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1、2022年考博英语-华中科技大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 写作题You are required to write about 200 words on the following topic “The Bad Aspect of Online Shopping”.【答案】The Bad Aspect of Online Shopping2. 单选题With few exceptions, the last words of historys great players have been about as interesting and uplifting as a p

2、hone book. We may expect pearls of profundity from our expiring artists, philosophers, and world leaders, but more often we are left with dry-as-dust cliche.Admittedly, its not exactly fair to expect deep insights into lifes mysteries when the dying clearly have other things on their minds hell, for

3、 instance, or unspeakable pain. Bullet-riddled Francisco “Pancho” Villa was probably preoccupied when he told a comrade, “Dont let it end this way. Tell them I said something.” But dont we have the right to expect eloquence in the final stanzas of legendary wordsmiths like Lord Byron and Johann Wolf

4、gang von Goethe? Byron couldnt be bothered to work up a decent rhyme: “Now I shall go to sleep. Good night.” Goethes last word were so dull biographers have been obliged to edit creatively; “Open the second shutter so that more light may come in” became the more sublime “More light!”(There is, by th

5、e way, some debate whether Goethes last words were not, in fact, “Come my little one, and give me your paw.)And one is loath to mention Whitmans last barbaric yawp: “Hold me up; I want to shit.” Legendary wag Oscar Wildes last words were nothing more than shop talk. Commenting on a novel he had rece

6、ntly read, Wilde said, “This is a fine study of the American politician and possesses the quality of truth in characterization. What else has the lady written?”Queens have left little more for the living to chew on. Elizabeth I was whiny (“All my possessions for a moment of time”), while Marie Antoi

7、nette was clumsy but polite: “Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur, ” she said, after treading upon her executioners toe.Ironically, it may have been the relatively obscure who delivered historys best exit lines. Has anyone departed the scene better than minor English playwright Henry Arthur Jones, who, asked wh

8、om he would prefer to sit with him during the evening, his nurse or his niece, replied, “The prettier. Now fight for it.” Actor Edmund Gwenn was terse: “Dying is easy. Comedy is difficult.” And you have to admire the singleness of purpose in the last words of French grammarian Dominique Bouhours: “I

9、 am about to or I am going to die; either expression is used.” For sheer entertainment value, you cant beat the last words of condemned prisoners, particularly if you have a fondness for graveyard humor. Asked by the firing squad commander if he had a last request, James Roges said, “Why yes. A bull

10、et-proof vest!” and youve got to love a condemned murderer who can continue to cut up from the electric chair. “How about this for a headline in tomorrows paper,” James French said. “French Fries!”Some last words will forever remain an enigma, their meaning gone to the grave along with their speaker

11、s. Henry David Thoreaus “Moose, Indian, ” for instance, and the eerie last words of John Wilkes Booth as he emerged from a burning barn, fatally wounded, looked at his hands and muttered, “Useless, useless.” In a similar vein, what to make of conductor Leonard Bernstains last words “Whats this?” or

12、novelist Victor Hugos “I see black light”?To me, the most genuine last words are those that arise naturally from the moment, such as Voltaires response to a request that he forswear Satan: “This is no time to make new enemies.” Compare that to the stagy, obviously rehearsed “Now comes the mystery” (

13、Henry Ward Beecher) or Ludwig van Beethovens “Friends, applaud. The comedy is over.”It may well be that planning your last words is no more profitable a pursuit than preparing our Novel Prize acceptance speech. Who can say when the Grim Reaper will tap a bony finger on your shoulder? It is unlikely

14、that poet Dylan Thomas thought “Ive had 18 straight whiskeys. I think thats the record” was going to be swan song.Could it be that “great last words” are a myth of the hale and hearty, and that the expiring understand that the deathbed is no place for 11th-hou philosophizing? Didnt Christ himself si

15、gn off with the unpretentious “It is finished”? Besides, why should the mundane act of dying bring one any closer to the truth? Karl Marx may have had it right, for once, when he answered his housekeepers request for last words with: “Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who havent said enough!”

