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1、2022年考博英语-外交学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Manson was a scientist of unusual( )and imagination who had startling success in( )new and fundamental principles well in advance of their general recognition.问题1选项A.restiveness, acknowledgingB.precision, coordinatingC.candor, dispellingD.insight, discerning【答

2、案】D【解析】考查名词和动词辨析。A选项restiveness, acknowledging“难以驾御;倔强”,“承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到”;B选项precision, coordinating“精度,精密度;精确”,“调节,配合;使动作协调;(衣服、家具等)搭配;与形成共价键”;C选项candor, dispelling“坦白;直率”;“驱散,驱逐;消除(烦恼等)”;D选项insight, discerning“洞察力;洞悉”,“觉察出;识别;辨别;了解;隐约看见”。句意:作为一位科学家,马里逊具有非凡的洞悉力和想象力,远在某些全新的基本原理被人们普遍认识之前,他早就能够成功地令人吃惊地

3、将其察觉发现。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题For the success of the project, the company should( )the most of the opportunities at hand.问题1选项A.obtainB.graspC.catchD.make【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项obtain“获得;流行”;B选项grasp“抓牢,握紧;试图抓住;理解,领悟;毫不犹豫地抓住(机会)”;C选项catch“ 赶上;抓住;感染;了解”;D选项make“使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安排;引起”。seize /grasp/grab/

4、take the opportunity“抓住机会”,句中的the most of修饰the opportunities,可视为should grasp (the most of) the opportunities。句意:为了项目的成功,公司应该抓住大部分到手的机会。因此B选项正确。3. 单选题His argument does not( )up to close scrutiny.问题1选项A.holdB.standC.comeD.look【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。根据题干可知考查stand up to close scrutiny“经得起仔细的检查”。句意:他的论点经不起推敲。

5、因此B选项正确。4. 翻译题Since Alfred Nobel died in 1896 we have entered an age of storm and tragedy. The power of man has grown in every sphere except over himself. Never in the field of action have events seemed so harshly to dwarf personalities. Rarely in history have brutal facts so dominated thought or ha

6、s such a widespread individual virtue found so dim a collective focus.We in Europe and the western world who have planned for health and social security, who have marveled at the triumphs of medicine and science, and who have aimed at justice and freedom for all, have nevertheless been witnesses of

7、famine, misery, cruelty, and destruction before which pale the deeds of Genghis Khan. And we who, first in the League of Nations and now in the United Nations, have attempted to give an abiding foundation to the peace of which men have dreamed so long have lived to see a world marred by cleavages an

8、d threatened by discords ever graver and more violent than those which convulsed Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire.Alfred Nobel has left behind him a bright and enduring beam of culture, of purpose, and of inspiration to a generation which stands in sore need. This world-famous institution p

9、oints a truepath for us to follow. Let us, therefore, confront the clatter and rigidity we see around us with tolerance, variety, and calm.【答案】自阿尔弗莱德诺贝尔先生1896年去世后,我们就进入了一个狂暴而悲惨的时代。人类的势力在每个领域都有所发展,只有其自身除外。在战场上从未有过如此残酷之事,人格如此卑微,历史上思想受控于残酷的事实也是罕有,广为舍弃的美德也从未如此黯淡无光。我们所在的欧洲和西方社会,曾注重医疗事业和社会安全事业,曾在医学和科学上取得惊

10、人成功,曾致力于全人类的正义和自由,可我们现在却见证了饥荒、痛苦、残忍和毁灭。这些足以使成吉思汗的丰功伟绩黯然失色。从起初的国际联盟到今天的联合国,我们一直尝试着给人们梦想已久的和平,建立一个持久的基础。我们目睹了分崩离析、战火纷飞的破损社会,其动荡比罗马帝国崩溃后对欧洲的震动更惨重和剧烈。阿尔弗莱德诺贝尔先生将辉煌而不朽的文化、意志和灵感的灯火留给了急需滋养的一代。这个举世闻名的机构指出了一条真正的道路,引领我们前行。所以让我们用忍耐、机敏与冷静,来对抗我们身边嘈杂与僵化的环境吧。5. 单选题Taking a low-dose aspirin every day will reduce yo

