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1、2022年考博英语-南京艺术学院考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The first thing people remember about failing at math is that it felt like sudden death. Whether the incident occurred while learning “word problems” in six grade, or coping with equations in high school, or first confronting calculus and statistics in coll

2、ege, failure came suddenly and in a very frightening way! If assume that the curriculum was reasonable, and that the new idea was but next in a series of learnable concepts, the feeling of utter defeat was simply not rational; yet “math anxious” college students and adults have revealed that no matt

3、er how much the teacher reassured them, they could not overcome that feeling.A common myth about the nature of mathematical ability holds that one either has or does not have a mathematical mind. Mathematical imagination and an intuitive grasp of mathematical principles may well be needed to do adva

4、nced research, but why should people who can do college-level work in other subjects not be able to do college-level math as well? Rates of learning may vary. Competency under time pressure may differ. Certainly low self-esteem will get in the way. But where is the evidence that a student needs a “m

5、athematical mind” in order to succeed at learning math?Consider the effects of this mythology. Since only a few people are supposed to have this mathematical mind, part of what makes us so passive in the face of our difficulties in learning mathematics is that we suspect all the while we may not be

6、one of “them”, and we spend our time waiting to find out when our non-mathematical minds will be exposed. Since our limit will eventually be reached, we see no point in being methodical of in attending to detail. We are grateful when we survive fractions-word problems or geometry. If that certain mo

7、ment of failure hasnt struck yet, it is only temporarily postponed.Parents, especially parents of girls, often expect their children to be non-mathematical. Parents are either poor at math or they failed themselves. In either case, they unwillingly foster the idea that a mathematical mind is somethi

8、ng one either has or does not have.1.According to the passage, who are likely to experience math anxiety?2.How would “math anxious” students probably react to their failure at math?3.Which of the following statements is true about “math anxious” students?4.The author believes that( ).5.The passage c

9、ould best be entitled by( ).问题1选项A.Primary school students.B.High school students.C.College students.D.All of the above.问题2选项A.Slow down their lessons.B.Ask more questions than necessary.C.Go to the teacher for reassuranceD.Panic and accept the defeat.问题3选项A.They realize that the feeling of utter de

10、feat is irrational.B.They assume that the curriculum is not reasonable.C.They feel the new ideas are too difficult for them to learn.D.They regard the new ideas as only something to be encountered next in a series of learnable concepts.问题4选项A.a person either has or does not have a mathematical mindB

11、.a student needs a mathematical mind to succeed at learning college level mathC.people doing advanced research in math usually have what is called a “mathematical mind”D.parents who are poor at math themselves are more likely to expect their children to be non-mathematical问题5选项A.Math AnxietyB.Overco

12、ming Math AnxietyC.Failing the Math ExamD.Math Anxious Students【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。题目问的是“根据文章内容,有可能遭受焦虑的人是”。文章第一段提到“不论这样的情况出现在六年级,或者在应对数学方程式的中,或者第一次面对微积分与统计学的大学”(Whether the incident occurred while learning “word problems” in six grade, or coping with equations in high school, o

13、r first confronting calculus and statistics in college, failure came suddenly and in a very frightening way!),由此可知,各个学习阶段都会碰上数学难题,选项D符合题意。2.推理判断题。题目问的是“遭遇数学焦虑的学生对自己数学不及格的可能反应是”。文章第一段提到“彻底失败的感觉是不理智的;然后数学焦虑的大学生和成年人发现,无论老师怎么安慰他们,他们都无法克服这种感觉”(the feeling of utter defeat was simply not rational; yet “mat

14、h anxious” college students and adults have revealed that no matter how much the teacher reassured them, they could not overcome that feeling),选项D“恐慌并接受失败”符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“关于数学焦虑的学生,一下说法正确的是”。文章第二段提到“但是为什么那些能做其他学科的大学水平作业的人却不能做大学水平的数学题呢?”(but why should people who can do college-level work in other

15、 subjects not be able to do college-level math as well?),选项C“他们感觉自己很难学习新内容”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者认为”。文章最后一段提到“他们不愿意树立这样一个观念,即有的人有数学头脑,有的人没有”(they unwillingly foster the idea that a mathematical mind is something one either has or does not have),因此选项A符合题意。5.推理判断题。题目问的是“本文最恰当的标题是”。全文讲的都是跟数学焦虑(math anxi

