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1、2022年考博英语-西南交通大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题They ( ) so tired if they ( )for a whole day.问题1选项A.wouldnt feel, didnt walkB.wouldnt feel, werent walking.C.wouldnt be feeling, werent walkingD.wouldnt be feeling, hadnt been walking【答案】D【解析】考查虚拟语气。结合选项与题干可知本题考查混合虚拟语气,if引导的 条件句中表示的是与过去事实相反的情况,应该用had+过去分词,因此可以

2、排除选项A、B、C,又因为主句部分表示的是现在事实相反的情况,所以需要用would+动原,由此可知,此题选项D为正确答案。句意:如果他们不是一整天都在走路,那么他们将不会感到如此疲惫。2. 单选题From Christianity and the barbarian kingdoms of the west emerged the medieval version of politics( )in turn evolved the politics of our modern world.问题1选项A.of whichB.from whichC.on whichD.by which【答案】B【

3、解析】句意:从基督教和西方的野蛮王国中出现了中世纪政治的形态,而从该形态中又依次演变出了我们现代世界的政治形态。语法题。考查从句引导词。空格后是一个定语从句。前面的主句中,From Christianity and the barbarian kingdoms of the west是地点状语,因此在定语从句中,from which 作状语与前面的from形成对应,evolved作谓语,the politics of our modern world作主语。3. 单选题The vast majority of people in any given culture will ( ) to th

4、e established standards of that culture.问题1选项A.confineB.conformC.confrontD.confirm【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项confine“限制;禁闭”;B选项conform“符合;遵照;适应环境”;C选项confront“ 面对;遭遇;比较”;D选项confirm“ 确认;确定;证实”。句意:在任何特定文化中的绝大多数人都将遵守该文化既定的标准。空格处的动词既要符合句意,又要与to构成搭配。因此B项正确。Conform to表示“符合,遵照”。4. 单选题These national parks are very

5、important for preserving many animals, who would ( ) run the risk of becoming extinct.问题1选项A.insteadB.neverthelessC.thereforeD.otherwise【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项instead“代替;反而;相反”;B选项nevertheless“然而,不过”;C选项therefore“因此;所以”;D选项otherwise“否则;另外”。句意:这些国家公园对保护许多动物非常重要,否则这些动物将面临灭绝的危险。前后部分为转折关系,因此D项正确。5. 单选题Many

6、tourists were ( ) by the citys complicated traffic system.问题1选项A.degradedB.bewilderedC.evokedD.diverted【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的过去分词形式。A选项degrade“贬低;使丢脸;使降级”;B选项bewilder“使迷惑,使不知所措”;C选项evoke“ 引起,唤起;博得”;D选项divert“ 转移;使欢娱;使转向”。句意:这个城市的复杂交通系统让很多游客感到迷惑。由题干关键词“复杂的交通系统”可知B项正确。6. 单选题Americans love a juicy s

7、tory. We want intimate details, and the media is happy to comply, but we forget that peoples lives are at stake. A crime is not a form of entertainment from which to derive perverse pleasure. It is the failure of a person to live up to his or her obligations as a law-abiding citizen, and tile media

8、should report it as such.Recently, several major crimes have been sensationalized. As far as the media is concerned, the more gruesome the crime, the better. Take the Menedez brothers case or the trial of the policemen who beat Rodney King. If a famous person is accused, members of the press appear

9、to smack their lips and writing their hands in anticipation. Insert sex or race, as in the O. J. Simpson murder trial, and the journalists oddest dreams come true. But such exploitation is not harmless entertainment. It tears at the core of the American Judicial system a fair trial by an impartial j

10、ury. A juror is supposed to be objective and has no preconceived opinion about the guilt or innocence of the accused: however, the medias bombarding the public with information about a crime true or otherwise makes finding twelve people who have no opinion about it nearly impossible.In the Menendez