11、ur chances of dying from cancer, scientists say today, confirming the over-the-counter pills as the most extraordinary drug yet discovered.Daily aspirin has already been shown to cut the chances of heart attacks and stroke in people who are at risk. The study public today in the Lancet medical journ

12、al reveals that it also has a powerful preventive action against a range of cancers and possibly more of them than there is currently enough evidence to prove.While the doctors who carried out the study say it is not for them to make recommendations, the lead author, 46-year-old Prof Peter Rothwell

13、from Oxford University, says he has been taking aspirin for the last two years. The beneficial dose is 75mg - a quarter of a standard tablet, which is 300mg. Some pharmacies sell low-dose tablets, but at a higher price.Rothwell and his colleagues have already shown that daily aspirin cuts death rate

14、s from colorectal cancer by more than a third. For the study published today, they examined all the data they could find from well-conducted trials that had assessed the use of aspirin against a control drug and had recorded deaths from cancer.In eight trials involving more than 25,000 patients, the

15、y found there were 21% fewer deaths after five years among those who took a daily aspirin tablet, compared with those who did not. The effect was most noticeable in gastrointestinal cancers, where deaths dropped by 54%.Patients in aspirin trials 20 years ago were still 20% less likely to die of a so

16、lid tumor and 35% less likely to die of gastrointestinal cancer.They found that the effects of the aspirin seemed to kick in for pancreatic, brain, esophageal and lung cancer (generally not the sort triggered by smoking) after patients had been taking it for five years or more. For stomach and color

17、ectal cancer, the effects were seen after 10 years and for prostate cancer after 15 years. After 20 years, the risk of death from prostate cancer was reduced by 10%, for lung cancer by 30%, for colorectal cancer by 40% and for esophageal cancer by 60%.The scientists believe benefits may be even grea

18、ter than they could establish.The impact on pancreas, stomach and brain cancers was difficult to quantify exactly because of smaller numbers of deaths, they say. There could be an effect in breast and ovarian cancers, but there is not enough trial data to prove it.Those in the trials took aspirin fo

19、r only four to eight years. Rothwell believes that if people took aspirin for 20-30 years, from the age of around 45 or 50, they might substantially reduce the risk of cancer, which steadily increases as people age.Rothwell and colleagues believe their findings should tip the balance of risk/benefit

20、 in favour of daily aspirin dosing. While millions of people started taking the tablets after evidence that it cut their chances of heart attacks and stroke, there has been something of a medical back-pedaling, because aspirin can cause stomach bleeding.1. Over-the-counter pills refer to drugs that

21、can be obtained( ).2. Which of the following is NOT true?3. The effect of a daily aspirin tablet was most noticeable in( ).4. How many years did those patients take aspirins in the eight trials?5. For colorectal cancer, the effects of the aspirin were seen after( )years.问题1选项A.within the touch of th

22、e customers on the shelfB.without a prescription from the doctorC.by way of not paying too much moneyD.under the coverage of medical insurance问题2选项A.Daily aspirin cuts death rates from colorectal cancer by more than a third.B.Aspirin has an effect in breast and ovarian cancers.C.The risk of cancer s

23、teadily increases as people age.D.Daily aspirin has already been shown to cut the chances of heart attacks and stroke in people who are at risk.问题3选项A.gastrointestinal cancersB.esophageal cancersC.lung cancersD.pancreatic cancers问题4选项A.four to eight yearsB.three to seven yearsC.six to eight yearsD.f

