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1、2022年考博英语-浙江工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The planets wild creatures face a new threatfrom yuppies(雅皮士), empty nesters and one parent families.Biologists studying the pressure on the planets dwindling biodiversity today report on a new reason for alarm. Although the rate of growth in the human popu

2、lation is decreasing, the number of individual households is exploding.Even where populations have actually dwindled in some regions of New Zealand, for instancethe numbers of individual households has increased, because of divorce,career choice,smaller families and longer lifespan.Jianguo Liu of Mi

3、chigan State University and colleagues from Stanford University in California report in Nature, in a paper published online in advance, that a greater number of individual households, each containing on average fewer people, meant more pressure on natural resources.Towns and cities began to sprawl (

4、蔓延) as new homes were built. Each household needed fuel to heat and light it; each household required its own plumbing, cooking and refrigeration. “In larger households, the efficiency of resource consumption will be a lot higher, because more people share things.” Dr Liu said. He and his colleagues

5、 looked at the population patterns of life in 141 countries, including 76 “hotspot” regions unusually rich in a variety of local wildlife. These hot spots included Australia, New Zealand, the US, Brazil, China, India, Kenya, and Italy. They found that between 1985 and 2000 in the “hotspot” parts of

6、the globe, the annual 3.1% growth rate in the number of households was far higher than the population growth rate of 1.8%. “Had the average household size remained at the 1985 level,” the scientists report, “there would have been 155 million fewer households in hotspot countries in 2000”.Dr Lius wor

7、k grew from the alarming discovery that the giant pandas living in Chinas Wolong reserve are more at risk now than they were when the reserve was first established. The local population had grown, but the total number of homes had increased more swiftly, to make greater inroads into the bamboo fores

8、ts.Only around 1.75 million species on the planet have been named and described. Biologists estimate that there could be 7million, or even 17million, as yet to be identified. But human numbers have grown more than six-fold in the past 200 years, and humans and their livestock are now the greatest si

9、ngle consumer group on the planet. The world population will continue to soar, perhaps leveling off around 9 billion in the next century. Environmental campaigners have claimed that between a quarter and a half of all the species on earth could become extinct in the next century.56. Biologists repor

10、t that the biodiversity is decreasing because( ).57. Researchers state that( ).58. The example in paragraph 8 indicated that( ).59. Some environmentalists warn that the soaring population will cause( ).60. The passage mainly tells us that( ).问题1选项A.more individual households are increasing greatlyB.

11、human beings are threatening many wild creaturesC.human populations have been decreasing in recent yearsD.wild creatures depend on more individual households问题2选项A.larger families are more efficient in consuming natural resources than smaller familiesB.both larger and smaller families need the same

12、amounts of natural resourcesC.smaller families are more extravagant in livingD.larger families are more frugal in living问题3选项A.the local people do not mind conserving the natural environmentB.the local people should further control the rise of populationC.the increase of local population led to the

13、decrease of biodiversityD.the increase of individual households led to the decrease of biodiversity问题4选项A.the degradation of peoples living standard in the next centuryB.the deterioration of living environment in the next centuryC.the reproduction of more wild species in the next centuryD.the extinc

14、tion of more wild species in the next century问题5选项A.the increase of human population leads to more destruction of the natural worldB.the decrease of animal no population results from the dwindling biodiversity in the natural worldC.the planets biodiversity is also related to the number of households

15、D.the planets biodiversity relies on the balanced increase of larger and smaller households【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:D【解析】56.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第二段Biologists studying the pressure on the planets dwindling biodiversity today report on a new reason for alarm. Although the rate of growth in the human po

16、pulation is decreasing, the number of individual households is exploding.(生物学家研究地球上日益减少的生物多样性所带来的压力,今天报告了一个新的警报理由。尽管人口的增长率在下降,但个体家庭的数量却在激增。)也就是说生物多样性的减少是由于个体家庭数量的激增,因此A选项符合题意。B选项“人类正在威胁许多野生动物”;文章没有提到;C选项“近年来人口一直在减少”,不是原因;D选项“野生动物依赖更多的个体家庭”,无关项。57.事实细节题。根据题干信息定位到第六段的第一句话In larger households, the effi