16、26.The authors attitude towards famous last words is ( ) .27.According to the author, when Francisco Pancho Villa gave his last words, he ( ).28.The author takes Byron, Goethe and Wilde as examples to show that ( ).29.According to the author, the last words of ( )were comparatively good.30.The autho

17、r thinks the real last words should be those ( ).问题1选项A.sympatheticB.satiricalC.callousD.incensed问题2选项A.might be thinking of something elseB.tried to make them more eloquentC.wanted to tell a secret to a comradeD.was unwilling to die at an early age问题3选项A.biographers usually revise the last words of

18、 the great writersB.just like average people, the dying wordsmiths have a confused mindC.it is disappointing that they failed to leave some memorable wordsD.it poses a great contrast between their works and last words问题4选项A.Edmund GwennB.Walt WhitmanC.Henry David ThoreauD.Marie Antoinette问题5选项A.illu

19、minating and high-soundingB.prepared in advanceC.concise and vividD.given improvisationally【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】26.观点态度题。根据“but more often we are left with dry-as-dust cliche.(但更常见的情况是,我们只剩下枯燥无味的陈词滥调)” “Last words are for fools who havent said enough(遗言是留给那些话还不够多的傻瓜们的)”即可得出本题答案。27.事实细节题。

20、根据题干关键词“Francisco Pancho Villa”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段,根据“Admittedly, its not exactly fair to expect deep insights into lifes mysteries when the dying clearly have other things on their minds hell, for instance, or unspeakable pain.(诚然,将死亡的人心里显然还有其他事情比如地狱,或者难以言喻的痛苦时,期望对生命的奥秘有深刻的洞见是不公平的。)”即可得出本题答案。28.细节推断题。根据

21、题干关键字“Byron, Goethe and Wilde”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段第五到第六句。根据“Byron couldnt be bothered to work up a decent rhyme: “Now I shall go to sleep. Good night.”(拜伦不厌其烦地写了一首优美的诗:“现在我要睡觉了。晚安。”)” “Goethes last word were so dull biographers have been obliged to edit creatively(歌德的临终遗言如此乏味,传记作家不得不创造性地编辑)” ,即可推断得出本题答案。2

22、9.细节推断题。根据题干关键字,将信息点定位至原文第五段,“Ironically, it may have been the relatively obscure who delivered historys best exit lines.(具有讽刺意味的是,可能是相对不太知名的人说出了历史上最好的遗言。)” “Actor Edmund Gwenn was terse: “Dying is easy. Comedy is difficult.”(演员埃德蒙格温(Edmund Gwenn)简洁地说:“死亡很容易。喜剧是很困难的。”)即可得出本题答案。30.细节事实题。根据题干关键字“real

23、last words”可将信息点定位至原文第七段,根据“To me, the most genuine last words are those that arise naturally from the moment, such as Voltaires response to a request that he forswear Satan: This is no time to make new enemies.(在我看来,最真实的临终遗言是那些从那一刻起就自然出现的遗言,比如伏尔泰(Voltaire)对请求他放弃撒旦的回应:现在不是制造新敌人的时候。)”,即可得出本题答案。3. 写作题

24、You are required to write about 200 words on the following topic “ The Significance of the Spring Festival Gala”.【答案】The Significance of the Spring Festival Gala4. 单选题For years scholars have contrasted slavery in the United States and in Brazil, stimulated by the fact that racial patterns assumed su

25、ch different aspects in the two countries after emancipation. Brazil never developed a system of rigid segregation of the sort that replaced slavery in the United States, and its racial system was fluid (a situation that is fluid is likely to change) because its definition of race was based as much

26、on characteristics such as economic status as on skin color. Until recently, the most persuasive explanation for these differences was that Portuguese institutions especially the Roman Catholic church and Roman civil law, promoted recognition of the slaves humanity. The English colonists, on the oth

27、er hand, constructed their system of slavery out of whole cloth (whole cloth: pure fabrication usually used in the phrase out of whole cloth). There were simply no precedents in English common law, and separation of church and state barred Protestant clergy from the role that priests assumed in Braz

28、il.But the assumption that institutions alone could so powerfully affect the history of two raw and malleable frontier (a new field for exploitative or developmental activity) countries seems, on reexamination, untenable. Recent studies focus instead on a particular set of contrasting economic circu

29、mstances and demographic profiles at significant periods in the histories of the two countries. Persons of mixed race quickly appeared in both countries. In the United States they were considered to be Black, a social definition that was feasible because they were in the minority. In Brazil, it was

30、not feasible. Though intermarriage was illegal in both countries, the laws were unenforceable in Brazil since Whites formed a small minority in an overwhelmingly Black population. Manumission for persons of mixed race was also easier in Brazil, particularly in the nineteenth century when in the Unit

31、ed States it was hedged about with difficulties. Furthermore, a shortage of skilled workers in Brazil provided persons of mixed race with the opportunity to learn crafts and trades, even before general emancipation, whereas in the United States entry into these occupations was blocked by Whites suff