24、ive to eight years问题5选项A.15B.5C.10D.20【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。文中提到的over-the-counter(OTC)即我们常说的非处方药,是指为方便公众用药,在保证用药安全的前提下,经国家卫生行政部门规定或审定后,不需要医师或其他医疗专业人员开写处方即可购买的药品,一般公众凭自我判断,按照药品标签及使用说明就可自行使用。A选项“在货架上的顾客接触范围内”说法太宽泛;B选项“不需要医生的处方”说法正确;C选项“不用付太多钱”说法错误;D选项“在医疗保险范围内”说法错误,因此B选项正确。2.细节事实。根据

25、题干可定位到文章第四段“daily aspirin cuts death rates from colorectal cancer by more than a third.(每天服用阿司匹林可以将结直肠癌的死亡率降低三分之一以上)”;第九段“There could be an effect in breast and ovarian cancers, but there is not enough trial data to prove it.(这可能对乳腺癌和卵巢癌有影响,但没有足够的试验数据来证明这一点。)”;第十段“Rothwell believes that if people to

26、ok aspirin for 20-30 years, from the age of around 45 or 50, they might substantially reduce the risk of cancer, which steadily increases as people age.(罗思韦尔认为,如果人们从45岁或50岁左右开始服用阿司匹林20-30年,他们可能会大幅降低患癌症的风险,而癌症风险会随着人们年龄的增长而稳步增加。)”以及第二段“Daily aspirin has already been shown to cut the chances of heart a

27、ttacks and stroke in people who are at risk.(每天服用阿司匹林已经被证明可以降低心脏病和中风的风险。)”。由此可知A选项“每天服用阿司匹林可以将结直肠癌的死亡率降低三分之一以上。”;C选项“随着人们年龄的增长,患癌症的风险稳步增加。”以及D选项“每天服用阿司匹林已经被证明可以降低心脏病和中风的风险。”说法都正确,只有B选项“阿司匹林对乳腺癌和卵巢癌有疗效。”说法错误,因此该题B选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第五段“The effect was most noticeable in gastrointestinal cancers, w

28、here deaths dropped by 54%.(这种效果在胃肠道癌症中最为明显,死亡率下降了54%。)”。由此可知A选项“胃肠道癌症”正确;B选项“食管癌”;C选项“肺癌”;D选项“胰腺癌”均不符合题意,因此A选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第七段“They found that the effects of the aspirin.after patients had been taking it for five years or more.(他们发现,在患者服用阿司匹林5年或更长时间后,阿司匹林的效果似乎对更有效)”,由此可知年限的最低值需大于或等于5年的基础之上,

29、A选项“4到8年”;B选项“3到7年”;C选项“6到8年”都不符合该基础,D选项“5到8年”更准确,因此D选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第七段“For stomach and colorectal cancer, the effects were seen after 10 years and for prostate cancer after 15 years.(对于胃癌和结肠直肠癌,效果是在10年后看到的,而对于前列腺癌则是在15年后看到的。)”,由此可知C选项正确。6. 单选题Mike Devine, chief financial officer of New York

30、-headquartered Coach, which makes luxury hand bags, said at a conference recently a move was in the pipeline.问题1选项A.in the jobsB.in the worksC.in the jobD.in the work【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A、C、D选项均表示“在工作中”;B选项in the works“正在准备阶段;在进行中或准备中”。句意:总部位于纽约的奢侈品手袋制造商Coach的首席财务长迈克迪瓦恩(Mike Devine)最近在一次会议上表示,正在酝酿一项举措。i

31、n the pipeline“在运输中;在进行中;在准备中”。B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。7. 单选题The( ) in Davids character has hindered him from advancing in his career.问题1选项A.weaknessB.shortcomingC.demeritD.defect【答案】D【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项weakness“指人性格、品行方面的弱点,或体制、组织、设计等方面的缺陷(强调弱点)”;B选项shortcoming“指某人或某事物所存在的不足或缺陷,通常用复数”;C选项demerit“是很正式的词语,表