17、ciency of resource consumption will be a lot higher, because more people share things.(在规模更大的家庭中,资源消耗的效率会高得多,因为更多的人分享东西。)因此A选项“大家庭在消耗自然资源方面比小家庭更有效率”正确。B选项“无论是大家庭还是小家庭都需要相同数量的自然资源”;C选项“小家庭生活更奢侈”以及D选项“大家庭生活更节俭”都是原文没有提到的。58.事实细节题。根据题干定位到第八段的最后一句The local population had grown, but the total number of ho

18、mes had increased more swiftly, to make greater inroads into the bamboo forests.(当地人口增长了,但房屋的总数增长得更快,从而对竹林产生了更大的影响。)可知,小规模家庭的增多,意味着对自然生态的破坏就越多,生物的多样性就会减少,因此D选项“个体家庭的增加导致了生物多样性的减少”正确。A选项“当地人不介意保护自然环境”,并没有体现;B选项“当地人应该进一步控制人口的增长”,过度推断;C选项“当地人口的增加导致了生物多样性的减少”,并不是人口的增多,而是小规模家庭的增多,错误。59.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到最后

19、一段最后一句话Environmental campaigners have claimed that between a quarter and a half of all the species on earth could become extinct in the next century.(环保人士声称,地球上四分之一到一半的物种可能在下个世纪灭绝。)通过这句话可知,人口的增多,将导致更多的生物物种在下个世纪灭绝。因此D选项“下个世纪将有更多的野生物种灭绝”正确。A选项“下个世纪人们生活水平的下降”;B选项“下个世纪生活环境的恶化”以及C选项“下个世纪更多野生物种的繁殖”都不符合原文。

20、60.主旨大意题。在第二段中Biologists studying the pressure on the planets dwindling biodiversity today report on a new reason for alarm.Although the rate of growth in the human population is decreasing, the number of individual households is exploding.(生物学家研究地球上日益减少的生物多样性所带来的压力,今天报告了一个新的警报理由。尽管人口的增长率在下降,但个体家庭的数

21、量却在激增。)以及最后一段中The local population had grown, but the total number of homes had increased more swiftly, to make greater inroads into the bamboo forests.(当地人口增长了,但房屋的总数增长得更快,从而对竹林产生了更大的影响。)都可以得知研究人员发现小规模家庭的增多,势必会消耗更多的能源,破坏更多的生态平衡,也就导致了生物多样性的减少,因此C选项“地球的生物多样性也与家庭的数量有关”正确。A选项“人口的增长导致了对自然世界更多的破坏”;B选项“动物

22、数量的减少是由于自然界生物多样性的减少”以及“地球的生物多样性依赖于大大小小的家庭的平衡增长”,都不能阐释文章的主题。2. 翻译题The average person sees tens of thousands of images a day-images on television, in newspapers and magazines, and on the sides of buses. Images also grace soda cans and T-shirts, and Internet search engines can instantly procure images

23、for any word you type. Today, anyone with a digit camera and a PC can produce and alter an image. As a result, the power of the image has been diluted in one sense, but strengthened in another. It has been dilute by the ubiquity of images and the many popular technologies that give almost everyone t

24、he power to create, distort, and transit images. But it has been strengthened by the gradual surrender of the printed word to pictures.We love images and the democratizing power of technologies that give us the capability to make and manipulate images. What we are less eager to consider are broader

25、cultural effects of a society devoted to the image. Historians have explored the story of mankinds movement from an oral-based culture to a written culture, and later to a printed one. But in the past several decades, we have begun to move from a culture based on the printed word to one based largel

