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1、2022年考博英语-福建师范大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 问答题Human beings are social (A) animals who usually prefer not living (B) in (C) physical or psychological isolation (D).【答案】试题答案:B; to live【解析】考查固定搭配。prefer to do sth.意为“更喜欢做某事”。2. 单选题How much a person can earn is not always a good( )of real success in life.问题1选项A

2、.essenceB.decreeC.qualificationD.criterion【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。essence意为“本质,实质”;decree意为“法令,命令”;qualification意为“资格,授权”;criterion意为“(批评、判断等的)标准,准则”。句意:一个人能挣多少钱并不总是判断生活中真正成功的好标准。3. 单选题Her honesty is( ), nobody can doubt it.问题1选项A.out of the questionB.without questionC.in questionD.beside the question【答案】B【

3、解析】考查词组辨析。out of the question意为“不可能的,不必谈的”;without question意为“毫无疑问”;in question意为“考虑之中的,被谈论着的”;beside the question意为“不相关,不切题”。句意:她的诚实是毫无疑问的,没有人能怀疑它。4. 单选题All animals, especially the small kind, appear to feel anxiety. Humans have felt it since the days they shared the planet with saber-toothed tiger

4、s. But we live in a particularly anxious age. The initial shock of Sept. 11 has worn off, and the fear has lifted, but millions of Americans continue to share a kind of generalized mass anxiety. A recent TIME/CNN poll found that eight months after the event, nearly two-thirds of Americans think abou

5、t the terror attacks at least several times a week. And it doesnt take much for all the old fears to come rushing back. What was surprising about the recent drumbeat of terror warnings was how quickly it triggered the anxiety so many of us thought we had put behind us.This is one of the mysteries of

6、 anxiety. While it is a normal response to physical danger and can be a useful tool for focusing the mind when theres a deadline looming anxiety becomes a problem when it persists too long beyond the immediate threat. Sometimes theres an obvious cause, as with the shell-shocked soldiers of World War

7、 I or the terror-scarred civilians of the World Trade Center collapse. Other times, we dont know why we cant stop worrying.Anxiety disorder which is what health experts call any anxiety that persists to the point that it interferes with ones life is the most common mental illness in the U.S. In its

8、various forms, ranging from very specific phobias to generalized anxiety disorder, it afflicts 19 million Americans (see “Are You Too Anxious?”).In recent years, however, researchers have made significant progress in nailing down the underlying science of anxiety. In just the past decade, they have

9、come to appreciate that whatever the factors that trigger anxiety, it grows out of a response that is hardwired in our brains. They have learned, among other things:There is a genetic component to anxiety; some people seem to be born worriers.Brain scans can reveal differences in the way patients wh

10、o suffer from anxiety disorders respond to danger signals. Due to a shortcut in our brains information-processing system, we can respond to threats before we become aware of them.The root of an anxiety disorder may not be the threat that triggers it but a breakdown in the mechanism that keeps the an

11、xiety response from careering out of control.Before we delve into the latest research, lets define a few terms. Though we all have our own intuitive sense of what the words stress and fear mean, scientists use these words in very specific ways. For them, stress is an external stimulus that signals d

12、anger, often by causing pain. Fear is the short-term response such stresses produce in men, women or lab rats. Anxiety has a lot of the same symptoms as fear, but its a feeling that lingers long after the stress has lifted and the threat has passed.In general, science has a hard time pinning down em

13、otions because they are by nature so slippery and subjective. Even most people are as clueless about why they have certain feelings as they are about how their lungs work. But fear is the once aspect of anxiety thats easy to recognize. Rats freeze in place. Humans break out in a cold sweat. Heartbea

14、ts race, and blood pressure rises. That gives scientists something they can control and measure.Indeed, a lot of what researchers have learned about the biology of anxiety comes from scaring rats and then cutting them open. The researchers destroy small portions of the rats brains to see what effect

15、 that has on their reactions (an experiment that would be impossible to conduct in humans). By painstakingly matching the damaged areas with changes in behavior, scientists have, bit by bit, created a road map of fear as it travels through the rats brain.The journey begins when a rat (well get to hu

16、mans later) feels the stress, in this case an electric shock. The rats senses immediately send a message to the central portion of its brain, where the stimulus activates two neural pathways. One of these pathways is a relatively long, circuitous route (迂回路径)through the cortex (脑皮层)where the brain d

17、oes its most elaborate and accurate processing of information. The other route is a kind of emergency shortcut that quickly reaches an almond-shaped cluster of cells called the amygdala (扁桃体).Whats special about the amygdala is that it can quickly activate just about every system in the body to figh