32、示事物的缺点”;D选项defect“指事物的缺点或人性格上的缺点,一般指较大的缺点、缺陷。”某某人的shortcoming是可以改的;但是某某人的weakness是需要那个人自己去克服;shortcoming只能用来指人的缺点;weakness可以用在人以外的东西上。句意:大卫性格上的缺陷阻碍了他在事业上的发展。因此D选项正确。8. 单选题Your attitude should be that of an employee whos there to talk about a new project, rather than the more obsequious attitude of a

33、 candidate whos hoping to get an offer.问题1选项A.aggressiveB.servileC.humbleD.confident【答案】B【解析】考查同义形容词辨析。A选项aggressive“侵略性的,好斗的,有进取心的,有闯劲的”;B选项servile“奴隶的,奴性的,卑屈的”;C选项humble“谦逊的,简陋的,(级别或地位)低下的,不大的”;D选项confident“自信的,确信的”。句意:你的态度应该是作为一名正在谈论新项目的员工,而不是一名希望得到工作机会的求职者的奉承态度。Obsequious“谄媚的,奉承的,顺从的”,B选项与该词意思最相

34、近,因此B选项正确。9. 单选题Ten years of living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or A.L.S, progressive, paralyzing disease, have stilled nearly every muscle; Dr. Jules Lodish types with twitches of his cheek, detected by a sensor clipped to this glasses. But when people ask him how he feels about his life, D

35、r. Lodish, his eyes expressing the intensity denied to his body, responds: “I still look forward today.”A.L.S. or Lou Gehrigs disease, is often described as a kind of living death in, which the body goes flaccid while mind remains intact and acutely aware. The prospect of being trapped in an inert b

36、ody and being totally dependent on others drives many sufferers to suicide.When Attorney General John Ashcroft attacked an Oregon law allowing doctor-assisted suicide in 2001a case that is still working its ways through the legal systempatients with the disease were among those who supported the law

37、 in court.But while the legal case and much of the national attention have focused on the issue of the right to die, less is known about those patients who want to live, and like Dr. Lodish, will go to extraordinary lengths to do so.With adequate medical care, patients often can live for years relat

38、ively free of physical pain from the disease itself. “Its more a sort of existential, psychic sort of pain,” said Dr. Leo McCluskey, a neurologist in Philadelphia who treats many people with the disease.As a result, patients and their families are forced, on a daily basis, to take stock of the meani

39、ng and quality of their lives and to make repeated decisions about how much is too much.“With A.L.S., you have a choice about when to stop treatment, letting nature take its course.” said Dr. Linda Ganzini, a professor of psychiatry at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, who has studie

40、d patients making end-of-life decisions.What keeps many patients alive, experts say, is a sense of having unfinished businessperhaps a milestone “like getting the last kid off to college” said Dr. Mellar P. Davis, a professor hematology and medical oncology at the Cleveland Clinic.Those patients who

41、 do best are those who have insurance that covers nursing and medical care, allowing them to avoid some of the major health risks associated with the disease, and family members who can cover the hours when expert help is unavailable.Many patients, Dr. Ganzini said, have deep religious beliefs that

42、help sustain them, and they are able, “to find hope in the future, find meaning and tolerate the daily ongoing losses that they are experiencing.”Dr. Lodishs body sits limp in a wheelchair and his tongue lolls; a machine breathes for him through a tracheostomy tube in his throat. He lost the ability

43、 to talk more than three years ago, he says, then jokes, “But not the ability to be annoying.”There are no half measures for Dr. Lodish, a hematologist who devised his own intricately detailed treatment regimen. He wrote a 30-page guide for his nurses that sets standards for a sterile environment th

44、at go beyond hospital practices, rules that have helped him avoid the infections that kill many patients. When he could no longer eat, he did the research to come up with a recipe for the nutrient blend that flows down his feeding tubeeven determining that the ingredients were kosherand he typed the

45、 two-page guide to its preparation, twitch by twitch, with a special program on the laptop that helps him to choose whole words or phrases from scrolling lists.This wire to the world keeps him connected to his family and friends, and allows him to remain an important part of their lives. He continue