26、y on images. In making images rather than texts our guide, are we opening up new vistas for understanding and expression, creating a new form of communication that is “better than print,” as some scholars have argued? Or are we merely making a peculiar and unwelcome return to forms of communication

27、once ascendant in preliterate societies? Two things in particular are at stake in our contemporary confrontation with an image-based culture. First, technology has considerably undermined our ability to trust what we see, yet we have not adequately grappled with the effects of this on our notions of

28、 truth. Second, if we are indeed moving from the era of the printed word to an era dominated by the image, what impact will this have on culture?【答案】普通人每天会在电视上、报纸上、杂志上和公交车上看到成千上万的图像。汽水罐和T恤上也有图像,互联网搜索引擎可以立即为你输入的任何单词获取图像。今天,任何人只要有一台数码相机和一台电脑就可以制作和修改图像。因此,形象的力量在某种意义上被稀释了,但在另一种意义上被加强了。它已经被无处不在的图像和许多流行的技


30、们当代与以形象为基础的文化的对抗中,尤其有两件事会处于危险之中。首先,技术大大削弱了我们相信所见事物的能力,但我们还没有充分应对这对我们的真理观念所产生的影响。第二,如果我们真的从印刷文字的时代进入了一个以图像为主导的时代,这将对文化产生怎样的影响?3. 单选题The young performers captured and held the audiences attention from the moment the curtain went up.问题1选项A.gatheredB.caughtC.grabbedD.trapped【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项gathered“聚

31、集”;B选项caught“捕捉”;C选项grabbed“抓住”;D选项trapped“诱捕”。句意:年轻的演员们从幕布升起的那一刻起就吸引住了观众的注意力。根据句意,C选项与划线词意思贴近,因此C选项符合题意。4. 单选题Modern-day business really does transcend national barriers. Thanks to sophisticated IT and communications systems, businesses can now market their products on a truly global scale. The wor

32、ld is indisputably becoming a smaller place, as service and manufacturing companies search the international marketplace for new suppliers and clients.Businesses must, however, be aware that once they expand the area in which they operate, they face increased competition. The standard and quality of

33、 their goods become increasingly important in keeping up with competitors. But most of all, it is the service element accompanying the goods which is crucial to a companys success in a particular market. This new philosophy has led to many companies, some of which have even offered products of a les

34、ser quality, gaining success overseas.Although globalization may, in some sense, have brought national economies closer together, societies around the world still have radically different expectations, processes, and standards. These are not a function of economic changes, but are more deep-rooted a

35、nd difficult to alter. They can be a major problem for businesses expanding abroad, with the greatest obstacle of all being the language barrier. If you have to deal with clients, suppliers and distributors in a range of countries, you will not only need the skills to communicate with them, you will

36、 also need to reconcile any national biases you have with the diverse ways of doing business that exist around the globe.The value of effective communication is not to be underestimated. Nev technology such as videoconferencing and email has played a part in making the communication process easier,

37、and it may also be possible that the introduction of language interpretation software will help with some global communications problems. But, of course, it is the human element of the communication process that is so vital in business, especially in negotiations, presentations and team-building. It

38、 is essential for managers to meet regularly with staff, customers and partners, so that issues can be discussed, messages communicated and feedback obtained.The value of well-organized language training is immense, and can bring benefits to all levels and departments within a multinational organiza

39、tion. Unfortunately, however, many organizations have a very narrow view when it comes to training of any kind. Often, an urgent requirement has to be identified before training is authorized. Then, a training company is employed or a program is developed in-house, the team is trained, and that is s

40、een as the end of the matter. However, the fact remains that training programmes are effective only if they are relevant to a companys breeder, long-term needs. They should be regarded as an investment rather than a cost.Changes in expectations and attitudes are certain, to continue for companies th

41、at trade globally. Although such companies are not yet faced with their international partners and clients demanding that business be conducted in their mother tongue, they realize that overseas competition is increasing fast, if these companies want to continue to achieve success on the internation

