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1、2022年考博英语-中国传媒大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题A good teacher always tries to()students to ask question.问题1选项A.encourageB.stimulateC.needleD.spread【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项encourage“鼓励,激励”。B选项Stimulate“刺激,鼓舞”。C选项needle“刺激, 缝细”。D选项spread“传播,伸展”。句意:一个好的老师总是鼓励学生去提问。本句表示“鼓励学生提问”。因此A选项符合题意。2. 单选题When Jack was eighteen

2、 he()going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.问题1选项A.took toB.took upC.took forD.took on【答案】A【解析】考查动词短语辨析。A选项take to“喜欢;走向;开始从事”;B选项take up“拿起;开始从事;占据”;C选项take for“认为;以为”;D选项take on“承担;呈现;接纳”。句意:杰克十八岁时,和一群奇怪的人来往,而且很晚才回家。本句是说杰克在这个年龄段的行为,可理解为是一种喜好,A选项符合句意。3. 单选题After the Bos

3、ton Marathon bombings, the process by which breaking news and information are generated and disseminated looked more ragged and exposed than ever: CNN stumbled, the New York Post painted a target on a high-school track athlete; Reddit launched a failed hunt for the bombers; and the name of Sunil Tri

4、pathi, a missing Brown student, trended on Twitter for all the wrong reasons.The issue, in part, is velocity: news has never moved faster than it does now, and few events of the past several years have captured Americas attention like the Boston bombings. Every new bit of information was instantly,

5、indiscriminately sucked into the media vacuum. If there is a medium of this moment, it is Twitter.Twitters intrinsic, relentless driving of the new makes it the quintessential medium of breaking news, particularly combined with its capacity for spreading that news with breathtaking ease. By clicking

6、 retweet, you can re-broadcast a tweet from somebody to all of your followers. A tweet, and the information it contains, can go viral in seconds. So can misinformation, as countless celebrities killed by Twitter can attest. And the mechanics of Twitter offer only awkward partial solutions to that pr

7、oblem. The Wired writer Mat Honan, like many others, re-blasted a tweet referring to Sunil Tripathi as Suspect #2 in the Boston bombings. That information was gravely wrong, but, as Honan describes, there was little he could do to prevent it from self-perpetuating:Deeply disturbed by this inability

8、to correct viral misinformation, Honan proposes that Twitter should have a correction mechanism that allows users to edit and rebroadcast tweets after they are posted. The original tweet would remain intact within the corrected tweet, so it would not simply vanish into a hole; there would be account

9、ability. This impulse to regulate the information economy of Twitter and ensure that data and news is as correct as possible is understandable. But it would ruin Twitter as we know it.For all of the ways in which Twitter has evolved since its creation, in 2006, when it was known as “twttr,” what has

10、 not changed is how profoundly Twitter relies on nowness. Nowness is not simply newness, or the new: the question Twitter used to ask of users when they went to compose a tweet, “Whats happening?” is a direct inquiry about the state of now. Twitters intense focus on immediacy has manifested in many

11、small waysfor instance, users can only see their three thousand most recent tweets (and the service only recently added the ability for users to download their entire Twitter archive and conduct searches of tweets from the past). But, most important, when a user logs into Twitter, what they see is a

12、 raw, unfiltered stream, with the newest content at the very top. Facebook, by contrast, shows users a curated feed; the top of the feed is not whats new, it is what the algorithms think is best.Twitter as a medium is so intently bound to the now that introducing content not of this moment is disrup

13、tiveits actually something of a prank to resurface someones tweets from the distant past, either by retweeting or favoriting them. My friend and I did that to each other yesterday, retweeting a series of stuff from several months ago; they arrived in my feed and hers, ripped away from any sense of c

14、ontext. It felt embarrassing. (This works, though slightly less powerfully, on other social networks that utilize streams and emphasize the present.)One of the ways were learning to deal with the trade-offs inherent to real-time streams is a burgeoning self-awareness of their potential to spread mis

15、information in half a heartbeat. A mechanism that purports to make that stream more accurateeven though a corrections button would not fully prevent bad information from spreading would lull us toward a more complacent, less critical view of that stream. As Nick Kallen, a former systems engineer at