46、s to provide medical consultation, and now advises patients with A.L.S. and their families on how to organize their own care and use the communication devices he has mastered.“One irony is with many people I communicate more now than when I was well,” Dr. Lodish said.By holding on, he said, he has b

47、een able to see many of lifes milestones, including the marriages of two of his three children.When his older daughter, Elizabeth Lester, became pregnant with the first grandchild, she asked her father to make the official family announcement.“He still plays the same role for me” she said, “I still

48、consult him on financial matters and other kinds of things.”Dr. Lodish said that his own determination to live comes, in part, from his long experience in treating cancer patients, who often feel that a diagnosis is a death sentence.1. A.L.S. is a disease that( ).2. Jules Lodish( ).3. All the follow

49、ing are possible reasons why the patients with A.L.S. can live a better life EXCEPT( ).4. Dr. Lodish manages to live with A.L.S. mainly because he( ).5. Which of the following tasks is NOT undertaken by Dr. Jules Lodish?问题1选项A.causes people to paralyze instantlyB.makes every muscle stop moving gradu

50、allyC.is highly contagious in the United StatesD.is genetically determined and cannot be cured问题2选项A.wants to commit suicideB.supports an Oregon lawC.determined to live longerD.is becoming unconscious问题3选项A.they have insurance that covers nursing and medical careB.they have a sense of having unfinis

51、hed businessC.they have strong religious beliefs that help sustain themD.they have got a strong mental support from people around问题4选项A.is having expert helpB.knows how to cope with the diseaseC.is well-equipped with advanced devicesD.often communicates with other people问题5选项A.Treating a lot of canc

52、er patients.B.Devising his own treatment plan.C.Providing medical consultation.D.Communicating with many people.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“A.L.S, progressive, paralyzing disease, have stilled nearly every muscle(A.L.S是一种渐进性的麻痹性疾病,几乎使每一块肌肉都停止活动)”和第二段“A.L.S. or Lou Gehrigs

53、disease, is often described as a kind of living death in, which the body goes flaccid while mind remains intact and acutely aware.(肌萎缩性侧索硬化症或卢伽雷氏症,常被描述为一种活死人。身体会变得松弛,而头脑却保持完整和敏锐的意识。)”,由此可推断出肌萎缩性侧索硬化症使肌肉病变会有一个循序渐进的过程。A选项“使人立即瘫痪”说法错误;B选项“使每一块肌肉逐渐停止活动”符合题意;C选项“在美国是高度传染性的”和D选项“是由基因决定的,不能治愈”文章都没有提到。因此B选项

54、正确。2.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“But when people ask him how he feels about his life, Dr. Lodish, his eyes expressing the intensity denied to his body, responds: I still look forward today.(但当人们问洛迪什对自己的生活有何感想时,他的眼神流露出了身体所没有的那种强烈感,他回答说:我仍然期待着。)”和第四段“less is known about those patients who want to live, and li

55、ke Dr. Lodish, will go to extraordinary lengths to do so.(但对于那些像洛迪什医生一样想要活下去的病人,人们却知之甚少。)”,由此可推断出Dr. Lodish虽然被肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症折磨,但他仍不失积极乐观的心态,对生活充满期待,决定好好生活与病魔抗争到底。A选项“想自杀”说法错误;B选项“支持俄勒冈州一项(允许医生协助自杀的)法律”文章没有提到;C选项“决心活得更长”符合题意;D选项“正在变得失去意识”说法错误。因此C选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第八段“What keeps many patients alive,

56、experts say, is a sense of having unfinished business(专家说,让许多病人活下来的,是一种未完的事业感)”;第九段“Those patients who do best are those who have insurance that covers nursing and medical care, allowing them to avoid some of the major health risks associated with the disease, and family members who can cover the ho