16、ety)相关的内容,因此选项A符合题意。2. 单选题Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience. In one study of 400 adults who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-f

17、ifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school. Few MacArthur Prize fellows, winners of the MacArthur Award for creative accomplishment, had good things to say about their pre-collegiate schooling if they had not been placed in advanced programs. Anecdotal reports su

18、pport this Pablo Picasso, Charles Darwin , Mark Twain, Oliver Goldsmith, and William Butler Yeats all disliked school. So did Winston Churchill, who almost failed out of Harrow, an elite British school. About Oliver Goldsmith, one of his teachers remarked, “Never was so dull a boy.” Often these chil

19、dren realize that they know more than their teachers, and their teachers often feel that these children are arrogant, inattentive, or unmotivated.Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way. But most

20、 fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest. Yeats described the lack of fit between his mind and school: “Because I had found it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my own thoughts, I was diffic

21、ult to teach,” As noted earlier, gifted children of all kinds tend to be strong-willed nonconformists. Nonconforinity and stubbornness are likely to lead to Conflicts with teachers.When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are

22、 far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers. A writing prodigy studied by David Feldman and Lyun Goldsmith was taught far more about writing by his journalist father than his English teacher. High -IQ children, in Australia studied by Miraca Gross bad much more positive

23、 feelings about their families than their schools. About half of the mathematicians studied by Benjamin Bloom had little good to say about school. They all did well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades.1.The main point the author is making about schools is that(

24、).2.The author quotes the remarks of one of Oliver Goldsmiths teachers( ).3.Pablo Picasso is listed among the many gifted children who( ).4.Many gifted people attributed their success( ).5.The root cause of many gifted students having bad memories of their school years is that ( ).问题1选项A.they should

25、 satisfy the needs of students from different family backgroundsB.they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented studentsC.they should organize their classes according to the students abilityD.they should enroll as many gifted students as possible问题2选项A.to provide support for his argu

26、mentB.to illustrate the strong will of some gifted childrenC.to explain how dull students can also be successfulD.to show how poor Olivers performance was at school问题3选项A.paid no attention to their teachers in classB.contradicted their teachers much too oftenC.could not cope with their studies at sc

27、hool successfullyD.behaved arrogantly and stubbornly in the presence of their teachers问题4选项A.mainly to parental help and their education at homeB.both to school instruction and to their parents coachingC.more to their parents encouragement than to school trainingD.Less to their systematic education

28、than to their talent问题5选项A.their nonconformity brought lliem a lot of troubleB.they were seldom praised by their teachersC.school courses failed to inspire or motivate themD.teacher were usually far stricter than their parents【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章第一段第一句提到“如果有天赋的学生与学校互相不适应,也就不奇怪

29、他们对读书经历没什么好感”(Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience),选项B“它们经常满足不了有天赋的学生的要求”符合题意。2.判断推理题。文章第一段提到如Oliver Goldsmith这类有天赋的学生不喜欢学校,接下来列举了他们的学校经历来作证,因此作者引用Oliver老师中的一位的话是为了给自己的论证提

30、供事实支持,选项A符合题意。3.细节事实题。文章第二段第一句提到“这些具有天赋的学生中的一些人在学校可能因为天赋不在学业方面,因此表现很差,比如毕加索”(Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way),因此选项C“无法应对学校里的学习”符合题意。4.细节事实题。文章最后一段第一句提到“当谈到能力培养的重要影响因素时,这些天赋极高的人谈论得更多的是他们的家

31、庭而不是学校或者老师”(When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers),选项A“主要是父母在家里的教育”符合题意。5.细节事实题。文章第二段第三句提到“但是大多数人在学校表现不好,并不是因为他们缺乏能力,而是因为他们觉得学校没有挑战性,因此失去了兴趣”(But

32、 most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest),选项C“学校课程不能鼓励和激发他们的兴趣”符合题意。3. 翻译题Put the following Iwo passages into Chinese.Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for ever

33、y new social situation. It is the function of education, the function of all of the great institutions of learning in the United Stales, to provide continuity for our national life to transmit to youth the best of our culture that has been tested in the fire of history. It is equally the obligation