16、Twitter, writes, Were dealing with a new medium. It has some aspects of conversation, and some of broadcast, some aspects of live television, and some of (an edited) newspaper. But it is none of these things all at the same time.Twitter is now, all the time.1. Which of the following best describe th

17、e essence of Twitter according to the text?2. Honans proposition on Twitter indicates that().3. What is the main difference between Twitter and Facebook according to the text?4. Why does the author say its actually something of a prank to resurface someones tweets from the distant past”?5. Which of

18、the following best describes authors opinion?问题1选项A.Finding friends and establishing relationshipB.Spreading news relentless in the easiest wayC.Making rumor and truth trended in its timelineD.Communicating between followers and hosts问题2选项A.Misinformation can be well solved under the mechanics of Tw

19、itter.B.A better correction mechanism must be applied to prevent the information on Twitter going viral.C.Little can users do now to prevent rumors on Twitter from self-perpetuating.D.Twirler is inefficient in providing breaking news information.问题3选项A.Twitter shows a unfiltered stream for users whi

20、le Facebook shows a curated one.B.Twitter and Facebook are using different algorithms to filter contents,C.Twitter provides news feeds while Facebook shows the best information.D.Twitter offers only partial solutions on misinformation while Facebook has a better algorithm to solve the problem.问题4选项A

21、.Because the contents are retweeted or favorited by his friends.B.Because Twitter emphasize the present that content not of the now is disruptive.C.Because the information exchanged comes from several months ago.D.Because it works on other social networks as well.问题5选项A.We are getting a more complac

22、ent, less critical view by using Twitter.B.We should be aware of the potential of Twitter to spread misinformation.C.Twitter relies on newness which equals to the state of nowD.Twitter should have a correction mechanism for users to edit tweets they have posted.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.判断推

23、理题。第二段指出“news has never moved faster than it does now”, 现在信息的传播速度之快超过往。第三段指出 “bined with its capacity for spreading that news with breathtaking ease”,结合它惊人的传播新闻的能力。由此可知B项“最简单的方式不间断地传播新闻”正确。2.事实细节题。文章多处提到Honan对于Twitter的提议。第四段指出: .this inability to correct viral misinformation,没有能力纠正病毒性错误信息。.Twitter s

24、hould have a correction mechanism that allows users to edit and rebroadcast tweets after they are posted,Twitter应该有一个修正机制,允许用户在发布推文后编辑和转发。.ensure that data and news is as correct as possible is understandable,确保数据和新闻尽可能的正确且可以理解。因此,B项“应设立纠错程序,以防止通过推特网传播病毒信息”正确。3.事实细节题。第五段指出“Twitter, what they see is

25、a raw, unfiltered stream, with the Twitter, what they see is a raw, unfiltered stream, with the newest content at the very top. Facebook, by contrast, shows users a curated feed; the top of the feed is not whats new”, 在推特网上,看到的是原创的、未经处理的信息流,最新鲜的内容放在首页头条。相比较,脸谱网提供给用户的是经过加工处理的东西,而且放在首页的头条的也不是最新信息。因此,A

26、项“推特网向用户提供的是未经处理的信息流,脸谱网提供的则是经过加工处理的东西”正确。4.事实细节题。文章多处提到Honan对于Twitter的提议。第四段指出: .this inability to correct viral misinformation,没有能力纠正病毒性错误信息。.Twitter should have a correction mechanism that allows users to edit and rebroadcast tweets after they are posted,Twitter应该有一个修正机制,允许用户在发布推文后编辑和转发。.ensure t

27、hat data and news is as correct as possible is understandable,确保数据和新闻尽可能的正确且可以理解。因此,B项“应设立纠错程序,以防止通过推特网传播病毒信息”正确。5.观点态度题。文章多处能体现作者的观点态度。如第三段指出“bined with its capacity for spreading that news with breathtaking ease (结合它惊人的传播新闻的能力)”。第四段指出“this inability to correct viral misinformation (没有能力纠正病毒性错误信息)”