11、case, for example, two brothers were accused of murdering their parents. Initially, this case received media attention because the victims children were accused of the murders; however, when the brothers claimed they killed their parents because they had been molested by them, the press really went

12、wild. For months before the trial, every paper and news program contained something about the crime. Only then was the jury selected. Thus, even though no proof was ever found to support the brothers allegations of molestation, their trials ended in hung juries.The Rodney King incident gained nation

13、al attention when a videotape of the racially motivated beating was shown on television. In the beginning, the facts about the incident were reported, but as time went on information on Rodney Kings personal life was publicized, Mr. King was portrayed as a sleazy ex-convict from the ghetto who deser

14、ved what happened to him because he had resisted arrest. In reality, Rodney King was the victim in this crime, and his personal life had not had to do with his being so severely beaten. However, the press chose to make his personal life an issue. As result, at the end of the first trial, the police

15、officers, who had been caught on videotape kicking and punching Mr. King and against whom a fellow police officer had testified, were set free.Today, the big story is the O. J. Simpson murder trial, which has been splashed across newspapers and televisions all over the world. The media has made it n

16、early impossible to select an impartial jury because of its lack of responsibility in reporting the case. For example, early in the investigation, the press reported that a sock soaked with Nicole Simpsons blood had been found in O. J.s bedroom. The judge, defense, and prosecution all denied that an

17、y such evidence existed. At first, the media stood by the story. Two days later, they retracted it but without the fanfare that had accompanied the first report.1.If a public figure is accused, what would happen?2.The sentence “peoples lives are at stake” (paragraph 1) might mean( ).3.The Rodney Kin

18、g example is used to show that( ).4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that( ).5.The authors tone in writing this article is( ).问题1选项A.The media would side with him or her.B.The press would try to influence the jurys judgment.C.Journalists would be overjoyed to have something to build their

19、stories on.D.Sex and race would be inserted in the newspaper report.问题2选项A.peoples lives are involvedB.peoples lives will be greatly affectedC.people will have to stake their own livesD.peoples lives will be risked问题3选项A.ones past will sooner or later catch up with himB.racial prejudice is still dee

20、ply rooted in peoples mindC.public opinion may be easily affected by biased reportD.the accused has no privacy at all问题4选项A.the press might have implied that O.J. Simpson committed murderB.the media was forced to silence in the Simpson murder trialC.the judge defense and prosecution have taken bribe

21、D.the press was afraid of being accused of slander问题5选项A.informativeB.criticalC.retrospectiveD.affirmative【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】第1题:细节事实题。第二段第三句指出:If a famous person is accused, members of the press appear to smack their lips and writing their hands in anticipation (如果某个名人被指控, 那么新闻工作人员就表现

22、得垂涎欲滴并预先进行报道),其中的smack their lips和writing their hands in anticipation正好对应C项中的overjoyed 和 build their stories,故选C项“记者们将会非常高兴,因为他们可以在此基础上编撰自己的报道”。第2题:语义题。对于此句的理解可参考第二段中: It tears at the core of the American Judicial system a fair trial by an impartial jury. A juror is supposed to be objective and has

23、no preconceived opinion about the guilt or innocence of the accused: however, the medias bombarding the public with information about a crime true or otherwise makes finding twelve people who have no opinion about it nearly impossible (它破坏了美国司法体系的核心由公正的陪审团进行的公正审判。陪审员被认为是客观的,并且对于被告是否有罪没有先入为主的观点。然而,媒体

24、用有关犯罪的真实或其他方面的信息轰炸公众,使得找到12个对案件不了解的人几乎是不可能的)。由此可知媒体对于犯罪活动的详细报道会影响案件的公正审理,从而对被告的生命造成威胁,故选D。第3题:细节事实题。根据题干关键词Rodney King example可定位至第四段:In the beginning, the facts about the incident were reported, but as time went on information on Rodney Kings personal life was publicized, Mr. King was portrayed as