18、t like the devil or run like crazy. Its not designed to be accurate, just fast. If you have ever gone hiking and been startled by a snake that turned out to be a stick, you can thank your amygdala.But while the amygdala is busy telling the body what to do, it also fires up a nearby curved cluster of

19、 neurons called the hippocampus(大脑侧面室脑壁上的隆起物).(A 16th century anatomist named it after the Greek word for seahorse.) The job of the hippocampus is to help the brain learn and form new memories. And not just any memories. The hippocampus allows a rat to remember where it was when it got shocked and w

20、hat was going on around it at the time. Such contextual learning helps the poor rodent avoid dangerous places in the future. It probably also helps it recognize what situations are likely to be relatively safe. This makes sense, in terms of survival. After all, its better to panic unnecessarily than

21、 to be too relaxed in the face of life-threatening danger.Discovering this basic neural circuitry turned out to be a key breakthrough in understanding anxiety. It showed that the anxiety response isnt necessarily caused by an external threat; rather, it may be traced to a breakdown in the mechanism

22、that signals the brain to stop responding. Just as a car can go out of control due to either a stuck accelerator or failed brakes, its not always clear which part of the brain is at fault. It may turn out that some anxiety disorders are caused by an overactive amygdala (the accelerator) while others

23、 are caused by an underactive prefrontal cortex (call it the brake).Of course, what you would really like to know is whether any of the work done in rats applies to humans. Clearly researchers cant go around performing brain surgery on the amygdalas of living patients to see if it affects their anxi

24、ety levels. But the fascinating case of a woman known only by her research number, SM046, suggests that when it comes to fear, rodents and hominids really arent so different.Owing to an unusual brain disorder, SM046 has a defective amygdala. As a result, her behavior is abnormal in a very particular

25、 way. When scientists at the University of Iowa show SM046 pictures of a series of faces, she has no trouble picking out those that are happy, sad or angry. But if the face is displaying fear, she cannot recognize the feeling. She identifies it as a face expressing, some intense emotion, but that is

26、 all. Her unusual condition strongly suggests that even in Homo sapiens, fear takes hold in the amygdala.Eventually, researchers would like to learn what role our genes, as opposed to our environment, play in the development of anxiety. “It has been known for some time that these disorders run in fa

27、milies.” says Kenneth Kendler, a psychiatric geneticist at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Va. “So the next logical question is the nature-nurture issue.” In other words, are anxious people born that way, or do they become anxious as a result of their life experiences?Kendler and his c

28、olleagues approached the question by studying groups of identical twins, who share virtually all their genes, and fraternal twins, who, like any other siblings, share only some of them. What Kendlers group found was that both identical twins were somewhat more likely than both fraternal twins to suf

29、fer from generalized anxiety disorder, phobias or panic attacks. (The researchers have not yet studied twins with post-traumatic stress disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder.)The correlation isnt 100%, however. “Most of the heritability is in the range of 30% to 40%,” Kendler says. Thats a fairl

30、y moderate genetic impact, he notes, “Your genes set your general vulnerability,” he concludes. “You can be a low-vulnerable, intermediate-vulnerable or a high-vulnerable person.” But your upbringing and your experiences still have a major role to play. Someone with a low genetic vulnerability, for

31、example, could easily develop a fear of flying after surviving a horrific plane crash.There are no guidebooks to tell you when its safe to venture out again. In many ways, the whole country was made part of an unwitting experiment in mass anxiety. Our brains are even now in the process of rewiring t

32、hemselves. How successfully we navigate this delicate transition will depend a lot on our genes, our environment and any future attacks.1.Anxiety can be a useful tool for focusing the mind when ( ).2.Now in the United States, about 19 million people are suffering from( ).3.Which of the following sta

33、tement about fear is NOT true?4.Generally, scientists find it hard to study emotions because( ).5.As fear travels through the rats brain, scientists have, bit by bit, created a road map of fear by( ).问题1选项A.there is an obvious cause of anxiety.B.we know why we can stop worryingC.it persists too long

34、 beyond the immediateD.there is a deadline looming.问题2选项A.terror warningB.mental illnessC.anxiety disorderD.physical danger问题3选项A.Fear is the external stimulus that signals danger.B.Fear is the short-term response stresses produce in men.C.Fear has a lot of the same symptoms as anxiety.D.Fear is the

35、 aspect of anxiety that is easy to recognize.问题4选项A.they are the nature of human beingsB.only fear is easy to recognizeC.most people are as cluelessD.they are slippery and subjective问题5选项A.studying its reaction after being cut off some portions of brainB.sending a message to the central portion of i