28、。第五段指出“Twitter, what they see is a raw, unfiltered stream, with the newest content at the very top (在推特网上,看到的是原创的、未经处理的信息流,最新鲜的内容放在首页头条)”。由此可以看出,C项“推特网注重新奇与时效性”正确。4. 单选题Psychologists agree that I.Q. contributes only about 20 percent of the factors that determine success. A full 80 percent comes from

29、 other factors, including what I call emotional intelligence. Following are two of the major qualities that make up emotional intelligence, and how they can be developed.1.Self-awareness. The ability to recognize a feeling as it happens is the keystone of emotional intelligence. People with greater

30、certainty about their emotions are better pilots of their lives.Developing self-awareness requires tuning in to what neurologist Antonio Dam as io calls “gut feeling”. Gut feelings can occur without a person being consciously aware of them. For example, when people who fear snakes are shown a pictur

31、e of a snake, sensors on their skins will detect sweat, a sign of anxiety; even though the people say they do not feel fear. The sweat shows up even when a picture is presented so rapidly that the subject has no conscious awareness of seeing it.Through deliberate effort we can become more aware of o

32、ur gut feelings. Take someone who is annoyed by a rude encounter for hours after it occurred. He may be unaware of his irritability and surprised when someone calls attention to it. But if he evaluates his feelings, he can change them.Emotional self-awareness is the building block of the next fundam

33、ental of emotional intelligence: being able to shake off a bad mood.2.Mood Management. Bad as well as good moods spice life and build character. The key is balance.We often have little control over when we are swept by emotion. But we can have some say in how long that emotion will last. Psychologis

34、t Dianne Tice asked more than 400 men and women about their strategies for escaping foul moods. Her research, along with that of other psychologists, provides valuable information on how to change a bad mood.Of all the moods that people want to escape, rage seems to be the hardest to deal with. When

35、 someone in another car cuts you off on the highway, your reflexive thought may be: That jerk! He could have hit me! I cant let him get away with that! The more you stew, the angrier you get. Such is the stuff of hypertension and reckless driving.What should you do to relieve rage? One myth is that

36、ventilating will make you feel better. In fact, researchers have found thats one of the worst strategies. A more effective technique is “reframing”, which means consciously reinterpreting a situation in a more positive light. In the case of the driver who cuts you off, you might tell yourself: Maybe

37、 he had some emergency. This is one of the most potent ways, Tice found, to put anger to rest.Going off alone to cool down is also an effective way to refuse anger, especially if you cant think clearly. Tice found that a large proportion of men cool down by going for a drive a finding that inspired

38、her to dive more defensively. A safer alternative is exercise, such as taking a long walk. Whatever you do, dont waste the time pursuing your train of anger thoughts. Your aim should be to distract yourself.The techniques of reframing and distraction can alleviate depression and anxiety as well as a

39、nger. Add to them such relaxation techniques as deep breathing and meditation and you have an arsenal of weapons against bad moods.1.What are gut feeling?2.According to the author, the importance of knowing ones gut feeling is that().3.The word “spice”(Para.6)is closet in meaning to().4.On mood cont

40、rol, the author seems to suggest that we().5.The essence of “reframing” is().问题1选项A.They are feeling one is born with.B.They are feelings one may be unaware of.C.They are feelings of fear and anxiety.D.They are feelings felt by sensible people.问题2选项A.one can develop themB.one can call others attenti

41、on to themC.one may get rid of themD.one may control them问题3选项A.add interest toB.lengthenC.make dullD.bring into existence问题4选项A.can control the occurrence of moodB.are often unaware of what mood we are inC.can determine the duration of moodD.lack strategies for controlling moods问题5选项A.to forget the

42、 unpleasant situationB.to adopt a positive attitudeC.to protect oneself properlyD.to avoid road accident【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.判断推理题。根据题干中的关键词“gut feeling”可定位到原文第三段的内容“Gut feelings can occur without a person being consciously aware of them. 直觉可以在人们无意识的情况下产生。”由此可知,选项B符合原文。2.判断推理题。根据原文第五段的