25、a sleazy ex-convict from the ghetto who deserved what happened to him because he had resisted arrest. In reality, Rodney King was the victim in this crime, and his personal life had not had to do with his being so severely beaten (起初,有关这一事件的事实被报道,但随着时间的推移,有关罗德尼金个人生活的信息被公布,金先生被描绘成一个来自贫民区的卑鄙的惯犯,他应该受到惩

26、罚,因为他拒绝逮捕。事实上,罗德尼金是这起犯罪的受害者,他的私生活与他被如此严打无关)。因此选C项 “舆论很容易受到有偏见的报道的影响”。第4题:判断推理题。最后一段主要讲了O.J. Simpson的例子: For example, early in the investigation, the press reported that a sock soaked with Nicole Simpsons blood had been found in O. J.s bedroom (例如,在调查的早期,媒体报道说,在辛普森的卧室中发现了一只浸透了她血液的袜子)。由此可知新闻报道暗示了 O.J.

27、 Simpson犯了谋杀罪,故选A项“媒体可能暗示O.J.辛普森犯了谋杀罪”。第5题:观点态度题。文章首先提出:We want intimate details, and the media is happy to comply, but we forget that peoples lives are at stake (我们喜欢生动的细节,媒体也会 积极地投大众所好,但是我们却忘了有的人的生命正处在危险中)。随后列举了三个例子说明了有失偏颇的媒体报道对社会造成的影响,而且在最后一段还列举了O. J. Simpson的例子以说明其危害,可以看出作者的态度是批判性的。7. 单选题A scien

28、tific law is liable at any time to need( ), that is an eternal truth.问题1选项A.modifyingB.changingC.revisingD.adjusting【答案】A【解析】句意:在任何时候,科学定律都是需要修改的,这是永恒的真理。考查动词辨析。modify 修改,调整,修饰;change 变化;revise 修改,修订,校正; adjust 调整。Modify和revise都有“修改”的意思,但modify指对计划、方法、制度、条款等做细小的更改;而revise指由于新情况的出 现或经过更多的思考而对原有观点、想法或

29、作品加以修正,因此A项符合句意。8. 翻译题1.中国是世界上的发明大国,但是很多发明无法走出实验室,归根结底是资金问题。2.当然我们还应该充分意识到,大熊猫生存的主要威胁不是来自于大熊猫的繁殖能力,而是来自于人类对大熊猫自然生态环境的破坏。3.他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。人生需要一种境界:自我安定。4.自幼来自农村且深受“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”陶冶的我,是断然不肯将能吃的剩菜倒掉的。5.太多的医学和研究生教育把学生禁闭在黑暗的房间里,使他们成为被强迫灌输信息的笨人。【答案】1.China, one of the worlds leading innovators, finds itself

30、in the awkward situation of being unable to get many of its inventions out of the labs, which comes down to the problem of funding.2. Of course, we should also be fully aware that the main threat to the survival of the panda species comes not from the poor propagation of the species, but from mankin

31、ds destruction of pandas natural habitat.3. Life, it seems to me, needs a placidity of mind. While others may be wining and dining, Im content with plain tea.4. Born in the countryside and always taught to believe profoundly in the need to “treasure each and every grain of rice in the bowl”,I flatly

32、 refuse to throw away the leftovers.5. Too many medical students and postgraduates receive education in a closed room, and finally become a passive knowledge-receiving idiot.9. 单选题One might predict that the easiest and fastest adjustment would be made by the flexible, tolerant person who had chosen

33、to come to the new country and who had a job. Additionally, (1)would be easier for someone whose culture and language are(2)to those of the new country.(3),a person who has a lot of support(4)friends and family would probably adjust more quickly. Undoubtedly, in many (5)these would be good predictor

34、s of a relatively smooth adjustment. However, sometimes there are surprises in peoples cultural(6)to a new country.Some newcomers (7)a society does well in their first year of cultural adjustment.(8), they may have a more difficult time later. Perhaps they expected the second year to be(9)easy and s