32、iciently numerous to fill the posts. The consequence was the development in Brazil of a large class of persons of mixed race, proficient in skilled trades and crafts, who stood waiting as a community for freed slaves to join.There should be no illusion that Brazilian society after emancipation was c

33、olor-blind. Rather, the large population of persons of mixed race produced a racial system that included a third status, a bridge between the Black caste and the White, which could be traversed by means of economic or intellectual achievement, marriage, or racial heritage. The strict and sharp line

34、between the races so characteristic of the United States in the years immediately after emancipation was simply absent. With the possible exception of New Orleans, no special “place” developed in the United States for persons of mixed race.Sad to say, every pressure of society worked to prevent thei

35、r attaining anything approximating the economic and social position available to their counterparts in Brazil.21.In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with ( ).22.According to the passage, early scholars explained the differences between the racial systems that developed in the United St

36、ates and in Brazil as the result of which of the following factors?23.In the context in which it is found, the phrase “constructed their system of slavery out of whole cloth” (Paragraph 1, Line 8) implies that the system of slavery established by theEnglish settlers was( ).24.The author implies that

37、 the explanation proposed by early scholars for the differences between the systems of slavery in the United States and in Brazils ( ) .25.The author mentions intermarriage, manumission, and the shortage of skilled workers in Brazil primarily in order to establish which of the following?问题1选项A.contr

38、asting the systems of slavery that were established in Brazil and in the United StatesB.criticizing the arguments of those scholars who considered religion and law to be the determinants of the systems of slavery in Brazil and in the United StatesC.describing the factors currently thought to be resp

39、onsible for the differences in the racial patterns that evolved in Brazil and in the United StatesD.advocating further study of the differences between the racial systems that developed in Brazil and in the United States问题2选项A.Institutional.B.Demographic.C.Economic.D.Geographical.问题3选项A.based on fab

40、rications and liesB.tailored to the settlers particular circumstancesC.intended to serve the needs of a frontier economyD.developed without direct influence from the settlers, religion or legal system问题4选项A.stimulating to historians and legal scholarsB.more powerful than more recent explanationsC.pe

41、rsuasive in spite of minor deficienciesD.questionable in light of current scholarly work问题5选项A.The environment in which Brazils racial system developed.B.The influence of different legal and economic conditions in Brazil and the United States on the life-style of persons of mixed race.C.The origins

42、of Brazils large class of free skilled persons of mixed race.D.The differences between treatment of slaves in Brazil and in the United States.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】21.主旨归纳题。文章开篇提出“For years scholars have contrasted slavery in the United States and in Brazil, stimulated by the fact that ra

43、cial patterns assumed such different aspects in the two countries after emancipation.(奴隶解放后,巴西没有什么歧视,而美国却有严重的歧视)”这一现象,接着在机制、经济和人群等方面围绕该问题进行详细论述。即可得出本题答案。22.细节事实题。根据题干关键词可定位到原文第一段第三句。“Until recently, the most persuasive explanation for these differences was that Portuguese institutions especially the

44、 Roman Catholic church and Roman civil law, promoted recognition of the slaves humanity.(直到最近,对这些差异最有说服力的解释是,葡萄牙的制度,尤其是罗马天主教会和罗马民法,促进了对奴隶人性的承认。)”即可得出本题答案。23.语义题。根据题干关键词可定位到原文第一段第四句。“The English colonists, on the other hand, constructed their system of slavery out of whole cloth (whole cloth: pure fa

45、brication usually used in the phrase out of whole cloth).”即可得出本题答案。24.细节推理题。根据题干关键词the explanation proposed by early scholars可定位到原文第二段第一句。“But the assumption that institutions alone could so powerfully affect the history of two raw and malleable frontier (a new field for exploitative or developmenta

46、l activity) countries seems, on reexamination, untenable.(但是,单凭制度就能如此有力地影响两个原始的、可塑的前沿国家(剥削或发展活动的新领域)的历史,这一假设,在重新审视之后,似乎是站不住脚的。)”即可得出本题答案。25.细节推断题。根据题干关键词 intermarriage, manumission, the shortage of skilled workers 等可定位到原文中的第二段第5-7句。“In Brazil, it was not feasible. Though intermarriage was illegal in

47、 both countries, the laws were unenforceable in Brazil since Whites formed a small minority in an overwhelmingly Black population. Manumission for persons of mixed race was also easier in Brazil, particularly in the nineteenth century when in the United States it was hedged about with difficulties.(