42、al trading circuit, they must be prepared to adapt to situations and speak the local language. If not, someone else will.11. According to the first paragraph, improved communications have enabled companies to( ).12. Approaches to doing business vary between countries because of( ).13. The writer thi

43、nks that the use of modern technology will( ).14. A common weakness of training courses is that they( ).15. Why should companies do business in the language of the countries they are operating in?问题1选项A.offer a wider variety of products and servicesB.expand beyond their domestic marketsC.perform bet

44、ter than their international competitorsD.open ore manufacturing facilities abroad问题2选项A.local economic considerationsB.strong wishes to remain independentC.the existence of cultural differencesD.regulations about business practices问题3选项A.speed up the process of language interpretationB.not lead to

45、greater communication between companies and clientsC.help solve the problems involved in maintaining strong teamsD.never replace the need for face-to-face interaction问题4选项A.are developed by the wrong teamB.do not give good value for moneyC.are provided only if there is an immediate needD.do not deal

46、 with a companys specific requirements问题5选项A.to prevent other companies taking their businessB.to help them find new international partnersC.to meet clients current expectationsD.to become more aware of their competitors activities【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】11.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第一段第三句话Thanks to

47、sophisticated IT and communications systems, businesses can now market their products on a truly global scale.(感谢精密的IT和沟通系统,企业现在可以在一个真正的全球规模上开发它们的产品市场。)这其中global是个关键的暗示,可以联想到海外市场,因此B选项“在国内市场以外的地方扩张”正确。A选项“提供更多种类的产品和服务”、C选项“比国际竞争对手表现更好”两项在原文中并未提及;D选项“在国外开设更多生产设施”,文中只说了可以在海外扩张,没有提到开设更多的生产设备。12.事实细节题。根

48、据题干定位至第二段开头一段话Although globalization may, in some senses, have brought national economies closer together, societies around the world still have radically different expectations, processes and standards.(虽然全球化可能在某种意义上使国家经济更加密切,但世界各地仍有着极度不同的期望、过程和标准);后面又提到了一句you will also need to reconcile any nation

49、al biases you have with the diverse ways of doing business that exist around the globe.(你需要用不同的做生意的方式来与民族偏见和解)。这一段整体讲的就是要克服沟通上的障碍,理解了内容不难作答。因此C选项“原因是文化差异的存在”,与原文所表达的意思相符,正确。A选项“当地的经济因素”;B选项“强烈希望保持独立”以及D选项“有关商业惯例的规例”都不是原文的观点。13.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到第三段,前面介绍说新技术,比如视频会议和电子邮件,会使沟通过程更简单。并且语言翻译软件(language inte

50、rpretation software)会帮助解决一些国际沟通问题。后面一个BUT,才真正揭示了答案,说在沟通过程中人的作用是至关重要的。It is essential for managers to meet regularly with staff, customers and partners.(经理们定期会见员工、客户和合作伙伴是很有必要的),从这一句可以看出作者的真正态度,是认为当面交流仍然很重要,因此D选项“现代技术永远也无法替代面对面互动的需要”正确。A选项“加快语言口译的过程”,不是作者真正的观点;B选项“不能促进公司和客户之间的交流”,不正确,作者还是认为现代技术是有用的,只

51、是不能够完全取代当面交流;C选项“帮助解决维护强大团队所涉及的问题”,是无关项。14.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位至第四段Often, an urgent requirement has to be identified before training is authorized.(通常,在授权培训之前必须确定紧急需求),可知确认有迫切的需要时培训才会被批准。作者认为很多公司的培训有些急功近利,training programmes are effective only if they are relevant to a companys broader, long-term needs.