36、ts brainC.measuring its blood pressureD.matching the damaged areas with changes in behavior【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的This is one of the mysteries of anxiety. While it is a normal response to physical danger and can be a useful tool for focusing the mind when theres a deadline

37、looming(这是焦虑的奥秘之一。虽然这是对身体危险的正常反应,但在最后期限即将来临的时候,它可以成为集中注意力的有用工具)可知选D。2.细节事实题。由文章第三段中的it afflicts 19 million Americans(它折磨着1,900万美国人)可知句中的“it”指代前面提及的“Anxiety disorder”,因此选C。3.细节事实题。由文章第五段中的stress is an external stimulus that signals danger, often by causing pain. Fear is the short-term response such s

38、tresses produce in men, women or lab rats. Anxiety has a lot of the same symptoms as fear(压力是一种外部刺激,通常通过引起疼痛来发出危险信号。恐惧是短期反应,这种压力会在男性、女性或实验室老鼠身上产生。焦虑和恐惧有很多相同的症状。)和第六段中的But fear is the once aspect of anxiety thats easy to recognize(但恐惧是焦虑的一方面,很容易识别)可知A表示不正确,根据题干中的“NOT true”,因此选A。4.细节事实题。由文章第六段中的In gen

39、eral, science has a hard time pinning down emotions because they are by nature so slippery and subjective.(一般来说,科学很难压制情绪,因为它们天生就很滑和主观)可知选D。5.细节事实题。由文章第七段中的By painstakingly matching the damaged areas with changes in behavior, scientists have, bit by bit, created a road map of fear as it travels throu

40、gh the rats brain.(通过努力将受损的区域与行为的变化相匹配,科学家们一点点地创造了一张在老鼠大脑中传播的恐惧路线图)可知D选项“将受损区域与行为变化相匹配”符合题意。5. 单选题The small Jackson is not ( )now, but he will be famous someday.问题1选项A.magnificentB.prominentC.dominantD.significant【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。magnificent意为“壮丽的,宏伟的”;prominent意为“突出的,杰出的”;dominant意为“占优势的”;significa

41、nt意为“重要的”。句意:小杰克逊现在还不出名,但总有一天他会出名的。6. 单选题Leonardo just discovered that his passport had ( )three months ago.问题1选项A.constrainedB.abolishedC.amendedD.expired【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。constrain意为“强迫”;abolish意为“废除,废止”;amend意为“改良,修改”;expire意为“(因到期而) 失效,到期”。句意:Leonardo刚刚发现他的护照已经过期三个月了。7. 单选题Three years ago, French

42、entrepreneur Gary Cige was helping a friend hang a mirror in his country house when they realized they needed a drill. But where to get one? Buying one would cost 150 Euros, a huge waste considering they needed it for only half an hour. And since it was Sunday, every rental shop would be closed. Yet

43、 as Cige realized, they were likely surrounded by drills. Odds are, at least one of his friends neighbors had a drill that was sitting idle. Why wasnt there some easy way to find a drill to rent for just a few bucks?Propelled by that idea, Cige cofounded Zilok, a startup that offers precisely this s

44、ervice: People post possessions theyre willing to rent out, along with a price. Ciges Web site processes the fee, tracks the reputation of your renting partner, and in France even issues insurance for your item. After two years in business, Zilok has 150,000 items listed, with 6, 000 transactions a

45、month, and its the fastest-growing renter of cars in France.Peer to peer renting and similar services has boomed in the past few years. Some work like Zilok, while others let people exchange things they own (such as book and CDs at Swaptree). A few even let you take advantage of space thats lying fa

46、llow, like Shared Earth, where land owners hook up with gardeners.In essence, were seeing a new relationship to property where access trumps ownership. Were using bits to help us share atoms. The genius of these sites is that they make a virtue of modern societys ecological sin: oversupply. In devel

47、oped countries, were prosperous but horribly wasteful. We buy tons of things we use rarely and which sit unused in basements and storage lockers.Peer renting and sharing is, of course, an old idea. But it never took off before, for logistical reasons; it was too hard to connect millions of renters t

48、o owners. The Internets Bayesian ability to make markets solved that problem. The net also provides crucial glue, as the new startup Zimride proves. Ride-sharing systems have historically petered out because it can be kind of creepy to pick up strangers. So instead, Zimride lets people share rides w

49、ith friends of friends from Facebook through either Facebook Connect or networks it sets up for individual organizations. “The limiting factor before was trust,” Zimride cofounder Logan Green says, “and Facebook solved that.”Besides the environmental benefits, there are economic ones. Some users of