34、of education to train the minds and the talents of our youth; to improve, through creative citizenship, our American institutions in accord with the requirements of the future. We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.Fame is very much like an animal

35、 chasing its tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it. Fame and celebrity that accompanies it, force the famous person to participate in his or her own destruction. Ironic, isnt it? Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of possessing a sing

36、le talent or skill: singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc. The successful performer develops a style that is marketed aggressively and gains some popularity, and it is this popularity that usually convinces the performer to continue performing in the same style, since that is what the public s

37、eems to want and to enjoy. But in time, the performer becomes bored singing the same songs in the same way year after year, or the painter becomes bored painting similar scenes or portraits, or the actor is tired of playing the same character repeatedly. The demand of the public holds the artist to

38、his or her own success, fame. If the artist attempts to change his or her style of writing or dancing or singing, etc., the audience may turn away and look to confer fame on another and then, in time, on another, and so on and so on.【答案】永恒的真理如果不在新的社会形势下赋予新的意义,它要么就不是真理,要么就不是永恒的。它是教育的功能,是美国所有伟大学府的功能,为


40、,表演者厌倦了年复一年地用同样的方式唱同一首歌,画家厌倦了画同样的场景或者肖像或者演员不想再重复出演同样的角色。公众的需求使艺术家得以成名。如果这个艺术家试图改变他/她的写作、跳舞或者歌唱风格等,观众可能会转身把名誉给另外一个人,然后随着时间的推移再给另一个人,如此反复下去。4. 单选题Cancer researchers are learning to read genes like a crystal ball to predict how patients will respond to cancer therapy, who will suffer the worst side eff

41、ects and what treatments may be best for a particular patient. Foreseeing the outcome of treatment, and knowing with certainty which drugs are best for individual patients, have long been the goals of cancer researchers.For at least 40 years, oncologists have puzzled over why some patients respond s

42、o well to chemotherapy while others obtain modest benefits or none at all. The discovery decades ago that linked a chromosome abnormality to one form of leukemia paved the way for the development of the drug Gleevec by Druker and the ability to identify the patients most likely to benefit. More rece

43、ntly, with the wealth of knowledge from the human Genome Project, researchers have been able to develop even more specific tools to create genetic profiles of tumors and match those profiles with the right drugs. The tools also help determine which patients are most likely to experience the worst si

44、de effects of specific types of chemotherapy and guide them to other treatments.Researchers from the University of Chicago studied alterations of the UGT1A1 gene, associated with an increased chance of chemotherapy side effects. Mark Ratain and his team studied 61 colon cancer patients receiving iri

45、notecan and learned that patients with alterations of the gene labeled as 7/7 were most likely to suffer severe losses of white blood cells. Patients with the 6/7 alteration type had intermediate side effects, and patients with the 6/6 type had none.Scientists at the Massachusetts General Hospital e

46、xamined genes that normally have the ability to repair damage to DNA in cells called XPD and XRCC1. The number of variations in these genes indicates how long a patient is likely to survive. Sarada Gurubhagavatula and her team studied variations of these genes in 103 patients diagnosed with advanced

47、 non-small-cell lung cancer. Patients with a total of three variations in the genes survived a median of 6.8 months; those with two variations survived 11 months; patients with one variation survived 16.6 months; and those with no variations survived 20.4 months. Gurubhagavatula says the variations

48、could be identified and those with the worst predicted outcomes put on chemotherapy regimens that offer better odds of survival.Scientists at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Genomic Health Inc. have developed a way to test lung tumor for genetic profiles associated with responses to the new lung can

49、cer drug Iressa. The drug has been shown to shrink tumors in 10% to 12% of patients with advanced lung cancer. David Agus at Cedar-Sinai found a pattern of 185 genes that are turned off and on in a manner that correlates with response to Iressa or to a lack of response. When used commercially, the t

50、est will target patients most likely to benefit and will allow patients to make other choices if the negative profile is found.1.The text is mainly about( ) .2.The achievements from Human Genome Project enable researchers to( ) .3.The purpose of the author in mentioning the three researches is to( )