52、They should be regarded as an investment rather than a cost.(培训计划只有在与公司更广泛、更长期的需要相关时才有效。它们应该被视为一种投资,而不是一种成本)。因此C选项“培训的缺点是:只有迫切需要时才会被提供”正确,其中 immediate need与原文urgent requirement相照应。A选项“是由错误的团队开发的”,过度推断,原文并未给出相关表达;B选项“没有物有所值”,不正确;D选项“不处理公司的具体要求”,没有提及。15.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到最后一段demanding that business be c

53、onducted in their mother tongue, they realize that overseas competition is increasing fast.(客户要求他们使用母语,这些公司也意识到海外竞争逐渐激烈。)还有最后一句If not, someone else will.(如果他们不说当地的语言,其他人会说的。)意思就是如果你不使用当地的语言做生意,其他人会取而代之的。因此A选项“防止其他公司占领了他们的业务”正确。B选项“帮助他们找到新的国际合作伙伴”,原文没有提及;C选项“满足客户当前的期望”,不是他们的目的;D选项“更多地了解竞争对手的活动”,也不是他们

54、的根本目的。5. 单选题Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour.问题1选项A.velocitiesB.impulsesC.ratiosD.atrocities【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项velocities“速度”;B选项impulses“脉冲”;C选项ratios“比率”;D选项atrocities“暴行,残忍”。句意:神经信号通过神经纤维或肌肉纤维的速度可达每小时200英里。句子中的划线部分含义 “速度”,与A选项

55、最为接近,因此A选项符合题意。6. 单选题Recently, the United States Fish and wildlife Service announced it would designate “critical habitat” for the endangered jaguar in the United States and take the first steps toward commanding a jaguar recovery plan. This is a policy reversal (there was precious decision from the

56、m not to determine critical habitat for the jaguar) and, on the surface, it may appear to be a victory for the conservation community and for jaguars, the largest wild cats in the Western Hemisphere. But as someone who has studied jaguars for nearly three decades, I can tell you it is nothing less t

57、han a slap in the face to good science.Designating jaguar habitat means that Fish and Wildlife must now also formulate a recovery plan for the jaguar. But jaguars have not been able to reestablish themselves naturally over the past century, the government will likely have to go to significant expens

58、e to attempt to bring them backespecially if the cats have to be reintroduced.So why not do everything we can at whatever cost, to bring jaguars back into the United States? To begin with, the American Southwest is, at best, marginal habitat for the animals. More importantly, there are better ways t

59、o help jaguars. South of our border, from Mexico to Argentina, thousands of jaguars live and breed in their true critical habitat. Governments and conservation groups are already working hard to conserve jaguar populations and connect them to one another through an initiative called the Jaguar Corri

60、dor.The jaguars that now and then cross into the United States most likely come from the northern most population of jaguars, in Sonora, Mexico. Rather than demand jaguars return to our country, we should help Mexico and other jaguar-range countries conserve the animals true habitat.The recent move

61、by the Fish and wildlife Service means that the sparse federal funds devoted to protecting wild animals will be wasted on efforts that cannot help save jaguars. Most important, this also stands to weaken the Endangered Species Act, because if critical habitat is redefined as any place where a specie

62、s might ever have existed, and where you or I might want it to exist again, then the door is open for many other senseless efforts to bring back long-lost creatures.The Fish and Wildlife officials whose job is to protect the countrys wild animals need to grow a stronger backbonestick with their orig

63、inal, correct decision and save their money for more useful preservation work. Otherwise, when funds are needed to preserve all those small, ugly, non-attractive endangered species at the back of the line, there may be no money left.6. What can we infer from the first paragraph?7. To achieve jaguar

64、recovery, authorities probably need to( ).8. According to the author, what measures should we take to keep jaguars number?9. What does the author concern most about the Fish and Wildlife Services new decision?10. From the passage, we can learn that the Fish and Wildlife Service( ).问题1选项A.Designating critical habitat is a victory for the conservation community.B.The critical habitat designation does not follow the law of science.C.To designate critical habitat is the first step of a jaguar recovery plan.D.The critical habitat designation shows the p

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