35、uccessful as the first year, but are not prepared to deal with obstacles(10)arise during the second year. (11)who had problems from the beginning may(12)find the second year easier(13)they are used to solving problems. They expect difficulties and arent surprised by them.There is yet another unpredi

36、ctable variable in cultural adjustment. Sometimes people come to a second(14)speaking the new language very well, but still do not have an easy adjustment. The newcomers think,(15)because they have a good(16)of the language, they will not have much difficulty.(17), if people think that the new count

37、ry is very similar to their country of origin(18), in fact, it is not, they may actually adapt more slowly. This is because the ewcomers only imagine the similarity between the two cultures. Therefore they may(19)that differences exist. Cultural differences do not(20),of course, just because a perso

38、n denies that they exist.问题1选项A.predictionB.adjustmentC.adaptabilityD.expectation问题2选项A.similarB.newC.superiorD.inferior问题3选项A.ParticularlyB.PersonallyC.SometimesD.Finally问题4选项A.fromB.inC.ofD.on问题5选项A.occasionsB.casesC.placesD.parts问题6选项A.adoptionB.applicationC.adaptationD.subjection问题7选项A.inB.ofC.t

39、oD.from问题8选项A.MoreoverB.HoweverC.HenceD.Actually问题9选项A.soB.asC.moreD.very问题10选项A.whenB.of whichC.whatD.that问题11选项A.ThoseB.AnyC.ThatD.Some问题12选项A.reallyB.alwaysC.typicallyD.actually问题13选项A.whenB.whatC.becauseD.due问题14选项A.cultureB.schoolC.locationD.city问题15选项A.whatB.thatC.thisD.which问题16选项A.seizeB.gra

40、spC.snatchD.thinking问题17选项A.HoweverB.In generalC.In factD.In addition问题18选项A.whichB.whereC.whenD.that问题19选项A.refuseB.ignoreC.denyD.neglect问题20选项A.go awayB.go offC.get awayD.get off【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B第6题:C第7题:C第8题:B第9题:B第10题:D第11题:A第12题:D第13题:C第14题:A第15题:B第16题:B第17题:D第18题:C第19题:C第20题:A【解析】第

41、1题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:prediction “预报,预言;选项B:adjustment“调整,调节器”; 选项C:adaptability “适应性,可变性”;选项D:expectation “期待,期望”。由于前文已经有出现adjustment这个词,根据文章逻辑以及句意可知,本题正确选项为B。句意:此外,对于那些文化和语言与新国家相似的人来说,调整适应会更容易。第2题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:similar“相似的”;选项B:new “新的,新鲜的”;选项C:superior “上级的;优秀的”;选项D:inferior “下级的;下等的”。根据文章逻辑可以推测出句意:此外,对于那些文

42、化和语言与新国家相似的人来说,调整适应会更容易。由题意可知,本题正确选项为A。第3题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:particularly“特别地,具体地”;选项B:personally“亲自地,个别地”;选项C:sometimes“有时,间或”;选项D: Finally“最后,最终”。首先,选项A、B、C在使用时一般情况下不需要逗号隔开,因此可以排除。其次前文已经出现了additionally这样的顺序连接词,通过逻辑推理可知此处也需要同样性质的词,因此选项D正确。第4题:考查固定搭配。根据题意可知本题考查了一个常用的固定搭配have support from sb. “得到来自某人的支持”而选项

43、B、C、D均与题意不符,因此选项A为正确答案。句意:一个有很多朋友和家人支持的人可能会适应得更快。第5题:考查固定搭配。选项A:occasion “场合,机会”;选项B: cases “情况,案例”选项C:place “地方,住所”;选项D:part “部分, 角色,零件。由句意可知these指代的是前文所举的案例,又in cases属于常用的固定搭配,所以本题选项B更切合题意,正确。句意:毫无疑问,在许多情况下,这些都是一个相对平稳调整的良好预测指标。第6题:考查名词辨析。选项A:adoption“釆用,收养,接受”;选项B:application“应用,申请”;选项C:adaptation