51、 .4.Sarada and her team are convinced that( ) .5.In the 3rd paragraph, the word alteration means( ) .问题1选项A.the search for effective cancer treatment drugsB.the goals of cancer treatmentC.the success in reading genesD.the cancer treatment by examination问题2选项A.diagnose a chromosome abnormality more a

52、ccurately.B.develop cancer treatment drugs like Gleevec.C.administer cancer treatment with less side effect.D.come up with chemotherapy as an effective tool for cancer treatment.问题3选项A.make a contrastive analysis of them.B.illustrate the achievements in cancer therapy.C.present the similarities and

53、differences between them.D.show how altered genes can cause cancer.问题4选项A.research on genes offers them greater predictive power.B.lung cancer is caused by variation of genes.C.patients can survive lung cancer by altering their genes.D.chemotherapy can save even the worst lung cancer patients.问题5选项A

54、.investigationsB.activitiesC.predictionsD.changes【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。题目问的是“这篇文章的主要内容是”。文章第一段提到癌症研究者正在像占卜者看水晶球一样来阅读基因(Cancer researchers are learning to read genes like a crystal ball to predict how patients will respond to cancer therapy);文章第二段提到研究者如何通过基因计划提高对癌症这类病的了解,并研究出相应的药物(

55、More recently, with the wealth of knowledge from the human Genome Project, researchers have been able to develop even more specific tools to create genetic profiles of tumors and match those profiles with the right drugs.),接下来的段落通过一些例子来说明在基因方面的成就,可知全文都是在讲述基因检测与癌症治疗,选项D符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“人类基因工程的成果让研究

56、者”。文章第二段提到“研究人员能够开发出更具体的工具来创建肿瘤的基因图谱,并将这些图谱与正确的药物进行匹配”(More recently, with the wealth of knowledge from the human Genome Project, researchers have been able to develop even more specific tools to create genetic profiles of tumors and match those profiles with the right drugs),由此可知选项C“用副作用更少的药物进行治疗”符

57、合题意。3.推理判断题。题目问的是“作者提及三位研究者的目的是什么”。文章第三、四、五段是为了用具体的例子来说明在人类基因工程的帮助下,在治疗癌症方面取得的成就。选项B符合题意。4.推理判断题。题目问的是“Sarada和她的团队认为”。文章第四段提到Sarada和她的团队研究了能够修复DNA中受损的基因。他们的研究了103例晚期非小细胞肺癌患者的这些基因变异,她认为这些变异可以被识别,然后把最糟糕的预测结果考虑进化学治疗的实施中,从而提高生存几率(the variations could be identified and those with the worst predicted outc

58、omes put on chemotherapy regimens that offer better odds of survival),由此可以推断选项A“对基因的研究提高了预测能力”符合题意。5.词义题。题目问的是“在第三段中,alteration的意思是”。文章第三段第一句提到“芝加哥大学的研究人员研究了UGT1A1基因的改变,这与化学疗法副作用增加有关”(Researchers from the University of Chicago studied alterations of the UGT1A1 gene, associated with an increased chan

59、ce of chemotherapy side effects),alteration有“改变”的意思,选项D符合题意。5. 单选题It is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitable and in California optional. Small wonder Americans, life expectancy has nearly doubled over the past century. Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression control

60、led, cataracts removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure. Such advances offer the aging population a quality of life that was unimaginable when I entered medicine 50 years ago. But not even a great health-care system can cure death and our failure to confront that reality now threatens this greatnes

61、s of ours. Death is normal; we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions. We all understand that at some level, yet as medical consumers we treat death as a problem to be solved. Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything t

62、hat can possibly be done for us, even if its useless. The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care. Physicians frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified.In 1950, the

63、 US spent $12.7 billion on health care. In 2002, the cost will be $1540 billion. Anyone can see this trend is unsustainable. Yet few seem willing to try to reverse it. Some scholars conclude that a government with finite resources should simply stop paying for medical care that sustains life beyond

64、a certain age say 83 or so. Former Colorado governor Richard Lamm has been quoted as saying that the old and infirm “have a duly to die and get out of the way”, so that younger, healthier people can realize their potential.I would not go that far. Energetic people now routinely work though their 60s and beyond, and remain dazzlingly productive. At 78, Viacom chairman Summer Redstone jokingly claims to be 53. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor is in her 70s, an

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