43、内容“情感自我意识是下一个基本情商的基石:能够摆脱坏情绪”,也就是说,了解一个人的直觉最重要的是能够摆脱它们。所以选项C符合原文。3.词义题。根据所给词定位到原文中的内容“Bad as well as good moods spice life and build character.”这里的spice是做动词,并且和build的意思相接近。spice做动词,其本意是“加香料于;使增添趣味”,选项A与之意思最为相近,所以正确。4.判断推理题。根据第七段的一二句“We often have little control over when we are swept by emotion. But

44、 we can have some say in how long that emotion will last.当我们被情绪所左右时,我们往往无法控制自己。但我们可以知道这种情绪会持续多久。”由此可知,我们可以决定情绪持续的时间,所以选项C符合原文。5.判断推理题。根据题干中的关键词“reframing”定位到原文倒数第三段的内容“A more effective technique is reframing, which means consciously reinterpreting a situation in a more positive light. 一个更有效的技巧是“重新构建

45、”,这意味着有意识地从更积极的角度重新解释一个情况。”再根据后面的例子可以推测出,“reframing”的真谛在于采取一种积极地态度,所以选项B正确。5. 单选题The system has been designed to give students quick and easy()to the digital resources of the library.问题1选项A.acquaintanceB.accuracyC.accessD.acquisition【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。acquaintance “熟人;相识;了解”;accuracy “准确性”;access “进入

46、;通道;有使用权”,与介词to搭配;acquisition “获得物,获得”。句意:这套系统设计的目的是为了让学生能快速并且容易使用图书馆资源。选项C符合题意。6. 单选题The()to the Collins fortune will be a millionaire when Mr. Collins dies.问题1选项A.winnerB.heirC.descendantD.peer【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。winner “胜利者”;heir “继承人”;descendant “后裔,子孙”;peer “贵族,同龄人”。根据when Mr. Collins dies可知空格处是“

47、继承人”,选项B符合题意。句意:柯林斯先生去世后,他的继承人将成为百万富翁。7. 单选题My supply of confidence slowly()as the deadline approached.问题1选项A.abolishedB.eliminatedC.diminishedD.exterminated【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。abolish “废除”;eliminate “消除,排除”;diminish “减少,缩小”; exterminate “消除;根除”。主语是confidence “信心”,与之搭配的动词是diminish,因此选项C符合题意。8. 单选题A ce

48、nsors duty is to ensure that no content is () in publication or films.问题1选项A.evilB.obscureC.obsceneD.opaque【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项evil “恶毒的;邪恶的”;B选项obscure “无名的;鲜为人知的”;C选项obscene “淫秽的;猥亵的”;D选项opaque “不透明的;不透光的”。句意:审查员的职责是确保出版物或电影中没有淫秽内容。根据关键词“审查员的职责”可知C符合句意。9. 单选题Many difficulties have () as a result o

49、f the change to a new type of fuel.问题1选项A.risenB.arisenC.raisedD.arrived【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项risen表示“攀升;升起”;B选项arisen表示“出现;上升”,不及物动词;C选项raised表示“提高;筹集;养育”;D选项arrived“到达”。从词性及词义判断,只有B选项arisen符合要求。句意:由于改用了一种新型燃料,许多困难出现了。10. 单选题Will you please()this article to see if there is any misprint?问题1选项A.look upB

50、.go overC.dwell onD.work out【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。look up“查阅,拜访”;go over“复习,仔细检查”;dwell on“详述,细想”;work out“解决,算出,锻炼”。根据下半句的内容“看看是否有打印错误”,可知应该是仔细检查一下这篇文章,所以选项B符合句意。11. 单选题The new colleague() to have worked in several big corporations before he joined our company.问题1选项A.confessesB.declaresC.claimsD.confirms

51、【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项confess表示“坦白;承认;供认”,B选项declare表示“宣布,申明,宣称”,C选项confirm表示“确认,确定,核实”,D选项claim表示“宣称,要求,索赔”。由句意可知,新同事宣称,他进入我们公司之前,在一些大公司里工作过。空缺处单词,需与介词to构成搭配,因此本题正确答案为C选项。12. 单选题The tone of the articles()the writers mood at the time.问题1选项A.reproducedB.reflectedC.imaginedD.imitated【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。r

