事实上,一些年轻男女搬进了公共住宅或农场,在那儿双方共同承担经济和抚养孩子的责任)可推测C选项“大多数男人都很乐意和妻子分担一些家务”符合题意。5.主旨大意题。文章第一段讲述了过去社会男女分工明确,角色固定;第二三段讲述了反主流文化以及它的影响;第四段讲述了女权运动给美国社会和经济带来的变化;最后一段简单概括男女地位的变化与转变中的困难。因此B选项“美国生活的新影响”符合题意。12. 单选题They have a reciprocal loathing for each other.问题1选项A.a slight trustingB.a deep motivatingC.a mu

40、tual disgustD.a lasting fight【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项a slight trusting轻微的信任;B选项a deep motivating深刻的激励;C选项 a mutual disgust相互间厌恶;D选项a lasting fight持久的斗争。根据句意可知:他们都很厌恶对方,因此选择C选项。13. 单选题Superconductors lose electrical resistance only_subjected to intense cold.问题1选项A.throughB.whenC.asD.by【答案】B【解析】考查状语从句的省

41、略。在表示时间、地点、条件、方式或让步等从句中,当从句中的主语和主句的主语相同,谓语含有动词be时,从句中的主语和谓语可以省略。从句可以还原为when superconductors are subjected to intense cold,因此选D。句意:超导体只有在严寒下才会失去电阻。14. 单选题He has brought forward conclusive evidence, which for further dispute.问题1选项A.makes roomB.leaves no roomC.spares no effortsD.takes no pains【答案】B【解析】

42、考查短语搭配。A选项makes room为留出空间;B选项leaves no room没有空间;没有余地;C选项spares no efforts不遗余力;D选项takes no pains没有费力气,没有痛苦。根据前文可知,他已经列举出了确凿的证据,没有必要进一步争论。因此,正确答案为B项。15. 单选题The automatic doors in supermarkets_the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts.问题1选项A.furnishB.induceC.facilitateD.allocate【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨

43、析。A选项furnish“布置家具,提供”;B选项induce“引诱”;C选项facilitate“促进,促使,使便利”;D选项allocate“分配,分派”。根据automatic doors可知C选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:超市的自动门方便购物车顾客进出。16. 单选题Surprisingly, no one knows how many children receive education in English hospitals, still less the content or quality of that education. Proper records are just not

44、 kept.We know that more than 850,000 children go through hospital each year, and that every child of school age has a legal right to continue to receive education while in hospital. We also know there is only one hospital teacher to every 1,000 children in hospital.Little wonder the latest survey co

45、ncludes that the extent and type of hospital teaching available differ a great deal across the country. It is found that half the hospitals in England, which admit children have no teacher. A further quarter has only a part-time teacher. The special childrens hospitals in major cities do best genera

46、l hospitals in the country and holiday areas are worst off.From this survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some contact with a hospital teacherand that contact may be as little as two hour s a day. Most children interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in hospital at

47、 all. They had not been prepared for it by parents of their own school. If there was a teacher, they were much more likely to read books and do math or number work, without a teacher they would only play games.Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and maintaining

48、 the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the teacher can do. The position and influence of many teachers was summed up when patents offered to them as “the library lady” or just “the helper”.Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch with

49、school work. Several parents spoke of requests for work being ignored or refused by the school. Once back at school children rarely get extra teaching, and are told to catch up as best they can.Many short-stay child-patients catch up quickly. But schools do very little to ease the anxiety about fall

50、ing behind expressed by many of the children interviewed.1. The author points out at the beginning that_.2. It can be inferred from the latest survey that_.3. Children in hospital usually turn to_in order to catch up with their school work.4. We can conclude from the passage that the author is_.问题1选

51、项A.every child in hospital receives some teachingB.not enough is known about hospital teachingC.hospital teaching is of poor qualityD.the special childrens hospitals are worst off问题2选项A.hospital teaching across the country is similarB.each hospital has at least one part time teacherC.all hospital su

52、rveyed offer education to childrenD.only one-fourth of the hospitals have full-time teachers问题3选项A.hospital teachersB.schoolmatesC.parentsD.school teachers问题4选项A.unfavorable towards children receiving education in hospitalsB.in favor of the present state of teaching in hospitalsC.unsatisfied with th

53、e present state of hospital teachingD.satisfied with the results of the latest survey【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的no one knows how many children receive education in English hospitals, still less the content or quality of that education(没有人知道有多少孩子能在英国的医院接受教育,更不用说教育的内容和质量了)可知B选项“对医院教学知

54、之甚少”符合题意。2.推理判断题。由文章第三段中的It is found that half the hospitals in England, which admit children have no teacher. A further quarter has only a part-time teacher.(据发现,英国有一半的医院没有教师。另外四分之一的医院只有兼职教师)可推测只有四分之一的医院有全职教师,因此选D。3.细节事实题。由文章倒数第二段中的Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch

55、with school work.(孩子们往往依靠相关的学校朋友来赶上学校的功课)可知选B。4.观点态度题。本文主要介绍了医院中的存在的教学问题,比如教师的严重缺少。根据调查结果及文章最后一段中的But schools do very little to ease the anxiety about falling behind expressed by many of the children interviewed.(但学校在缓解许多受访儿童对落后的焦虑方面收效甚微)可知作者对当前的医院教学现状是不满意的,因此选C。17. 单选题There are superstitions attach

56、ed to numbers; even those ancient Greeks believed that all numbers and their multiples had some mystical significance.Those numbers between 1 and 13 were in particular to have a powerful influence over the affairs of men.For example, it is commonly said that luck, good or bad, comes in threes; if an

57、 accident happens, two more of the same kind may be expected soon afterwards. The arrival of a letter will be followed by two others within a certain period.Another belief involving the number three has it that it is unlucky to light three cigarettes from the one match. If this happens, the bad luck

58、 that goes with the deed falls upon the person whose cigarette was the last to be lit. The ill-omen linked to the lighting of three things from one match or candle goes back to at least the 17th century and probably earlier. It was believed that three candles alight at the same time would be sure to

59、 bring bad luck; one, two, or four, were permissible, but never just three.Seven was another significant number, usually regarded as a bringer of good luck. The ancient astrologers believed that the universe was governed by seven planets; students of Shakespeare will recall that the life of man was

60、divided into seven ages. Seven horseshoes nailed to a house will protect it from all evil.Nine is usually thought of as a lucky number because it is the product of three times three. It was much used by the Anglo Saxons in their charms for healing.Another belief was that great changes occurred every

61、 7th and 9th of a mans life. Consequently, the age of 63 (the product of nine and seven) was thought lo be a very perilous time for him. If he survived his 63rd year he might hope to live to a ripe old age.Thirteen, as we well know, is regarded with great awe and fear.The common belief is that this

62、derives from the fact that there were 13 people at Christs Last Supper. This being the eve of his betrayal, it is not difficult to understand the significance given to the number by the early Christians.In more modem times 13 is an especially unlucky number of a dinner party, for example. Hotels will avoid numbering a floor the 13th; the progression is from 12 to 14, and no room is given the number 13. Many home owners will use 12 1/2 instead of 13 as their house number.Yet oddly enough, to be born on the 13th of the month is

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