48、在巴西,这是不可行的。尽管异族通婚在这两个国家都是非法的,但由于白人在绝大多数黑人人口中只占少数,这些法律在巴西无法实施。在巴西,为混血儿提供服务也比较容易,特别是在19世纪,当时在美国,这种服务受到种种困难的限制。)”即可得出本题答案。5. 翻译题1. Nagging concerns about the global economic downturn and rising unemployment are forcing many young Britons to think twice about tying the knot this year, a think-tank said

49、on Saturday.Almost 80 percent of young British couples living together want to get married, the think tank Civitas said, but would reconsider their wedding plans due to increasing job losses as companies cut costs and lay off workers.2. “As the recession bites its going to be harder for partners to

50、make that commitment without financial stability and jobs they wont have the confidence to say I do,” the director of family and education at Civitas, said.The study, which surveyed 1,560 adults aged between 20 to 35, also found that for 50 percent of the people making a commitment was the most The

51、study, which surveyed 1,560 adults aged between 20 to 35, also found that for 50 percent of the people making a commitment was the most important reason to get married, and only two percent considered marriage for tax advantages.“If my boyfriend asked me now, then I would still say yes, but I wouldn

52、t waste my money for a high-profile wedding,” Jenny Brown, an employee works in Londons central financial district.But De Waal said the recession would have a serious impact on planning a life together.“This is not about being able to afford a fancy wedding dress for 10,000 pounds or not.”3. A Briti

53、sh Social Attitudes survey in January found that young people showed a less traditional attitude towards marriage and would put their careers first.About 40 percent of people aged between 18 to 34 said marriage was still the “best kind of relationship,” compared with 84 percent of people aged 65 and

54、 over, it said.【答案】1. 英国一家智库机构上周六称,对全球经济衰退的担忧和不断上升的失业率让英国很多年轻人不得不重新考虑结婚计划。2. Civitas家庭和教育事务主管阿纳斯塔西娅德瓦尔说:“受经济衰退的影响,下决心结婚也将变得更加困难,没有稳定的收入和工作,人们没有信心说我愿意”。3. 今年1月开展的一项“英国社会态度”调查发现,年轻人对婚姻的态度已经不那么传统了,他们倾向于将职业发展放在首位。6. 单选题While there have been countless attempts at correlating sunspot cycles with such dive

55、rse phenomena as the economy, crop yields, and the weather, there has been little evidence to support these correlations. The past few decades have seen a renewed interest in the sun-climate relationship with a comprehensive analysis of many different historical records of solar observation. Late in

56、 the seventeenth century, a period known as the Maunder Minimum, there were virtually no sunspots observed, indicating a “quiet” period in the suns activity coinciding with the height of a time known as the Little Ice Age, a period of lower temperatures in Europe. Once this evidence had been synthes

57、ized, it has become much clearer that there are indeed robust correlations between the Earths temperature and sunspots. Perhaps the most important development in the solar-climate link came when satellites were developed to measure, in rough terms, the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), a factor shown to

58、 be directly related to these “activity” cycles. At the maxima of these cycles, there are more sunspots (magnetic phenomena that attenuate local irradiance), but new instruments show that these dark sunspots are more than compensated for by bright areas on the sun called faculae; therefore, the over

59、all irradiance increases in correspondence with higher numbers of sunspots.Unfortunatedly, identifying this evident increase in minimum values as a trend provokes concern, as there have been only two minima ever measured in this way. We must be aware that the warming trend in the surface temperature

60、 goes far beyond the last two decades, and that an extension of the solar record is necessary to assess whether solar activity and irradiance is indeed increasing at the minima of the cycles and what the potential effect on the climate may be. The solar record has been extended by the use of the his

61、torical sunspot records already mentioned and correlations have been drawn between solar irradiance and the temperature curve since 1610, suggesting a predominant solar influence in the pre-industrial period. But since 1860 only half the observed warming could be attributable to the irradiance incre

62、ase, indicating that some other influence is becoming more influential in controlling the temperature change: most likely industrial carbon-dioxide.Recent studies of global warming have necessitated a more comprehensive effort to quantify the natural climate variability so that the residual change m

63、ay be attributed to the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. This attempt at quantification of the many different forces effect on the climate has re-emphasized the complexity of the climate system and the simultaneous interaction of many influences. Solar irradiance may indeed account for s

64、ome of the temperature increases recorded over the last several decades, but as the atmospheric CO2 rises, due to the exponential increase in emissions from industrial sources, the influence of solar variability on the Earths climate will most likely decrease, and its relative contribution will be far surpassed by “greenhouse” gases.31.The author focuses primarily on ( ) .32.Which of the following statements concerning the comparison between preindustrial and post-industrial climate change, as described in the passage, is accurate?33.According

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