52、eproduce “繁殖,复制”;reflect “反映,表现”,reflect ones mood “反映某人的心情”,符合句意;imagine “想象,设想”;imitate “模仿,仿效”。选项B符合题意。句意:文章的语气反映了作者当时的心情。13. 单选题We should always keep in mind that()decisions often lead to bitter regrets.问题1选项A.urgentB.instantC.promptD.hasty【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项urgent“紧急的;急迫的”;B选项instant“立即的;紧急的;紧

53、迫的”;C选项prompt“敏捷的;立刻的;准时的”;D选项hasty“轻率的;匆忙的;懈怠的”。句意:我们应该永远记住,决定往往导致痛苦的后悔。让自己后悔的应为“轻率的决定”,D选项符合句意。14. 单选题When he was only 10 meters away from the finishing line, the African runner suddenly()passing by the other runners.问题1选项A.attemptedB.approachedC.acceleratedD.accessed【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。attempt “企图,

54、试图”;approach “走进;临近;处理”;accelerate “加速”;access “接近,使用”。句意:当他离终点只有10米远的时候,这位非洲跑步者加速超过了其他人。选项C符合题意。15. 单选题Tired of urban life, Jenifer makes up her mind to build her own home in a region where wild life().问题1选项A.aboundsB.exceedsC.amplifiesD.sustains【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项abound表示“大量存在,盛产,充满”,B选项exceed表示

55、“超越,胜过”,C选项amplify表示“放大;扩大”,D选项sustain表示“维持(生命、生存);保持;支撑”。由句意可知,珍妮弗因为厌倦城市生活,所以决心在野生动物丰富的地区建造自己的家。定语从句的主语是wild life,缺少谓语动词。对比四个选项,只有A选项词义最符合原文句意,故A选项为本题正确答案。16. 单选题Most people believe that the study of another nation, its society and culture, can be not only fascinating but also ().问题1选项A.beneficialB

56、.benefitC.benefitingD.beneficent【答案】A【解析】考查同根词辨析。A选项beneficial “有利的,有用的”;B选项benefit “使受益”;C选项benefiting “benefit的现在分词”;D选项beneficent“有裨益的,慈善的”。 句意:大多数人认为,研究另一个国家,及其社会和文化,不仅是有趣的,而且是有益的。这里考查benefit的各种变体,not onlybut also连接fascinating(极有吸引力的,迷人的)和空格,因此空格处应填入与fascinating相近且并列的词,故选A。17. 单选题I()that he was

57、a little crippled in the leg so I slowed down my pace.问题1选项A.perceivedB.deceivedC.conceivedD.received【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项perceive“察觉;理解;认知”;B选项deceive“欺骗;行骗”;C选项conceive“怀孕;构思;持有”;D选项receive“收到;接待;接纳”。句意:他的腿有点瘸,所以我放慢了脚步。“我”放慢脚步是因为“发现、察觉”他腿脚不便,因此A选项正确。18. 单选题Successful people always make()preparation

58、for any potential setbacks.问题1选项A.adequateB.urgentC.abruptD.final【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。adequate “充足的”;urgent “紧急的,紧迫的”; abrupt“生硬的,唐突的”;final“最终的,决定性的”。根据preparation “准备”与potential setbacks “潜在的挫折”,可知选项A符合题意。句意:成功的人总会为潜在失败做好充足的准备。19. 单选题In 2008 there were fears that we might enter another economic()as

59、bad as the 1930s.问题1选项A.dropB.recessionC.decreaseD.slump【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。drop“水滴”;recession“衰退,不景气”;decrease“减少,降低”;slump“(价格,数量等)骤降”。句意:2008年的时候,有人担心我们可能会进入与上世纪30年代一样严重的又一次的经济衰退。选项B更符合语境。20. 单选题We should() to reasoning to settle problems.问题1选项A.applyB.absorbC.replyD.resort【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项apply“申请;涂”;B选项absorb“吸收;吸引”;C选项reply“回答;答复”;D选项resort“求助,诉诸;常去;采取某手段或方法”。句意:我们应该诉诸讲理来解决问题。因此D项符合句意跟搭配。

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