44、 “适应,改编”;选项D: subjection“ 隶属,服从,征服”。根据题意可知,选项C更切合文章,正确。句意:然而,人们对一个新国家的文化适应有时也会有令人惊讶的地方。第7题:考查固定搭配。根据题干和选项可知本题考查固定搭配,Newcomers to表示初来乍到,句意:一些刚进入一个社会的人在第一年的文化适应中表现得很好。所以本题选项C正确。第8题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:moreover “而且,此外”;选项B: however “然而”;选项C: hence“因此,今后”;选项D:actually “实际上,事实上”。通过逻辑推理可知,本句与前文存在转折关系,因此选项B符合题意,正确。

45、句意:然而,他们以后可能会遇到更困难的时候。第9题:考查固定搭配。由题意可知此处考查固定搭配be as+形容词+as sth. “与一样”所以选项A、C、D均不符合题意,选项B为正确选项。句意:也许他们希望第二年能像第一年一样轻松成功。第10题:考查关系代词。选项A:when“什么时候”;选项B:of which“哪一个“;选项C:what”什么“; 选项D:that”那个“。由文章可以知道此处需要一个指代前文obstacles 的一个关系代词充当从句主语,因此选项D符合题意。第11题:考查指示代词。选项A:those“那些”;选项B:any“任何一个”;选项C:that“那个“;选项D:so

46、me“一些”。由句意可知此处需要一个表示复数的指示代词,所以可以排除选项B和C,而又因为指示代词是指代前文出现过的事情,因此选项A更符合题意。第12题:考查副词辨析。选项A:really “真正地,真实地”;选项B:always “一直”;选项C:typically “典型地”;选项D:actually “实际上,事实上”。根据句意可知,选项D符合题意,正确。句意:实际上,那些从一开始就有问题的人可能会发现第二年更容易。第13题:考查逻辑关系。通过逻辑推理可知本句前后为因果关系,因此可以排除选项A和B,又因为due 表示原因时需要与to连用,并且不可以直接接句子,所以本题正确选项为C。句意:因

47、为他们习惯于解决问题。第14题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:文化;选项B:学校;选项C:位置;选项D:城市。通过逻辑推理可知,此处应该选择与前文cultural adjustment相关的选项,因此选项B、C、D均可排除,正确选项为选项A。第15题:考查关系代词。根据题意和选项可知本题考查关系代词在从句中的运用,题干句子需要关系代词既充当think的宾语又引导后面的从句,由此可知本题选项B 符合题意。句意:新来的人认为,这是因为他们对语言掌握得很好。第16题:考查固定搭配。选项A:seize “抓住,夺取”;选项B:grasp“握,领会,权力”;选项C:snatch “夺得”;选项D:thinkin

48、g “思考,想法”。由题干可知本题考查固定搭配have a good grasp of sth. “对某事有很好的理解”因此选项B 符合题意,正确。第17题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:however “然而”;选项B:in general “通常,一般而言”;选项C:in fact “实际上”;选项D:in addition“此外,另外”。通过逻辑推理可知,前后存在并列关系,因此选项D更符合题意,正确。第18题:考查关系代词。选项A表示哪一个,选项B表示哪里,选项C表示什么时候,选项D表示那个。由句意可知,选项C更符合题意,正确。句意:此外,如果人们认为新的国家与他们的原籍国非常相似,而当实际上并