50、Zilok make more than $1,000 a month circulating their possessions. Granted, its not enough to quit your day job, but a little extra dough for almost no effort never hurts.As peer-to-peer renting and swapping evolves, tools like geolocation and micropayments could make it even smoother and more ubiqu

51、itous. Rachel Botsman, coauthor of Whats Mine Is Yours a new book that documents “collaborative consumption” envisions a world in which everyones stuff reports its status in real time: Where is the right now? Is it available for use by someone else?Your property could circulate for days or months, m

52、aking your money instead of molding in your garage “Were facing a revolution in the way we think of ownership,” Botsman says. Or, to put it other way, your drill may be my drill, too.1.In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ( ).2.Which of the following is true of Zilok?3.Peer-t

53、o-peer renting essentially features( ).4.It can be concluded that the success of Zimride mainly lies in the ability of( ).问题1选项A.bringing up a hypothesisB.giving an exampleC.tracing back the originD.making a comparison问题2选项A.It is responsible for pricing the items for rent.B.It offers the fastest ca

54、r rental services in France.C.It provides insurance for valuable items rented.D.It develops vigorously in the past few years.问题3选项A.flexible ownershipB.a wide range of servicesC.high-tech marketingD.ecological conservation问题4选项A.persuading people to share ridesB.establishing trust among strangersC.b

55、uilding a vast interpersonal networkD.finding sufficient potential customers【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。由文章第一段中的第一句Three years ago, French entrepreneur Gary Cige was helping a friend hang a mirror in his country house when they realized they needed a drill.(三年前,法国企业家Gary Cige帮助一位朋友在他的乡村别墅挂一面

56、镜子,这时他们意识到自己需要一个钻头)和最后一句Why wasnt there some easy way to find a drill to rent for just a few bucks?(为什么找不到一个简单的方法来租钻头只要几元钱呢?)可知作者通过讲述Gary Cige创立Zilok的起源来介绍他的主题,因此选C。2.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的People post possessions theyre willing to rent out, along with a price.(人们把他们愿意出租的财产连同价格一起贴出来)可知与A选项“它负责定价物品的租金”不符;由第二段

57、中的its the fastest-growing renter of cars in France(它拥有的汽车租赁用户数量增加最快)可知与B选项“它提供法国最快的汽车租赁服务”不符;由第二段中的and in France even issues insurance for your item.(并且在法国甚至可以给你出租的物品上保险)可知与C选项“它为租用的贵重物品提供保险”不符;通过排除法,因此选D。3.推理判断题。由文章第三段中的while others let people exchange things they own.(而让人们可以交换他们自己的东西)和第四段中的In esse

58、nce, were seeing a new relationship to property where access trumps ownership.(从本质上讲,我们看到的是一种新的财产关系在这种关系中,使用权高于所有权)可推测面对面租赁最本质的特征是灵活的所有权,因此选A。4.推理判断题。由文章第五段中的Zimride lets people share rides with friends of friends from Facebook.The limiting factor before was trust.(Zimride让人们和来自社交网络上的朋友分享骑行以前,限制因素是信

59、任)可推测Zimride的成功主要在于它打破了之前陌生人之间的不信任,因此选B。8. 单选题It is hardly necessary for me to cite all the evidence of the depressing state of literacy. These figures from the Department of Education are sufficient: 27 million Americans cannot read at all, and a further 35 million read at a level that is less than

60、 sufficient to survive in our society.But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem of elemental literacy than it is of the slightly more luxurious problem of the decline in the skill even of the middle-class reader, of his unwillingness to afford those spaces of silence, those lux

61、uries of domesticity and time and concentration, that surround the image of the classic act of reading. It has been suggested that almost 80 percent of Americas literate, educated teenagers can no longer read without an accompanying noise (music) in the background or a television screen flickering a

62、t the corner of their field of perception. We know very little about the brain and how it deals with simultaneous conflicting input, but every common-sense intuition suggests we should be profoundly alarmed. This violation of concentration, silence, solitude goes to the very heart of our notion of l

63、iteracy; this new form of part-reading, of part-perception against background distraction, renders impossible certain essential acts of apprehension and concentration, let alone that most important tribute any human being can pay to a poem or a piece of prose he or she really loves, which is to lear

64、n it by heart. Not by brain, by heart; the expression is vital.Under these circumstances, the question of what future there is for the arts of reading is a real one. Ahead of us lie technical, psychic, and social transformations probably much more dramatic than those brought about by Gutenberg, the German inventor in printing. The Gutenberg revolution, as we now know it, took a long time, its

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