57、urs when expert help is unavailable.(那些做得最好的病人是那些拥有涵盖护理和医疗护理的保险,使他们能够避免一些与疾病相关的主要健康风险的人,以及那些家庭成员在得不到专家帮助时可以支付时间的人。)”以及第十段“have deep religious beliefs that help sustain them(许多患者都有深刻的宗教信仰,这些信仰帮助他们维持生命)”,因此A选项“他们有涵盖护理和医疗的保险”;B选项“他们有一种未完的事业感”以及C选项“他们有强烈的宗教信仰来支持他们”在文中都有提到,只有D选项“他们从周围的人那里得到了强大的精神支持”文章没有提

58、及,因此D选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第十三段“This wire to the world keeps him connected to his family and friends, and allows him to remain an important part of their lives.(这条与世界相连的线让他与家人和朋友保持联系,让他成为他们生活中重要的一部分。)”以及第十四段“One irony is with many people I communicate more now than when I was well(具有讽刺意味的是,我现在和很多人交

59、流的次数比我健康时还多)”,由此可知Dr. Lodish与病魔作斗争是通过经常与他人沟通交流,分享生命中的点滴。A选项“正在接受专家的帮助”;B选项“知道如何对付这种疾病”;C选项“配备了先进的设备”都不是主要原因,只有D选项“经常与他人交流”符合题意,因此D选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第十二段“who devised his own intricately detailed treatment regimen.(他设计了自己复杂而详细的治疗方案。)”;第十三段“This wire to the world keeps him connected to his family

60、and friends, and allows him to remain an important part of their lives. He continues to provide medical consultation(这条与世界相连的线让他与家人和朋友保持联系,让他成为他们生活中重要的一部分。他继续提供医疗咨询)”,由此可知B选项“制定自己的治疗方案”;C选项“提供医疗咨询”和D选项“与许多人交流”说法正确,文章都有提及,而A选项“治疗了很多癌症患者”可定位到文章最后一段“Dr. Lodish said that his own determination to live co

61、mes, in part, from his long experience in treating cancer patients, who often feel that a diagnosis is a death sentence.(洛迪什说,他自己想活下去的决心,在一定程度上来自于他长期治疗癌症患者的经验,这些患者常常觉得确诊就等于判了死刑。)”,该段落只说了Dr. Lodish想活下去的决心来自治疗癌症患者的经验,并没有直接说他治疗了很多癌症患者,因此A选项符合题意,A选项正确。10. 单选题This issue has become a political hot( ).问题1选

62、项A.potatoB.cakeC.rodD.bun【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项potato“土豆,马铃薯”;B选项cake“蛋糕,块状物;利益总额”;C选项rod“棒,惩罚,枝条,权力”;D选项bun“小圆面包”。hot potato为俗语,意思是烫手的山芋,即棘手的事件。句意:这一事件升级为一个棘手的政治事件。因此A选项正确。11. 单选题The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and energetic.问题1选项A.tractableB.texturedC.adeptD.shriveled【答案

63、】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项tractable“易于管教的;易驾驭的;易处理的;驯良的”;B选项textured“起纹理的;质地不平的;(艺术、文学、音乐等)有神韵的”;C选项adept“熟练的;擅长的”;D选项shriveled“枯萎的”。句意:敬老院里那位干瘪的老人依然精神抖擞。wizened“干瘪的;枯萎的;消瘦的”。D选项与该词意思最相近,因此D选项正确。12. 单选题They believed that this was not the( )of their campaign for equality but merely the beginning.问题1选项A.climaxB.pitchC.summitD.maximum【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项climax“高潮,顶点,层进法,极点”,多指戏剧等的高潮,也指事物发展中的极点,多含其后由盛而衰的意味;B选项pitch“运动场地,程度,音高,沥青,投球”;C选项summit“顶点,最高级会议,最高阶层”,书面用词,指山的最顶部分,也指通过努力可以达到的最高水平,还指最重要的、国家间的首脑最高级会谈;D选项maximum“极大,最大限度,最大量”。句意:他们认为这并不是他们争取平等运动的顶峰,而仅仅是一个开始。因此C选

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