49、非如此时,他们可能实际上适应得更慢。第19题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:refuse “拒绝”; 选项B:ignore “忽视”;选项C:deny “否定,否认”;选项D:neglect “疏忽,忽视。通过推理可知前后存在因果对应关系,因此根据题意可知,选项C符合题意,正确。句意:这是因为新来的人只是想象两种文化之间的相似性。因此,他们可能忽略了差异的存在。第20题:考查动词短语辨析。选项A:go away “离去”;选项B:go off “爆破,动身”;选项C:get away “逃脱, 出发”;选项D:get off “下车,下来”。句意:当然,文化差异不会因为一个人否认它们的存在而消失。由句

50、意可知,选项A更切合题意,正确。10. 单选题I am afraid to sleep. I have been afraid to sleep for the last few weeks. I am so tired that, finally, I do sleep, but only for a few minutes. It is not a bad dream that wakes me; it is the reality I took with me into sleep. 1 try to think of something else.Immediately the wom

51、an in the marketplace comes into my mind.I was on my way to dinner last night when I saw her. She was selling skirts. She moved with the same ease and loveliness I often saw in the women of Laos. Her long black hair was as shiny as the black silk of the skirts she was selling. In her hair, she wore

52、three silk ribbons, blue, green, and white. They reminded me of my childhood and how my girlfriends and I used to spend hours braiding ribbons into our hair.I dont know the word for “ribbons”,so I put my hand to my own hair and, with three fingers against my head. I looked at her ribbons and said “b

53、eautiful”. She lowered her eyes and said nothing. I wasnt sure if she understood me (I dont speak Laotian very well).I looked back down at the skirts. They had designs in them: squares and triangles and circles of pink and green silk. They were very pretty. I decided to buy one of those skirts, and

54、I began to bargain with her over the price. It is the custom to bargain in Asia. In Laos bargaining is done in soft voices and easy moves with the sort of quiet peacefulness.She smiled, more with her eyes than with her lips. She was pleased by the few words I was able to say in her language, althoug

55、h they were mostly numbers, and she saw that I understood something about the soft playfulness of bargaining. We shook our heads in disagreement over the price; then, immediately, we made another offer and then another shake of the head. She was so pleased that unexpectedly, she accepted the last of

56、fer I made. But it was too soon. The price was too low. She was being too generous and wouldnt make enough money. I moved quickly and picked up two more skirts and paid for all three times as much before she had a chance to lower the price for the larger purchase. She smiled openly then, and, for th

57、e first time in months, my spirit lifted. I almost felt happy.The feeling stayed with me while she wrapped the skirts in a newspaper and handed them to me. When I left, though, the feeling left. too. It was as though it stayed behind in marketplace. I left tears in my throat, I wanted to cry. I didn

58、t of course.I have learned to defend myself against what is hard; without knowing it, I have also learned to defend myself against what is soft and what should be easy.I get up, light a candle and want to look at the skirts. They are still in the newspaper that the woman wrapped them in. I remove th

59、e paper and raise the skirts up to look at them again before I pack them. Something falls to floor. I reach down and feel something cool in my hand. I move close to the cradle light to see what I have. There are five long silk ribbons in my hand, all different colors. The woman in the marketplace! S

60、he has given these ribbons to me!There is no defense against a generous spirit, and this time I cry. and very hard, as if I could make up for all the months that I didnt cry.1.Which of the following is NOT correct?2.The writer assumed that the woman accepted the last offer mainly because the woman(

61、).3.Why did the writer finally decide to buy three skirts?4.When did the writer left the marketplace, she wanted to cry, but did not because( ).5.Why did the writer cry eventually when she looked at the skirts again?问题1选项A.The writer was not used to bargaining.B.People in Asia always bargain when bu

62、ying things.C.Bargaining in Laos was quiet and peaceful.D.The writer was ready to bargain with the woman.问题2选项A.thought that the last offer was reasonableB.thought she could still make much moneyC.was glad that the writer knew their way of bargainingD.was tired of bargaining with the writer any more问题3选项A.The skirts were cheap and pretty.B.She liked the patterns on the skirts.C.She wanted to do something as compensation.D.She was fed up with further bar

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